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Project 7 Planning Form

Press Release
Announcing the Grand Opening

Complete this form to help you organize the information for your press release.

1. Write a headline announcing the grand opening of your restaurant. Make it attention-grabbing, but keep it to a short
phrase or sentence.
Come down for our grand opening 25% off everything!

2. The first paragraph of the press release should begin with the location (City and State) and the date the press release is
prepared, followed by a brief introduction announcing the grand opening of your restaurant. It should include your name
as well as the name of your restaurant.

Our Grand opening will be happening on january 30th 2021 for pizzeria alley this is a new beginning for our workers and we will
have the best customer service for pizzaria allay and we will have the best food there

3. The second paragraph should include a brief explanation of the important details of the grand opening, including the date,
time, location, free or half-price specials for that day, as well as free giveaways and contests.

For our grand opening we will be having 25% off everything we will be holding eating competitions who ever wins 1st and
second prize will win free food for a whole month and we will be giving away gift baskets from a raffle tickets from a big jar
there will be 3 winners

4. The third paragraph should include information about you, the new restaurant owner. It should include a brief explanation
about how your business began and how people can learn more about your restaurant. This paragraph should also be used
to invite people to your grand opening.


the restaurant owner made the place for people to come and have fun and make memories for peoples families and friends you can learn
more about this on our online website pizzeria alley

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