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B4.1 Scope............................................................................................................................ B4-2
B4.2 Definitions.................................................................................................................... B4-2
B4.3 Effective Alternating Stress for Elastic Fatigue Analysis....................................... B4-2
B4.4 Nomenclature .............................................................................................................. B4-6

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

B4.1 Scope
This Annex contains procedures for the determination of plasticity correction factors and effective alternating
equivalent stress for elastic fatigue analysis. These procedures include a modified Poisson’s ratio
adjustment for local thermal and thermal bending stresses, a notch plasticity adjustment factor that is applied
to thermal bending stresses, and a non-local plastic strain redistribution adjustment that is applied to all
stresses except local thermal and thermal bending stresses. These procedures are an alternative to
effective alternating stress calculations in Annex B1, paragraph B1.5.3.2.d.

B4.2 Definitions

B4.2.1 Thermal Bending Stress – Thermal bending stress is caused by the linear portion of the through-wall
temperature gradient. Such stresses shall be classified as secondary stresses.

B4.2.2 Local Thermal Stress – Local thermal stress is associated with almost complete suppression of the
differential expansion and thus produces no significant distortion. Such stresses shall be considered only
from the fatigue standpoint and are therefore classified as peak stresses. Examples of local thermal
stresses are the stress in a small hot spot in a vessel wall, the non-linear portion of a through-wall
temperature gradient in a cylindrical shell, and the thermal stress in a cladding material that has a coefficient
of expansion different from that of the base metal. Local thermal stresses are characterized by having two
principal stresses that are approximately equal.

B4.3 Effective Alternating Stress for Elastic Fatigue Analysis

B4.3.1 The effective total equivalent stress amplitude is used to evaluate the fatigue damage for results
obtained from a linear elastic stress analysis. The controlling stress for the fatigue evaluation is the effective
total equivalent stress amplitude, defined as one-half of the effective total equivalent stress range
PL  Pb  Q  F calculated for each cycle in the loading histogram.
B4.3.2 The following procedure can be used to determine plasticity correction factors for elastic fatigue
analysis and the effective alternating equivalent stress.
a) STEP 1 – At the point of interest, determine the following stress tensors and associated equivalent
m n th
stresses at the start and end points (time points t and t , respectively) for the k cycle counted in
Annex B1, paragraph B1.5.3.2.b.
m n
1) Calculate the component stress range between time points t and t and compute an equivalent
stress range due to primary plus secondary plus peak stress as given below.

'V ij , k V ij ,k  nV ij , k


1 « 'V 11,k  'V 22,k  'V 11,k  'V 33,k 

2 2
ª º
'S P ,k » (B4.2)
2 'V  'V  6 'V  'V  'V »
« 2 2 2 2
¬ 22, k 33, k 12, k 13, k 23, k ¼

2) Using the linearized stress results due to primary plus secondary stresses, compute the component
stress range using Equation (B4.1). Compute the equivalent stress range using Equation (B4.2)
and designate this quantity as 'S n , k .

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

3) Determine the stress tensor due to local thermal and thermal bending stresses at the start and end
points for the k cycle. It may be difficult to calculate the local thermal stress from stress
distributions obtained from numerical methods. If this is the case, the procedure below can be
used to calculate the local thermal and thermal bending stresses due to a non-linear temperature
distribution. This method is based on calculating a thermal stress difference range associated with
the linearized temperature distribution along the SCL for the time steps of interest. Consistent with
that method, consider the distribution of the temperature from a numerical method as a function of
the local through thickness direction. The temperature distribution for each time step can be
separated into three parts.
i) A constant temperature equal to the average of the temperature distribution


t ³0
Tavg Tdx (B4.3)

ii) The linearly varying portion of the temperature distribution

§t ·
t 2 ³0 © 2
Tb T ¨  x ¸ dx (B4.4)
iii) The non-linear portion of the temperature distribution

§ 2T ·
Tp T  ¨ Tavg  b ¸ (B4.5)
© t ¹
By assuming full suppression of the differential expansion of the cross-section, the associated
local thermal stress parallel to the surface for each time step may be calculated as given below
where Tp is given by Equation (B4.5).

 ED Tp
V ijLT,k for i j 1, 2 (B4.6)
1 Q

V ijLT,k 0 for iz j and i j 3 (B4.7)

4) Using Equations (B4.6) and (B4.7), determine the local thermal component stress range using
Equation (B4.1) and designate this quantity as 'V ij , k . The thermal bending component stress

range, 'V ij , k , is determined by linearizing the through-wall stress distribution due to thermal

effects only. Compute the equivalent stress range due to primary plus secondary plus peak stress
minus the local thermal stress using Equations (B4.8) and (B4.9).

'V ij , k V ij ,k  mV ijLT,k  nV ij ,k  nV ijLT,k



1 « 'V 11, k  'V 22, k  'V 11, k  'V 33,k 

ª 2 2
'S P,k  'S LT ,k
2 « 'V  'V 2  6 'V 2  'V 2  'V 2 »
» (B4.9)
¬ 22, k 33, k 12, k 13, k 23, k ¼

5) Compute the equivalent stress ranges due to local thermal plus thermal bending stress using
Equations (B4.10) and (B4.11).

'V ij , k V ijTB,k  mV ijLT,k  nV ijTB,k  nV ijLT,k


API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service


1 « 'V 11,k  'V 22,k  'V 11,k  'V 33, k 

ª 2 2
'S LT , k  'STB ,k
2 « 'V  'V 2  6 'V 2  'V 2  'V 2 »
» (B4.11)
¬ 22, k 33, k 12, k 13, k 23, k ¼

6) If required, see Equation (B4.32), compute the stress tensor due to non-thermal effects (all
loadings except local thermal and thermal bending), V ijNT,k , at the start and end points for the k th

b) STEP 2 – Determine the Poisson’s ratio adjustment, K v , k to adjust local thermal and thermal bending
stresses for the k cycle based on the equivalent stress ranges in STEP 1 using the following equations
( S PS is defined in Annex B1 paragraph B1.5.6.1):

K v ,k 1.0 for 'S P ,k d S PS (B4.12)

ª 'S P , k  S PS º 'S P ,k ! S PS and

K v ,k 0.6 « »  1.0 for (B4.13)
¬« 'S LT ,k  'STB , k ¼» 'S LT , k  'STB ,k ! 'S P ,k  S PS

'S P ,k ! S PS and
K v ,k 1.6 for (B4.14)
'S LT , k  'STB ,k d 'S P ,k  S PS

c) STEP 3 – Determine the non-local plastic strain redistribution adjustment, K nl , k to adjust all stresses

except local thermal and thermal bending for the k th cycle. In these equations, the parameters m and
n are defined in Annex B1 Table B1.12.

K nl , k 1.0 for 'S n , k d S PS (B4.15)

1  n § 'Sn,k ·
 1¸ S PS  'S n , k  mS PS
K nl , k ¨ for (B4.16)
n m  1 © S PS ¹

K nl , k for 'S n , k t mS PS (B4.17)
d) STEP 4 – Determine the notch plasticity adjustment factor, K np , k based on the equivalent stress ranges
in STEP 1 to adjust thermal bending stresses to account for additional local strain concentration due to
a geometric stress riser for the k cycle. In these equations, the parameters n is defined in Annex B1
Table B1.12.
For numerical results used directly:

K np , k 1.0 for 'S P ,k  'S LT ,k d S PS (B4.18)

K np , k min > K1 , K 2 @ for 'S P ,k  'S LT ,k ! S PS (B4.19)

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

ª§ 'S P ,k  'S LT , k · §¨© 11 nn ·¸¹ º ª 'S P ,k  'S LT , k  S PS º

K1 «¨¨ ¸¸  1.0 » ˜ « »  1.0 (B4.20)
«¬© 'S n ,k ¹ »
¼ ¬ « ' S P , k  'S LT , k »¼

K nl , k
K2 (B4.21)
KQ ,k

For numerical results that are adjusted with a stress concentration factor (SCF):

K np , k 1.0 for 'S n ,k ˜ SCF d S PS (B4.22)

K np , k min > K1 , K 2 @ for 'S n ,k ˜ SCF ! S PS (B4.23)

ª § 1 n ·
¨ ¸ º ª 'Sn ,k ˜ SCF  S PS º
K1 « SCF © 1 n ¹
 1.0 » ˜ « »  1.0 (B4.24)
«¬ »¼ «¬ 'S n , k ˜ SCF »¼

K nl ,k
K2 (B4.25)
K v ,k

Note that the SCF and K np ,k values may be dependent upon the component stress direction.
e) STEP 5 – Apply the plasticity adjustment factors to the component stresses at the start and end points
for the k th cycle.
1) Compute the component stresses including plastic Poisson’s ratio and notch plasticity adjustments
as given below for time points t and nt .
For numerical results used directly:

ij adj
V ijLT,k ˜ K v ,k (B4.26)

ij adj
V ijTB,k ˜ K v ,k ˜ K np ,k  V ijTB,k ˜ SCFNUM  1 ˜ K np ,k (B4.27)

For numerical results that are adjusted with a stress concentration factor (SCF):

ij adj
V ijLT,k ˜ K v ,k ˜ SCFLT (B4.28)

ij adj
V ijTB,k ˜ K v ,k ˜ K np ,k ˜ SCF  V ijTB,k ˜ SCFNUM  1 ˜ K np ,k (B4.29)

2) Compute the component stresses including non-local plastic strain redistribution adjustment as
given below for time points t and nt .
For numerical results used directly:

ij adj
ª¬V ij ,k  V ijTB, k SCFNUM  1 º¼ ˜ K np , k (B4.30)

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

'S p ,k  'S LT ,k
'S n , k

For numerical results that are adjusted with a stress concentration factor (SCF):

ij adj
V ijNT,k ˜ K nl ,k ˜ SCF (B4.32)

f) STEP 6 – Compute the adjusted component stress ranges between time points t and nt as given

­ m ª LT º ½
°° «¬ V ij adj  V ij adj  V ij adj »¼  °°

'V ij , k adj ®n ¾ (B4.33)

° ª V LT  V NT  V TB º °
°¯ ¬« ij adj ij adj ij » °¿
adj ¼

g) STEP 7 – Compute the effective equivalent stress range using the adjusted component stress ranges
from STEP 6 and Equation (B4.2). Designate the adjusted effective equivalent stress range as
'S P , k adj .

h) STEP 8 – Compute the effective alternating equivalent stress for the k cycle as given below.

S alt ,k 0.5 'S P ,k adj (B4.34)

B4.4 Nomenclature
D thermal expansion coefficient of the material at the point under consideration, evaluated at
the mean temperature of the k th cycle.
'Sn ,k primary plus secondary equivalent stress range for the k th cycle.
'S P ,k range of primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress for the k
'S LT , k primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress range due to local thermal effects for the

k th cycle.
'STB ,k primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress range due to thermal bending effects for
the k cycle.
'S NT ,k primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress range due to non-thermal effects for the
k th cycle.
'S P , k adj adjusted range of primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress, including non-local
strain redistribution, notch plasticity, and plastic Poisson’s ratio adjustments for the k cycle.
'V ij ,k stress component range between time points t and t for the k
m n th

ij , k stress component range due to local thermal stress between time point t and t for the k
m n th

ij , k stress component range due to thermal bending stress between time points t and t for
m n

the k cycle.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

'V ij , k adj adjusted stress tensor, including non-local strain redistribution, notch plasticity, and plastic
Poisson’s ratio adjustments at the location and time point under evaluation for the k cycle.
E Young’s Modulus of the material evaluated at the mean temperature of the cycle.
K1 parameter used to compute K np , k .
K2 parameter used to compute K np , k .
K nl ,k non-local strain redistribution adjustment factor for the k cycle.
K np ,k notch plasticity adjustment factor for the k cycle.
K v ,k plastic Poisson’s ratio adjustment factor for the k cycle.
m material constant used for the non-local strain redistribution adjustment factor per Annex B1
Table B1.7.
n material constant used for the non-local strain redistribution adjustment factor per Annex B1
Table B1.7.
Q Poisson’s ratio.
S alt ,k alternating equivalent stress for the k cycle.
S PS allowable limit on the primary plus secondary stress range.
SCF stress concentration factor.
SCFLT stress concentration factor applicable for local thermal stress.
SCFNUM stress concentration factor determined from the numerical model.
ij , k stress tensor due to local thermal stress at the location and time point under evaluation for
the k cycle.
ij , k stress tensor due to non-thermal stress at the location and time point under evaluation for the
k th cycle.
ij , k stress tensor due to thermal bending stress due to the linearly varying portion of the
temperature distribution at the location and time point under evaluation for the k cycle.
V ij ,k stress tensor at the point under evaluation at time point
m th
t for the k cycle.
V ij ,k n
stress tensor at the point under evaluation at time point t for the k
V ijLT,k stress tensor due to local thermal stress at the location under evaluation at time point
t for
the k cycle.
V ijLT,k stress tensor due to local thermal stress at the location under evaluation at time point
t for
the k th cycle.
ij , k stress tensor due to thermal bending stress at the location under evaluation at time point
for the k th cycle.
ij , k stress tensor due to thermal bending stress at the location under evaluation at time point
for the k cycle.
ij adj
adjusted stress tensor due to local thermal stress at the location and time point under
evaluation for the k cycle.
ij adj
adjusted stress tensor due to non-thermal stress at the location and time point under
evaluation for the k cycle.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service

ij adj
adjusted stress tensor due to thermal bending stress at the location and time point under
evaluation for the k cycle.
t wall thickness.
t time point under consideration with the highest peak or lowest valley.
n m
t time point under consideration that forms a range with time point t .
T temperature distribution.
Tavg average temperature component of temperature distribution T .
Tb equivalent linear temperature component of temperature distribution T.
Tp peak temperature component of temperature distribution T.
x position through the wall thickness.
z local coordinate for the temperature distribution.


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