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The short story under analysis is entitled ‘You were perfectly fine’.

It was written
in 1929 by Dorothy Parker, an American writer, poet, critic and legendary literary
figure, known for her biting wit. The story belongs to literary discourse. It is a
situational story.

There are two types of discourse

Peter has absolutely no memory of what has happened the night before due to him
being heavily intoxicated He can’t remember what he has said or done to people. It
is also possible that the young lady who is telling Peter what happened is biased, as
she is in love with Peter, and she can see no fault in any of his actions. Though it is
clear to the reader that Peter has made a fool of himself while he was drunk. As to
whether this is a normal occurrence is difficult to say but there is no doubting that
Peter has blacked out from drinking too much alcohol. Which may leave some
readers to suggest that Peter has a problem with alcohol. Not only does Peter have
the highs that would be associated with alcohol consumption but the following day
it is clear that he has the lows that comes with the abuse of alcohol.

It is also interesting that for the entire story Peter for the main is motionless in the
chair. It is possible that Parker by having Peter make so little movement is
attempting to symbolically highlight that Peter is a slave to alcohol. He is the
complete opposite to what he was the night before in whereby he may have felt he
was entertaining everybody. It is also possible that due to his blackout Peter is
filled with guilt. Knowing that he may have to apologize to others for his actions.
Despite the reassurances of the young lady that everything is okay. If anything
Peter has acted irresponsibly due to the fact that he was drunk. It is also interesting
that Peter asks the young lady for a drink after she tells him of their taxi ride. It is
as though Peter is not only trying to cure his hangover but he may also be
attempting to escape from what he might have said to the young lady. Who feels as
though their conversation in the taxi has been life-changing. Another aspect worth
consideration is the fact that Parker by having Peter take the whiskey and soda in
the afternoon may be suggesting that Peter is an alcoholic. That he has an inability
to deal with life on life’s terms and feels the need to use alcohol to help him forget
things he might have said or done.

Though the reader is given very little insight into the conversation that Peter had
with the young lady it is noticeable that she has been impressed to such an extent
that she does not see anything wrong in Peter’s actions. She has believed every
word that Peter has said to her when it comes to how he feels about her. This may
be important as it may suggest that Peter has the ability to be sensitive just as he
has the ability to be insensitive (when it came to others in the restaurant). If
anything Peter may have spoken from the heart though at the same time it may be
important to remember that Peter when sober may be afraid to show his true
feelings. In reality he may use alcohol as a crutch to help him express himself.
However it is noticeable that for most of the night Peter was so drunk that he
inappropriately expressed himself. It is only when he was in the taxi with the
young lady that the reader senses they may have seen the real Peter.

The end of the story is also interesting as it is clear to the reader that despite all the
regrets that Peter has over his actions. The one thing he most regrets is telling the
young lady how he feels about her. It is as though he has unwittingly committed
himself to the young lady. Something which pleases the young lady but brings
displeasure and fear to Peter. Rather than being honest with the young lady and
telling her that he has no memory of the conversation. Peter lies to her wishing not
to hurt her feelings. However it is clear to the reader that this type of arrangement
is only going to cause more problems for Peter particularly if he is reliant on
alcohol. He will only end up misleading the young lady and eventually he will end
up hurting her. She is prepared to make a commitment to Peter. Yet Peter himself
is unable to do the same. Hence him asking the young lady for the drink. If
anything Peter’s drinking has caused him more trouble than it is worth. Which
would again leave the reader to suspect that Peter has a problem when it comes to

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