Internal Audit Checklist Halal (Quality Assurance)

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Internal Audit Checklist

(Quality Assurance)

S.N Questions Results of Audit

O Yes No Remarks
Q1 Does QA department have list of approved raw materials? y
Q2 Are all incoming materials given Halal pass? y
Q3 Does QA give materials or products Halal pass after getting the y
approval from Internal Halal Auditor?
Q4 Before giving Halal Pass, does QA check whether the name of y
producer, brand, and type code of goods, Halal logo, lot
number and quantity attached to packing label confirm to the
procurement document and Halal Certificates?
Q5 Can answer to questions ( 4 ) be proven by reports on and y Approved
records of audit results? Supplier list
with Halal
Q6 Are Halal pass given only to material or product the Halal y Criteria
certificates have not yet expired? Defined.
Q7 Does QA reject material / product which are not given Halal y
Q8 Are issued of Halal pass controlled effectively and recorded y
Q9 Does QA always consult internal Halal Auditors if incoming n
material / product cannot get halal pass because of several
reason, including the expiry date of Halal certificates?
Q10 Does QA come up with a preventive action in case of practices y
that do not meet Halal Standard produces?

Approved by. Recorded by.

Auditee of QA / QC Department Internal Halal Auditor

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