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Difference between Safety and Security

Resumen video: Safety vs Security: Explico la Diferencia

Lisbania Paoli Fernandez

The words Safety and Security have different concepts in English, however, in Spanish the
same word is used, which in this case iiiiiiiiiiiiic yu
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would be Security.
The origin of the two words comes from the Latin Salvitas and Securitas respectively, as
they are nouns, both refer to protection against dangers, however, their terminology
differs depending on their application.
Safety, refers to the prevention of accidents of natural or unforeseen origin, such as fires,
floods or natural disasters, which seeks to generate protection through the tools or
technologies that are available.
For example, in an airplane to prevent accidents not provided as a fire, Safety Checks are
carried out, which seeks to verify that the fire extinguisher tool is available.
However, the term Security refers to the protection of planned accidents or
predetermined actions by people.
Following the same example of the plane, Security Checks are applied, which refers to
verifications of dangerous actions, information breach or property protection. It focuses
on safety assessments that protect against potential hazards.
The word Safety can be used in the same way as an adjective on an element, which allows
to establish that something is protected for a natural disaster, unlike Security, which
works as an adjective of protection but against people.
Here are some examples that differentiate the words safety and security:
• Safety Door: Door that protects against natural disasters.
• Security Door: Door that protects from danger or theft.
• Safety Password: Password that allows you to retrieve information.
• Security Password: Password generated to avoid violation.
• Safe Place: Place free of natural hazards.
• Secure Place: Place free from threats from people.

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