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Philosophy of Education

by Olivia Potter

I believe that all students are capable of learning and succeeding in the classroom.
- No matter the age, background, or ability level of students, each one has the ability to
make huge gains in their education. A teacher's role in student learning is to maintain
high expectations in academics, behavior, as well as communication. Each student will be
relentlessly supported and by the teacher in all areas of life. The teacher motivates and
teaches reflectively in order to create class and individual student goals.

I believe that individual students are puzzles, and that it is the teacher's privilege to figure
out what pieces fit together to make a successful student and citizen.
- A teacher has the joy of figuring out what instructional strategies, manipulatives,
adaptations, and styles of learning work best for each student in the classroom. In this
way, it is of the utmost importance that a teacher truly know each student in their
classroom, beyond just their name and what sport they play. It is the teacher's job to
know the ins and outs of students in order to create lessons and activities that meet the
individual needs in the classroom. This also means that the teacher is responsible for
practicing reflective teaching in addition to staying abreast of educational issues through
reading quality research. It is important to point out here that it is indeed a privilege, and
not a complication to assemble these puzzles. Student success at any cost is the goal of
the teacher.

I believe that education is not "one size fits all."

- Depending upon the needs of the individual student, adaptations and changes may need to
be made by the teacher in order for that student to achieve success. Every child that steps
into a school is different, so it would be crazy to educate each one in the exact same way!
Styles of learning play a big role in this view of teaching and learning. Students may
come in with an affinity for learning in a tactile way, such as through expressive arts;
others may learn by listening to a lesson or delivering a speech, etc. The possibilities are
endless! The teacher must be willing to create options in student learning and assessment,
so that students are able to showcase their knowledge and mastery of a concept through a
medium that is exciting and interesting for them. This is how lifelong learners are
I believe the classroom should be a safe environment for all students and parents.
- The classroom should be a safe haven for students who may not have such a place in their
lives. A classroom serves as a vehicle to facilitate learning. This means that there should
be educational materials readily abundant throughout the classroom so that students have
the opportunity to engage with these materials. Another important aspect of a healthy
classroom is one that has space for large group gatherings, such as a carpet. This allows
students the opportunity to move around some during the day, and keeps them engaged.
Organization and jobs in any class is key for students to take ownership of the items in
the room. Classroom jobs also allow students to learn what it is like to have a job that
they are counted on to complete everyday, and thus builds a healthier classroom culture.
Parents and guardians should also feel safe and welcome in the classroom, both for their
own sake and their student's. All safety plans in place should be easily accessible and
organized in the case of any emergency.

I believe that that the goal of education should be to teach the whole child.
"…We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence
plus character–that is the goal of true education. The complete
education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy
objectives upon which to concentrate." - Martin Luther King Jr.
- Education and learning reaches far beyond a school's walls. It should inspire students to
seek out knowledge beyond their school years. A teacher should instill this love of
learning to their students and communicate the value of education. A student should be
taught academic concepts, problem solving and critical thinking skills, life skills, as well
as social skills in the classroom, so that despite their background or socio-economic
status they have the opportunity to succeed in a secondary education program-- whether
that be a two year institution, a technical school, or a four-year college. Educating the
whole child (that is, beyond just the facts of concepts) is of the utmost importance to
ensure this goal is achieved.

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