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excluded fom thei ative cums, rm which they Mad tamed avay by rally Tefsingpremoder tatonaist Iss. Ther condsion was scoring without teeny we were to vemerber the cate of Oto Weiner, who comedic Betbovens Viennese spate ale having published is doctor esis in wish he made the apolory of wy andthe Ayan race” Cetin, Wagasrnin sod he ‘tre spin pital efrescence of the finden ifoenced many. YOu Snellctials of Jewish exrscon, who were eel atid ino cule tt si ‘ejected thom: Soils was a posible soln, ike in Ver adler ease, butt "Soumicincs ln pond ah ew ae man sb of aon] os nally he Wied psule ane othe querion of why the ral ational ‘rend focused thir ateston on the Jews isthe quseigius inkpreatin of the atonal Hen, Ever since the 1H revolution trial vocabulary tad played Imporaat ole inthe Pee ofthe evolutionary propgands However, ths tine de ‘ational! doa, bing pled slonse the bea! model payed te rle a a poli ‘ligon that renounced trancindcce in fiver of «pole! progam. Thee waa 4 ‘mescanicmesiape ates ike messin and prophetic mee Teen that Hie = Preaching ke deren ofthe decadent and compel nol tat Oessed the pees {End snaoucing he salvation of alte believes who dd ot ry rom he igh path The the main eoomy’ ofthis profane Gospel was to be te mode mam, who was canaided ote cynical, sel sf end tana ie Romanian erate oft Fides the ew weavecaly personified ths ates ofthe mde man. Bese ‘Moras the Clvsuanwalitn cnstiued a impoant fst athe Buleup fa ‘atonal Messanisn. However, ant-Semite taboos were Tes concer? ih ‘hoslogal suey an wih te polical pln. In ods words, hy card los abo ‘who creed Jeu than aboot he fst ht Tse who dino reengane the Mesh ‘ht ack to rc han aga The by, te problem of cogent snl [ears was ruil fra poli exert that sought national slat, The pe (Ortavian Gogs (88-1958, xa, fed hel athe rational "Jess born st ‘owshel among th rims" "oar eabomlst aces mde sem stent sn Plans @ PRD norm th Cnr Buropaan Unters (0) od {2 eamemly jor research lla Pat Ine. Cre for Historical Reach of ie Couol European Untarsip, Budgnst Ms PAD. dssoraion "Te Sacer ‘Naton: Ccwton Cope, The Netnd lds fom Emma to Racor al ari" anaes he org ofthe radial malin and erome rig oy ‘Romana athe Begining ofthe month cnn. Hi reich ert re: Ea ‘veh contr nanan andthe te of the exe righ ay madre al Soul ad cant naan, hiner ain Chen (ty wo a Sn Oca“ apr pon Tan edo 29 (1901 208 Oe, eae Boe Pom hm de a 6 ‘THE END 19TH CENTURY CULTURAL ELITE AND ‘THE ORIGINS OF ROMANIAN ANTI-SEMITISM (EWO CLASSICAL AUTHORS OF ROMANIAN LITERATURE: BOGDAN PETRICEICU HASDEU AND VASILE ALECSANDRI) Mariuea STANCHE Comer exesively debated as eprd tbe adequate approaches and he impact onthe unger generation, bt lo i cemoction wl he ras ad tavation of ‘tua, Holgsstedveaton ses 0 eloy conn in the Romanian choos ‘stn afr the sii metame in concermes 1938-145, The explanation fea 10 find ~ Wis the pod vested and Toased upon by the former Wiese! Iseratonal Commision forthe Stay of the Holocaust sn Roman, abundal shown by is Repor!publsed in 2003 and partially by the volune of doccmens ‘eeompanying it Silo beter understand he phenomenon iis neesay to seit the comet fe Rosanne mace Tewoul be tore than unset doce the notion thatthe emis of thous ich promoted the racial dsimination ielogy ih Rorania ding the 1930s TBs righted tbe cl exonalie Wenlopes of the 1920's wiht tong opis and openly antSemic character, eon the contrary, to maa Dat De ‘tcl! orga ofthe Romanian Holeast tobe preponderant four nthe sims Etopetn mantis ft te "A cost approach ofthe Heloait shoud stat with the stl of is rot, which are mich exper, caving tht sobdance fom meals contexts and Steumsaneas pei to he Ronan sc i the sand hal of he 1 ces. the anes studs and pelicl snd in Romana were preset 3s Phenomena emering in the srr ofthe 20" centr oly, he empesston mig be fay erent sniong students, and partic among ee some people that Iy ere bom crn or were singly as pete ost On the conta, ings Wee rly et "The atonal Commie rth Soyo the Hens ia Ron: il Reet ‘ni Ptgan 08 The anon Commision fr te Soyo the Holos in Rarusia Documents, Ptr 05 © ‘The reprsettives ofthe 1920's generation who opted fr the chain cron, stole al i end et Semi dc had etn pepe! Oy “ition rected nso tye mob sn ove by hse pe of arene costed the exesn of scorn colecv amtiy of be tine, eace tae ‘Ses. As of te mid 19° sentry» soho anew ine cul te tae Konasisn pola dacoun, which wa vnbie bot only tt Be hl Dhlrphi wtin of ock t ake ney wk, "er impr Romann cut! ers 1 ena ied stat nes ie a be eset nd tle Tee se penaaia as sail cxly te end chk ‘i ther panes wre Mid wih he glen geo he ace tt Sate Sane of tem wee ener fe sat chi aed cau of Rerag tert’ of he srs chub aed“ of sue! srorcy ‘sth as qute cent, the few sek ue ieay were wih an stent chances fave ot ae he eet ef cae cso Hey hao Movs ay vary. tom exam tain oopen bt wae spa Om ‘ther hn, sebea s eed 3 tie mye Romania i Te cs nde wa flies th atti col ot be Soe egy a Afri pgs a fuy teat mda legendary people nee ou se foe ‘Kees of geet of hol hl sa xe Uses, bt en 2 ‘cping wth thew aio te works fhe Remmnion casinos ‘tk, seed ibe pops sins ofa bel pllel ome Haan “rw ig he st omy 1 trent suing hat he eine oft 120 +100 ae ‘moveent ada some id Ere, he tae pec ei eer Hs ‘as, lg dette, ca stil make y ioe, be sje of any fae cus on Ses em tem of ho ce fo on et ‘onvoresl joule rcs or the Romain ani mvc tein he fst hl of he 20" csc Emacs, weve, atig ee han the mea ible pele of scone Remmi lice Te tt, who bl rss hy oh ben fs {ontmpor, were uheac o Hse Who Sold Ua eboney of open Fetncorn Haske Vasie Alec elon Sve ving ane bt fe ‘ettndng mentor oft Ramanan cry worl efor sem ‘Not nuns deny mero oreven sme, wns reves aspects note neni fo fe rae tay py rd {efenaccnte oval view on Romanian Vests isos td eden 1 en, and is ingens ede a Roman ough Bogdan Perceice Haden ‘School exis, an rightly so, the encyelopedic gens of the ator of| “Cuvite den bin [Sayings of he Ela) sd “Rapa Elamologiut Romani 4s well a8 the remarkable efls undertaken by Haney, fen by himsl othe Romanian este oto bert byssus place nthe ame of holy 0 arch ut oie sid sou is iia stows owned conor ses re Rami te ete on ee Sa Seca ye pao ae ‘iC scak and Aland’ (i!) Master Moses. Sify, the first sly Se Se) ae Nee Sa Te eats he conse nici ker nce cel ena pr ee i eed ce eh SSvor Alan "The Vig arn di et at ot lec aac sath ta ae tetra ne aaa oe sateen nh rn SE ae reser easton as mt Moses, who. not being allowed to own properties in the rural area under the law, fas ny center gtl fe ne Sree ce ee ete ae eee eee Nay mn bere tog on stand omer een it rms rs cree ae a et ae ae eh areata ty aloe patpetetpeerstrereeteaienrs i te eee eee Sorgen seein eta ar See ri ee eho a oe ne ee 7 eek Hier Intra Newall, bw si mde Sock, a Ae aa at erie rv, Bram ach? saws (The Viage se Pe Heer ma et he Pe: Cnc! com Co gh ‘ott small journalist wring in Prune Pram the mouthpiece publiation of ‘on Guard movement: f at Shepewe fee ee Ki, wht Bale ifr th Ml (Geter sey orcs Ae re Renee is sady on the “Nato indy.” pases Hasden arog the ade seomomieprocctonism, who we th roitn of tele enon ier a th ‘in argument fri fia 1 low he emancipation of Remain ees ols 186 ad tron when the term ipod bythe Gurnccng Powers oa oma fa ‘ic reogito fsindpendene calf tees othe shove mented ale ‘Arile 44 of te Beri Peae Treaty fmiy requested tbe chanson of Romanian Jes (ke same spun ~Jewsh emancipation = was ake eed she tea signed wih Ge Bulan sat, wich, however, acid to eatre Bath asic i 186 an the oponeats ote reson url? in 179 consid the tzuting of vl righ he Jews ~n ns ese hc saloon + es ancy fie pub to indstal and commercial developmen. The adc of soremanepaton ‘sppaled fo a bizare aio, ung as ndble pot the Galan Jew Sod towards Romani. hese Pasig nthe Cups ‘Valvs were tuned upade down” nave, organizational cacy and ommerial sills, wich all hese ert uf emancipation had found Jew ‘ddeny became shortcomings, dawback gern nave senses cag {wise mie, which tented to pete ibe heme bt ard pena GU Steet to note tht noe ofthese eerie Jewish n-ecpr or Steet found i patra to eabrte a oil ad ductors pose fr he edison of ‘cholim in the ral aa) or the emerping desman: yng to epn how dzngerows he Jen’ atriznon wou fhe county s sonny ice pton ‘ppnens in ound the pcr Romanian sce predepose fo spate Renuriable om ths vewpot is Hand's postr: he ph pte abor ‘ly wa tly lative activity cabling the wake, whe wading xa alg 8 veg based on lines, employing the work of eer The echo of ts medical arte reverberate ty ofa Euopean pepe ew only Sw hinge of ioe mae xe mn end ana ta ‘he aber a ore ‘haber ie, Baty ke ey Trade implies dishonesty, andthe Jewish wader, ted into the genre et, lve inite seen ony ee “es ny no hare ther ra ing iy. esi hep ke er ae nay dy pio their menor pe * "Onenens a Mocking the ees espe he ike est lm putin bane th fear Sleeved yt pons: enng comb, estas, Shing hee reps pe Keeps mound im he sx ern eyesore” with such porn he se of granting them iis coll of couse no longer ese! dts, his sen ete be up al the eve (SRE Sli. cvntiee th mot ser aeceton ha ot even Ben exposed ‘aehutng on te an that hoe ped ech tem the expe ofthe tht on hr then oe by al sane of the eonpaey tet, Hosen {Soin Je einai o the ey He whose tasty ey Were aster the Kite ely sl ner pt The Kea sal a fet hic Hon The ‘ik ny epee eyes, ing Gas naw, he uel mea Fee ieee Tronen=coig te coumry wee bend be etn 2 Se pon may wre dy fo, be a a bet hs ah oi: hn he per om wi on ey Vasile Alcsandet In 1879 Sear Vase Alcs was sl ith tthe prniles which had teen presen is drat cretion mast 90 yer before, whe, rome Sn, ed adil oppose any reson of Ace ofbe Constuon, root of fi echo Alcon spec od inci rar ext ies, stands he newt rien by be etn af Bsr rma” ("Arm Col] of Tera er ceo he tin he St), wo ued ‘Bowe pots pliant spceh ‘Bogut fer he New ssid in his aie, te speech tad been fit ‘hls is collecton cal “Poets a fhe oun he But P's east the ‘hier word ve cna ur sae fc ot aving Kowa ilo, sot eect an agent ‘ph he ge pest al susan Also oe = pee be made ‘Bums Somat veneny restng he ning oc ight eK. ‘eet dey ta en [Ral fr bow fer myo bese sea of oe wing atic eng, we ane ‘estan pple len pase ho Sn Io yng Rath 1 Djocus vost de mavcle post, mele birbat yi marcle patiot V. Alexandr ns en ce a me rs a Se SS eee eee Sects eds tae Ea atta ies Stee eee ee aks me donee Signore eae * op. cits a Alcea conse aril 4 of the Brin Peace Treaty “sek engtng ‘heaton’ ite” and eve ancien wes nd" The ease een “Wat shi new vain Whose nr, wire de they come om, wt do ‘hey ra? Ado he ew oss wh ed oe Pred Tan oe Dice nt Danae Deses the cla exression ofan ecaoomiean-ss, wich may beet from the excise tat it was tying to potet «young aston staring one new pa ee ‘=e, howcver, resent bere steregpe af eg noun, wih Midie Agee ccusaton;Alesandi ths enalled onthe ume radial concrete eb aso, managing o ener, in sige paragraph, lhe acastons aint the Jes fund ‘ie clase epee of et Senta ceeyvee and nine “Whoa hives? They wea te, ess people, ey parsing cheese mii Sy he of en pa Sie et nha af al he atts poe ay ther peops of he weak hi on il ni, eed oe te aS oe el fm he a Te oer nl, file ae panded onto oa ames res rena ‘oll ends wna) hs some ht he the Gang Popes wee muta tees el hfe sim Alls lac Ue wh Aan ‘tors keke he pono be Hu of scnclne lnc tei! Mysius ae, St soma and na He te mime of Brent seat nih scr ihe bo seo companis Wich ia Cae af po etn ‘Sipe poten Asi! Ame so cel sc el SS Saar ae crm a ‘Seed hdr of ound pepe epee et hae ued oa ‘eset clr amas “ee es, laimed the sensor poet just ke is precuor asd, were ot worthy of ‘mancistion beense they were not pats Algoand delitently and shoes ‘gored the conbuton of he Jems monies of Romani othe bled Jun the Independence War, kough tise was apeeitd bythe tories of te tie whch in 188, hod pasted the single collie natant the Jewish ‘tern and he senda fhe Jews flo the bat 1 rege ta en of Melo wher fo exci ave sae SUSE Kou ay oe frm fe ay Bly 0 ame Shur cat he Frege woe eo ean ae Sees Tenia eu fr capo ed te Ror” Be nes ines ees mora ening deta Afr thse tines, Alesana gave wie a vous datibe apsist he arancng Pose pesotng a sis of the endivn of Eaopean Je, wh re atthe Ronin Ford, Corea, consaot Be ot Be sence pote deen of Be Js as bi aan ner wee, tgmtin in he pv ote wa ston ge ani ‘OLN PAE sn sn pean ay uy ‘ri nel wi seg me” Ul The Roma pope! Us ho can ys he mem Be op “the eon for which Alsi oposed any revisn of ele 7 ay in he at ha he Peceae To wch Romania ws abet, ough te ells uoderiaken by ‘Manca nape ofthe Roriian Jews” emanation, was 50m a5 a ‘prSercn nts traf, tn hr context, ocetingf revs the ari would ve ment recognizing the ality of the acusatos, which was lead an, ot ‘casa tesewed, mgt have Ted wo uaconrolable and wiles eet pokes ‘Stuns tacw whot he was speaking abut, because ate 7 of he 1866 Consition nS bea wren under the presi of Reet pote wih the mob surcefly ‘Ripley he very anpontisfenatpation (mang whom otonous was 008 ost Ceear Bolin) “tn cone hin iad polio ie fe iy Elena ies see eR ono Romans rns pe Fae erate fern Lean» iu foxes, 1, a ‘pret np tis obios at Alzad’s psc wsghed evil in dion © sy tue tat oy te oe ered if eie 7. The ion war bos the mere dangers ance his song and sabiang OS lice cvlemmacence of grins cei anal Bry. No by lanes 2 ‘REN ke SA opened nih sca speech ts colleton of recog wrk" ar ale HA rota coe f Ramanan spay loa Jv” Ths Topcon opctsp 3. *Gpaiyell 1s rakes een more leita the queson a 10 what exten the ier Romanian sgh nthe anes esition of he 140s could lim oot inthe mtr ae polit ‘score ax wel the erry works of member of he 19 ceniry Romana clu ‘such t Bogdan Pecos Haale and Vase Ales Engh veson by Flic Mlinan ‘ris anc BA Bgl fom Univer of Bucharest. a HA. brary ‘Selene frm te Posigradate Seloa of rary Scene and Archives ofthe Hebron Univer of ergalem ond a PhD. eters rm the Univer of Bucharest She ‘uronly Head ofthe Audomated Library Sereas Dept of the Romonian Aan) Liars. Seis tacing Hebron Jesh re and Jewish ction a he MA rogram x Joich Sder organized bythe Univers of Bares (COMPETING MEMORIES OF FASCISM TN POST-WAR EUROPE, Mikal CHIOVEANU "Who cools present consuls ps. Who conzols pst cools ftw" Sine 1948, he year George Orvel poised his famous noel 198, ew scholar, jours, sd poli: hve "red ighure tas causal elt Scr re sent enced ih he thertalaspcets.Joumalis and plicans ae inteeted fst an oeos n IS applies For them, te mechani at He bed the ‘ts reson sonecing pst resend fre ae npr Hower, What hy ae oo To a "hei rele wich hye ome in preset ‘Nomads xblars constanly operate wih te “Orwellinpurad”. Whenever ede, ty apy i he ita of xing cases o emphasize “anes” In at, Seme of them noon fr se lara aes snd authotrian res we the pst nore to legate het caren poles ado ert cans over he fe Democratic government rth “ease” fom tal apes Natal ‘heft ae schol general refer too Felix Cu. "Therein Betveen past (history), on one hand andthe polical present ang Faure the ahr ts feet as may ae cline wo ik Ever ice 19" ‘snty Furepean goverment, numerous sttons and organiza, conrad or ‘ot ty he Ste, employed History fe err Io snent mas Uaioe a eran Crna, above al national oes (Hobe, 199, pp. la). Howe tthe ‘mete pies of th past arly edo protaqee manpsntons, an nly poral served the implenewtaton of miei polices. Only le, with De dtr reine {dhe tain expences of the 20" century di Misery become an name of ower and of he rule for power. And yet, wit some exceptions, Hisar (esc) as never played and will probably never ply the vole of 19 organizing free and sovenng aciple (Tsneans, 1989, 121). Ar smpartant riot wan odes Dial steps suchas ever resid diel in votes fr is manipulates who an only Heel ri of sme cxaeptmacy and eesiy. Acorn, les $Soelé me oerempinsie he oe of he ion or the input of ser douse ove teal policy expel nowadays Onc trad ct fret ay afler 1918 in Erepe at Jens the hitoran a longer bed acetal poston, nr di he ever xy the sa DYestge he had benefited fom nthe 19" ceniy the contiy of History, when ead Played on essen vole in the proces of taoal rebirth and regsneraon, ap i te busing ofthe made ator ste ”

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