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Southeast Business School

Assignment On

Mid Term Exam

Course Code: MKT4156

Course Title: Services Marketing

Section: 01


Shayala Yesmin
(Lecturer Southeast University)
Southeast Business School


Name: Md. Muttasim Billah

ID: 2016010000397

Batch: 42

Date of Submission: 14/12/2020

Set # A
Southeast Business School
Midterm Assignment
Semester: Fall 2020
Course Code: MKT 4156 Course Title: Services Marketing
Section: A
Program: Bachelor of Business Administration
Name: Md. Muttasim Billah
ID: 2016010000397
Section: A
Batch: 42
Full Marks: 30

1. You are thinking of shifting your career from a product market sector to a service market sector.
If you were holding a new marketing position in the service marketing field, what are some of
the major challenges and differences you should expect to experience? How are you going to
address these challenges? 7.5+7.5

2. Identify and choose a specific high-quality service organization. Which provider gap do you think
the organization has closed? How would you recommend it shape its service design and
standard process to a consumer-centered mindset for minimizing consumer gap? 7.5+7.5
Answer to the question no. 1

A product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In retail,
products are called merchandise. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and
sold as finished goods. Product can be touchable also we can see this.

On the other hand, service cannot be touchable, it is intangible. After selling a product service is
the first priority to customers. We can say promotion or the communication of activities or
performance or satisfaction offer by a business to its clients.

As I am thinking of shifting my career from a product market sector to a service market sector
and I am holding a new marketing position in the service marketing field, so there are some of
the major challenges and differences I should expect to experience.

Challenges: -

New Organization:

My first challenge is fully different type of new organization. Here my work and my position are
different from product market sector.

Different Consumer:

In these two types of market sectors customers are also different from each other. So I have to
face this challenge.

Defining and Improving Quality:

I cannot define to consumer easily in-service marketing. But I can define product easily. I can
improve product quality any time but service quality take time.

Communicating and Testing New Services:

When new process become in market, we cannot communicate with consumer but in other when
we buy a product, we can test it.

Motivating and Sustaining Employee Commitment:

Employ motivating is going tough in-service field but it also easy in product service.

Setting Prices:

And most important challenge is also related in price. When I cannot match with quality it makes
difference prizing policy in service but not product.
Differences: -

Services cannot be inventoried, so the main difference is the service sector contain intangible
thinks. Consumer can just feel it. Then second difference I will face that is culture. In this two
markets sector these are belongs two different culture. Then I have to do different task from past.
And lastly these two different market sectors follow two different market strategy. I have to
observe these differences and it is so difficult.

Now I am going to address these challenges by: -

Marketing Research:

To overcome from this challenge, I have to research the service market sector. And then I can
find out the solution easily.

Market Analyses:

After research I have to analyses the service market sector deeply. Because this intangible
market is very difficult to catch up.

Service as a Product:

Represents a wide range of intangible product offerings that customers value and pay for in the
marketplace. Service products are sold by service companies and by non-service companies such
as manufacturers and technology com-pains. For example, when I buy a gift then they can gift
wrapping service.

Customer Service:

Service is also a critical aspect of what we mean by service. I Customer service is the service
provided in support of a company’s core products. Companies typically do not charge for
customer service. it’s also called after sell service for example: when I buy AC, they give free
home delivery it’s called customer services.

Service Cannot Be Patented:

As service cannot be patented, so I can easily copy some idea from other service provider
company. Because I am newcomer in this sector. I can also take a help from internet to address
this challenge.
Answer to the question no. 2

I choose Teletalk Bangladesh Limited as high-quality service organization in Bangladesh

telecommunication service sector. I think this organization has closed service performance
provider gap. Because the service performance gap is the discrepancy between development of
customer-driven service standards and actual service performance by company employees. Five
years ago from today, Teletalk had this gap. But today they did it, they are overcome from this

I would recommend it shape its service design and standard process to a consumer-centered
mindset for minimizing consumer gap by doing–

 Poor service design- Unsystematic new service development process Vague, undefined
service designs Failure to connect service design to service positioning.

 Absence of customer-driven standards- Lack of customer-driven service standards Absence

of process management to focus on customer requirements Absence of formal process for setting
service quality goals.

 Inappropriate physical evidence and services cape- Failure to develop tangibles in line
with customer expectations Services cape design that does not meet customer and employee
needs Inadequate maintenance and updating of the services cape.

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