CCT 02-20-2011 Sunday Life & Times, C5

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Carroll County Times Sunday, February 20, 2011, Page C5


Engagements Weddings
Cole-Morningstar Abrahamsen-Sacks Norman- Boschert
John and Belinda Cole, of Frank and Terry Abra- Sarah Marie Boschert,
Taneytown, announce the hamsen, of Westminster, daughter of Stephen and
engagement of their daugh- announce the engagement Pamela Boschert, of Jar-
ter, Kelly Ann Cole to Joshua of their daughter, Jennifer rettsville, and Joseph Jen-
Lynn Morningstar, son of M. Abrahamsen to Edward nings Norman, son of
Neale Hansford, of Hanover, L. Sacks, son of Elmer and Richard and Barbara Nor-
Pa. Cindy Sacks, of Columbia. man, of Westminster, were
The bride-to-be is a 2006 The bride- to- be is em- married at St. John the
graduate of Francis Scott ployed by Thedragonfly Evangelist Church in
Key High School and a 2010 Tattoos. Hydes on Aug. 14, 2010.
graduate of Mount St. Mary’s The groom-to-be is a me- Deacon Fred Schoenagel
University with a bachelor’s chanic at Sears Automotive. performed the ceremony.
No wedding date has been Edward L. Sacks Doug Byerly was the or-
degree in accounting and a Joshua L. Morningstar Jennifer M. Abrahamsen
master’s degree in business set. ganist, Holly Phipps was
Kelly A. Cole
administration. She is an ac- the soloist and Joy Greene
countant at McGladrey. Marine. He is employed by Hancock-Zaragoza was the cantor.
The groom-to-be is a 2000 Ken Adams Mechanical. The bride was given in
George and Kaye Han- marriage by her father. Mr. and Mrs.
graduate of New Oxford An Oct. 29 wedding is
cock, of Hampstead, an- Maid of honor was Joseph J. Norman
High School and is a former planned.
nounce the engagement of Samantha Stifler, cousin of
their daughter, Lauren Kay the bride. Bridesmaids
Friend- Fisher Hancock to Johnathan were Elizabeth Norman,
Riviera Maya, Mexico, the
newlyweds are residing in
Krista Friend and Thomas Edwin Andrew Zaragoza, sister of the groom; Re- Towson.
Fisher, both of Taneytown, son of Rebecca Arriaza, of becca Patterson, Holly The bride is a 2004 grad-
announce their engagement. Reisterstown, and Freder- Phipps and Ashley Mellot. uate of North Harford
The bride-to-be is the ick Zaragoza, of Westmin- The flower girl was Madi- High School and a 2009
daughter and step-daughter ster. lynn Diehl, goddaughter of graduate of Towson Uni-
of Kim and Gary Brenne- The bride- to- be is a 2003 the bride. versity with a bachelor’s
man, of Manchester. She is a graduate of North Carroll Best man was Andrew degree in integrated ele-
full-time student at Carroll High School and a 2006 Norman, brother of the mentary education and
Community College and graduate of the Art Insti- groom. Groomsmen were special education. She is a
plans to graduate in one year tute of York. She is em- Tyler Boschert, brother of teacher with Baltimore
with a paralegal associate’s ployed by Shiloh Stepping the bride; Michael Schae- County schools.
degree. She is a part-time Stones Daycare Center. Lauren K. Hancock fer, Dr. Gregory McHugh The groom is a 2000
employee at the college. The groom- to- be is a Johnathan E. A. Zaragoza and Cory Peimer. The ring graduate of Calvert Hall
The groom- to- be is a Thomas Fisher 2004 graduate of Franklin bearer was Mason Diehl, College High School and a
2006 graduate of Winters Krista Friend High School and is en- defense contractor and in cousin of the bride. 2004 graduate of Towson
Mill High School. He is a rolled at the Community the Navy Reserve. The reception was held University with a bache-
mechanic at Barnes Service A summer wedding is College of Baltimore A January 2012 wedding at Piney Branch Golf lor’s degree in accounting.
Center. planned. County. He is a national is planned. Course in Hampstead. He is a client manager for
After a honeymoon to T. Rowe Price.

Bearr- Reichl
Four Generations Dr. Elizabeth Maureen
Reichl, daughter of James
and Maureen Reichl, of
Ambler, Pa., and Dr.
Jonathan Shepherd Bearr,
son of David and Dianne
Bearr, of Westminster,
were married at Mary,
Mother of the Redeemer
in North Wales, Pa., on
Nov. 6, 2010.
The Rev. Wm. J. Tev-
erzczuk performed the
ceremony. Drs. Jonathan
The bride was given in and Elizabeth Bearr
marriage by her parents.
Matrons of honor were The bride has a bachelor’s
Suzanne R. Mailik, of degree from the University
Berwyn, Pa., and Dr. of Wisconsin- Madison and
Suzanne R. Collin, of a doctorate from Johns
Devon, Pa., of Pennsylva- Hopkins University School
nia, sisters of the bride; of Medicine. She is a patent
and Andrea Feygin, of biologist at a Rockville firm.
Grosse Pointe, Mich. The groom is a graduate
SUBMITTED PHOTOS Best man was David of Westminster High
From left to right are Helen Eppley, great- grand- Stewart Bearr, of West- School, received a bache-
From left to right are Helen Eppley, great- grand- minster, brother of the
mother, of Manchester; Judy Bixler, of Hanover, Pa., mother, of Manchester; Nancy David, daughter, of lor’s degree from McDaniel
groom. Groomsmen were College, a master’s degree
daughter, holding Ava Lee, great-granddaughter, and Westminster; Trent David, great- grandson and Toby Dustin Close, of West- from Clemson University,
Meghan Lee, granddaughter, both of Charlotte, N.C. David, grandson, both of Manchester. minster, and Johnny Heat- and a doctorate from the
ley, of Clemson, S.C. University of Maryland
Ushers were Ava and School of Medicine. He is a
Carys Collin, Tommy, presidential management
Prenups for unmarried couples rise Jacob and Abby Walker,
Carter, Griffin, Clare and
Darcy Mailik, and Ella
fellow for the Occupational
Safety and Health Adminis-
tration in Washington, D.C.
and Julia Bearr, nieces and
“If we break up and handful of states recogniz-
Agreements protect property there’s no agreement, I ing gay marriage, the agree-
nephews of the bride and
don’t have a claim,” Viken ments can spell out legal The reception was held
ASSOCIATED PRESS in Rapid City, S.D., said co- said. “The litigation be- rights both in and out of at Doylestown Country
habitation agreements can tween two people who own state. But most of the attor- Club in Doylestown, Pa.
NEW YORK — Not all protect an unmarried per- neys surveyed were execut-
a house together and aren’t After a honeymoon to
couples put a ring on it, but son’s stake in jointly owned married is much more diffi- ing the agreements on Reykjavik, Iceland, the
living together without get- property like a house or a
ting married doesn’t pre- cult than two married peo- behalf of unmarried, het- newlyweds are residing in
condo and guard against ple who are getting erosexual couples. Rockville.
clude the possibility of a

seizure for payment of divorced.”

prenup- like agreement —

a l
spousal debt.
just in case love doesn’t last. About 30 percent of the
“Pa p e r
What if one partner buys

A survey of divorce attor- attorneys who responded to

a ig r u le s .”
a house and the other fur-

H a ir P
neys who belong to the the survey said a majority of
1,600- member American nishes it? How will the pur- cohabitation agreements
chase of groceries be
Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers shows 48 percent handled?
they draw up are for same-
sex couples. With only a w elcom es
D a wn
have seen a rise in couples
duking it out in court over
the past five years. Pa ul A. C a priolo P.A.
Of those, 39 percent re-
port an increase in the
number of cohabitation
Attorney/M ediator
C over
agreements that protect
property and other assets  Crim inalLaw C all for your
for partners living outside  A llFelonies and M isdem eanors
appointm ent
the bounds of legally recog-
nized marriages.
 Driving Under the Influence 4 10 -8 3 3 -2 2 4 8 “E le c tr on ic
O ver25 Years Experience  Driving W hile Intoxicated 434 M a in S tr eet
Rare in some areas of the
country as recently as 15 or F r e e In itia l Con sulta tion  Serious Traffic O ffenses R eister stow n , M D R oc k s ”

20 years ago, such contracts N ew O ffice Location!  Serious PersonalInjury A uto A ccidents
are coming into their own, 196 EastM ain Street,W estm inster CourtAppointed M ediator
w w w .capriololaw .com by the CircuitCourtfor CarrollCounty
said Ken Altshuler, the 441638

group’s president- elect in

Portland, Maine. “They’re
really on the cutting edge of
relationships today as more
people move in together.”
The elite organization of
divorce lawyers strongly          
advises cohabitation agree-   
ments for unmarried het-
erosexual couples along 6 ,%0)#!- )0+ 6 7 .".2)#1 “I W a n t
6 02  0%!2)4)25 6 31)#
with same- sex partners
whose unions are not 6 !0%%0 !,/1 6 0%1#(..+ 30).1)25 (./ Both ”
legally recognized, espe- 6 ..*)-' 6 #)%-#%  !2(
cially when children are 6 0!,! 6 %#(-.+.'5
adopted by one but not both 6 !005 .22%0    !
“To go to court to enforce
    (% 3,,%0 )$1!00.++ 1#(%$3+% (!1 ! #.,/+%2% +)12)-' D on ’t
.& /0.'0!,1 !-$ !#2)4)2)%1 !++ .-2)-3)-' $3#!2).- 
Com p r om is e -
your rights is just very ex-
pensive,” said Susan Bender,        
   0!)-)-' !2    2. (!4% )2 ,!)+%$ 2. 5.3 .0 '. 2.
#!00.++##%$313,,%0*)$1 &.0 ,.0% )-&.0,!2).-
S u bs c r ibe .
a Manhattan lawyer who
routinely handles cohabita-
tion agreements for same- !+&$!5 /0.'0!,1 03- &0.,  !,
/, .0    /,
sex couples.
“Otherwise there’s litiga-          
tion, the hiring of an attor- 
ney,” she said. “It’s
dispiriting to young couples
to come into my office to
begin their romantic rela-
Ava ila ble in prin t,
tionship with figuring out electron ic or both .
who gets the IRA, but it
makes so much sense.”
Linda Lea Viken, the (410)875-0731

group’s outgoing president  

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