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Ana María González Rodríguez

Animal Abandonment
According to the last study of the Affinity Foundation "He would never do it" on
animal abandonment, the main reasons for abandonment of dogs and cats last
year in Spain were again the unwanted litters (15.3%), followed by the end of the
hunting season (12.6), the problematic behavior of the animal (10.8%), economic
factors (10.7%), the loss of interest in the animal (9.8%) changes of address
Although society generally moves towards greater awareness of our responsibility
to pets and the commitment it requires to live with them, many cases of
abandonment remain unfortunately.
In percentage terms they are a minority, as they do not reach 2% of cases. Most
people who live with a dog or cat do so happily and responsiblely.

However, the figures are worrying and tell us that there are still many people who
do not have a healthy bond with their animal, which implies strong responsibility
and commitment. If there is no serious prior reflection, and there is no such healthy
link, the problems that arise from coexistence can lead to abandonment.

Before adopting a pet, you have to be clear about the commitment that entails. It is
an option for the whole life of the animal and must involve in the decision-making of
the whole family.

Ask the protectors for advice and advice to be prepared, know what type of animal
suits us best according to our habits and know all those responsibilities that we will
have to be willing to fulfill.

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