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Mutual Fund Performance

Author(s): William F. Sharpe

Source: The Journal of Business , Jan., 1966, Vol. 39, No. 1, Part 2: Supplement on
Security Prices (Jan., 1966), pp. 119-138
Published by: The University of Chicago Press

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I. INTRODUCTION ture studies of mutual fund performance

has appeared. Drawing on results ob-
W ITHIN the last few years consider-
able progress has been made in tained in the field of portfolio analysis,

three closely related areas-the Jack L. Treynor has suggested a new

theory of portfolio selection,1 the theory predictor of mutual fund performance4-

of the pricing of capital assets under con- one that differs from virtually all those
ditions of risk,2 and the general behavior used previously by incorporating the vol-
of stock-market prices.3 Results obtained atility of a fund's return in a simple yet
in all three areas are relevant for evalu- meaningful manner.

ating mutual fund performance. Unfor- This paper attempts to extend Trey-

tunately, few of the studies of mutual nor's work by subjecting his proposed
measure to empirical test in order to
funds have taken advantage of the sub-
stantial backlog of theoretical and em- evaluate its predictive ability. But we
pirical material made available by recent will also attempt to do something more
studies in these related areas. However, -to make explicit the relationships be-
one paper pointing the direction for fu- tween recent developments in capital
theory and alternative models of mutual
* I am grateful to Norman H. Jones, of the
fund performance and to subject these
RAND Corporation, and Eugene F. Fama, of the
University of Chicago, for helpful comments and alternative models to empirical test.
t Associate professor of economics and operations
research, University of Washington, and consultant, OPMENTS IN CAPITAL THEORY
the RAND Corporation. Any views expressed in this
paper are those of the author. They should not be
interpreted as reflecting the views of the RAND
The theory of portfolio analysis is es-
Corporation or the official opinion or policy of any
of its governmental or private research sponsors. sentially normative; it describes efficient
1 The original work in the field was that of H. techniques for selecting portfolios on the
Markowitz; see his "Portfolio Selection," Journal of basis of predictions about the perform-
Finance, XII (March, 1952), 71-91, or the subse-
ance of individual securities. The key
quent expanded version, Portfolio Selection, Ef-
ficient Diversification of Investments (New York: element in the portfolio analyst's view
John Wiley & Sons, 1959). For extensions see my of the world is his emphasis on both ex-
"A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis," Man-
pected return and risk. The selection of
agement Science, IX (January, 1963), 277-93, and
Eugene F. Fama, "Portfolio Analysis in a Stable a preferred combination of risk and ex-
Paretian Market," Management Science, XI (Janu- pected return must, in the final analysis,
ary, 1965), 404-19.
depend on the preferences of the investor
2 See, e.g., my "Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of
and cannot be made solely by the tech-
Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk,"
Journal of Finance, XIX (September, 1964), 425-42. 4"How To Rate Management of Investment
3For a summary of this work see Eugene F. Funds," Harvard Business Review, XLIII (Janu-
Fama, "The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices," ary-February, 1965), 63-75.
Journal of Business, XXXVIII (January, 1965), 34- 'The material in this section is based on the
105. references given in n. 1.


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nician. However, the technician can (and followed in practice, involves merely a
should) attempt to find efficient portfo-
description of the general degree of risk
lios-those promising the greatest ex- planned for the fund's portfolio; the fund
pected return for any given degree of then simply attempts to select the effi-
risk. The portfolio analyst's tasks are thus cient portfolio for that degree of risk (i.e.,
(1) translating predictions about security the one with the greatest expected re-
performance into predictions of portfolio turn).
performance, and (2) selecting from Portfolio analysis theory per se makes
among the large number of possible port- no assumptions about the pattern of se-
folios those that are efficient. The security curity prices or the skill of investment
analyst's task is to provide the required managers. Thus few implications can be
predictions of security performance (in- drawn concerning the results obtained by
cluding the interrelationships among the different mutual funds. Performance ex
performances of securities). The inves- post might vary in two respects. First,
tor's task is to select from among the different funds could exhibit different
efficient portfolios the one that he con- degrees of variability in return, due
siders most desirable, based on his par- either to conscious selection of different
ticular feelings regarding risk and ex- degrees of risk or to erroneous predictions
pected return. of the risk inherent in particular portfo-
What tasks are implied for the mutual lios. Second, funds holding portfolios
fund by this view of the investment with similar variability in return might
process? Certainly those of security anal- exhibit major differences in average re-
ysis and portfolio analysis. The emphasis turn, due to the inability of some manag-
in mutual fund advertising on diversifica- ers to select incorrectly priced securities
tion and the search for incorrectly priced and/or to diversify their holdings prop-
securities reflects the importance accord- erly. In short, if sound mutual fund man-
ed these aspects of the process. Portfolio agement requires the selection of incor-
analysis theory, unfortunately, does not rectly priced securities, effective diversi-
make clear the manner in which the third fication, and the selection of a portfolio
function should be performed. A mutual in the chosen risk class, there is ample
fund cannot practically determine the room for major and persisting differences
preference patterns of its investors di- in the performance of different funds.
rectly. Even if it could, there might be
substantial differences among them. The
process must work in the other direction, Recent work on the general behavior
with the mutual fund management se- of stock-market prices has raised serious
lecting an attitude toward risk and ex- questions concerning the importance of
pected return and then inviting investors one of the functions of mutual fund man-
with similar preferences to purchase agement. The theory of random walks
shares in the fund. At one extreme, the asserts that the past behavior of a secu-
fund might attempt to describe an entire rity's price is of no value in predicting its
pattern of relative preference for expect- future price. The impressive evidence
ed return vis-a-vis risk (i.e., a pattern supporting this theory suggest that it
of indifference curves). A much more 6 The material in this section is based on Fama's
likely method, and one that seems to be "The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices," op. cit.

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may be very difficult (and very expen- has shown that the task of diversification
sive) to detect securities that are incor- may be much simpler than- formerly sup-
rectly priced. If so, it is not because se- posed, requiring only the spreading
curity analysts are not doing their job of holdings among standard industrial
properly, but because they are doing it classes.7 If so, most funds are likely to
very well. However, if this is the case, hold portfolios that are efficient ex ante.
it may not pay the manager of a particu- Any differences in efficiency ex post are
lar fund to devote extensive resources to thus probably transitory. The only basis
the search for incorrectly priced securi- for persistently inferior performance
ties; and the fund that does so may pro- would be, the continued expenditure of
vide its investors a poorer net perform- large amounts of a fund's assets on the
ance (after costs) than one that does not. relatively fruitless search for incorrectly
Under these conditions, what are the valued securities.
tasks of the mutual fund? Broadly de-
fined, they still include security analysis,
portfolio analysis, and the selection of a
Empirical work on the behavior of
portfolio in the desired risk class. But
the emphasis is changed. Security analy- stock-market prices supports the view
that the market responds very rapidly to
sis is directed more toward evaluating
the interrelationships among securities- new information affecting the value of
securities. A natural reaction to these
the extent to which returns are correlat-
results is the construction of a model of
ed. And portfolio analysis is concerned
primarily with diversification and the a perfectly informed market in which
selection of a portfolio of the desired risk. participant used his information in
In a perfect capital market, any properly the manner suggested by portfolio analy-

diversified portfolio will be efficient; the sis theory. Such an approach has been
mutual fund manager must select from described elsewhere ;8 only the major fea-
among alternative diversified portfolios tures will be given here.
the one with the appropriate degree of The predicted performance of a port-
risk. folio is described with two measures: the
Strictly speaking, the implications of expected rate of return (Ei) and the pre-
this view of the world for mutual fund dicted variability or risk, expressed as
performance do not differ from those of the standard deviation of return (ri).
the theory of portfolio analysis. Ex post, All investors are assumed to be able to
funds can be expected to exhibit differ- invest funds at a common risk-free in-
ences in variability of return, due to in- terest rate and to borrow funds at the
tentional or unintentional selection of same rate (at least to the desired extent).
different risk classes. And the portfolios At any point of time, all investors share
of some funds may be more efficient than the same predictions concerning the fu-
others (i.e., give greater average return ture performance of securities (and thus
at the same level of variability) if manag- portfolios). Under these conditions all ef-
ers differ in their ability to diversify 7 See Benjamin F. King, "Market and Industry
Factors in Stock Price Behavior," Journal of Busi-
effectively. However, the likelihood that
ness, XXXIX, No. 1, Part II (Supplement, Janu-
persistent differences in efficiency will ary, 1966).
occur is greatly reduced. Recent work 8 In my "Capital Asset Prices . .. ," op. cit.

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ficient portfolios will fall should

portfolios along a astraight
lie along straight line,
line of the form9 with higher values of Vi associated with
Ei p + bai, higher values of A i. Because there is risk
in the stock market, the points will not
where p is the pure (riskless) interest lie precisely along such a line, even if the
rate and b is the risk premium. Since in- model is completely correct. But the re-
vestors are assumed to be risk-averse, b lationship should be present, visible, and
will be positive. statistically significant.
These results follow immediately from The implications of this model for mu-
a relationship first described by James tual funcd performance are relatively
Tobin.10 If an investor can borrow or straightforward. If all funds hold proper-
lend at some riskless interest rate p and/ ly diversified portfolios and spend the
or invest in a portfolio with predicted appropriate amount for analysis and ad-
performance (Ei, vi), then by allocating ministration, they should provide rates
his funds between the portfolio and bor- of return giving Ai, Vi values lying gen-
rowing or lending he can attain any erally along a straight line. Points that
point on the line diverge from the underlying relationship
should reflect only transitory effects and
E= p+ i -p) \
not persistent differences in performance.
On the other hand, if some funds fail to
Any portfolio will thus give rise to a
diversify properly, or spend too much on
complete (linear) boundary of E,o com-
research and/or administration, they
binations. The best portfolio will be the
will persistently give rates of return
one giving the best boundary; clearly it
yielding inferior A j, Vi values. Their per-
is the one for which (Ei - p)/oi is the
formance will be poorer and can be ex-
greatest. If more than one portfolio is to
pected to remain so.
be efficient, all must lie along a common
line and give identical values of this ratio.
The capital-market model described
here deals with predictions of future per-
formance. Since the predictions cannot To test some of the implications drawn
be obtained in any satisfactory manner, in the previous section, the annual rates
the model cannot be tested directly. In- of return for thirty-four open-end mutual
stead, ex post values must be used-the funds1' during the period 1954-63 were
average rate of return of a portfolio must analyzed in the manner described above.
be substituted for its expected rate of The annual rate of return for a fund is
return, and the actual standard deviation based on the sum of dividend payments,
of its rate of return for its predicted risk. capital gains distributions, and changes
We denote these measures by Ai and Vi in net asset value; it is thus a measure
(the latter for variability). of net performance-gross yield less the
The capital-market model implies that expenses of management and adminis-
ex post values for Ai and Vi for efficienttration. The latter range from 0.25 per
9By definition, for inefficient portfolios: Ei <
11 The funds used for this and all subsequent
p + bji. analyses were those for which annual rates of return
10 In his "Liquidity Preference as Behavior were given by Weisenberger for at least the last
towards Risk," Review of Economic Studies, XXV 20 years. All data are from Arthur Weisenberger &
(February, 1958), 65-86. Co., Investment Companies (1953, 1962, 1964 eds.).

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cent of net assets per year to 1.5 per cent ernment bond at a price that would have
per year. Most funds also charge an ini- guaranteed a return of slightly less than
tial fee of approximately 8.5 per cent for 3 per cent if held to maturity. Using 3
selling costs when shares are purchased; per cent as the estimate of p for the
annual rates of return are not net of such period, Boston Fund, shown by point Y
costs. in Figure 1, plus borrowing or lending
The average annual rate of return (A i) could have provided any combination of
and the stapndard deviation of annual average return and variability lying
rate of return (Vi) for each fund are along line PYZ. Incorporated Investors,
shown in Figure 1; the values are listed shown by point Q, could have provided
in Table 1 The relationship predicted by any combination lying along line PQ.
the theory of capital asset prices is clear- Clearly the former is better than the
ly present-funds with large average re- latter, since for any level of risk it offered
turns typically exhibit greater variability a greater average return. Indeed, the
than those with small average returns. steepness13 of the line associated with a
Moreover, the relationship is approxi- fund provides a useful measure of per-
mately linear and significant.'2 However, formance-one that incorporates both
there are differences in efficiency; a num- risk and average return. We define this
ber of funds are actually dominated (i.e., as the reward-to-variability ratio: For
some other fund provided both a greater Boston Fund the ratio is equal to the
value of A and a smaller value of Vi). distance XP on Figure 1 divided by the
To analyze the differences, we need a distance XY. The larger the ratio, the
single measure of performance; once such better the performance.
a measure is specified, any persistent An alternative interpretation of the
differences can be investigated by testing ratio gives rise to the name-reward-to-
alternative measures for predicting per- variability ratio (R/V). The numerator
formance. shows the difference between the fund's
An intuitively appealing and theoreti- average annual return and the pure in-
cally meaningful measure of performance terest rate; it is thus the reward provided
is easily derived from the Tobin effect. the investor for bearing risk. The denom-
With substitution of the ex post meas- inator measures the standard deviation
ures (A and V) for the ex ante measuresof the annual rate of return; it shows the
amount of risk actually borne. The ratio
(E and v-), the formula described in Sec-
is thus the reward per unit of variability.
tion II becomes
The final column of Table 1 shows the
A =p+[i-P]V. values of the R/ V ratio for the thirty-
four funds. They vary considerably-
By investing in fund i and borrowing or from almost 0.78 (the Boston Fund) to
lending at the riskless rate p, an investor slightly over 0.43 (Incorporated Inves-
could have attained any point along the tors). Those who view the market as
line given by this formula. In 1953 it was nearly perfect and managers as good
possible to purchase a ten-year U.S. gov- diversifiers would argue that the differ-

12 The results of statistical tests on these data are 13 The contangent of the angle made by the line
reported in my "Risk Aversion in the Stock Market: with the horizontal axis is equal to the R/V ratio.
Some Empirical Evidence," Journal of Finance, Putting it another way, the reciprocal of the slope
September, 1965, pp. 416-22. of the line (dA/dV) equals the R/V ratio.

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22 z



9~~ ~
16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ 0

14 14


' 12 12 _*/

10 2 I 0 1 4 1 8 2

00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 %
3Z Average Return

FIG. 1.-Average return and variability, 34 open-end mutual funds, 1954-63

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ences are either transitory or due to ex- IV. THE PERSISTENCE OF DIFFER-
cessive expenditures by some funds. ENCES IN PERFORMANCE
Others would argue that the differences
To determine the extent to which dif-
are persistent and can be attributed (at
ferences in performance continue through
least partially) to differences in manage-
time, the returns from the thirty-four
ment skill. The remainder of this paper
funds during the period 1944-53 were
attempts to test these alternative ex-
used to compute R/V ratios for the dec-
planations, using pre-1954 data to pre-
dict performance from 1954 to 1963, and ade preceding the one previously investi-
in the tradition of empirical studies of gated.14,The funds were ranked in each
mutual funds, provides comparisons with 14 Since the long-term interest rate during this
the performance of the securities used to period was somewhat lower than that prevailing in
the latter period, a pure interest rate of 2.5 per cent
compute the Dow-Jones Industrial Av- was used in the calculations (this was approximately
erage. the yield on a ten-year U.S. government bond in



Average Variability Reward-to-

Mutual Fund Annual of Annual Variability

Return Return Rto(/)
(Per Cent) (Per Cent) Ratio (R/V)*

Affiliated Fund .14.6 15.3 0.75896

American Business Shares .10.0 9.2 .75876
Axe-Houghton, Fund A .10.5 13.5 .55551
Axe-Houghton, Fund B .12.0 16.3 .55183
Axe-Houghton, Stock Fund .11.9 15.6 .56991
Boston Fund .12.4 12.1 .77842
Broad Street Investing .14.8 16.8 .70329
Bullock Fund .15.7 19.3 .65845
Commonwealth Investment Company 10.9 13.7 .57841
Delaware Fund .14.4 21.4 .53253
Dividend Shares .14.4 15.9 .71807
Eaton and Howard, Balanced Fund .11.0 11.9 .67399
Eaton and Howard, Stock Fund .15.2 19.2 .63486
Equity Fund .14.6 18.7 .61902
Fidelity Fund .16.4 23.5 .57020
Financial Industrial Fund .14.5 23.0 .49971
Fundamental Investors .16.0 21.7 .59894
Group Securities, Common Stock Fund . 15. 1 19. 1 .63316
Group Securities, Fully Administered Fund. . 11.4 14.1 .59490
Incorporated Investors .14.0 25.5 .43116
Investment Company of America ........... 17.4 21.8 .66169
Investors Mutual .11.3 12.5 .66451
Loomis-Sales Mutual Fund .10.0 10.4 .67358
Massachusetts Investors Trust .16.2 20.8 .63398
Massachusetts Investors-Growth Stock .. 18.6 22.7 .68687
National Investors Corporation .18.3 19.9 .76798
National Securities-Income Series .12.4 17.8 .52950
New England Fund .10.4 10.2 .72703
Putnam Fund of Boston .13.1 16.0 .63222
Scudder, Stevens & Clark Balanced Fund 10.7 13.3 .57893
Selected American Shares .14.4 19.4 .58788
United Funds-Income Fund .16.1 20.9 .62698
Wellington Fund .......................... 11.3 12.0 .69057
Wisconsin Fund .13.8 16.9 0.64091

* R/V ratio = (average return - 3.0 per cent)/var

original data and thus differ slightly from the ratios obtained from the rounded data shown in the table.

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period, from 1-the fund with the high- perfect, there is a general upward trend,
est (best) R/V ratio, to 34-the fund suggesting that funds ranking low in the
with the lowest (worst) R/V ratio. Fig- early period tend to rank low in the later
ure 2 plots the rankings in the two peri- period, while those ranking high in the
ods. Although the relationship is far from early period tend to rank high in the
later period. The value of Spearman's
1943). Although different assumptions regarding the
rank correlation coefficient (+.360) bears
pure interest rates in the two periods would sub-
stantially affect the rankings of individual funds, thethis out"6 as does the count of points in
relative predictive ability of the measures con- the four quadrants (shown in the lower
sidered in this paper is not significantly affected by
altering the assumed rates over a considerable 15 The standard error for the sample size used in
range. this and all subsequent calculations is 0.174.

e, 35

1-430L a' 0

P4 25- 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

; 20 _ ; o0

15 *


4- .
P410 .11
~ 0 0 1 20 2 30 3

best 11 6

best worst

FIG. 2.-Predictions based on the reward-to-variab

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portion of the figure). Put rather crudely, pute the Dow-Jones Industrial Average*
the latter shows that an investor select- moreover, as shown in Figure 3, the per-
ing one of the seventeen best funds in centage was quite similar for most of the
the first period would have an 11: 6 thirty-four funds. Treynor has taken ad-
chance of holding one of the seventeen vantage of this relationship by using the
best in the second period. Conversely, if volatility of a fund as a measure of its
he had selected one of the seventeen risk instead of the total variability used
worst in the first period he would have in the R/ V ratio. Since the returns on
an 11:6 chance of holding one of the all diversified portfolios move with the
seventeen worst in the second period. market, the extent to which changes in
Simple regression analysis using the ac- the market are reflected in changes in a
tual values of the R/V ratios gives simi- fund's rate of return can stand as a good
lar results: the correlation coefficient is measure of the total variability of the
+.3157 and the t-value for the slope co- fund's return over time. By observing
efficient + 1.88. this relationship over some past period, a
These results show that differences in reasonably good estimate of volatility-
performance can be predicted, although the change in the rate of return on a fund
imperfectly. However, they do not indi- associated with a 1 per cent change in
cate the sources of the differences. Equal- the rate of return on, say, the Dow-Jones
ly important, there is no assurance that
portfolio-can be obtained. We will use
past performance is the best predictor of
B to represent this value for the ith
future performance. We consider next
the alternative measure proposed by
The measure that we will term the
Treynor Index (Ti) can be obtained by
V. THE TREYNOR INDEX simply substituting volatility for varia-
bility in the formula for the R/V ratio:
In a perfect capital market no securi-
ties would be incorrectly priced. Thus Ai -p
one function of the mutual fund (finding Bi
such securities) would be eliminated,
Stated in this manner, the relationship
leaving only the tasks of diversification
between the two measures is clear. And
and selecting the appropriate risk class.
Moreover, under such conditions it has the extent of the contribution of volatil-
been shown"6 that all truly diversified ity to over-all variability makes the
portfolios will move with the over-all ranking of funds on the basis of the Trey-
market, giving high returns when the nor Index very close to that based on
market in general provides high returns the R/V ratio. Figure 4 shows the rank-
and low returns when the market pro- ings using the two measures for the peri-
vides low returns. The data bear out this od 1954-63. Since the mutual funds in
hypothesis. During the period 1954-63, our sample all hold highly diversified
almost 90 per cent of the variance of the portfolios, the similarity of the rankings
return on the typical fund in our sample is not surprising. And the cost of using
was due to its comovement with the re- the Treynor Index as a measure of past
turn on the thirty securities used to com-
17 To be consistent with the notation in my "A
16 In rny "Capital Asset Prices . . . ,"op. cit. Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis," op. cit,

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performance is relatively slight"8 since it could have been significantly different,

mirrors the R/V ratio quite well. How- since the Treynor Index cannot capture
ever, if some relatively undiversified the portion of variability that is due to
funds (or more likely, privately held lack of diversification. For this reason it
portfolios) had been included, the results is an inferior measure of past perform-
18 Treynor apparently intended that his index be ance. But for this reason it may be a
used both for measuring a fund's performance after superior measure for predicting future
the fact and for predicting its performance in the performance.
future: "When one talks about the historical per-
formance pattern of a fund, he is looking at the past; If mutual funds hold well-diversified
but when he considers the preferences of individual portfolios; any major discrepancies be-
investors and their choices among funds, he is talk-
tween the variability of their returns and
ing about their appraisal of the future. We shall con-
tinue to talk about the performance of funds in terms that portion due to movements in the
of historical performance patterns, even though market are likely to be due to transitory
actual investor choices among funds are necessarily
based on expectations regarding future performance effects. By concentrating on the system-
patterns. The implication is that a good historical atic part of a fund's variability-that
performance pattern is one which, if continued into
is, its volatility-we can avoid paying
the future, would cause investors to prefer it to
others" (Treynor, op. cit., p. 67). attention to these transitory effects and


24 Median = 90.33%
Average = 87.88%
22 -

20 -


CA) 16 -

T4 14



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percentage of Variance

FIG. 3.-Percentage of variance due to comovement with the Dow-Jones Industrial Average, 3
mutual funds, 1954-63.

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concern ourselves with the more perma- ings based on the performance (measured
nent relationships. Thus, given some rea- by the R/ V ratio) in the subsequent ten
sonable assurance that a fund will per- years gives somewhat better results than
form its diversification function well, the
those obtained before. The odds of re-
Treynor Index may provide better pre- maining in the selected half are now 12
dictions of future performance than the to 5 (instead of 11 to 6) and the rank
R/ V ratio. correlation coefficient is substantially
As Figure 5 shows, the data bear out higher-.454 instead of .360. Simple re-
this suspicion. Using the rankings of gression using actual values gives similar
funds based on the Treynor Index com- results-the correlation coefficient is
puted from 1944-53 data to predict rank- +.4008 and the t-value for the slope co-

@' 35

30 *0




*H 20 0



- 15 ,: 10 _ 0

co 0

4 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Rank based on the Treynor Index, 1954-1963

Rank correlation coefficient - .974

worst 2 15

beat 5 S 2

beat worst

FIG. 4.RCorrelation between ranks, reward-to-variability ra

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efficient +2.47. While the differences be- ratio. One measure proposed by Trey-
tween these results and those based on nor19 was simply the negative of ours:
the R/ V ratio are far from overwhelming, Slope angle = - TI.
the Treynor Index does appear to be the This form has a major advantage, since
better predictor. it can be transformed into a rather dif-
Before turning to other methods for ferent quantity-the rate of return on a
predicting performance, the relationship market portfolio (e.g., the Dow-Jones
between the measure we have termed the portfolio) that would cause the fund in
Treynor Index and that suggested by 19 Described on p. 69 in Treynor, op. cit.:
Treynor needs to be clarified. Our meas-
ure (TI) is similar in form to the R/ V tangent a=)

cn 35
'IO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0

O 30 0

$ 25


-; 20_*

4?J 15 0

M 10 o0

01 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Rank based on the Treynor Index, 1944-1953

Rank correlation coefficient = .454

worst 5 12

best 12

best worst

FIG. 5.-Predictions based on the Treynor Index,

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question to provide a rate of return equal tively unimportant, since we are dealing
to the pure interest rate.20 This substi- only with objective methods of predic-
tute measure has considerable intuitive tion. Accordingly we will continue to
appeal. Moreover, if predictions are to state the Treynor Index in the form
be made subjectively (using some judg- directly comparable to the R/V ratio.
ment) rather than objectively (solely on
the basis of historical data), the advan-
tages of this alternative index are sub- Past performance appears to provide
stantial. For the purposes of this paper, a basis for predicting future performance,
however, such considerations are rela- especially when measured with the Trey-
nor Index. But this does not necessarily
20 The original index ("SA" for slope angle) is
imply that differences in performance are
due to differences in management skill.
SAi s -Tli =-( i ) The high correlation among mutual fund
If the relationship between the rate of return on the rates of return suggests that most accom-
fund (ri) and that on the Dow-Jones portfolio (D) is plish the task of diversification rather

ri = a, + BiD, well. Differences in performance are thus

likely to be due to either differences in
then the average return on the fund is related to that the ability of management to find incor-
on the Dow-Jones portfolio (D) by
rectly priced securities or to differences
Ai = ai + BiD. in expense ratios. If the market is very
Thus efficient, the funds spending the least
should show the best (net) performance.
SAi = P- Ai p -(ai+BiD)
Bi Bi If it is not, funds devoting more resources
to management may gain enough to more
p(P-ai> D.
than offset the increased expenditure and
thus show better net performance. Inti-
D*-the return on the Dow-Jones portfolio re- mately related with such considerations
quired to make the return on the fund equal to the
is the impact of size. A fund with sub-
pure interest rate (p) is
stantial assets can obtain a given level of
p=ri=ai+BiDi*, D* p - a security analysis by spending a smaller
percentage of its income than can a
smaller fund; alternatively, by spending
SAi= I)- D.
the same percentage it can obtain more
Clearly, if the slope angle for one fund is higher than (and/or better) analysis. On the other
that of another, the return on the Dow-Jones re-
quired to make it yield the pure interest rate will be
hand, more analysis may be required for
also. Since D* is simply the slope angle plus a con- a large fund than for a small one. In any
stant (D), both measures will give the same ranking. event, both influences should be consid-
The advantage of using D* lies in its intuitive ap-
peal and the fact that if future values are being
estimated directly, no prediction about market Figure 6 shows the relationship be-
performance is required. The insensitivity of Trey- tween the expenses incurred by the
nor's rankings (using either of the two measures)
to predictions about market behavior follows direct-
thirty-four funds and their performance.
ly from his assumption that variability is due only Since we are concerned with prediction,
to the response of the fund's return to changes in the the funds were ranked on the basis of the
market. If there is another source of variability,
the rankings of funds (using the R/V ratio) will de-
ratio of expenses to net assets during
pend to some extent on the behavior of the market. 1953 (needless to say, expense ratios

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changed somewhat during the subse- that the two are equally good (the odds
quent ten years). Expenses ranged from of remaining in the selected half are 12
0.27 per cent of net assets (rank 1) to to 5 in both cases). The third suggests
1.49 per cent of net assets (rank 34). that the expense ratio is a slightly poorer
The results tend to support the cynics: predictor than the Treynor Index: Simple
good performance is associated with low regression using actual values gave a
expense ratios. One of our summary 21 Some of the funds had equal expense ratios (to
measures (the rank correlation coeffi- the accuracy of two decimal places, as computed by
cient)21 suggests that expense ratios pro- Weisenberger). In such cases ranks were assigned
alphabetically. For this reason the rank correlation
vide somewhat better predictions than coefficient if not as trustworthy as those computed
the Treynor Index; another suggests for the other comparisons.

cn 35


X~~ ~~~~~~~~~ *


1 5 20


0 .
worst 0 I

be10 12 0

F4 .6-rdciosbsdo h rtoo xese0ontast

FI.a.n rd

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correlation coefficient of -.3746 (the $5.26 million (rank 34). Although the
Treynor Index gave +.4008) with a data show some correlation-with the
t-value of -.229 (instead of +2.47). larger funds exhibiting somewhat better
Selecting a fund with a low ratio of ex- performance-the relationship is margi-
pense to net assets may not be as foolish nal at best. This is borne out by the cor-
as some have suggested. relation coefficient based on actual val-
Figure 7 provides information con- ues; it is +.1523, with a t-value of +0.87.
cerning the predictive ability of the Multiple correlations, using actual
amount of a fund's assets. Size, measured values of the variables, gave the results
by net asset value at the end of 1953, shown in Table 2. The extremely small
ranged from $522 million (rank 1) to t-values for the slope coefficients relating

o? 35


>. 25_

*d20 20

,r 15 0

.< 100 *

o .
0 0 10 15 20 25 30 35
Rank based on Net Asset Value, December 1953

Rank correlation coef ficient - .234

worst 7 10

best 10 7

largest smallest

FIG. 7.-Predictions based on size

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R/ V ratios to size, plus the fact

ences in that skill
management themight have
signs differ from case tobeen case, support
smaller. Clearly, morethe
work is need-
assertion that size per se is an unimpor- ed before the traditional view of the im-
tant factor in predicting future perform- portance of the search for incorrectly
ance. The t-values for the Treynor Index priced securities can be accepted.
and the exprense ratio support the asser-
tion that both are useful for such predic- VII. THE RELATIVE RISK OF

tions (although neither is highly signifi- MUTUAL FUNDS

cant). All the calculations presented thus far

Unfortunately, the results do not pro- deal with a measure of performance (the
vide strong confirmation for either of the R/V ratio) that disregards risk per se,
views of mutual fund management de- concentrating instead on the relationship
scribed in the earlier sections of this between the reward obtained from the
fund and the risk actually experienced.
As shown earlier, the investor should be
most concerned with this relationship, if
he can arrange his other commitments
(either by borrowing additional funds or
by investing in some riskless security) to
COEFFICIENTS Index, Expense/ Die .NAV) complement the risk inherent in a par-
1944-53 NAV 1953 Dec. 1953 ticular fund in any manner he desires.
.4633 ........ +1.67 -1.43 -0.46 However, to do this he must have some
.4572........ +1.64 -1.38 ...... idea of the variability the fund will ac-
.4015 . ..... +2.26 ...... + .15
.3767 ........ ...... -2.07 -0.24 tually experience. If mutual fund man-
agers do not perform the second of the
three tasks we have outlined (staying in
paper. Expense ratios account for a sub- a selected risk class), investors will find
stantial portion of the differences in per-it difficult to arrange their over-all hold-
formance, but so does another measure ings in the most desirable manner. Hold-
(the Treynor Index). Thus differences in
ers of mutual fund shares presumably
management skill may be important.
expect that funds will show reasonable
However, one reservation is in order. Ex-
consistency over time with regard to the
pense ratios as reported do not include
variability of returns.
all expenses; brokers' fees are omitted.
Figure 8 provides some evidence on
Thus the expense ratio does not capture
this point. The funds were ranked in
all the differences in expenses among
each of the two periods studied (1944-53
funds. It is entirely possible that funds
and 1954-63) on the basis of variability
with performance superior to that pre-
-rank 1 indicating the smallest amount
dicted by the traditional expense ratio
and rank 34 the largest. A reasonable
engage in little trading, thereby minimiz-
amount of consistency between periods
ing brokerage expense. It was not feasible
is evident, but a number of major shifts
to attempt to measure total expense ra-
appear.22 In some cases this may have
tios for this study; had such ratios been
been due to announced changes in man-
used, a larger portion of the difference in
22 Simple regression analysis using actual values
performance might have been explained gave a correlation coefficient of +.4518 and a t-
in this manner, and the apparent differ- value of +2.86.

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agement philosophy; in others it was fund managers fulfil remarkably well the
probably inadvertent. Whatever the obligation to stay within their selected
cause, the prevalence of such shifts in risk classes.
our sample is likely to disappoint some
investors. On the other hand, there is no
well-defined standard against which the
results can be compared; given the diffi- We have dealt at length with compari-
culties involved,23 one might reasonably sons among mutual funds but have not
argue that the data show that mutual
prices is very difficult indeed. Presumably the law
23 In "The Variation of Certain Speculative
of large numbers cannot be relied upon to eliminate
Prices," Journal of Business, XXXVI (October, enough of the difficulty to make predictions of
1963), 394-419, B. Mandelbrot has shown that pre- variability of the return on portfolios relatively
dicting the variability of the changes in security simple.




25 0



20 5 * * 2

?> 15t *0

o~~ 0
10 5 0 15 2 05 0 3

Rank based on Variability, 1944-1953

Rank correlation coef ficient = . 528

largest 5 12

smallesCt 12 5

smallest largest

FIG. 8.-Consistency of risk class

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considered an alternative strategy-in- from mutual funds; thus the results from
vesting directly in a reasonably diversi- both types of investments are overstated.
fied group of securities. To investigate The magnitudes of the differences be-
such an alternative we must specify the tween the measures we use and those
portfolio to be held; following tradition, relevant for a particular investor depend
the thirty securities used to compute the on a number of factors,24 but for most
Dow-Jones Industrial Average will be investors the comparison made here
used. should give results similar to those ob-
When calculating the returns from the tained if all the relevant costs had been
Dow Jones portfolio, no costs (brokerage, considered.
management, or administrative) are de- Figure 9 shows the distribution of the
ducted. To some extent this overstates R/V ratios for the thirty-four funds
the performance available from such a (based on their performance during the
direct investment. On the other hand,
24 For example, the amount to be invested, the
the initial selling (load) charge is not de- number of years the portfolio is to be held, and the
ducted when determining the returns extent to which dividends are to be reinvested.

13 Dow-Jones Industrials



8 8

L4 7

0 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90

Reward-to-Variability Ratio, 1954-1963

FIG. 9.-Mutual fund performance versus Dow-Jones Industrials, 1954

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period 1954-63). The vertical line repre- Dow-Jones portfolio from 1954 to 1963.27
sents the R/V ratio for the Dow-Jones While it may be dangerous to general-
portfolio-its return average 16.3 per ize from the results found during one ten-
cent during the period with a variability year period, it appears that the average
of 19.94 per cent, giving an R/ V ratio of mutual fund manager selects a portfolio
0.667. The average R/ V ratio for the at least as good as the Dow-Jones Indus-
funds in our sample was 0.633-consid- trials, but that the results actually ob-
erably smaller than that of the Dow- tained by the holder of mutual fund
Jones Average. Although another group shares (after the costs associated with
of mutual funds would give different re- the operation of the fund have been de-
sults, the odds are greater than 100 to 1 ducted) fall somewhat short of those
against the possibility that the average from the Dow-Jones portfolio. This is
mutual fund did as well as the Dow- consistent with our previous conclusion
Jones portfolio from 1954 to 1963.25 In that, all other things being equal, the
this group, only eleven funds did better smaller a fund's expense ratio, the better
than the Dow-Jones portfolio, while the results obtained by its stockholders.
twenty-three did worse.
From the standpoint of the investor
the comparison shown in Figure 9 is the This paper represents an attempt to
most relevant. But to account for the bring to bear on the measurement and
relatively poor performance of most mu- prediction of mutual fund performance
tual funds it is instructive to compare some of the results of recent work in
gross performance (i.e., before deducting capital theory and the behavior of stock-
expenses) with that of the Dow-Jones market prices. We have shown that per-
portfolio. Such a comparison26 shows that formance can be evaluated with a simple
nineteen funds did better than the Dow- yet theoretically meaningful measure
Jones portfolio, and only fifteen did that considers both average return and
worse. Although another group of funds risk. This measure precludes the "dis-
would give different results, it is unlikely covery" of differences in performance
that the gross performance of the average due solely to differences in objectives
mutual fund was worse than that of the (e.g., the high average returns typically
obtained by funds who consciously hold
25 The standard deviation of the R/V values for
the 34 funds was 0.08067. If the population of risky portfolios). However, even when
mutual funds had a mean of 0.667 and a standard
deviation of 0.08067, the distribution of sample performance is measured in this manner
means for groups of 34 would have a standard there are differences among funds; and
deviation of 0.01383 (= 0.08067/ V 34) and be
such differences do not aDDear to be en-
roughly normally distributed. The observed mean
of 0.633 is 2.46 standard deviations below the as- 27 The standard deviation of the gross R/V values
sumed mean of 0.667; the odds are 144 to 1 that for the 34 funds was 0.08304. If the populatoin of
under the hypothesized conditions a sample of 34 mutual funds had a mean of 0.667 and a standard
funds would have an average R/V value as low as deviation of 0.08304, the distriubtion of sample
0.633. means for groups of 34 would have a standard
26 The comparison was made by assuming that deviation of 0.01424 (= 0.08304/ -V 34) and be
each fund maintained its 1953 ratio of expenses to roughly normally distributed. The observed mean
net assets throughout the subsequent ten years. of 0.677 is 0.74 standard deviations above the as-
Under these conditions the only change required to sumed mean of 0.667; the odds are 3.36 to 1 that
compute the R/V ratios for gross performance was under the hypothesized conditions a sample of 34
to add each fund's expense ratio to its average return funds would have an average gross R/V value as
before the R/V ratio was computed. high as 0.677.

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tirely transitory. To a major extent they intrinsic values is worth the expense re-
can be explained by differences in ex- quired, even for a mutual fund operating
pense ratios, lending support to the view under severe constraints on the propor-
that the capital market is highly efficient tion of funds invested in any single se-
and that good managers concentrate on curity.28 Fortunately many who hold
evaluating risk and providing diversifi- this view have both the means and the
cation, spending little effort (and money)
data required to perform extensive anal-
on the search for incorrectly priced se-
yses; we will all look forward to their
curities. However, past performance per
se also explains some of the differences.
Further work is required before the sig- 28 By law, no more than 5 per cent of the assets of
a fund may be invested in any given security, and
nificance of this result can be properly no more than 10 per cent of the assets of a given
evaluated. But the burden of proof may firm may be held by the fund. Moreover, the very
reasonably be placed on those who argue size of many mutual funds makes it impossible to
invest even the legal maximum in a security without
the traditional view-that the search for driving its price up to a point substantially above
securities whose prices diverge from their the original (bargain) amount.

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