2012-156 Doc 4 Part 1

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SreREERELCAN DedoZso(oe5 * ' OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE ; CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 1 s+» vow talking in Pexcoar_co [RADEB THO FROM DRAFT WORAD/PA RELEASE iy ext 03) a2/08"11 12:20:09 SEADS: You slzeady have ZxC-1508.at Pax at ey eae spa asotcejutwsiif afureat cacioeiataeviovsercTasaty octms vou have OFCON of the C130 aasigned fo dKX, You can Eieanit Srfane| et ten fel veut cocta euros eet aval once Yous ather 2 Peiids aze at agiia are cleaved ce nave te EAN Der, GOMR ete a ares cage af noe fans curacy ee een ion nt eys Be ee are fer eeel sete nf ecee seg cpa epee me Sane ade Tsar sfccmetros] iocTiac ameesensl otfecrance facets ee Sree son tasfouiefecinei infer otal. csosfacie:jivalcelnuercolees ier Dic tepeeecheayrcrcutarpueeasca: aranrqiev ayant) sane negcctved Sorat awe oes esoaa if re lesence cents nad uae eta [erosye stax eure feos the RIO change, endered: yeurerey. ace’ SABG peste, it.//ecn/7 gers ure ein oaetteas (orm anto ieee seed ice ante Change ve ordered yesterday. States of change please. //ecu// SrOsrt ps aris? Gl caceroasy meteors tania hove so’ received any PRsit A cpaates Sepeneegea tare saeevermctces temieacQes cee eee eet feces Cree art on aubjeen fad ities] ta taaee| ant soereacas toner feereas (nme coef Merete aeons yas scoeon = [oceaes amen) Ruy tee eee sic ee ee eee ov gache: positional updates via TADIL‘A fron SEADS and DS. /scx. 12:40:42 12:28:56 CONR DCO: NBMC NINO not yes; anticipate approx 1 hour. I'll have him call you as soon as he gets Copy from NAMC chat .//scu/ 2:42:23 WADS/SEADS/NEADS: CONR SADO is having world trouble posting ATO changes and keeping up to speed on ATO Standby as I determine which C/Ss are where. Do you have any info from your eectors?//scu// 01/09/11 12432 PAA NOTIPICATION OF UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 175 POSSIBLE HIJACK FROM BOSTON - SOURCE RADES) [01/09/23 22442 OTIS F-15S SCRAMBLED - SOURCE RADES} 01/09/11 12:46:25 Real world - NEADS has a possible hijack out of JFK, an American 767. Otis currently on battle stations. Real World - BOMAR 0:/09/2: 12:46:00 No info from WADS, we are just awaiting c'S's Suggestion, ATO for the 12th is our, lets just use these calisigns and modes 01/09/12 12462 AA 11 AIRLINE IMPACT TIME WIC - SOURCE RADES) 01/09/11 12:49:13 Copy - How long to intercept if directed and do you have Fit Plan info Derf (01/09/21 12:51:28 CONR SADO is working callsigns and modes for llth. Standby I'm exercising them to see what they get. Working real world atuff..//ecu// (01/09/31 12522 OTIS AIRBORNE - SOURCE RADES] 02/09/22 12:52:47 *** Disconnected from 01/03/11 12:52:47 *** Disconnected from (01/09/21 12572 BOSTON REPORTS AA11 CRASHED INTO WIC - SOURCE RADES] [02/09/21 13022 UA 175 AIRLINE IMPACT WIC - SOURCE RADES) [Dedlassified Under Authority of the] 061003. 3.18» of 56 Interagency Security Classification 4 StratPans Zul Stra\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe |Appeals Panel, E.O. 13526, sec. [iSCAP Appeal No. [Declassification Date: [5.3(b)(3) [2012-156, doc. 4 wero000983 | Jan. 21, 2021 SECRETRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 [02/09/11 1316z FAA NOTIFICATION OF AMERICAN FLIGHT 77 POSSIBLE HIJACK FROM DULLES - SOURCE RADES] [02/09/12 1316Z FAA NOTIFICATION OF UNITED FLIGHT 93 POSSIBLE HIJACK FROM NEWARK - SOURCE RADES] 01/09/11 13:19:40 *** Now talking in texco: eexconr_be_do> 01/09/11 13:19:41 *** Now talking in #exconr_be. 01/09/11 13:20:11 NEADS/SEADS/WADS: Terminating exerc: play now. Working real world only now!//scu// 01/09/11 13:20:37 ALL:CONR exiting exersice chat... .Bp skexconr_be_do> 01/09/11 13:21:16 *** Join: CONR_C20 (c200204.20.68.66) <#exconr_be_do> 01/09/11 13:21:49 NEADS real world atatua - F-15s atill airborne, LFI on battle stations, Otis is generating additional jets, prob unarmed or het gun, a KCL35 ie in W105, KCiO in W107, LOGRW hae 2 helos ready in Suffolk. Cy, FAA is concerned for another one? - BOMAR <#oxconr_be_do> 04/09/12 13:22:22 Real world - NY unite going real world FP condition Bravo. BOMAR <#ex_norad in>01/09/11 13:22:14 We are terminating exercise play due to real world situation--not eure if thie ie temporary termination or final. 19 [01/09/11 23242 FARGO DET F-16S AT LANGLEY SCRAMBLED - SOURCE RADES} <#ox_nbme> 01/09/11 13:25:38 to all: exercise is now on hold, will advise later if and when the exercise will resume. by order of 53. ex dir sends. xp 01/09/21 13:21:16 T+7 Join: CONR_C20 (e204208.20.68.66) oie 23:22:04 ** Parc: CONR_C20 (c208204.20.68.66) dL /09/:1 13:23:17 <++ Quit: WADSFO? (Leaving! (01/09/11 1327Z BOSTON REPORTS 5 AIRCRAFT MISSING - DELTA 897 - SOURCE RADES] 02/09/11 13:29:59 *** Join: SEADS_LG (SEADS_LG@ 02/09/33 13:30:56 **r Join: CONR_SADO {sado@ (01/09/11 13352 FARGO DET F-16S AIRBORNE - SOURCE RADES] 02/09/22 13:25:27 “°° Part: WADS_FOL (f08204.36.174.93) 01/09/13 13:35:34 NEADS FO: REAL WORLD are you talking to the KC-135 and/or KC-10e from McGuire..386A and W107A are the locations we're telling NORAD to put KC-10e.//acu// [02/08/11 13372 AA 77 AIRLINE IMPACT PENTAGON - SOURCE RADES) 1/09/11 13:38:01 NEADS FO: are you on this channel now? dj 01/09/21 13:40:00 NEADS: Possible 4th a/c over long island per CONR A2. ACK. //ecu// 01/09/23 13:44:20 *** Disconnected from 20¢.36.174.52 fexconz_co Log Closed: Tue Sep 11 13:50:13 2001 ‘TRANSITION TO REAL WORLD CHAT CHANNELS (#conr_co, #conr, #norad_intel, Faw Log Opened; Tue Sep 11 13:50:47 2001 02/03/12 13:50:47 t** Now talking in #eonr_co Log Closed: Tue Sep 11 13:57:23 2001 onvosr 53:11 777 Now talking in teonr_co 01/09/11 14:00:48 *** Part: CONR_CCO {cco#20é 20.68.69 01/09/11 14:02:30 *** goin. FO (nsf0@ 93/097 02:38 SEADS on (01/09/11 14032 UA 93 AIRLINE IMPACT PENNSYLVANIA - SOURCE RADES) 01/09/12 1 al 05:25 Copy SEADS...request status of fighters on 06 1003 3:18 PM 2of 56 4: StratPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NeT0000982 “SEERET/RELCAN ‘OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 confirm C/S please. //scu// 54 *t* Join: WADS_FOl (f0@ 156 *** Join: WADSFO2 (FO20204.36.174.89) 36 WADS FO: Copy request for Travis Riverside Fairchild. Passed to NORAD, Sgt Persley at NORAD. //scu// 01/09/12 14:11:31 CONR-DCO: What ROE are we working under? 02/09/12 14:33:08 *** Join: SEADS_pO (SEADS_p0@ 02/09/13 14:14:12 ATO CHANGE REQUEST REAL WORLD: PDX SQUESTING TO LOAD THEIR SLAMMERS (2) PER ASA JET IN NEXT ATO. rh 04/09/11 14:14:46 WADS/SEADS: Report status..-bring up with live missiles. Cleared to load slamers on all ASA jets.//scu// 02/09/12 24:15:34 *¥* Join: CONR_AS (a6@ 01/09/21 14:15:35 14:13:38 Per NORAD TACC, they have ed every tanker base to bring up one tanker on RPI plus they requested a 2nd AWACS on RPI.//scu// 02°09 1: 14:16:14 *** Join: CONR_SADO (sado@ 01/09/11 14:16:39 Peacetime ROE still//acu// 10 *** Join: CONR_CCO (cco@ 17 14:14:06 AWC: Delta 69 trk 29 faded over Cleveland//rf//scu// 01/09/11 14:19:04 Tyndall DET has two- 2ships on alert 15M. cain sign TINY25/26 ‘Tiny27/28. 43 02/09/11 14:21:20 FOR CONR DCO/CCO pls call seads FO on ercon #33 02/09/22 14:23:58 *** Join: CONR_DCIO (CONR_DCTO# 01/09/11 14:29:59 great falls will be on immediate status @ 15152 with 2 P-16s with 2xelanmert 2eaimd and gun. 01/09/11 14:31:02 Vice President has cleared to us to tracks of interest and shoot them down if they do not respond per coxr cc. //aeu// 01/09/1i 14:31:30 *** Join: WADS_CEO (ceo@ 01/09/21 14:32:33 *** Join: CONR_C20 (¢206204.20.68.65) 02/09/12 14:35:19 -** Part: WADS_CEO (ceo@ 01/09/11 14:42:49 Clearance to shoot from Vice President is Lives on the ground if A/C do not respond. //scu// 04/09/22 16:47:00 14:45:49 2 more Syr FL6 generating........0eeeee es rf//scu// 01/09/31 14:49:09 14:47:13 CONR: REQUEST ALL. AVAILABLE FIGHTER WINGS IN REGION LOAD UP AND ASSUME ALERT RESPONSE POSTURE MEDIATE. NUMBERS OF FIGHTERS AT EACH WING ON ALERT AT DISCRETION OF CONR. NoTzrY BMC FO VIA CHAT OR DSN 268-2702 WHEN PIGHTERS ON ALERT...ML//mcu// 0511003 3.18 PM 3o0f 56 JStratPlans\Zuel Strat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.dac weT0000983 SECRET 'RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE 4 CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 02/09/22 14:53:04 14:52:05 ALL REGIONS: all sched MP cnx until furcher no: 01/09/42 2 center, hit, 002-World Trade Center, hit, 003-Pentagon, hit, 004- Cle possible Pittaburgh hit, 005-Washington unk, 006 Camp David, hit, 007 otis, New York, must deconflict with 008, 008-unknown in Atlantic, 009 - Kentucky, ce as directed by NORAD Air DIRECTOR....js) scu 1 14:54:09 001-World Trade and, nit. ex//scus/ 01/09/21 14:55:16 Sectors: Morking SITREP for CONR CC. Please confirm atatus of airborne A/C.//scu// 02/0933 14:87:04 t+* Join: SEADS_FO2 Insfo26204.20.69.246) (01/09/32 15:04:33 15:03:52 to all regions and Please do not call the tanker units directly. It is confusing the macc. We should be have a ligt of tankers on alert in the near future. Will fax out. //elp//scus/ 02:09. 1:'15:06:59 =*+ Quit: CONR_SADO (Error 0) 01/09/11 15:07:04 15:06:49 NEADS/WADS: Contact Shaw and Hill to establish com, get generation status, and a/e config. Both have been ordered to come up.//acu// 02/09/12 15:07:19 *** Join: CONR_SADO (sado@ (01/09/22 15:07:33 DEFCON 3 ordered, confirm with EA message//scu// (01/09/21 15:08:48 SHAW will have jets on status by 1630Z 01/09/22 15:24:35 WADS SUGGESTS USING THE WORD OF THE WEEK AS ENGAGEMENT AUTHORITY - CURRENT WORD IS "JAZZ" 02/09/11 15:15:18 *** Join: NEADS-PO (F09204.36.173.74) 03/09/11 25:15:80 NEADS FO up on channel...bré 01/09/21 15:15:58 WADS/NEADS/SEADS: AOCD concurs with using gazz current word as engagement authority..the word of the week.//scu// 03/09/12 15:16:42 NEADS: Stacus update please per base, a/c ‘config, and c/s to ceo. E-mail okay too.//scu// 01/09/12 1:17:01 NEADS: Tanker status as well and cap locations. //scu// 02/09/21 15:19:25 MEAD: attorney general from CHS to Richmond. //scu// 02/09/11 15:20:18 *** Join: NBMC_F:D0 (NBMC_FIDOG}57.219-128.163) 01/09/11 15:20:31 MAine 86/87 launching now, Bangor. NCA fighter/E-3 support o1s0g/12 15 6 tankers, req 2 per sector TACON.//scu// Langley scramble to support 0:38 NBMC FIDO: Need status of tanker request 06.1003 3:18PM 4of 56 J, SuaiPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NcTooo0984 ‘SECREFIRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 01/09/42 15:21:24 Sgt Persley at 268-3728 at TACC was working this for us. Unable telecon.//acu// 04/09/22 15:21:28 CONR FIDO: REQUEST FIGHTERS ON ALERT IN REGION AT. ‘THIS TIME FOR SECDEF INFO, THANKS...ML 01/09/21 15:21:29 To support Attorney General will have to pull ‘asssets of NCA. Presently investigating Richmond option 01/09/11 15:21:53 NEADS FO: CONR CC wanted to use Langle: jets if able. //acu// 01/09/21 15:22:45 CONR DCO COPY: Standby 01/09/12 18:23:26 CONR CCO will put together info is e-mail address?//scu// 04 CONR CO: Need info on Att Gen a/e. Tail t, afc, Reading?alt 1:28:20 CONR CC. We just got track number BL *** Quit: CONR_OCTO () as tt CONR_DCTO (CONR_DCTO@ go oe CONR_DCTO (EOF From client) a3 te CONR_DCTO (CONR_DCTOE204.20.68.96) S1B es CONR_DCIO (Error 0) dete WADS_FOL (Error 0) oe CONR_CCO (No such file or directory) CONR_DCTO (CONR_DC108204.20.68.95) CONR_CCO (cc08204.20.68.69) NEADS_FO: REQ DSN NUMBER. ..ME 01/09/12 1 NEADS/SEADS/WADS: Need tanker requirements and CAP locations ASAP. Wave tankers coming up on status all over at 1 ER RPL. have locations. //scu// 31 *** Qui: CONR_CCO (Error 0} 146 *** Join: CONR_CCO (cco@ 06 NBMC FIDO: Can you get info on Att 2:04 *** Quiz: CONR_CCO (No such file or directory) 05 *** Qui: SEADS_D0 (No such file or directory) 05 *** Quit 02 (Error 0) 05 vee Quis SFO (Error 0 25:42:42 *7> Join: SEADS_0O (SEADS_D0@ 15:42:59 *** Join: SEADS_FO (nsf00204.20.69.245) 09°22 15:43:03 *** Join: SEADS_FO2 (nsfo2@ 01/09/42 15:45:56 SEADS FO: Tankers coming up at Robins, MacDill, ‘and Seymour Johnson//scu// 01/09/12 15:45:58 CONR DCO: FBI intel state: UNRNONN Aircraft in the southern California area heading eastbound. Suspect CHEYEYNE MOUNTAIN. We are working fighters but need IMMEDIATE! ! launch @irection of one (1) KC-135 from the 151 ARW at Hill AFB. DSN 924- 9277/9276 ‘HERE Is aN 96/10/03 3:18 PM Sof 56 J StraPlans Zuel StratiConsolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NeT0000985 “SEERER/RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 ics 04/09/13 15:46:00 *** Join: CONR_CCO (cco@ 01/09/11 15:46:43 DCO copies. WADS scranble// 04/09/11 15:56:58 Sectors: Need your tanker plan requirements...epecifically what you need now airborne and where.//ecu 01/09/12 1 tanker ASAP. Gave them your number. //acu// 01/09/31 25:58:09 WADS: tanker, I'11 ‘pase. Any specific freq other than ATO?//scu// 01/09/21 15:58:37 SCATANA has been ordered//acu// 01/09/21 16:00:10 Sector are we using 506 authesticators?//scu// 91/09/11 16:00:53 SEADS: Confirm AF 1 is down now.//scu// 7:20 WADS: NORAD calling Hill to launch a Tf you can give me location for oi/09/ 01:47 CONR_CCO (No such file or directory) 02/09/12 16:01:47 SEADS_FO2 (Error 0) 02/09/13 16:01:47 SEADS_DO (No such file or directory) 903" ConR_&CO (cco@ 92/097 SEADS_DO_(SEADS_D0@ 01/09/23 16:02:19 *** 3 SEADS_FO2 (nsfo26204.20.69.246) 01/09/22 16 SEADS FO, WADS FO, NEADS FO: Need ASAP fighter status. Slow leak OK! Send what you have when you have it. cw 0209. ‘Quit: CONR_SADO (No such file or directory) 02/097, se Quit: NEMC_FIDO (No su @ or directory! 02/09) Join: NEMC_FIDO (NaMC_FzD0@ 91/097, + Join: CONR_SADO (sado8204.20.68-79) 01/09/31 16:06:00 SEADS/WADS/NEADS: Your POs busy. Update on what you have airborne in your sectors now. //ucu// 01/09/21 CONK SADO: Do you have that information for COMR cc?//acu// 01/09/21 16:07:17 SEADS - EFD 4xFi6C on 15M/2xF16 RTB to Barkedale to refuel HST 2xF15 Airborne on Active Air, 2xF15 on RPI. PAM 4xr16ADF on RP, 95th FS generating 6x¥iSs, lst FS generating 6xFi5e Jax 2ur15 RPI, suW 79th SQN generating 6xF16C 1st 2 will be on status @ 16302, NBG FAS being Generated, MGM FI6Cs will have 2 on Alert Hot Gun Only, 4 Fie going to Eglin to get armament then back to MGM. 02/09/11 16:09:34 NEADS: What do you have over New York Fight now? //ecu// 01/08/31. be... .18 that correct?//acu// 01/09/11 16:12:46 NEADS has 2 over NYC........ 0:25 2 Otis F-1Se over NY, 4xP-16e over Wash 01/03/11 3 4 F-16a over NCA o1yos/21 6 CONR DCO: WADS has further need for the possible 06/1003 3:18PM, 6of 36 ‘J:StratPlans\Zuel Strat\Consolidsted Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe neroo00986 SECRIE/RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE 7 CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 1! SEP 01 unknown heading towards Cheyene Mountain. We feel that OFFut is also a possible target. We want scramble authority for (2) two KC-235's out of MeConnel AFB. I have given them a curtousy call and they ready.....ice 01/08/11 16:15:29 WADS: Are fighters airborne?//scu// 01/09/11 16:48:14 WADS: How many total tankers for this threat and Presidential eacort.//acu// 01/09/11 16:18:49 WADS: How mich gas do you need from MeConnel2 tankers?//acu// 01/09/11 16:21:24 NEADS Fi out of Anicosta going to the Pentagon. cw 01/09/11 16:21:41 WADS: Scrambling 2 tankers from McConnell. and ia they he is a helicopter coming Hill, contacting you?//scu// 02/09/11 16:22:44 WADS: Do you need 2 tankers from both ill and McConnell airborne?//scu 01/09/11 16:23:18 NEADS FO: need you to acknowledge message. (01/09/12 16:23:37 Same unknown for both Cheyenne Mountain? Wane fighters are intercepting? How much gas do you nsed?//scu// 01/09/11 16:24:14 NEADS FO: been unable to contact you by phone for fan hour. What # are you at? 02/09/22 16:25:04 *** Quit: WADSFO2 (Ping timeout) 0209/22 16:25:24 *** Join: BSXO (BSXO@2S7.219.129.32) 0: 09/13 16:25:56 NJ3 requests DRSN # for CONR Tanker officer.tb 01/09/11 16:27:05 Fury 01 (2 F-16) airborne out of Richmond heading 02/09/22 16:27:50 Neada FO: acknowledge previos chat. cw Same unknown for both Cheyenne Mountain? what fighters are intercepting? How much gas do you need?//scu// NEADS FO: been unable to contact you by phone for an hour are you at? + Quit: WADSFO2 (Ping timeout) + Join: B5XO (BSXO2157.219.129.32) NJ3 requests DRSN # for CONR Tanker officer.tb Fury 02 (2 F-16) airborne out of Richmond heading Kw Neads FO: acknowledge prevics chat. cw (01/09/11 16:29:30 BSXO: CONR DCO ie working tanker issues with NORAD ‘at 779-3378. CONR DCO/CCO is DSN 523-4098. Working plan for President now. //acu// 01/09/21 16:32:48 conraco: thanks. tb 01/09/12 16:38:00 *** Join: WADSFO2 1F02@ 0: 09/12 16:38:58 CONR-CCO: WADS requests that the one KC~ Mz. Home deployed to TCM be eft in place. 06/1003 3:18 PM Tof 56 J°SwatPlans Zuel Strat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep. doc NcT0000987 SRGRERRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 1 SEP 01, 01/09/22 16:41:42 EFD Cowry 67/48 scrambled for CAP at Barkadale - 16382 01/08/21 16:42:50 SEADS: I have a tanker at MacDill ready for the presidential men in addition to one being scrambled for WADS 01/08/12 16:43:15 WADS: Utah 25 airborne for Colorado fighters...should be able to contact both on 252.0.//seu// 01/03/12 16:44111 CONR DCO: Do we hava a bedown plan for Sentry 40/Bandsdw K (AW7OINCA) and Sentry 30/ Chalice F (AOR 100 south chicago), Sentry 30 will AAR in approx 35 minutes, AW701, Would LFZ work for the one and MTC the other?? cece eM 09/12 16:44:33 *** Join: CONRAOCDD (aocdd@204..20.68.76) 09/21 26:45:36 NEADS: CONR C20 will worki//se 09/21 16:45:42 (Error 0) 09°22 16:45:49 -_DCIO (CONR_DCTO@204.. 20.68.96: 09:22 16:47:14 NEADS copy thax CONR DCO. PM, 01/09/11 16:50:05 WADS FO are you prosecuting unknown ove Southern California? cw 0209/21 16:50:17 **¥ Quic: CONR_DCTO (No such file or directory) 3 16:50:28 *** Join: CONR_DCTO (CONR_DCIO@ 36 WADS that is Track O11. cw 01/09/21 16:50:54 SEADS: Launching a tanker out of MacDill for Barkadale to handle EFD fighters and E-3 from Tinker. //scu// 01/09/12 16:53:29 WADS FO are you prosecuting unknown ove Southern California? 01/09/12 16:55:15 SEADS: Do you need two tankers at Barkadale to handle fighters and £-3?//scu// 2108 55:54 77" Join: CONA_CSCA (CONR_CSCAT@ 01/09/11 16:56:06 CONR CO: Working fighter status with SD. Presently have numerous LFI a/e over NCA..@ LPT trb to turn..More info in 10 min... 02/09/11 16:56:52 *** Part: CONR_CSCA (CONR_CSCAT@ 0/09/22 17:02:41 WADS: Statue Of unknown please. Are you working with fighters over Colorado and tankers from Hill?//scu// 03/09/22 17:03:58 16:57:06 ALL SECTORS - ENSURE ALL AIRCRAFT THAT ARE AIRBORNE IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ARE. FORWARD TOLD ON GRANITE SENTRY TO NORAD...ACK PLS - RM//acu// 03/09/12 17:06:58 Neade fighter atatue...N¥C has ¢ F-15/1 tanker ©/ 20K fm Otie...Chicago 4 F-16 capped Sting 21 flt and Shack 11 fit...Cleveland to Pitteburg 6 F-i6 fm Syracuse w/ 20K available Washington Baltimore area had 7 F-16 w/ 70K available. Tankers available ia W 105 & 107 with over 240K availabl aca relies ++Presently rolling for on- 061003 3:18PM B of 56 4 SuzatPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc neT0000988 “SEGREFIRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE ° CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG I! SEP 01 with several rtb for the turn...jg 01/09/22 17:07:27 SEADS FO: Tanker out of MacDill c/s Pueler 18...you should be working with then ASAP if you aren't now. Tanker out of Robins enroute for Barkedale in 25 minutes, est 1730Z.//scu// 01/09/11 27:09:15 NEADS thankyou. WADS and SEADS: Status update when able//acu// o:v03 09:27 CONR CO: Neads also has 2 F-16 capped 01/09/12 37:09:50 WEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOF High priority SUs{oP 200 Special, Callsign N214IA from EVE - Pope. Respond Sivosyit 17:21:27 MEADS, SEADS, WADS ¥O: NOT High Pretiiehts, P-3 from Budapest, stop in shannon ireland final destination Norfolk VA, Callsign NVSOS11, Pls acknowledge: 01/08/21 17:12:21 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FC priority flights. FEMA, callsign G60089, out of Decatur AL going to Gallington, Montana, Pls acknowledge 01/08/11 17:14:29 NEADS, SEADS, WADS YO: HOT High HOT High priority flights. Special ops flight BWI to Pope, callsign N2idIA | please acknowledge 01/09/21 17:15:46 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. Aest Dir FBI, from Hiltonhead to Mannassaes, VA, callsign su72cv, please acknowledge 02/09/12 17:16:16 NEADS FO Copy wse 0: 09 2: 27:16:20 SEADS ACKNOWLEDGE CR 01/09/13 17:16:28 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. SPAR 64, special ops flight, from Columbia to MacDill. pu acknowledge, co 02/09/11 17:17:22 NEADS, SEADS, WADS YO: HOT High priority flights. FBI flight Denver to Mannassass VA, callsign Ni66L 02/09/32 17:17:53 WADS Colorads from Buckley ANGE and from Taco Guard of New Mexico. are you working We have fighters airborne over with, them? //acu// 0/09/33 2° 4 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority fiignte. JO oryos/in 1 fe NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. PAT 0173 Norman OK to Pittaburgh, 06510703 3:18 PM 9 of 56 J: StatPlans Zuel StratConsolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sepdoe Ncro000989 SEEREF RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG I SEP 01 10 01/09/11 17:19:02 Do you have flight times, route of flights, ete a0 ‘chat we can arrange escorts??.brd pio9/11 17:20:02 NEADS: Believe they don't need corta..-need ‘Approval for flight plan since SCATANA in place.//scu// 01/09/21 17:20:41 NEADS/WADS/SEADS: CCO asking for your Acknowledgement on these flights so you don't scramble against then ox shoot ‘them down! !//scu// 1/09/12 17:20:87 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. PATS @19 from Fe Sill to Langley. cw 01/09/11 17:22:16 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flight: music 87, C-130 Nashville to Houston, pls acknowledge. co 01/09/11 17:22:32 CONR--NMCC gives flight plan approval. cal (703)904-4423 or 4424 for flight plan approvals for ali flight plans except air ascranbles...brd Bi ve+ Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ 02-0912 3 +++ Join: SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD0204.20.59.9) 01/09/23 § NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights.Sec Navy is lading at Andrews ASAP, may already have landed. cw o3/og/ia 17:2 inatead of the "Cajun" we had briefed earlier. a3 e208 12 +++ Quit: SEADS_MCC (toca! kill by root (no exer chans p. 0: 09 1. 1S9FW at NBG is to use "JAZZ" callsign 25:36 ** Quit: WADSFO2 (Ping timeout) 0: 09/43 27:26:58 ~ (01/09/21 17:28:11 SEADS Fi confusion with word of day being used for engagement authority. o/oge12 27:28:57 SEADS_FO (Error 0 03/08 28:58 *7* Join: WADSFO2 (FO2@ 01/09/ 29:04 *¥* Join: SEADS_FO Ins!0@ 01/09/12 17:30:00 CONR any update on whether Eglin will release Copy Jazz C/S, may have ‘Ordnance to Montgomery -- we're cycling Fiée from Montgomery down get uploaded. <7S> 01/08/12 37:30:20 *** Disconnected from cmasapi.relcan 09/22 17:22:31 ttt Now tal Disconnected from cmasapi.relcan goin > (F020204.36.174.89) wre Join: S$} [SEADS_MCC2@ Who Is Montgomery? SSEADS_F02> Montgomery Guard Fi6s os1003 18 PM. oof 56 4 StratPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NcT0000990 “SECRET/RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 " oi/ogea2 17:34:53 *** Quit chans plz}! 91/09/13 27:34:58 "tr Join: SEADS_NCC (Local ki. by root (no exer SEADS_NCC (SFADS_MCC2@ (01/09/12 17:35:11 NEADS ¥O: 17:09:16 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. ATP 200 Special, Callsign N214LA from BMI = Pope. Respond acknowledge. 01/09/32 17:35:11 *** Quit: CONR_CCO (Excess Flood) 2/09/22 17:35:12 *r* Join: CONR_CCO (cco# 01/09/12 27:35:29 SEADS: Maj Paxton working Montgomery issue.,.trying to locate him.//scu// 01/09/12 17:36:13 1722: FO: HOT High priority flighte, Manhattan, NY ‘squawking mode 3 560i 03/09" 36:23 "7 Quit vex: Saved [3 NEADS, SEADS, WADS Gov of BY from Westchester, NY to WADSFO2 (Ping timeout) Tue Sep 11 17:37:21 2002 fconz_co to D:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. log Fiza ess Saved text te #conz_co to D:\Char co.log 38:40 NEADS: BTV trying to contact you.//seu// 39:26 Neads just got off the line w/ BIV...3¢ 42:12 +** Quic; SERDS_MCC [Local kill by root (no exer chars Pp: 0. 09.2. 17:42:20 **Y Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2# 01/09/22 17:45:23 SEADS/WADS/NEADS: When you get = chance. ..update on your sectors. //scu// o:/08 12 17:48:19 SEADS has been sending updated status every nour ia email to your DCO account. 09 22 27:47:50 7** Join: CONR_AG (a4@ 09, 1:48:51 *¢* Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (no exer 48:57 77 Join: SEADS_NCC (SEADS_MCC2@ 49:07 50:09 v7" Quic 30:09 ver Quit Quit quit Quit Join Join Join uit Quic goin Quit 06:10°03 SEADS thanks. ..1° Quit: Quit: Join: Join: Join: i have CCO look at e- SEADS_MCC (No such file or directory) SEADS_FO (Error 01 SEADS_FO2 (Error 0) CONR_DCIO [Error 0) ‘SEADS_DO |Error 0) CONR_A¢ (Errer 0} SBADS_SD (No such file or directory) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ CONR_DCLO {CONR_DCTO@ CONR_AG (a4@ SEADS_FO (nsfo@204-20.69.245) SEADS.MCC (Local kill by root (no exer!) SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD0204.20.69.9) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ SEADSMCC [Local kill by root (no SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ SEADS_MCC (Error 0) 3:18 PM. tof $6 J: StratPlans Zuel Strat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NCTO000991 “SECRET/RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 0i 2 o109/ 3:30 *** Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC26204.20.69.7) pr/og/ii 17:53:48 tr? Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (no exer chans)) Grioa/:1 17:53:54 *** Join: SEADS_NCC (SEADS_MCC26204.20.69.7) 01/09/12 17:54:28 *** Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (b)) pyog/ii 17.54:35 *** Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ pi/o9/1i 17:54:35 *** Join: noradjé (noradj6@ 01/09/11 17:54:37 NEADS/WADS: If you e-mail your status, please Provide it to CONR CCO as well so he can update our boards. //acu oi/oo n: 17:54:39 *** Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (b)) 01/0911 17:54:85 *°* Join: SEADS_NCC (SEADS_MCC2@ Ccon_pco> 17:54:56 NEADS is rotating fighters into = plan chat ‘places 2 armed fighters continuously over every major metropolitan che Nz, and 4 over Wash DC. - BOMAR//acu relay// oasogy3 1 2 cnoradjé> SIR, CONR HAS OVER 7 CHAT CHANNELS OPEN. IT 1s BETTER TO HAVE MORE PEOPLE PER CHANNEL AND LESS CHANNEL, PSE KELP HEL US MINIMIZE PROBLEMS. 03-09 01/08/11 comm! 1/7 m 01/09/22 02/09/11 UNDER THE ‘Sa 01/09/22 down £6 folks 01/09/12 PEOPLE 56:04 *** Part; noradjé (noradj6@ 56:22 v2? Join: noradjé (noradj6@ 6:24 We need ficonr and #conr_co for L eas! 37:56:43 Algo #norad_intel and fawe//scu// 37:57:02 WHAT ABOUT GROUPING SOME OF YOUR STAFF (CHANNEL? 37:57:44 Want to keep # folks on combat ops channel working current ops.//scu// 17:58:49 3 OF YOUR CHANNELS ARE SHOWING LESS THAN 3 ‘PER CHANNEL? 2109/12 01/09/44 dasue.//s 17:5: low fast onsog/at 93/09/12 02/09" 01/09/11 POSITION, FIGHT ouyo9/12 04/09/31 01/09/22 need to talk phone. 01/09/21 fighters 17:58:59 *** Join: SEADS_DO (SEADS_D0@ 17:59:07 I'm contacting CONR A6 to resolve cus! \9 WADS: do you have any updates on the yar the presidente ranch...... <-F€//ecu// 37:59:25 cnoradjé> THANKS. APPARCIATE YOUR HELP 17:59:37 NORADI6 OUT ho:40 rs Part: norads6 (noradj6@ 18:00:07 CONR_SADO: WE REQUIRE FIGHTER CAP ‘eR TYPE AND NUMBERS. CALL FIDO DSN 268-2702 WITH INFO...Mi 18:00:29 *** Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (bn) 18:00:35 *** Join; SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ 18:00:45 Anawer is to probably have those who don‘t a NORAD to come up on WADS server. CONR A6 currently on 18:00:54 17:54:56 NEADS is rotating a plan that places 2 armed fighters continuously over every major 061003 318M, 12of 56 J. StratPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep. doe NeT9000992 “SEERETRELCAN ‘OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 * metropolitan area in the NE, and 4 over Wash DC. - BOMAR//scu relsy// 01/09/11 18:01:23 1 wpdac ‘on the low fast mover near the presidents ssFE//0u// SEADS_DO (Dead socket) SEADS_MCC (No such file or directory) CONR_BCIO (Error 0} SEADS_DO (SEADS_DOG204.20.69.242) SEADS_MCC. (SEADS_MCC2@204,20.69.7) CONR_BCIO (CONR_DCIO@ CONRCSP (CONR_CSP@204,20.68.101) 9:09 WADS: do you have any quit Quit: Quit: Join. Join Join Join on/og/33 03/09/31 01/09/21 SECTOR Os: Please work en answer up for NBMC_PIDO Fequest (1800z) on fighter CAP positions, fighter types, and numbers and ehis channel for our info as well.//scu// 07:25 "** Quit: NEADS-FO (Error 0) 07:26 *** Quit: CONR_C20 {Error 0) 07:26 *** Quit: CONR_DCIO (Error 0) Join Join oui guic Quis Quic 206 77 Join: 11:19 *** Quit: :10:45 *77 Join 10:48 +7? Join 10:51 *** Join: 11:27 ¢** Join: 03/09/23 18:11:57 ¢t7 Join: 01/0avi 12:13 *77 Join 03/00/22 18:13:37 *** Quit 09/22 18:13:44 *** Join: 09/ 14:30 ver Join: 037 a4i3a te Quit chans piz)) 02/09/13 18:24:39 *** Join 02/09/31 18:14:52 axr15 from WEG scrambled in tailchas 18:15:08 *** Quit chang) 03/09/22 28:15:26 **7 Join: 01/09/12 18:15:21 +77 Quit 01/09/22 18:15:30 *7* Jodi or 09 1:15:40 "7? Quit 01709. 15:46 *** Join 02 /09/3: 18:15:52 *** Join: 02/092: 18:18:50 vty Join. 01/09/22 28:18:50 *** Quit 061003 Quit: guic: Quit: CONR_DCIO (CONR_DCTO@ CONR_C20 (c20@ CONR_C20 (No such file or directory) SEADS_FO (Error 0) SEADSMCC (Error 0) SEADS_SD (Error 0} SEADS_D0 (No such file or directory) CowR_cCO (Error 0) CoNR_CSP (Error 01 CONR_C20 (208204. 20.68.66) CONR_C20 (EOF From client) SEADS_FO (nsf00204.20.63.245) SEADS_SD (SEADS~SD@ SEADS_DO {SEADS_D0@204. 20.69.2421 CONR_ECO {cco#204. 20.68.69) CONR_C20_[€200204. 20.68.66) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ SEADS_MCC (Error 01 SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ CONR_CSP (CONR_C5P@ SEADS_MCC {Local kill by root (no exer SEADS_MCC_(SEADS_MCC2@ SEADS - 3xF16C from EFD escorting AFI, to also escort AF. 'SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (no exer SEADS_NCC (SEADS_MCC2@ SEADSMCC (Local kill by root (no exer)) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC20204.20.69.7) SEADS.MCC (Local kill by root (no exer)) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ WADS NCCT (mect@ NEADS-FO. (FO@204-36.173.74) NEADS-FO (Error 0} 3:18PM 13 of 56 JeStratPlans Zuel Strat.Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NCT0000993 SECRET: RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 “ 01/09/11 18:20:08 *** Join: NEADS-FO (FO@ 01/09/12 18:24:10 ‘r+ Quic: SERDS MCC (Local kill by root (b)) 03/09/22 18:24:18 **° Join: SEADS_MCC McC2620¢.20.69.7) 1/09/11 18:24:32 Quiz: SEADS_MCC kill by root Ino exer chans plz)) 91/0901 /09/12 18:34:55 ‘** Disconnected from — RELCAN SERVER 11 SEP NO TIME sre. _ SNEADS-FO> CONR CTO are you going to generate a replacement AWACS for sentry 40 Th AW701 our NCA, we have just heard their duty day has been extended, or do wish NEADS to coordinate with TINKER?? — ACWO//PM CONN €20> NEADS -- TINKER will only talk to NORAD -- so we will pa eo HORAD land get back to you DAS FOS: Do you have any direraft on cockpi manay ENEADS-FO> copy on Tinker Info wsc COR DCO...TACC phone number is DSN 779-3391, 3392, and 4036. They will handle all tanker requeste...brd Sectors ‘red to come off cockpit altert per CONR CC and Tf 80 how NORAD. 18:44:41 18:44:28 SECTOR BC/DO/FO/MCCa: Talked with Maj French at TACC. They are launching 2 tankers per sector for 24/7 hr ops, 6 hr shifts, with one B/U alpha tanker. I gave then sector FO, D0, and CC numbers to coordinate flight and CAP locaticns. If you can ‘che locations, I'll relay on Combat Ops channel. Maj French i the TACC 779-4032, e-mail +++ goin: CONRAOCDD (aocdd@ eCONR_DCO> 18:45:08 e-mai for WADS and NEADS. //scu// ADS-FO> CONR DCO: NEADS copies Tanker coord info. .wilco. We previously worked > ae tE2xook@scort.af.smil.mil repeat Sentry 30/ Selfridge, Piston ABO for 20002 for 02 wse vss Quic: CONRACCDD (No such file or directory! +++ Quit: CONR_AG (No such file or directory) +++ Join: CONRAOCDD (a0cdd@ sty Join: CONR_AG (468204.20.68.78) cone DCO 2 tankers to be airborne at 19002//scu// cer Join: WADSBC (5c@204.36.17¢.86 + Join: WADSDO (do# .-DCO> NEADS/SEADS/WADS: Need long term gameplan for 24/7 ops with tankers per sector 2s. /seu. SWADSEC> WADS working 2 me NORADS plan for E-3 ani 0691003 3:18 PM 14 of 56 J; SeatPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 1 Sep.doe NeT0000994 ‘SEGRETRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 8 AEW Plan - four AWACS - DC area, Chicago, Denver, and Protection of Dees - NORAD working with Tinker to set up these four continuous orbits =~ we need crew duty times, refuel times, RTB times // Right now we have three E-2 -- LAX, and San Fran - spare at Mugu ~ DAS NEADS has Tankers currently on status RPI at following: selfridge (4) Bangor (2) Pease (2) ~ We request keeping these until situation slows, Then Sequest 2 ac Bangor and 2 at McGuire as minimum. will also need 2 Selfridge if we continue with E-3/fers near Chicago. wsc NEADS: We do not have OPCON or TACON of tankers..go VER direct to AMC TACC at 779-4032. //scu// scone SCO NEADS, who is scranbled/airborne for US Air 937 SMaDSrO2> CONR DCO: Ref Tanker 24/7 locations. Right now we have a reed fro two continuous CAP's. One centered over Peterson AFB CO and a 0: AFB ies NEADS copies VFR direct co TAC. .brd Sconr.cSP= For NEADS MCC/ID expect a helo (M3 3077 going to Huntington we CONRCCO SHPORTAVT WE HAVE A FATID0 CESSHA SE aH 72 wns 70 Skis bras Now x60? ts enisa a ioe flighe? wee ve- une heochiee tacoenieseis 253.128c111) “ZoutetSp. Tor wns, sorrection to previous i's “United Seti eotoadsoa eat w= Sele PREmcaeuet_nbegew-29157-739.128.268) TI GHE: Recenfec' ope" efop eltent) “eualellgsWeetelies i? sleborne saroute to WE0...nefuciter 28 also ip over Arkansas///mid v= Gules nimenee tueoving) Leanlel fos CEne' co PAE 100 Wii anad elseunere ~ FAA confined ves Soin Aimtsonee tnbregen-0@357,239.126.266) “coupet BUGS" SS ‘case have 2D oF Hee cone up Unis chat for #2ight (06/10:03 3:18 PM 1S of $6 ‘JStratPlans\Zuel Strat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NcT0000995 “SECRET RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE 6 CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 WADS SERVER BACKUP, 04/09/21 18:48:12 *** Now taiking co 01/09/12 18:48:33 -** Join: WADS_FOL [f0@ 92/09/11 18:56:29 Join: SEADS_02 (nsfo2€ 01/09/11 19:04:30 WADS: Tulsa is up with 2 F-15 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have Aim-120s and Aim-9s at 23002. Contact fe a94- 7915, 7522, 7218, 7370, cw 04/09/21 19:11:57 WADS copies. We are using the NORAD chat primary. 01/09/21 19:12:42 SEADS js up on this chat 01/09/11 19:15:32 CONR - our other FO is on the cmasapl.relcan jerver on Conr_CO which server do you want us on? __RELCAN SERVER 11 SEP NO TIME Brae. WADS MCC'T confirm you saw info on VALSB1i. CONR_DCO? CONF AIO: Deb, 19:34:28 CONR: Is there a plan to the WADS £-2's? cr//scu on awe chat val88li ig still on che ground awaiting clearance...dg KDS-FO> CONR CCO awaiting words form CONR CC on PAT 108 - plan is to “pay river unless NMCC confirmation. wse NEADS FO: Don't have info on PAT 108. Update please?. ‘sc SWADS_MCCT> URLBB11 scheduled to depar: at 21002//t 19:41:27 CONF SADO- Please pass ROE to NE ADS on Ds 587-6771, secure fax. 'SB 9:43:05 NEADS MCC: COpy on Panta 3/4 thanks .>>db __OCO> 19:46:26 NEADS Standing by our FAX at DSN 587- for ROE FAX AcWO/ PM +++ Disconnected from cmasap2.reicar WADS SERVER ‘BACRUP. —— 01/09/12 19143:15 Use the Norad as primary but it has been going down frequently. Use NORAD primary and this as back up if NORAD down. (01/09/22 19:52:03 SEADS/WADS: Good backup for NORAD. Weed to gat NEADS up to.//ecu// 02/09/21 19:54:06 *** Join (50@ 03/09/21 19:55:04 SADO {sado€ Di /0g/22 19:55:23, WE_SADO (EOF From client) 01/09 35:48 SADO (sado@ 02/03/23 19:56:30 con sado come up on fconr as well.//scu// 01/09/11 19:56:38 PAT 108 cleared to land at Andrews by NORAD. . confirmed. wsc 01/09/11 19:57:42 ">> Join: SEADS_DO (SEADS_00e204.20.59.242) 06 1003 3:18PM 16 of 56 J SwatPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NeT0000996 SECRERRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 01/09/21 19:57:53 Copy PAT 108 confirmed to land by NORAD//scu// 01/03/12 19:59:10 ¥r* 3 01/09/12 19:59:48 +++ Quic: SEADS_DO (Leaving) 01/09/12 20:00:28 Reconnected to NORAD server. backup again NEADS try primary. //scu/ 01/09/11 20:00:32 CONR: Mobile TACS unit, 103 ACS, Orange, cr, bi informed us they are available if n are a 9-5 operation and need to know if you want to activate them and recall personnel. Blue Ask, OH (123 ACS) is also stating availability. ala 02/09/22 20:01:05 *** Quit: SEADS_FO (Leaving) (01/09/21 20:03:08 Copy TACS unit, standby on activation. //acu ni SEADS FO (nsfo@ ded az radar backfill. They RELCAN SERVER 11 SEP NO TIME Sra. CON AZO: Please work the following: 20:00:32 NEADS Thanks fpor the info please standby. CONR_AG {a4@ CONR_AS (26@ CONR_DCIO {CONR_DCIOG204 20.68.96) WADS MCC/T please pass following £1t info to xD: NWA9S93 A 727 going to Andrews containing White House Pre Departure point please//ta + Join: CONR_SADO (sado@ Take off time as well//ta EHRDSLMCCT> CCA 985, w222 landed at 20102//ta Copy W16B Refuelser 18 Refueller =CONR_BCO> NEADS/ type. and SITREP inputs from sectors ASAP//scu// +++ Disconnected from cmasapi.relcar v1 Now talking in #conz_co + Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ CONR_ESP (CONR_CSPE204.20.68.101) SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD0204.20.69.3) For WADS, FLT N6i3, a helo from Fe. Collins, CO to Mena verde, NM (Dept of Interior on Nat'l Security imsue: ££ coase next co Tampa w/98k//thanks-where is 5 southeast of Tinker AFB///mld ADS/WADS; Need you current fighter cap locations, nea 061003 3:18 PM. 17 of 56 J.StratPlans Zuel Stat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep doc NCT0000997 SEEREPRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 ver Join: CONR_CCO (cco@ copy. .ds For WADS: FLT UALG#10 a A320 going SFO to JST (GO Team accident, Investigators) copy. .ds ScoNRICSP> FOR NEADS. Flt NGJIPA, a HS25 going BOS to BNA (To treat burn victims fom NYC} c++ Disconnected from cmasapl.relcan ADS SERVER BACKUP (01/09/11 20:04:04 WADS: Tulea is up with 2 F-15 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have Aim-120e and Aim-9s at 2300Z. Col Hadaway Contact te 94-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370, cw 02/09/21 20:04:40 NEADS You need to contact Tulsa ASAP. tulea is up with 2 F-15 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have Aim-120s and Aim- os at ‘23002. Col Hadaway Contact ## 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370, CW 0:/09°22 20:07:12 77> Quit: CONR_SADO () 01/09/21 20:07;16 *** Join: CONR_SADO (sado@204.20. 68.791 0109/13 20:07:19 NEADS You need to contact Tulsa ASAP. sa is up with 2 15 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have Aim-120s and Aim- 9s “23002. Col Hadaway Contact #s 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370, cw 02/05/23 20:11:20 77> Quit: CONR_SADO 01/09/13 20:11:54 WADS: Please call now 138 Hadaway Called, DSN 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370 Has 2 F-16s on RPT gun only. Tulsa, Col have 202 at 1200022 cone DCO» 20:16:03 NEADS/SEADS/WADS: Need you curren ghier cap locations, type, and #//scu// 20:16:17 SITREP inputs from sectors ASAP//scu/ 01/09/12 20:17:20 *** Join: SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD@seadsc4.relcan) 01/08/21 20:17:29 20:16:03 NEADS/SEADS/WADS: Need you current fighter cap locations, type, and #//scu// 01/09/21 20:17132 20:16:17 SITREP inputs from ASAP//meu/ 01/09/12 20:18:12 CONR-DCO>Did you copy info on Refueller aezys/mia 02/09/13 20:18:54 *** Quit: SEADS_SD (See ya!) 01/09/22 20:19:28 Copy SE of Tanker AFB//scu// ~ For WADS: SEADS intends to have EFD “COWRYG5" "COWRYS7 & 40> return |p to EFD, Do you have any issue with that? SEADS assumes you handle the 06:10/03 3:18 PM 18 of 56 J: SiratPlans Zuel StratiConsolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NeT0000998 “SEERETIRELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 continued escort of AFI as / if his flight continues. Pls Adise ASAP. 3 advise Join: CONR_AS (a6@ +++ Join: SEADS_DO (SEADS_DO@ For NEADS AND SEADS MCC/T FLT NWA9993 is White House Press Sarasota to Andrews//hd SEADS/NEADS: Anticipate president will return to DC. Need NEADS to work up game plan and what fighters you plan to us either work @ handoff from EFD jete or have someone ols offuce. //acu// For WADS: FLT UALG@10 a A320 going SFO to JST (GO Team Accident Investigators) copy. .ds FOR NEADS: Flt N411PA, a HS25 going BOS to BNA (To treat burn victime from NYC) 1° 290 is requesting Phoenix ro Yuma Would like to cort from — _WADS SERVER BACKUP. 01/09/11 20:47:14 ALL SECTORS: Work plan to man caps, 2 ehips, 24/7 at LAX, HOUSTON, PHOENIX, SEATTLE, SAN FRAN, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, DETROIT, ‘BOSTON, NY, WASH DC, MIAMI, AND PHILIDELPHIA. CH. 01/09/22 21 9 WADS FO: NEADS requires which a/c you have company/eacort / AFI? We are preping recieve a handoff with as fom Duluth. .3e 01/09/12 20155:22 WADS FO: Understand Souix City w/ APL 01/09/11 20:58:22 SEADS working CAP plan for Miami and Houston -- ‘cetinate on implementation time for CAP Plan? 01/08/23 20:59:08 ASAP//acu// 01/09/21 21:00:09 Understand Plan only cr can we scramble now for the capa? co RELCAN Server/No Time Seamp> CONR: we show Redeye 1/2 out of Buckley over Ch. Mt. and Bat 1/2 out of Sioux City over Offutt. Need any more info? sc YOR NEADS: NINA is a G4 with important FAA accident investigators. //na AET-T: Current tanker cap locations 1) Wash DC, 2) New York city, 3) Gnicago, 4) offutt, 5) Salt Lake City, 6) San Francisco. We need tanker 06/1003 3:18 PM. 19 of 56 JAStratPlans\Zvel Stra'Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NcT0000999 SECRET RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP ot 2 support for SEs well. Me can probably do okay with tanker on RPZ ecacun Me gobine and another on RPY status on MacDili to scranble when sans needs then. /7#cu// for SEADS SEW request -- max'd with four obits set by NORAD -- uss Reanedy with E-e assets will be contacing you - DAS s+ Join: SEADSMCC1 (SEADSNCC1@ XCONR DCO> AEW-T: We are relooking our tanker cap locations to service fighter caps by moving Salt Lake City one over Colorado and the ofeuce location to Houston area for SEADS. Would leave 2 tankers TACON to waps, 3 tankers TACON to NEADS, and 1 tanker TACON to SEADS. It looks like we aleo need one to cover Miami area, Is it possible to have 7 tankers 24/7 vice 67 If not, we'll need tankers on RPI at Robins and MacDill//scu// Sectors have TACON for tankers capping in their ctora//acu// sT> Quit: SEADS_00 (No such file or directory! + Quit: CONR_CCO INo such file or directory) ses Quit: CONR_SADO (Error 0) tr+ Quit: CONR_DCIO (Error 01 s+ Quit: SEADS_FO (No such file or directory) srs Soin: CONR_CCO (cco@ XE can't get 7h tanker, we'll want scramble authority for those Jocations or at least lean forward on them. //acu// sry goin: CONR_DCTO (CONR_DCTO@ Join "_SADO (sado€204..20.68.791 srr Join: SEADS_FO (nsf0@ s+ Join: SEADS_DO {SEADS_D00204. 20.69.2421 c++ Disconnected from cmasapl.reican Now talking in #conr_co Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@seadsc2. relcan} Join; SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD#seadsc4.reican) refueler 17 cifioad BOk acti /mis// ns CONR_DCIO {CONR_DCIO# sts Join: CONR_CAP {CONR_CAP@ s+ Join: SEADS_FO Insfo@ +++ Join: CONR_€20 (¢208204.20.58.66) 061003 3:18 PM 20 of 36 ¥, StratPlans Zuel Strat Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doe NCT0001000 SEERET/RELCAN OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE CONSOLIDATED COMBAT OPS CHAT LOG 11 SEP 01 SEADS - change 1 -- NORAD does not yet have OPCON of the USS ennedy a but is anticipating -- with it comes 5 F-12, 3 S-2 and 3 AEWS - pas Join: CONR_A¢ (a4@ 21:14:48 AEW- locations: ‘to mervice our fighter caps by moving Salt Lake City one over colorado and ‘the Offutt location to Houston area for SEADS. Would leave 2 tankers TACON ‘Co WADS, 3 tankers TACON to NEADS, and 1 tanker TACON to SEADS. It Looks ike we also need one to cover Miami area. Is it possible to have 7 tankers 24/7 vice 6? If not, we'll need tankers on RPI at Robins and MacDili//zepeat for AEW-T// Quit: CONR.C20 (Leaving) Quit: CONRLA (Error 0) uit: SEADS_SD (Error 0} SEADS_MCC (Error 0} c++ Quit: WADSFO2 (Error 0) sre Quit: CONR_SADO (Error 0) SEADS_DO (Error 0} CONR_€20 (¢20@ CONR_C20 (EOF From client) CONR_AG (a4@ SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD@seadscé .relcan) SEADS_DO (SEADS_D0@ WaDSeO2 (FO2@ Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@seads: +++ Joan: CONR_CCO (cco@ AEW-T: Just sent you current and proposed CAP locations cone. Koco has proposed a total of 9 caps Locations TED by sectors, probably one more in WADS in N We are relocking our tanker cap relean} 2 more than I mentioned before. ‘hwest and anothé SEADS.//scu// SEADS_MCC (No such file or direc! WADSFO2 (No such File er directory) SEADS_D0 (No such file or directory) SEADSSD (No such file or directory) SEADSMCC (SEADS_MCC2@seadsc2.relcan) SEADS_DO (SEADS_00G204.20.69.242) SEADS_SD (SEADS-SD@seadscd.relcan) WaDSFO2 (FO2@ Join: CONR_CEDO (CONR_CEDOG204.20.68.94) eCONR_DCO> WADS, Confirm 2-ship F-l6s from Carswell, Request load out. /7seus/ WADS: Copy scramble or TOE near Dallas. //scu ADS SERVER, 01/09/12 2114153 SEADS FO: Tinker OG/CC wants Sentry§2/Dragnet Whiskey RTB Tinker ASAP. wsc 06/10/03 3:18 PM 21 of 56 J4StratPlansiZve Strat\Consolidated Combat Ops Chat Log 11 Sep.doc NeT0001001

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