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This is halwapur, my village where I was born, and my home. When I was a kid my parents died in a tragic
accident, one good man took me home with him and became my guardian. He taught me an ancient skill of
fighting “Taekwondo style” where I used pen, book, and backflip as a gadget to fight. Now I use my skill for good
forces, such as peace, justice, knowledge, and I am a friend of wisdom. I use this skill set to fight with storm of
injustice and ignorance, because I am “BURKA AVENGER”.
In my village there was one factory that was producing toxic waste and polluting the village environment.
Villagers, animals, plants, trees, and land was getting affected due to the poisonous and hazardous waste
produced and dumped into the river and landfills by this factory.
I Jia (BURKA AVENGER) is a teacher at school in this village. My students Ashu, Molie and Immu came to me One
day with one ugly problem and asked me to help poor villagers and local habitat.

Story Begins……..
[Ashu] said, “Halwapur is so beautiful, green fields, flowing streams, blue sky, and fresh air!!!” [Ashu] took a
deep breath and smelled something and said, “EEWW… what is that smell?” and then looked at her friend Molie
and said, “That’s a limit!!” “When was the last time you showered!!” then

Molie Ashu

[molie] said “What do you mean?” “I just had a bath this very morning” then
[Ashu and Molie] “looked at immu and said “hmmmmmm”
[immu] said “Why are you looking at me like that?” I’m in water day and night!! Just like a frog” then [Ashu and
molie] looked at molie’s goat “golu” Golu
[Immu] said “No way” “golu (a goat) took a bath too”
[Molie] “what is that”
[Ashu] “it is a frogy” Sick Frogy
[Immu] “Dose frogs even look like that?”
[Ashu] “No, not realy”
[immu] “Let’s take him home” “ I’ll scare mom with it”
[Ashu and Molie] laughed, “hehehe”
[Ashu] “let’s take him to teacher Jia, she might know what to do?”

Now the breaking news…….

[News Caster] “Today Halwapur news visited [Vadero Pajero – Factory Owner]’s premises. The town’s people
believe that his factory is polluting the environment. Trees are dying, diseases are spreading in the water, and
the surrounding lands has become barren. Let’s now hear [Vadero Pajero] important thoughts…..

Polluted River

[Vadero Pajero] “talking to their workers……if the motor vehicle tires aren’t selling? Then set them on fire!!!
Ooops…without realizing that he is on news camera! The moment he realized that the camera is ON, he tried to
act normal!”
[News Caster] asked, Mr. Vadero Pajero, there are reports those suggest that your factory is causing local
environmental pollution. Do you have any comment on this subject?

Toxic Factory

[Vadero Pajero] Continues…” eheheeh Oh dear! I don’t know what is wrong with these people these days. Look,
this factory is completely harmless for the environment…these are just rumors. It is a danger neither to the trees
nor the water. Water is……Water!! whether it is clean or dirty!
[News Caster] “Then can people drink this polluted water?
[Vadero Pajero] “Yes. Yes, you can drink it. I drink it myself, in fact forget about me. I give this water even to my
dearest friends.
Then, to proof his statement he asked one of his factory workers to drink a glass of water to show in front of
camera, so people can believe him. Right after drinking the water, the poor worker fainted, and Vadero Pajero
immediately jumped on the camera and tried to stop the news recording!!!

Doctor’s Examination of the Frog……

[Doctor] “what happened? Is everything ok?
[Jia – Teacher] “doctor, the pollution in “Halwapur” is getting out of hand. You cannot even stand next to the
water. It is so filthy. A child falls ill every day, did you know that only half of the class was present yesterday?
And look at this, the poor frog drank water from the river.
[Doctor] “hmmm….this looks like the effect of dangerous and poisonous pollution *tsk *tsk, he must be in so
much pain where did you find him?
[Jia- Teacher] “[ASHU] found it somewhere and I came to you immediately. Doctor “there must be some solution
to this, please do something”
Sick Frogy
then doctor gave her the medicine that worked well.
[Jia - Teacher] “thanks doctor and returned”
now she had a medicine to cure the habitat, but she knew that medicine is a temporary solution. On her return,
she was thinking how to fix the real problem? Then she realized that ONLY “EDUCATION AND AWARENESS” can
solve the problem forever and permanently. Therefore, she decided to teach this in her class.

Now Miss Jia Teaching her Class……

[Jia-teacher] “Dose anybody know what “recycling” is? “

[kids] “Miss, does it mean riding your bike cycle over and over?”
[Jia teacher] “hehehehe,no,no.”
[ashu] Miss is it when instead of throwing something old away, we use it in some other way.
[Jia teacher] “very good Ashu !. Children it is very important to understand that halwapur is yours and you have
to take responsibility for it. I just told you about recycling. Before throwing anything away always think whether
it can be used for something else. If it can then do not throw it away. Did you know that through recycling you
can reuse most things?”
[Kid] “For example?
[Jia teacher] “For example if we recycle old plastic, glass, metal, paper and clothes if we recycle them then we
can save money and reduce the waste in the environment. Do you know how much damage is caused to the
environment from throwing non-biodegradable stuff such as plastic away like that? It disturbs the life eco
system on this planet earth which will ultimately make this planet unlivable to its habitat. Therefore, your
environment is your responsibility!!! We live in the world and its very important to take care of it. This land,
tress, rivers, birds, animals, and us: we all are connected. Through recycling we can protect ourselves as well as
the whole world.”
[Immu, molie and ashu] “teacher we visited the plastic factory in our village yesterday and we observed that
factory waste is being dumped in the river and forest landfills without recycling and treatment. Therefore, lots
of animals, factory workers and villagers are sick and our precious forest near village is getting destroyed and
becoming barren! We MUST do something to STOP! It.”
[Kids and Jia Teacher] “let us start an awareness campaign throughout the halwapur village and make people
realize the benefits of protecting environment through recycling! This way we can also address permanently the
root cause that halwapur is currently facing due to this plastic factory toxic waste disposal.”
[Immu, molie and ashu] “guys let’s spread the word from today and start taking actions from our own houses”
[Ashu] “teacher, then why don’t we also visit the factory again and try to educate and convince [MR. Vadero
Pajero] as well?”
[Jia teacher] “very good Immu, molie and ashu, great IDEA! Let us call [MR. Vadero Pajero] to get the permission
first before we visit the factory.”
[Kids and Jia Techer] “Dialed Mr.Vadero Pajero telephone number…*tuuun *tuuun”
[Vadero Pajero] “Hello, Vadero Pajero here!”
[Kids and Jia Techer] “Hello Sir, this is teacher Jia, you are on micro phone. My grade-4 students want to visit
your factory and interested to talk to you about factory waste disposal.”
[Vadero Pajero] “ ehhh ehhh, well…..you know I am a busy business man, I am busy making money!!! If you
guys need any money let me know and I can sponsor your visit to any ZOO. Sorry, but factory visit is not possible.
As I do not have time for such stuff therefore, thanks and have a great day!”
[Kids] “ hmmmm that’s pretty mean!”
[Jia Teacher] “Oh I see, ok I think he need a good lesson!!!”

The Final Fight……

Vadero Pajero

[Immu, Molie and Ashu] Saw BURKA AVENGER flying in the sky and going towards the factory, so they start
chasing her.
In the night, (BURKA AVENGER) fly into the factory with her “Taekwondo gadgets” to teach [Vadero Pajero] a
good lesson!!!
[Vadero Pajero] “Ahhhhhhh………you again? Why can’t you mind your own business?
[BURKA AVENGER] “Whole town is sick just because of this factory. What do you get by destroying such
innocent people?”
[Vadero Pajero] “ Ahhhhh….. Innocent people? I give those innocent people JOBS! If I wasn’t here all of them
would be walking around useless. If the river got a little dirty or two plants are dead, it’s not the end of the
[BURKA AVENGER] “It’s your conscious that is dead.”
[Vadero Pajero] “Ahhhh…. Look madam, there is no use in arguing……workers!! why don’t you….take her on a
tour of the store room….hahahahaha?”
[BURKA AVENGER] “Really!!!”
A tough fight starts where BURKA AVENGER uses here unique “Taekwondo style” skills by using her gadgets
such as book and pen slings shots with quick back flips. After nail biting fight, BURKA AVENGER finally defeated
bunch of sick factory workers who first attacked on her in uncivilized manner. Once, all those sick workers lying
on the ground after having enough pen sling shots and were crying due the pain. BURKA AVENGER shared good
news with defeated sick workers by saying, guys don’t worry!!!!…. those pen sling shots I threw on you had
medicine in it for you guys to get cure, in a little while you will be fine just like before. You guys got sick because
of working in this factory polluted environment.
When Vadero Pajero saw all this, he tried to run away but the final sling shot was for him!
[Vadero Pajero] “ Ahh..OK hands up. Fine. I will shut down this factory and put everyone “out of job” what is it
to you people?? As long as your plants and flowers are safe? So, what if the factory closes.
By the time, fight finishes, [Immu, Molie and Ashu] reaches the factory to see what’s going on!!! And they heard
Vadero Pajero saying above.
[Ashu] “Then don’t close down the factory…..just recycle instead! That way there will neither be untreated
waste, chemical, hazardous, and poison in the water nor will people get sick!!!”
[Vadero Pajero] “ aaa….re..recycle? what do you mean? I have my own car. I don’t need bicycle.
[Ashu] “ OO Hooo. Not “bicycle” Vadero uncle. RECYCLE!!!
[Vadero Pajero] “hmmmm…..”
[Ashu] “As in, whatever is being thrown in the water or dumped in landfills. We can find a new way to use it.
[Molie] “by adopting this way Halwapur will be clean again and no one will be sick either.”
[Vadero Pajero] “ aaa hmmm….ok ok, tell me about this “ recycle”. How much does this “recycle” cost?
[Immu] “it’s not expensive, that’s what the benefit it has. Its all about re-using the things in other ways to make
it more effective and you can make more money through this!!!!
[Vadero Pajero] “hmmmm ….cheap plastic. I will become richer by making tons and tons of recyclable/reusable
plastic. Ok done, from now on I will start preparing everything the way you guys just taught me. And hehehe
thanks to our BURKA AVENGER kindness! And your doctor problem is also solved!!!!!!!!

Moral of the Story:

We only have one earth. We are the ones who must take care of it. We must try our best to protect it. Do not
let the environment get polluted. Only if we take care of our environment then environment will also take
care of us.

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