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Curriculum Vitae

Biographical Information

Name: Mohammad Abdul Hakim

Date of Birth: March 11, 1985
Address: Dusun Pandes II, Desa Wonokromo, Kec. Pleret, Bantul


Institution Major Degree Date

Universitas Gadjah Mada Social psychology and M.A. 2011

Yogyakarta, Indonesia Indigenous psychology

Universitas Gadjah Mada Social psychology S.Psi. 2008

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Teaching Experience

Institution Position Date

Department of Psychology Lecture 01/02/2013-present

Sebelas Maret University

Graduate Course Teaching Assistant 07/2012 – 08/2012

in Indigenous Psychology Batch II (under Prof. Uichol Kim)
Dept. of Psychology, Univ. Udayana

Department of Psychology Visiting Lecture 05/2012 – 08/2012

Universitas Dhyana Pura, Bali

Faculty of Psychology Teaching Assistant 01/2009 – 08/2011

Universitas Gadjah Mada (under Drs. Helly P. Soetjipto)

Graduate Course Teaching Assistant 07/2010

in Indigenous Psychology Batch I (under Prof. Uichol Kim)
Fact. of Psychology, UGM

Employment Experience

Victoria University of Wellington Research Assistant for an international

research grant initiated by Professor
James H. Liu (NZ), Professor Mark
Woodward (USA), and Dr. Norah
Fisher Onar (Turkey) entitled:
Reconfiguring the Nation as Layered:
Contesting History and Identity in a
Globalizing World 01/2013-12/2013

Department of Psychology Visiting Scholars 05/2012 – 08/2012
Universitas Udayana, Bali

Center for Indigenous & Research Assistant 01/2009 – 12/2011

Indigenous Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, UGM

Crisis Center Research Assistant & 05/2006 – 08/2008

Faculty of Psychology, UGM Administrative Staff


Institution Award Date

Asian Association of Indigenous & Park Jung-heun 2011

Cultural Psychology Young Scholar Award

Asia Research Institute Asian Graduate Student Fellowship 2011

National University of
Singapore (NUS)

Universitas Tarumanagara The 2nd Singgih Dirsa Gunarsa Award 2010

Jakarta for the Best Paper

Scholarly Activities and Positions

Position Organization Date

Moderator Indonesian Indigenous Psychology Network 08/2012-present

Founding member Global Organization for Humanitarian Work Psychology 2012

Invited Speaker

Hakim. M. A. (2009). Indigenous Psychology: A brief introduction. Department of Psychology, Universitas

Islam Syarif Kasim, Riau. November, 2009.

Hakim, M. A. (2010). Studi indigenous psychology atas atribusi kesuksesan dan kegagalan siswa: Apakah self
serving bias berlaku dalam konteks Indonesia? Department of Psychology, Universitas Tarumanagara, Agustus

Hakim, M. A. (2011). Introduction to indigenous psychology method and research. Department of Psychology,
Universitas Udayana, May 2011.

Hakim, M. A. (2012). Data analysis in indigenous psychology. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro,
March 2012.


Published Articles

In press

Hakim, M. A. & Soetjipto, H. P. (In press). Nilai dan afiliasi politik.

Hakim, M. A., Supriyadi, & Yuniarti, K. W. (2012). Contents of Indonesian child-parents attachment:
Indigenous and cultural analysis. The International Society for Social and Behavioural Development Bulletin,
Special Issue: Parenting in context, November 2012.

Rarasati, N., Hakim, M. A., & Yuniarti, K. W. (2012). Javanese Adolescents ’ Future Orientation and Support
for its Effort: An Indigenous Psychological Analysis. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology,
(66) 597–601.

Hakim, M. A., Thontowi, H. B., Yuniarti, K. W., Kim, U. (2012). The basis of Javanese childrens’ trust toward
their parents, Ngemong: An Indigenous psychological analysis. The International Journal of Research Studies in
Psychology, June, Vol. 1 Number 2, pp. 3-16. DOI: 10.5861/ijrsp.2012.v1i2.78.

Putri, A.D., Prawitasari, J. E., Hakim, M. A., Yuniarti, K. W., & Kim, U. (2012). Sadness as perceived by
Indonesian male and female adolescents. The International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, June,
Vol. 1 Number 1, pp. 27-36. DOI: 10.5861/ijrsp.2012.v1i1.22.

Renanita, T., Hakim, M. A., Yuniarti, K. W., & Kim, U. (2012). Vulnerable factors of sadness among
adolescents in Indonesia: An exploratory indigenous research. Humanitas, Vol. IX No. 1 Januari 2012

Soetjipto, H. P. & Hakim, M. A. (2011). Koefisien reliabilitas sebagai karakteristik sampel: Pengujian dengan
instrumen Potrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ) dari Schwartz. Psikoislamika, Vol. 8 (2), 247-260.

Research Reports

Santhoso, F. H. & Hakim, M. A. (2011). Pengaruh deprivasi relatif terhadap prasangka antar kelompok. Faculty
of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Hadjam, N. & Hakim, M. A. (2011). Peran guru dalam kerangka Patrap triloka: Sebuah studi kualitatif
eksploratif. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Paper Presented at a Conference
Hakim, M. A. & Liu, J. H. (2013). Re-negotiating democracy: The role fo local representations of history in
establishing special statul of Yogyakarta monarchy in Indonesia, The 10th Binneal Conference of Asian Social
Psychology, August 21-24, 2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Hakim, M. A. (2011). Conception of Happiness and Values among Indonesia Middle Class: An
Indigenous Psychological Analysis, The 2 nd International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural
Psychology, December 21-23, Bali, Indonesia.

Hakim, M. A. (2011). The Secondorder confirmatory factor analysis of Indonesians’ happiness: An

Indigenous Psychological Analysis, The 2 nd International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural
Psychology, December 21-23, Bali, Indonesia.

Hakim, M. A. (2011). Acculturation and conflict between Muslim and Christian communities in a
transmigration area of Malifut, North Maluku: A preliminary psychological analysis, the 6th Asian
Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, July 11-15, Singapore.

Hakim, M. A. & Kurnianingsih, S. (2010). Indigenous psychological study of students’ success and failure
attribution: Does self serving bias implied in Indonesian context? Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Hakim, M. A.
(2010). Nilai dan afiliasi politik. Temu Ilmiah dan Kongres HIMPSI XI, March 18-20, Solo.

Hakim, M. A. & H. P. Soetjipto (2010). Koefisien reliabilitas sebagai karakteristik sampel: Pengujian dengan
instrumen Potrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ) dari Schwartz, Temu Ilmiah dan Kongres HIMPSI XI, March 18-
20, Solo.

Hakim, M. A., Thontowi, H. B., Yuniarti, K. W., Kim, U. (2012). The basis of Javanese childrens’ trust toward
their parents, Ngemong: An Indigenous psychological analysis. 8 th Binneal Conference of Asian Association of
Social Psychology, December 11-14, New Delhi, India.

Conference Organization

Co-chairman, organizing committee, Graduate Course in Indigenous Psychology Batch II, Department of
Psychology, Universitas Udayana, August 30 – July 3, 2012.

Organizing Committee Member, Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology, First International Conference
of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta, July 24-27, 2010.

Organizing Committee Member, teaching assistant, Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology, Graduate
Course in Indigenous Psychology Batch I, Yogyakarta, July 19-24, 2010.

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