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Temp (°C) Stirring (rpm) Yeild (%)

110 30 70.27 The produce yield from the theoretical maximum was stu
110 40 74.95
110 50 77.91 (a)  (3 points) Create a scatter plot for both the temperatur
110 60 82.69 (b)  (2 points) Calculate the covariance and the correlation
121 30 73.43 (c)  (2 points) What does it mean to say the two control va
121 40 73.14 (d)  (3 points) Give a comment for each of the plots in par
121 50 78.27
121 60 74.89
132 30 69.07
132 40 70.83
132 50 79.18
132 60 78.1
143 30 73.71
143 40 77.7
143 50 74.31
143 60 80.99
eoretical maximum was studied under various temperatures and stirring speeds.

plot for both the temperature vs yield and stirring speed vs yield.
variance and the correlation for all variable pairs (there are three).
an to say the two control variables are independent? Why would this be a good thing?
t for each of the plots in part a of this problem (interpret your correlation in the comment).
Damping (ratio) Frequency (Hz)
0.3 2.72 The vibrations on a bridge are studied by varying the damping and
0.3 2.84
0.3 3.77 (a)  (2 points) Create a scatter plot for predicting the frequency of v
0.4 2.07 (b)  (2 points) Give a comment for the plot.
0.4 2.2 (c)  (2 points) Find the equation of the least squares line to fit this d
0.4 2.34 (d)  (2 points) Give a contextual interpretation of the slope of the li
0.4 2.61 (e)  (2 points) Calculate and interpret the value of the line at x = 0.
0.5 1.8
0.5 1.93
0.5 1.53
0.6 0.77
0.6 1.26
0.6 1.66
0.7 0.89
0.7 1
0.7 0.66
0.8 1.13
0.8 0.37
rying the damping and measuring the vibration frequency.

cting the frequency of vibration based on the damping.

squares line to fit this data. Add the line to the plot you created in part a.
on of the slope of the line.
ue of the line at x = 0.75.
Temperature (°C) Lifetime (hrs)
40 851 3 An accelerated life test is used to determine the relationship b
45 635
50 764 (a)  (3 points) Create a scatter plot for predicting the lifetime
55 708 (b)  (2 points) Calculate the residuals and make a plot of resi
60 469 (c)  (3 points) Calculate the standard error and the determina
65 661 (d)  (2 points) Predict lifetime at a temperature of 75° C and r
70 586
75 371
80 337
85 245
90 129
95 158
to determine the relationship between the operational temperature to the lifetime of a motor.

plot for predicting the lifetime based on the temperature. Comment for the plot.
siduals and make a plot of residuals vs temperature.
andard error and the determination. Interpret both of these values.
at a temperature of 75° C and relate the standard error to this prediction.
Temperature (°C) Strength (Mpa)
10 5 4 A study of the breaking strength of plastic and the temperature o
12 7
14 7 (a)  (3 points) Create a scatter plot for predicting the breaking str
16 9 based on the temperature. Comment for the plot.
18 11 (b)  (2 points) Even though you may have described the sample a
20 13 Find the equations of the least squares line and p
22 17 standard error and determination.
24 18 (c)  (2 points) Replace the response variable with a new list calcu
26 22 natural log of the plastic strength. Create a new sc
28 18 using this new response variable vs temperature.
30 25 (d)  (2 points) Find the least squares line, the standard error, and
32 28 determination using this new response variable vs
34 26 (e)  (3 points) Use each of your models to predict the strength gi
36 37 Comment on each prediction.
38 36
40 52
natural log of breaking stre



0 2 4 6
Temperature (°C)
th of plastic and the temperature of the plastic.

plot for predicting the breaking strength

mperature. Comment for the plot.
u may have described the sample as non-linear (hint),
ons of the least squares line and provide both the
nd determination.
ponse variable with a new list calculated as the
e plastic strength. Create a new scatter plot
esponse variable vs temperature.
quares line, the standard error, and the
sing this new response variable vs temperature.
r models to predict the strength given a temperature of 47◦ C.
ch prediction.
natural log of breaking strength

2 4 6 8 10 12
Temperature (°C)
Temp & Stirring & Yeild & Damping & Frequency & Temperature
(°C) & (rpm) & (%) & (ratio) & (Hz) & (°C)
110 & 30 & 70.27 & 0.3 & 2.72 & 40
110 & 40 & 74.95 & 0.3 & 2.84 & 45
110 & 50 & 77.91 & 0.3 & 3.77 & 50
110 & 60 & 82.69 & 0.4 & 2.07 & 55
121 & 30 & 73.43 & 0.4 & 2.2 & 60
121 & 40 & 73.14 & 0.4 & 2.34 & 65
121 & 50 & 78.27 & 0.4 & 2.61 & 70
121 & 60 & 74.89 & 0.5 & 1.8 & 75
132 & 30 & 69.07 & 0.5 & 1.93 & 80
132 & 40 & 70.83 & 0.5 & 1.53 & 85
132 & 50 & 79.18 & 0.6 & 0.77 & 90
132 & 60 & 78.1 & 0.6 & 1.26 & 95
143 & 30 & 73.71 & 0.6 & 1.66 &
143 & 40 & 77.7 & 0.7 & 0.89 &
143 & 50 & 74.31 & 0.7 & 1 &
143 & 60 & 80.99 & 0.7 & 0.66 &
& & & 0.8 & 1.13 &
& & & 0.8 & 0.37 &
& Lifetime & Temperature & Strength \\
& (hrs) & (°C) & (Mpa) \\ \hline
& 851 & 10 & 5 \\
& 635 & 12 & 7 \\
& 764 & 14 & 7 \\
& 708 & 16 & 9 \\
& 469 & 18 & 11 \\
& 661 & 20 & 13 \\
& 586 & 22 & 17 \\
& 371 & 24 & 18 \\
& 337 & 26 & 22 \\
& 245 & 28 & 18 \\
& 129 & 30 & 25 \\
& 158 & 32 & 28 \\
& & 34 & 26 \\
& & 36 & 37 \\
& & 38 & 36 \\
& & 40 & 52 \\
& & & \\
& & & \\ \hline

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