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1. HRM deals with the design of formal systems in an org. to ensure the effective and efficient use of
human talent to accomplish org. goal. In this Sri Lanka telecom plc there are some functions that can be

 Training and development-

SLT employees should be improved and updated to meet new developments in the
telecommunication field.
 Pay management/ rewards system-
Promotions of officers will be made on merit, qualifications and experience. And these actions
will taken to ensure fairness in the promotion process
 career development-
Individual developed worked-related skills
 induction-
SLT is giving the understand the need of the institution and giving the necessary technical
training and support
 recruitment-
SLT introduce new policy to select officers for foreign training
 selection-
SLT select competent efficient and qualified person have been appointed with the approval of the
 performance evaluation-
Reward based on performance

2. SLT is one of the biggest telecommunication firm in the island which is marvelously doing well over
the past few years. As a telecommunication firm, the most important part of it should be the technical
staff that they have.

Outsourcing is the way of getting this done for your company by using another external party. Since the
technical personal is the most valuable asset for a company like SLT, it is not possible to replace those
technical personal by external party.

When the involvement of a external party comes to an organization with outsourcing process there is
possibility of losing their confidentiality regarding the technical secrets.

57% of SLT employees represent the technical staff therefore it’s not applicable of outsourcing for those
technical staff.

3. According to this SLT, it is the largest telecom giant in the island and having 57 head of divisions,
there are over 4000 technical staff is currently working in SLT. This shows employees are the most
valuable asset to the company.

The new HR development and management culture which is about to introduce for SLT may not accepted
by its employees. Reluctance of its employees to adapt to this sudden change might lead them to
frustration and finally can end up with grievance. To overcome with situation they might went against the

As per Mr. Bertus, they are looking forward to outsource its employees. In this scenario employees
threaten by the fact of job security. It might be another reason for employees to go against the company.

Other point is fast tracking the services in accordance with the companies plan to shifts the new
developments should be flexibly with the employees’ expectations. Sometime individual developed
worked-related skills and recruiting people will demotivate some of the employees. Lack of proper
performance evaluation (performance appraisal) method also influences employees to go against the

4. HRM is the efficient and effective utilization of human resources to achieve goals of an organization.
In this case thing that should be concentrated is to what extent the SLT has utilized human resources in
efficiency and how the new HR development and Management plan going to make an impact on current

To minimize the grievances of employees, management of SLT should come up with better industrial
relationship plan. Better interaction of both parties will make sure that they achieve overall organization

The new HR development and Management plan should align with the employees expectation. Otherwise
all the employees will deviate from the common objectives of the organization.

SLT should give the priority to compensation system, not only the financial rewards non financial
rewards like working friendly environment in a Company should be provided.

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