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Module 3: Lesson 8

Facebook Ads for Other Objectives

There are other ways that you can use Facebook Ads to effectively bring attention to your business, and
this lesson teaches you what some of them are.

Facebook Events
Create events under your Facebook page by going to the “Events” tabs and selecting “Create an Event”.
Consider adding a benefit as part of your title and details—why should people go to your event instead of
something else?

Use Ticketleap to sell tickets to your event—it is relatively quick and easy to set up, and allows you to
download the attendee’s email information. For the event ad, create a contest with two free tickets, and
post this in your newsfeed. Make sure that your audience is required to like the post and tag who they
would bring to the event if they won, in order to enter the contest. The liking and tagging give you more
organic visibility.

Promote the post with ads. Make sure the giveaway ends three days before the event, otherwise people
will wait to buy a ticket, thinking that they might win. Target your audience based on similar events, niche
magazines, audience insight page likes, age range and finances of the people who can afford it. Keep your
audience size close to 100k people.

Run an ad that encourages people to join your event. It must sum up your event in 90 characters, and in-
clude the biggest benefit/USP, and a call to action. It may look like this:

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Module 3: Lesson 8
Facebook Ads for Other Objectives

Create a minimum of three alternative ads to test, and always include a contest wrap-up with winners and
an audience call to action—something like this:

Blog Posts
Blog posts are the most common type of content marketing, and have many benefits. However, there are
millions of blog posts, so you should promote your blog post with ads to increase traffic. Companies that
blog receive 97% more links to their website. It’s easy to create a blog post, which means that a lot of them
are not very good. Quality blog posts are critical.

Create a quality outline for your blog that includes:

1. Great title
2. Sharing buttons with numbers
3. Benefits of the post and who it’s for
4. Problem
5. Solution
6. Examples
7. Conclusion
8. Invitation for feedback
9. Related posts, comments

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Module 3: Lesson 8
Facebook Ads for Other Objectives

The contents of your blog should include:

1. Images to break up the post
2. Different sized paragraphs
3. Sentences and words a sixth-grader could understand
4. 500-2,000 words
5. Optional: Relevant video/infographic

Use to make your writing more readable.

To promote blog posts, don’t create a post and boost it, because that won’t get clicks. If you do website
traffic, you may get a lot of visitors who never convert. If you do website conversions, you may not get a lot
of traffic, so it’s better to do both website traffic and website conversion ads. Include benefits, USP, and
target audience in your ad.

App-Install Ads
With app-install ads, it is important to test different age groups—younger people tend to click and install
more. Include “Click to Install” as your call to action, use app events and download buttons, and create cus-
tom audiences from your email lists.

The performance of your app-install ads is different on each mobile device, so create a different ad for each
type of device, target at least 500k to 1 million people, and check out all of the behavior options under the
“Mobile Device User” category (especially new iPhone users). If your app is larger than 50MB, it will require
wifi to download, instead of just a cell signal, so target wifi people only.

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