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Additional notes for Fainting

 Fainting or Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness that

happens when there isn't enough blood going to the brain because of
a drop in blood pressure.
 Blood pressure can drop from dehydration, a quick change in
position, standing or sitting still for a long period, or a sudden fear of
something (such as the sight of blood).

It's important to get medical care to figure out what brought on the fainting
episode and help prevent it from happening again.

Signs and Symptoms

Someone who is about to faint might have:

 dizziness
 lightheadedness
 paleness
 unsteady balance
 vision changes
 fast or irregular heartbeat
 sweating
 nausea or vomiting

What to Do

Whether the person is about to faint or already fainted:

 Loosen tight clothing; make sure the area is well-ventilated,

 Wipe the face with a cool washcloth,
 Don’t let him or her stand or walk until feeling much better.

If your person seems about to faint:

 Have him or her lie down or sit down with the head between
the knees.
If your child has fainted:

 Have him or her lie flat with feet slightly elevated. The
elevated feet allow for blood flow back to the brain. Don't move
the person if you think the fall might have caused an injury.

Get Emergency Medical Care if the person:

 fell and may be hurt
 is having trouble speaking, seeing, or moving
 has chest pain, or a rapid or irregular heartbeat
 is having a seizure
 was physically active when it happened

Think Prevention!

Make sure to:

 drink plenty of fluids, especially in hot weather or during

physical activity
 take frequent breaks and move around as much as possible
when sitting or standing for long periods of time
 slowly breathe into a paper bag when they are anxious and
breathing too fast
 avoid overheated, cramped, or stuffy environments

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