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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 411

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

The approximate cement production cost and the viability and

competitiveness of the Greek cement industry

K.G. Tsakalakis
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

ABSTRACT additional carbon cost, due to CO2 Emissions

Trading Scheme (ETS), will affect the competi-
In March 2007 the European Union (EU) agreed
tiveness of the Greek cement industry compared
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 by
with non-ETS countries.
20% compared to 1990 levels. The European
In case of incorporation of the cost of CO2 in
Trading System (ETS) will be a key mechanism
to ensure the achievement of emission reduction the cement production cost, it is expected that
targets. clinker and cement production in the EU will
not in the future be competitive without free al-
The current proposal of the EU ETS Direc-
lowances allocation. As a consequence, the
tive (dated January 2008) for the 2013 to 2020
Greek cement producers will also prefer to relo-
period limits overall emissions permits available
cate cement production to more competitive
for ETS sectors to the equivalent of 79% of
countries and the above practice will lead to
2005 levels. From 2013, these permits will be
production offshoring and put Greek cement
allocated through full auctioning for the power
production at risk of carbon leakage.
generation sector while for all the other ETS
sectors (including the cement industry) 20%
will be auctioned in 2013 and then linearly in- 1. INTRODUCTION
creased up to 100% by 2020.
In 2007, the cement production in the CEM- In 2007 the Greek cement industry produced
BUREAU 27 Member Countries amounted to about 16.2 million tonnes from the 283 million
283 million tonnes, representing about 10.22 % tonnes of the EU cement production and emitted
of total world cement production (2.77 billion about 0.75 tonnes CO2/t cement via direct emis-
tonnes). Thus, it is evident that the EU clinker sions (raw material calcination and fuel com-
production is sustainable from an economic per- bustion) and around 0.05 tonnes of CO2/t ce-
spective with more than 30,000 people em- ment via indirect emissions (use of electricity
ployed and more than €3,200M value added. from fuel based power plants). Thus, direct and
With net emission factors between 3% and indirect emissions of CO2 together amounted to
35% lower than non-ETS countries, this indus- about 0.8 tonnes of CO2/t cement.
try meets the most demanding environmental It should be noted that the indirect emissions
standards and provides a waste management so- of CO2 are not covered by the Emissions Trad-
lution, as it replaces 18% of traditional fuels in ing Directive, which only intends to cap direct
kilns with alternatives, including waste. Addi- emissions. Due to this environmental problem,
tionally, cement will be critical to ensure the the European Union (EU) agreed in March 2007
fulfillment of adaptation policies which are in- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 by
strumental in reducing the total cost from sea 20% compared to 1990 levels. EU thought that
level rise due to climate change. the EU ETS will be the key mechanism to en-
This paper examines the approximate current sure the achievement of emission reduction tar-
cement production cost in Greece and how the gets. The EU scheme used to be a system of
climate change policy that was completely in-
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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

dependent of International Climate Change Pol- Therefore, it is of interest of the community and
icy (UNFCCC, 1992) or the Kyoto Protocol that the industry to increase energy efficiency, to re-
was subsequently (1997) established under it. It duce the quantities of fuels consumed in the
must be mentioned here that, when the Kyoto cement manufacturing process. It is also obvi-
Protocol came into force on 16 February 2005, ous that, like almost all manufacturing proc-
the EU ETS had already become operational. esses, the cement industry produces large
Under the EU ETS, large emitters of carbon amounts of CO2 (combustion of fuels, calcina-
dioxide within the EU must monitor and annu- tion of limestone and use to electricity).
ally report their CO2 emissions, and they are There are three measures by which the ce-
obliged every year to return an amount equiva- ment industry may save direct CO2 emissions in
lent to their CO2 emission allowances in that the immediate future:
year to the government. - Improvement of energy efficiency (a maxi-
A new proposal of the EU, notified through
mum of 2% is still feasible),
the EU ETS Directive and dated January 2008,
- Reduction of the clinker/cement ratio (intro-
limits overall emissions permits available for
duction of useful industrial by-products),
ETS sectors to the equivalent of 79% of 2005
- Increase in the use of waste as alternative
levels for the period 2013 to 2020.
fuel (national initiatives, adequate national
This paper records how the additional CO2
implementation of certain directives regard-
cost for the EU cement industry will affect the ing specific waste).
competitiveness of the cement sector vis-à-vis
non-ETS countries, thus putting cement produc- The utilization of wastes (principally as al-
tion in the EU at risk of carbon leakage. In par- ternative fuels, scrap tires, spent solvents, sew-
ticular, the impact of the proposal of the Direc- age sludges etc.), being compatible with the
tive on clinker production, as the key intermedi- general principles of waste management, is also
ate material for producing cement, was ana- a common practice in the European Union and
lyzed. Since clinker is responsible for 100% of the developed countries (Tsakalakis, 2007).
cement’s direct emissions, it is more exposed to In 2006, the European cement industry used
the risk of offshoring. On the one hand, this is an energy equivalent of about 26 Mt of coal, a
due to its easy transport, without any need of non renewable fossil fuel, for the production of
specific transport equipment, and on the other, 266 Mt cement. At the same time, alternative
customers in the EU are already accustomed to fuels constituted 18% of this across Europe,
clinker produced in non-ETS countries. saving about 5Mt of coal and resulting in a
gradual decrease of the energy consumption in
cement production (Fig. 2).
2.2 Prediction of the cement production cost
2.1 Overview
From Figure 3, the cost of the cement produc-
The Greek Cement Industry is a vital sector of tion can be predicted (Tsakalakis, 2005) as fol-
the Greek economy. With an annual production lows:
of cement over 16.0 million tonnes, it contrib- Let’s assume that, for the production of ce-
utes significantly to the national gross domestic
product (G.D.P.).
But the cement industry, as other mineralogi-
cal transformation process industries (lime,
glass, ceramics, extractive metallurgy etc.), is
high energy intensive. Each tonne of cement
produced requires not only large amounts of fu-
els (coal, fuel oil, natural gas), but additionally a
significant quantity of electrical power as well.
All fuels consumed by the Greek cement indus-
try are imported and energy accounts for about
40% (Fig. 1) of the cement production cost. Figure 1: Distribution % of the cement production cost
before depreciation (Source: Katsamboulas, 2007).
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 413
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Figure 2: Improvement of the energy efficiency in clinker

production (Source: Maringolo, 2009).

Figure 4: EU cement production at risk due to CO2 price.

2.3 Impact assessment of the 2013-2020 EU

ETS proposal
Many independent attempts have been until now
carried out in order to assess the impact of the
EU ETS Directive on the viability of the EU
cement sector after 2013.
Figure 3: Raw materials and fuels used in cement produc-
tion (Source: Maringolo, 2009). Below, some of the main findings are con-
cisely summarized.
ment, 0.13 t coal (or petcoke)/t clinker are con- Boston Consulting Group (BCG), in collabo-
sumed and additionally electric power ration with and upon request of CEMBUREAU
110 kWh/t cement. argues, that, at CO2 prices above €35/t (expected
Thus, assuming a mean current price (cif) for the 2013-2020 period), the ETS Directive
US$90/t, the coal or petcoke cost in clinker pro- will lead to the complete relocation of the EU
duction is: cement industry. At CO2 price of €25/t, more
than 80% of EU clinker production will be at
90 x 0.13 = US$11.7/t clinker ≅ €9/t clinker
risk of offshoring by 2020.
Similarly, for a mean price €0.07/kWh for Thus, 100% of the Italian, Greek, Polish and
industrial users, the cost of electricity consumed UK production, almost 100% of Spanish, ~75%
in the cement production approximately is: of German and 65% of the French and ~70% of
the production of the smaller EU producers will
0.07 x 1.3 x 110 = €7.7/t cement
be at risk of relocation (Fig. 4).
Thus, the total energy cost in cement produc- In addition, with the unrealistic hypothesis
tion amounts to €16.7/t cement. that the entire CO2 cost will be passed through
Since the energy cost represents 40% of the to consumers, the European cement industry
total cement production cost, the cement pro- would still be vulnerable to carbon leakage, due
duction cost is expected to be roughly: to the fact that cement and clinker are already
exposed to hard international competition.
16.7/0.4 = €41.75/t cement
Similarly, a separate study, prepared on be-
In regions with very high fuel and energy half of the German Cement Works Association
costs, the reported cement production cost (Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. or VDZ),
(Brahm Segal, 2004) was at the range of indicates that in 2020, around 50% of clinker
US$45.0(≅ €34.)/t cement. production in Germany will be threatened by
imports, assuming CO2 costs of €35/t (Fig. 5).
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Figure 5: German clinker and cement production with in-

creased competitive pressure, 2020 (Source: VDZ, 2009).

Additionally, from the sensitivity analysis car- Figure: 7: Impact of the CO2 price on the increase of the
ried out, it was examined how the clinker pro- corresponding product selling price (Source: Demján,
duction at risk would be affected by CO2 costs 2005).
of between €25 and €50/t. The results of the
cement selling price, compared to steel, is
various scenarios show that 25% to 86% of shown as a function of the CO2 price in €/t. This
German clinker production is at risk. means that this impact is greater for cement than
Similarly, due to the high cement production
for steel, showing its energy intensity.
cost and the proximity of Greece to the major But, since the import freight rates are €11.5
cement producers and exporters in the Mediter- to 13/t cement from the Mediterranean area and
ranean, it is expected that, in the near future, the about €20/t cement from the Far East, causing
international competitiveness of the Greek ce- with additional transport emissions 94 kg CO2/t
ment industry will also more significantly af- cement and 160 kg CO2/t cement, respectively,
fected, than the north European cement produc- the negative impact on the future competitive-
tion, from the EU CO2 trading procedure. ness of the Greek cement industry and on the
According to a realistic approach referred to global GHG emissions are evident (Fig. 8).
Phase II of the EU ETS procedure (Fig. 6), a
CO2 cost of €27/t, will cause an increase of
about 30% (€20/t) of the cement production 3. CONCLUSIONS
The European GHG Emissions Trading Scheme
Hence, the production cost becomes ap-
(ETS) is the most important ETS worldwide and
proximately €65/t (Katsiamboulas, 2007).
arguably the most important European climate
In Figure 7, the indicative % impact on the
change mitigation policy currently in place.
Assessing the environmental effectiveness
and economic efficiency of the EU ETS is
therefore of the utmost importance. Further-
more, since many other countries, including the
USA, have not implemented similar policies to
date, the EU ETS may impact the competitive-
ness of European CO2-intensive industries.
The European and the Greek as part of the
EU cement industry is highly vulnerable to car-
bon leakage. With full auctioning in 2020 and at
CO2 prices of €35/t, all integrated clinker-
Figure: 6: Development of the CO2 price (Source: Kip, cement production in the EU would be wiped
2008). out of the EU, leading to a loss of approxi-
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 415
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

the impact of the 2013-2020 ETS proposal on the

European Cement Industry, Final project report - Ex-
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CEMBUREAU The European Cement Association, 2008.
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Demján, Z., 2007. The Possible Impact of CO2 Trading on
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Figure 8: Global cement balance and cement trading
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value added (GVA) per year. The replacement 29th Annual European Colloquium, www.aiche-
of domestic production by imports would also
result in increased global CO2 emissions, as the Mahony O’ Liam, 2007. FLSmidth 125th Anniversary A
EU cement industry is demonstrably the best Vision for the Evolution of the Cement Industry,
world performer in lowering net CO2 emissions
Maringolo, V., 2009. Biofuels in the Cement Industry,
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Hence, the international competitiveness of 43-55.
the European cement industry will be at high Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. and Bundesverband
risk due to the cap proposed in the EU-ETS, der Deutschen Zementindustrie e.V., 2008. Amend-
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Impact on the German Cement Industry, McKinsey
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without any carbon constraints and zero CO2 sionshandel/EU_ETS_Ceme...
costs. Verein Deutcher ZementWerke (VDZ), 2009. Position of
Since, the EU integrated cement industry is a the German Cement Industry concerning the Amend-
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the Period 2013 to 2020, filead-
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of adaptation policies, which are instrumental in
reducing the total cost from sea level rise due to
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