CCT 02-20-2011 Sunday Life & Times, C2

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Page C2, Sunday, February 20, 2011 Carroll County Times


Poll looks at feelings on declawing, debarking

dog’s vocal cords. Forty- cruelty laws. Virginia law- who own dogs said no.
Surgeries continue to cause debate among pet owners seven percent would favor a makers are considering a Veteran dog trainer and
law making the procedure il- similar measure. behaviorist Jonathan Klein of
ASSOCIATED PRESS ered extremely inhumane short. They never showed legal, while 44 percent Of dog owners who took Culver City, Calif., would
and unsafe for the cat, she any sign of pain,” she said. would oppose a law. part in the poll, only 1 per- support a state ban on de-
LOS ANGELES — Cats said. Declawing was necessary,
scratch and dogs bark. Is de- Last July, Massachusetts cent reported having the barking because even though
Mary Sullivan, 84, of she said. “My little daughter
clawing or debarking the an- Chicago, said she had a cat became the first state to ban procedure done on their 90 percent sounds like a lot,
had scratches all over her.
swer? declawed once because he Everyone in the family had elective devocalization sur- pet. There was no differ- it still means that for every
Nearly 60 percent of kept slipping on slick floors geries for cats or dogs. Vio- ence between dog owners 900,000 dog owners who
scratches. They destroyed
American pet owners, in- lations are punishable and others who were asked oppose it, there are 100,000
in her apartment. “Shortly our wallpaper. It was the
cluding 55 percent of cat under the state’s animal if it was OK — 89 percent who would not, he said.
afterward he died. He was only solution we could
owners, say it is OK to have a
cat declawed, but only 8 per- in agony the whole time. It come up with,” Soloway
broke my heart that I had it said.
cent approve of having a
dog’s vocal cords removed, done. I’d never do that Murray said it’s hard to E X H I B I T O R S W A N T E D F O R T H E 13 T H A N N U A L
according to an Associated again,” she said. assess pain in cats. After

Carroll County H m e Show

Press- poll. When she got Roger from surgery, they are “walking
Experts say both surgeries Tails of Hope about seven around on stumps with
are painful and alter the way years ago, a condition of the stitches” and if they dig
the animals walk or talk. adoption was no declawing. around in their litter, they
Declawing a cat “is ampu- She said they showed her can be in a lot of pain.
tation. If you look at your how to cover her furniture The ASPCA opposes de-
fingers, declawing would be if there were a problem, but clawing, debarking, defang-
like amputating the last sec- Roger, who’s 14 now, doesn’t ing, ear cropping and tail
tion of each finger. If you care about furniture. docking — any elective sur-
were declawed, you would “It’s not cruel to declaw gery done to conform to
have 10 little short fingers. your cats,” said Jennifer breed standard or eliminate
It’s amputation times 10,” Soloway, 60, a retired judge undesirable behavior — ex-
said veterinarian Louise in Sacramento. Her cats, in- cept in extreme circum-
Murray, vice president of the cluding Willie, who just stances. For example, the
Bergh Memorial Animal died at 14, and Nemo, who is health of a cat owner may C arroll C ou n ty A g C en ter- Sh ip ley A ren a • 706 A gric u ltu re C en ter D r. • W estm in ster, M D 21157
Hospital in New York City.
The hospital is part of the
15, were both declawed
when they were young.
be at risk if the owner has
an immune system disorder SA TU RD A Y , A P RIL 9 & SU N D A Y , A P RIL 10, 2011
American Society for the “They do not know or illness that leaves them A c t N ow ! Sp ac e is lim ited. Join th ese fin e bu sin esses:
Prevention of Cruelty to An- they’ve been declawed. susceptible to serious infec-
imals. They made the same tion if scratched. A c c en tSu p p ly, L L C C om p lete C .R.E .T.E . L L C N atu raL aw n of A m eric a
Most vets won’t do all four kneading movements. The Ninety percent of pet A D T Sec u rity C ook ie L ee Jew elry N ew A ge A ssoc iates
feet, because that is consid- recovery process was very owners oppose removing a A m bitE n ergy C ou n try P ride F ood Servic e N ew W in dsor State Ban k
A m eric an D ec k N orth w est, In c . C u tc o C u tlery N orth w est L og H om es
ADOPTABLE PETS A m eric an D esign an d Bu ild D elta E n gin eerin g, In c . - Solar O ld W estm in ster Realty
A m eric an Rh ododen dron Soc iety/ D W M Roofin g O N SITE D rap ery & Sh ade
The following animals male, black and white, Neutered male, gray, 5 M ason D ixon C h ap ter C lean in g
are available for adoption brown and white, and tri years. E dw ard Jon es
color, 8 weeks. Neutered male, gray, 3 A p p le P lu m bin g & H eatin g, In c . E m m a’s G ou rm et G ifts O w en s C orn in g Basem en t
at the Humane Society of Su n Su ites & Solac e W in dow s
Carroll County, 2517 Lit- months. A -Q u ality H eatin g & A ir E n ergy Savers A m eric a
tlestown Pike, Westmin- Cats Spayed female, calico, 2 C on dition in g P atio E n c losu res
F irew ork ’s F irep lac e & Barbequ e
ster. Some of these years. A rc h w ay Rem odelin g, In c . P en n D u tc h Stru c tu res M H IC
All cats are domestic F irst C lass M ec h an ic al
animals may have been short hair unless other- Female, orange tiger, 3 A tlan tic Blu e W ater Servic es P N C Ban k
years. G allagh er P ools & Sp as
adopted before press time. wise noted. Bartlett Tree E xp erts Rain bow M ason ry, In c .
G esell C u stom U p h olstery
Female, orange tiger, 3 Bath F itter/ Kitc h en Saver Ren ew al by A n dersen
Dogs years. All dogs and cats G izm os A rt
adopted from the Humane Beac on Rem odelin g, L L C Rh in o G u tter G u ard of M arylan d
Pomeranian mix, Female, calico, 4 years. G reen F ields A G G ran d n atu ral
Female, gray and black Society of Carroll County Bow m an ’s H om e & G arden O rgan ic F ertilizer Risk M an agem en t C on su ltan ts,
neutered male, black, 3 must be household pets, Brook e V alley F arm N u rsery LLC
years. tiger, 7 months. G u tter H elm et System s
Male, buff, two years. and must be spayed or Bu dget Blin ds Roll O ff Servic es, In c .
Peek-a- poo, male, white, neutered. Dogs must be li- H an over Bu ildin g System s
Female, calico, 1 year. C an yon O ak Tec h n ologies S & K Roofin g, Sidin g & W in dow s
1 year. censed and kept on their H aw k A w n in g C o.
Labrador, chow, and rot-
Spayed female, black, 5
C arou sel Stain ed G lass Sim p ly Ston e
months. own property. A pre-adop- H ealth C raft C ook in g Sh ow
tweiler mix puppy, female, tion questionnaire must be C arroll C h irop rac tic & Sp orts In ju ry Solar-Tek W in dow Tin tin g
Spayed female, tortishell H elp at H om e Servic es
tri color, 8 weeks. white, 2 years. completed, and adoptions C en ter Sterlin g Q u ality W ater, L L C
H oltzop le H eatin g an d A ir
Labrador, chow, and rot- Spayed female, gray tor- are approved or denied C arroll C ou n ty L an dlord C on dition in g Stu ’s M u sic Sh op
tweiler mix puppy, female, tishell, 1 year. with the animal’s best in- A ssoc iation , In c . Su m m it In su lation
brown, 8 weeks. In visible F en c e Bran d of C arroll C o.
Spayed female, gray terest paramount. For in- C arroll C ou n ty M aster G arden ers Su stain able L ivin g M arylan d
Labrador, chow, and rot- tiger, 3 years. formation, call the J.A . M yers H om es
C arroll C ou n ty Rec yc lin g TE A ligh tfu l Treasu res w ith D eb
tweiler mix puppy, female, Neutered male, black, 1 Humane Society at 410- Keith D . Sm ith C on c rete
black and white, 8 weeks. 848-4810 or 410-875- C arroll C ou n ty Tim es C on trac tor, In c . D oh m
Six Labrador, chow, and Spayed female, white 5379 or visit C arroll W ater System s In c . Krem er In su ran c e A gen c y In c . - Team U tz Real E state & P rop erty
rottweiler mix puppies, tortie, 2 years. humane. C en tral M arylan d Su n room s State F arm M an agem en t
C en tu rion K9 Servic es L eafF ilter G u tter P rotec tion Tevis P rop an e
C en tu ry 21 Th e Real E state C en tre L ow e’s of W estm in ster Th e C reig N orth rop Team
C ertified E n ergy H om e Solu tion s, L eisu re Sp ec ialties Th e Strata G rou p

Obama pushes effort In c .

C ertified H om e Rem odelers,In c .
C h am p ion F ac tory D irec t
M arylan d D ec k & H ot Tu bs
M atn ey C on stru c tion Servic es
M erc er C arp et O n e
Tim Kyle E lec tric al Servic e
TK V en tu res, L L C - G arage D oors
Top p er C on stru c tion C om p an y
C oldw ell Ban k er - W estm in ster Torren c e C on stru c tion

to protect public lands M odern C om fort Sec u rity System s

M odern C om fort System s
M ou n t G arage D oors, In c .
Tow n e P ride In teriors
W ertz C on stru c tion
W in dow W orld
ASSOCIATED PRESS The program goes beyond children, Obama said, not- Fo rD eta ils V is it: S pons or ed B y :
conservation to raise Amer- ing that the program shares w w w .c a rro llc o u ntytim es .c o m /
WASHINGTON — Presi- icans’ awareness of the out- some of the goals of a fit- m a rk eting/ho m e_s ho w /
dent Barack Obama said a o rc o nta c tCa rla Unk a rta t4 10 75 1-5 9 14
doors and the importance ness initiative by first lady

new administration effort to o rc a rla .u nk a rt@ c a rro llc o u ntytim es .c o m

of nature, especially among Michelle Obama.
protect public lands will put
people back to work in
tourism and recreation and
help Americans stay health-
ier by encouraging outdoor
The initiative largely in-
corporates existing pro-
grams under a new name,
“America’s Great Out-
doors.” Still, it aims to dou-
ble federal spending on land
and water conservation to
$900 million. The money
would be used to buy pri-
vate land for public use and
provide grants to states.
Obama said it is impor-
tant to conserve public
lands, even in tough eco-
nomic times, and that the
new program will encour-

age more Americans to
enjoy the outdoors.
“These are the right steps
to take for our environment.
"! " $
But they’re also the right

steps to take for our coun-
try,” Obama said at a White
House ceremony.
The White House de-
clined to release a price tag
for the outdoors initiative,

but said much of the spend-
ing will be blended into ex-
# &"
isting programs run by the
 % &

Interior and Agriculture de-
partments and the Environ-
mental Protection Agency.
$" !! !%

The program also encom-
passes the White House CORTINA & FAMILY
Council on Environmental BGE CUSTOMERS | Windsor Mill
Quality and other federal
The Interior Depart- TOM & $&&#"$#& #% & &# !! %  &"& %# &"$  $& " $% %#
" !%$ "#&#
ment, which has the largest CUSTOMER OPERATIONS
share of the program, set TRANSFORMATION "$   $%&# "!! %&# & $#"! "#!"  "#& "
  $&# %&  $&# #&" $
aside $5.5 billion for the $& &! % 
   & % $ $& &"! &$% % %# & $& %!!  
outdoors program in its !%$ % $%%! "  #&%#& $% &! %   %# %! &"$&#   %#& "%$ %# & &#
budget proposal for the
next fiscal year. Most of "& "  %$ 
% $% &$ %#& %$ % %# & &# " 
 "!!  $&# % %# & &# !!
that money, $4.6 billion, is % % "& %#& " $" &&# $% &"$ $& %! &"$&# "   " &!
for operations for three
agencies — the Bureau of
Land Management, Fish    ! " # 
and Wildlife Service and
National Park Service — ! !# !#
" ""#  #
and does not represent
new spending. 435086

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