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SSB 2007 - 55

A Bill for: Changes in the Northern Iowa Student Government’s By-Laws

Sponsored by: GALA

First Reading: March 28, 2007

Second Reading: April 4, 2007

Vote: 30-0-0

Presidential Action: ____________________________________________________________

Grant Erwin- President Date

WHEREAS: The GALA Committee was asked by the Northern Iowa Student
Government to look into changes in the By-Laws; and

RECOGNIZING: The GALA Committee has decided the following changes should be
implemented; and

FURTHER RECOGNIZING: The words that are written in italics are to be added to
the By-Laws and the words in strikethrough are to be stricken from the By-Laws;

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: The following changes to be implemented to the By-


ARTICLE V: Legislative Branch

Section 1. Officers

A. Speaker
The chief officer of the Senate shall be the Speaker, who may be either a senator or a
non-senator. If a non-senator, his/her powers and privileges shall be limited to those
peculiar to the Speakership; if a senator, his/her powers and privileges shall be both those
of a Speaker and a senator.

g) Before the Fall Special Election first day after labor day, the Speaker shall
not appoint any new Senators, however; the Speaker shall make
appointments to fill the non-senator seats on the standing committees as
enumerated in the Northern Iowa Student Government Bylaws; Article V,
Section 3, Subsection E. The requirements in subsection "f" shall be
h) After the Fall Special Election Labor Day in September, the Speaker shall,
through the interview process, fill all remaining seats on the Senate as well
as non-senator seats on the committees, and continue to do so throughout
the term. The requirements of subsection "f" shall be fulfilled.

BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That these changes are applied immediately after the
General Election for the 2008-2009 school term.

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