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The Art Of Ancient Greece  Many of the myths revolved around the Trojan War

And Roman Art between Greece and Troy. For instance, the epic
poem, The Iliad, by Homer, is based on the war.
Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery
Module Two Review Athena Zeus
Art 1010
Wasatch High School

Key works
 Geometric Krater Vase (Geometric)1000-700 BC
 Parthenon (Classical) 480 – 300 BC
 Nike of Samothrace (Hellenistic) 300 – 100 BC
 Augustus Prima Porta
 Arch of Titus Religion - Ceremonies
 Pantheon  Greek ceremonies and rituals were mainly performed
 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE - Life of Buddha frieze from at altars. These typically were devoted to one, or a
Gandhara few gods, and contained a statue of the particular
deity upon it.
MAJOR POINTS  Votive deposits would be left at the altar, such as
 Depictions of the human figure are emphasized and food, drinks, as well as precious objects. Sometimes
change throughout the various stylistic time periods animal sacrifices would be performed here
as a reflection of the philosophies of the time.
 As the Greeks lean towards the philosophy of
humanism, particularly in the Classical Period, the
Greek desire for perfection is reflected in the art and
 Although the architecture of the Roman temples was
strongly influenced by Greek temples, there are some
distinct differences. The Romans will also use the
arch and invent concrete, and that will further Time periods within Greek art
differentiate their architecture from that of the  Geometric 1000 – 700 BC
Greeks. Krater Vase
 There will also be differences in the function and  Archaic 700 – 480 BC
purpose of Roman architecture from that of Greek (no examples of artwork)
architecture. Roman architecture, and even Roman  Classical 480 – 300 BC
sculpture, often promoted a political agenda. Parthenon
 Realistic depictions dominate in Roman sculpture and  Hellenistic 300 BC – 100 CE
even Hellenistic Greek sculpture, whereas idealism is Nike of Samothrace or Winged Victory
dominating in Classical Greek works
Geometric – 1,000 – 700 BC
Theology Krater Vase
 Some gods were specifically associated with a certain  Pottery ornamented with geometric banding and
city. Athena was associated with the city of Athens, friezes of simplified animals or humans
Apollo with Delphi, Zeus with Olympia and Aphrodite  Vase paintings told stories about gods and heroes of
with Corinth. Greek myths.
 Other deities were associated with nations outside of  Kraters were placed in the center of the room. They
Greece; Poseidon was associated with Ethiopia and were quite large, so they were not easily portable
Troy. when filled.

Religion - Theology Examples of geometric kraters:

 Theology: The ancient Greeks believed there were
many gods and goddesses.
 There was a hierarchy of deities, with Zeus, the king
of the gods
 Some deities had dominion over certain aspects of
nature. For instance, Zeus was the sky-god, sending
thunder and lightning, Poseidon ruled over the sea
and earthquakes, Hades projected his remarkable
power throughout the realms of death and the
Underworld, and Helios controlled the sun. Other Classical 480 – 300 BC
deities ruled over an abstract concept; for instance, Parthenon Temple & Sculptures
Aphrodite controlled love.  A perfect example of the desire for perfection and
incorporation of the mathematical principles of
Religion - mythology Classical Architecture.
 Greek religion had an extensive mythology. It  Sculptures represented the perfection of the human
consisted largely of stories of the gods and of how form
they affected humans on Earth.  Bodies were not stiff, they looked fully alive and
 Myths often revolved around heroes and their movable
actions, such as Heracles, and his twelve labors,  Parthenon – symbol of Ancient Greece and of
Odysseus and his voyage home, Jason and the quest Athenian democracy and one of the world’s greatest
for the Golden Fleece. cultural monuments.
Augustus Prima Porta
 This marble statue of Augustus Caesar was
discovered on April 20, 1863, in the Villa of Livia at
Prima Porta, near Rome.
 Augustus is shown in this role of "Imperator", the
commander of the army, or commander-in-chief of
the Roman army.
 During his lifetime, Augustus did not wish to be
depicted as a god (unlike the later emperors who
embraced divinity), but this statue has many thinly-
veiled references to the emperor's "divine nature",

Hellenistic 300 BC – 100 AD

Nike of Samothrace

 Marble sculpture of the Greek goddess, Nike

 The Nike of Samothrace, discovered in 1863, is estimated
to have been created around 190 BC. It was created to
not only honor the goddess, Nike, but to honor a sea
battle. It conveys a sense of action and triumph as well as
portraying artful flowing drapery through its features
which the Greeks considered ideal beauty.

Arch of Titus
 The Arch of Titus is a 1st-century honorific arch
located on the Via Sacra, Rome, just to the south-east
of the Roman Forum. It was constructed in c.82 AD
by the Roman Emperor Domitian shortly after the
death of his older brother Titus to commemorate
Titus' victories, including the Siege of Jerusalem in 70
 Based on the style of sculptural details, Domitian's
favored architect Rabirius, sometimes credited with
the Colosseum, may have executed the arch. Without
Differences in Body contemporary documentation, however, attributions
of Roman buildings on basis of style are considered

Roman Art
 Augustus Prima Porta
 Arch of Titus
 Pantheon The Pantheon
 The Pantheon was originally built in 27-25 BC in
Roman Art vs. Greek Art Rome, Italy to all the gods of Ancient Rome.
 Often borrowed and copied from Greek precedents.  It is one of the best-preserved of all Roman buildings.
It also encompassed Etruscan and Egyptian art. It has been in continuous use throughout its history.
 Owing in part to the fact that the Roman cities were  Since the Renaissance the Pantheon has been used
far larger than the Greek city-states in power and as a tomb.
population, art in Ancient Rome took on a wider, and  It took 732 construction workers over 3 years to
sometimes more utilitarian purpose. construct the Pantheon because of its many features
 Roman art was commissioned, displayed, and owned
in far greater quantities, and adapted to more uses
than in Greek times. Wealthy Romans were more
 Roman temples were distinctly different from Greek
Temples. The Romans used the arch and invented
concrete. This will further differentiate their
architecture from that of the Greeks.
 There is also a different function and purpose of
Roman architecture from that of Greek architecture.
 Roman architecture and sculpture often promoted a
political agenda.
 Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from the An Exploration of the Discovery at Lascaux, and
Indian subcontinent, on whose teachings Buddhism Themes of Paleolithic Era Cave Paintings
was founded
Cave Paintings: The Prehistoric Novel
 The word Buddha is a title for the first awakened
being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, • As you may already know,
Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme before man had a written
Buddha language, stories and
 The time of Gautama's birth and death are uncertain: history were passed down
most early-20th-century historians dated his lifetime in other ways. We will
as circa 563 BC to 483 BC explore cave paintings
today as the prehistoric
GANDHARA way of recording
 Gandhāra is the name of an ancient kingdom located important events.
in parts of modern-day northern Pakistan and
eastern Afghanistan.
 Evidence of Stone Age human inhabitants of
Gandhara, including stone tools and burnt bones, • On September 12, 1940, four
The Discovery at Lascaux
was discovered in area caves. The artifacts are teenagers stumbled upon a
approximately 15,000 years old. More recent major discovery. When an old
excavations point to 30,000 years before present. pine tree fell down, it showed
a hole in the ground under its
discovered the hole, went
- 1 BIRTH AT LUMBINI down inside of it, and found
the historic cave paintings at
Lascaux. It was thought that
these paintings had been done
originally more than 17,000
years ago.

The Exploration • Over the next days and weeks,

Continues months and years, the caves
were explored, and several
separate themes and caves
were found. They are The Great
Hall of the Bulls, The Painted
Gallery, The Lateral Passage,
The Chamber of Engravings, The
Main Gallery, The Chamber of
- 3 FIRST SERMON AT SARNATH Felines, and the Shaft of the
Dead Man.

A Painting from the Hall of the Bulls at Lascaux


An Image From the Painted

Gallery at Lascaux
• In 1955, mold and plant life was Art of Ancient Egypt
The Closing of the Cave noticed growing on the cave walls, Ancient Egypt
which was dangerous for the cave Big Idea: Art reflects religion and their belief in the afterlife.
paintings. In 1963, after several
studies were done, it was decided
that the cave would be closed to Big Idea
visitors. Once the visits to the cave
had been cancelled, the causes of  Ancient Egyptian art reflects their beliefs in the afterlife
the changes were eliminated, and and immortality.
the original climate was restored.  Major monumental structures such as the great
The Lascaux cave art returned to the pyramids and the sphinx reflect those beliefs.
state it was in on the day of its Media/Processes
discovery. A life sized model,
Lascaux II was to be opened, so  2-D media: paint
visitors could still experience the  2-D processes: Wall painting and scroll painting made
cave. It remains open today. from papyrus used hieroglyphics.
 3-D media: stone, gold, and jewels
 3-D processes: architecture-sphinx and pyramids, steles,
columns, tombs-sarcophagus.
Interpreting Cave Paintings
Purposes of Ancient Egyptian Art

 Ceremonial- most of their art was used for religious

purposes that dealt with the afterlife and the gods.
 Narrative- Hieroglyphics that told stories of everyday life.
 Functional- sarcophagus held dead, vases held organs.

Art Subject Matters in Ancient Egyptian Art

Cave Painting Themes
 Portraits- stylized paintings of pharaohs, slaves, and
• Most cave paintings have
everyday life.
these major themes:
– Animals
– Human
– signs

What Do You See in This Picture?

• People
• Animals Art Influences of Ancient Egypt
• Spears/Weapons
• What do you think  The art reflects the endurance and solid foundation
this picture might of the culture.
represent?  (Egyptian culture has withstood many years in order
to develop as sophisticated as they were).
 Their art also reflects their belief in the afterlife of
the pharaoh and other ruling class.
What Story Do You See in  Their art also reflects beliefs in many gods that
Other Cave Painting at Lascaux
This Painting?
helped protect them.

Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

More Images from Lascaux

The Great Sphinx, at Giza

Canopic Jars

Temple of Luxor, Egypt

Egyptian Stele


Egyptian Wall painting  Medieval art considered to be the center of

religious artwork because it is during this
period that great famine was felt by the
Rules for Egyptian Figures  Cathedral is considered to be a great
 The head, arms, and
contribution of Gothic artists
legs appear from the
side. Showing one eye.
 The other parts would  Renaissance arts shows that the
appear head on. consumption of art was used as a form of
 Most important people competition for social and political status.
where larger in  Perspectivity (linear) as a scheme and
proportion than others. technique in presenting an artwork is seen in
 Paintings were paintings like The Last Supper and The
 The method and technique of Dadaism art is
not seen under this art.
King Tutankhamen  Masaccio is considered to be the founder of
 Tomb found in early Renaissance painting.
Valley of the Kings.  Renaissance artworks are sought after and
 Dated back to 1327 given patronage by the people because the
B.C.E. artwork was created by a celebrity.
 The inner coffin is  Boticelli is known for his famous painting The
made from Birth of Venus. This is borrowed from Roman
hundreds of pounds mythology. However, despite popularity,
of gold, and Boticelli is not considered to be one of the
decorated with first three hall of famers or early renaissance.
colored enamel, and  The major changes introduced during the
gemstones. Renaissance period are: Oil stretched
canvass, perspective, and the use of light
and shadow.
 The use of light and shadow is known as
Art Starter
 A cartouche is an
 The father of oil painting is Van Eyck
oblong frame for an
inscription that goes
inside it.  There a changing role of the artist under
 In Ancient Egypt the Mannerism Art because the artist is likened
people wore the to scholars and even justices of Europe.
cartouches with the
They employ a manner or technique in
names of gods and
presenting their artworks, and they are using
royalty around their
highly sophisticated style in their artwork.
 The bodies in painting are represented in a
distorted manner under Mannerism art.
Accordingly, this is an attempt to express
religious tensions during that time.
 Here, architecture, sculpture, and walled
gardens were seen as a complex, but not
necessary unified whole.
 Fresco is done on a moist, plaster surface Please do know the following arts by
way of classifying under which art they
with colors ground up in water or a limewater belong and what it is for…
mixture to perfect the art.
 The work of Hokusai and Hiroshige that had
an enormous impact on landscape painting
all over the world shows Japanese love of
 The Great Bridge at Senju is a Japanese art
that is considered to be populist and highly
 Japanese art considered to be “fleeting”
because the artwork is transformed into
extraordinary artwork.
 Japanese art is an art closely connected with
the pleasures of theatres, restaurants,
teahouses, and geisha.

 Chinese art is known for bruch strokes,

freehand, and calligraphy techniques.
 Guo Hua refers to traditional Chinese
 Landscape is considered to be the highest
form of Chinese painting.
 Are arts which are merely ornamental and
not meant for representation purposes
 Ukiyo-e is more of advertisements of
theatres and restaurants.


 Rembrandt developed the revolutionary

technique in presenting his artworks. This
technique includes the use of large amount
of painting, the use of fewer brushstrokes,
and usually made paintings were unfinished.
 The Death of the Virgin is one of the reasons
why Caravaggio was condemned as an
artist. This artwork was consequently
condemned because the artwork lacked
theological correctness.
 Baroque music doesn’t concern itself with its
preservation. Emotion is more important in
Baroque music. H.

 It is not known for its meticulous details.
 It is the use of elegant designs, pastel color
base, frivolous and playful subjects in an


 Claude Monet is considered to be the first

accepted impressionist.
 This art is also known as modern art

 It is like life as it is.


 The spirit of this art is more on the goal of

having a sense of shared vision among the
 The romanticism artist is never popular

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