Peer Graded Assignment Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals

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Peer Graded Assignment

Search Engine Optimization


Analyzing Website Ranking and

Recommendations to Improve Its

Part 1a:


⦁ distributing & marketing PuriBloc capsule(water purifier) is

the important goal of the website.

Part 1b:

⦁ long-tail keyword - small healthy and tasty portable water

purifier -(awarness stage) -[navigational query]

⦁ how gopurepod used ? -(preferance stage)-[informational


⦁ what are powerfull water purifiers avilable? -(awarness

stage)-[navigational query]

⦁ where to pay for gopurepod ? -(purchase stage)-

[transactional query]

⦁ why is gopurepod best? -(preference stage)-[informational


⦁ purepod -(evaluation satge)-[navigational satge]

⦁ samll purifier -(awarness stage)-[navigational stage]

⦁ save plastic with gopurpod -(awarness stage)-[informational


I chose these keyword because:

⦁ the selected keywords give ideas and topics that define

what content is about and will engage the visitors the the
website, which can be converted into distributing &
marketing PuriBloc capsule(water purifier) .

⦁ the keywords are not based only to some visitors many

people use water filters and many are ready to use and aslo
there is a strong oppositioin for plastic which can help draw
in organmic traffic to the site.

⦁ the longtail keyword and the rermaining keywords are

relevent to the page, can answer the visitors with their
questions, engage with site, easily available in reach of

visitors can make business can effectively compete for this

Part 1c:
Businesses' target audience:

⦁ people in all gender and mostly age between 25 - 45 are

likely to frequent this site and perform searches related to
the product, data obtained from social media.

⦁ the majority of the audience are from United States (by

region) and travrllers & job holders(category) obtained from
blog in the site; focus efforts on the right places, optimizing
social media profiles, post evergreen content in the sites
blog, post the right types of content, promote your profiles,
create invite-only groups for your most engaged audience

⦁ the desktop and mobile traffic are even for the website, also
are getting referred from the social networks like facebook,
compeny can check for the audience specil hobbies and
their job status for knowing their potential to use our

⦁ the websites potetial audience are more interested in save

earth from plastic notion, health conscious & follows all
health related blogs and soical media pages.

Part 1d:

one of my buyer persona is Sanorita, a traveller

⦁ as the persona is a traveller she need to move from various

locations & in differnt timings so one thing she definitely
need is healty drinking water, water may be available but it
shoud be pure our product hepls them a lot by filtering with
in not span of time; by following their social media accounts
you can easily target our audience.

Part 2a & 2b:

⦁ The Page : home page consista of: gopure title which works
as home button, continude by their lines & description - The
Power To Purify Tap Water, Everywhere. (Say hello to the
smallest, most convenient portable water purifier on the
planet, ever. Say goodbye to buying disposable plastic
water bottles on the go, forever). Optios - Buy now/ Help /
Blog/ Account.

⦁ The Page URL:

⦁ The Title Tag of the Page : GOpure Pod - The First Ever
Portable Water Purifier

⦁ The Meta Description of the Page : GOpure is changing the

way the world drinks water by continually purifying &
enhancing your water on-the-go ensuring clean, healthy,
great-tasting water.

⦁ The H1 of the Page : there was no H2

⦁ The H2 of the Page : there was no H2

Part 2c:

⦁ Title Tag : Portable water prifier for sale - Buy pure pod -
Gopure | GOpure Pod

⦁ Meta Descriptions : GOpure will be your health master by

giving you clean, healthy, great-tasting water. Where
there’s a tap, there’s purified water.The Pod works like a
magnet, attracting impurities and contaminants every
second. Pod is the smallest, most convenient portable
water purifier on the planet ever.Every ocean, river, stream,
landfill, forest, park, trail,mountain, and valley (and all the
creatures that inhabit them).It helps you to never use plastic
water bottle again.

⦁ H1 : GOpure product

⦁ H2 : About the product

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