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What would we do without them? Say five words that come to mind when you look at this photo. directly or indirectly provided by bees, too. Why is that? Because they pollinate the fruit and vegetables that we eat. They also pollinate the grasses and cereals that cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens eat, and that we then eat ourselves. But honeybees around the world are disappearing fast. Pesticides, parasites, disease, and loss of habitat are all responsible. If there weren't any honeybees, what would we do? If they disappeared completely, would we starve? Well if that ever happened, some other creatures could help fill the ‘gap. Other kinds of bees and some kinds of flies are good at pollinating a wide variety of plants and flowers. Butterflies are quite good, too, though not as good as honeybees. And, of course, there are always humans. We could do it ourselves! But if we did it ourselves, it would take a lot of time, and it would cost a lot of money, making food very expensive. So, while we probably wouldn't starve if honeybees disappeared, life would be a lot more difficult. So let's protect those bees as much as we can! Here don't just give us honey and wax. A lot of the food we eat is 1, (EIUISEE] Look at the title of the article. What do you think the answer is? 2. Read the article to find out. How many of your words from You first! did you find? 3. @ Talk about the questions, then read and check your answers. 1. Why are honeybees dying? What kinds of things are killing them? 2. What would be the consequences of a world without honeybees a) on other insects? b) on humans!) on the price of food?) on life in general? 4 IE] What do you think the words and phrases in bold mean? What helped you guess? 5. Read the article again and answer the questions. od can you find? list. h re the words for the meat of animals mentioned in the article? (or 88,000 k 1. How many words connected with a) insects b) animals ¢) 2. Check with a partner Try to add at least three words to eat 3. What 54 Sollee 6. Complete the table and answer the questions below. 7. Now answer the questions. Peer a) hypothetical situations in the present or future? a La ©) real situations? aaa eae cere 2. What tense is used after if? Gest ree 3. What tense is used inthe other part of the sentence? CpRnED anaes 4. How many mor second coon ete an (ane (Gata YOU find in the atic © PAGE 182 ace aon ; ey Rel The natural w « # 8. S Ask other people about any of the words below thaj Look them up if you need to. animals climate cold dark day die disaster energy humans IceAge Iceland lean over ‘moonlight night oceans orbit photosynthesis plants submarines sunlight survive ‘temperature tides tit trees werewolves 9. Answer the questions. Which words ... 1. are not connected to the natural world? 2. could you use in relation to the sun? 3. could you use in relation to the moon? 10. Work in small groups. Use the words in Exercise 8 to help you. You don't have to use them all! ‘What would happen to the Earth if... a) there was no moon? b) there was no sun? 11, 63 2.1) Listen to a radio interview with a scientist. Circle the ideas on your list that she mentions. 1. Did you hear any ideas that weren't on your lst? 2. Were there any ideas on your lis thatthe scientist didnt mention? 12, Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Which would be the greater disaster and why? 2, Why does the interviewer say That's a relief at the end of the interview? 13. @ Answer the questions. Listen again to cheek. 1. If there was ne moon, what would be .. 3. If there was no sun, what would .. fll / freeze / darker / smaller / shorter / more extreme! survive for a while / die / fly off into space? 2, What wouldn't there be? (Why not?) TAKE A BREAK 14, Choose something in the natural world and find out what Buzzlikea puzz ‘would happen if they no longer existed. Make notes. honeybee —ie's “Buzz 004 for you! 15. Write a short paragraph called What would we do without Buzz a songor Bure Z it (or them)? Use the notes you made in Exercise 14, or famous piece I 5 ‘write about one of the topics in this lesson. ‘of music for BEETHOVEN your partner to FIFTH! What would we do without it? ss

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