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An advantage of unitary government are that it is a single and

decisive legislative. Also, a unitary government is very simple
system, and as such less costly to run. Another advantage of a
unitary government is that the laws of the unitary system, unlike in a
federation, are uniform because laws are made only by a single
central government for the whole state. See the list of advantages

 In a unitary state, citizens only owe their allegiance to the

central government. This could promote national unity.
 The unitary system is good for countries that are
geographically smaller in size.
 There are no other levels of government that need to be
funded by the state which makes it less expensive.
 The unitary system is more likely to engender harmony among
the various ethnic groups in the country leading to internal
 The unitary system allows for quick decision-making.
 The central government is directly responsible for the entire
development of the country which makes development more
likely to be even and uniform.

A disadvantage of using this type of system is that it has slow
government response. For example, there are no state defence
forces that could be dispatched in cases of emergency. Troops
would have to be mobilized by national authority. It is also easily
loses track of local issues. Also, it is quite a divisive form of
government where everyone is forced to compete with everyone
else for priority. 

 Since all the powers are concentrated at the centre, the

burden of work becomes too heavy.
 A disadvantage of a unitary system of government is the
tendency to become dictatorial.
 There is hardly room for experiments to figure out the pitfalls
and loopholes of policies rolled out by the government.
 Under some circumstances, the distribution of national
resources might not be even, as some regions might be
neglected for political reasons. In other words, some minority
interests could be neglected.
 Many citizens under unitary governments are used to waiting
for the central government to initiate and implement policies
and this could stifle local initiatives.

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