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Chapter 1: Hypnosis - What is it all about? Page 4
How Hypnosis works, Demystifying Hypnosis - Identifying the myths and the facts, The legends in
the field of hypnosis

Chapter 2: Types of Hypnosis Page 12

Self Hypnosis, Environmental Hypnosis, Traditional Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnosis, E&P
Suggestibility, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Chapter 3: What is Hypnotherapy? Page 20

Chapter 4: Medical applications of hypnotherapy Page 23

Chapter 5: Obesity - Classifications and Risks Page 28

What are the causes of obesity? Classifications of obesity, what is childhood obesity? What is the
total impact of obesity? Why is obesity dangerous? What is central or abdominal obesity? What is
the health risk involved with obesity?

Chapter 6: How to prevent obesity? How to prevent childhood obesity? Page 37

Chapter 7: What are the disadvantages of weight loss pills? Page 39

Chapter 8: Emotional aspects of obesity Page 41

What is emotional eating? How to identify eating triggers? How can you break yourself from the
habit? How is obesity and depression related to each other? How obesity affects emotional and
mental health? What are the emotional effects of childhood obesity?

Chapter 9: How does Hypnosis help in weight loss? Page 44

The advantages and drawbacks of using hypnosis for losing weight Staying Safe

Chapter 10: Do you need to visit a Hypnosis practitioner or is self Page 49

hypnosis good enough?

Chapter 11: What does the Hypnotherapist do in the clinic? Page 51

What is the process exactly? What does the client experience? How does the client follow the
instructions of the Hypnotherapist in every day life?

Chapter 12: Does Hypnosis really work? Its criticism and advantages Page 55
Criticism and Advantages of Hypnosis

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I would take you on a journey to the real world of hypnosis in this eBook. The purpose of
this eBook is to give truthful information on hypnosis and my intention is to give this eBook
to everyone seeking to improve the quality of their life.

Hypnosis refers to the process of focusing and connecting to one’s subconscious mind. In
fact, the definition of hypnosis has varied with age. According to new age hypnotists,
hypnosis is a process, which helps to know spiritual and self-insights of the whole cosmos.
However, hypnosis is more effectively used in everyday life for helping people get rid of
chronic phobias or habits by making changes at the subconscious level. Overeating is also a
habit, which can be controlled through hypnosis, and preventing the habit of overeating
can lead to weight loss.

Weight loss is a crucial issue to the obese and overweight population of the world.
Obesity has become a chronic disease and has become the second leading cause of
increasing number of deaths in US. It has been estimated that around 280,000 people die
every year due to obesity in the USA. Around 1/3rd of all cases of high blood pressure
suffer from obesity. Obese people are highly at risk of getting high blood cholesterol levels
and according to researchers, 88% to 97% of type II diabetes cases are noticed in people
suffering from obesity. Excess weight or obesity has been a high risk factor for coronary
diseases, high blood cholesterol levels and gallbladder diseases.

The best way to reduce your weight is to break the wrong habits and hypnosis can help you
achieve that effectively. Hypnosis is a very powerful mechanism that helps you lose weight
by introducing new, positive and healthy habits in your life. When all your quick weight
loss methods fail, hypnosis is there to help you. Hypnosis directly addresses the
subconscious mind to identify the emotional issues leading to overeating. Under the
hypnotic state, the mind becomes alert and is open to suggestions. The mind can then
control the body processes that are otherwise out of control.

In short, hypnosis helps you to bring out the best in you and helps you include healthy
lifestyle for a healthy being. Hope you enjoy reading this book.

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Hypnosis is a process, which involves a hypnotist and a subject who consents to being
hypnotized. This process is as old as humanity and almost every civilization in the world
has used or referred it at some point. Esteemed hypnotist James Braid defined hypnotism
as focused and conscious attention on a central idea. Hypnosis typically involves the four
elements: concentration, relaxation, suggestion and expectation. Hypnosis is a versatile
exercise in the sense that it can be conducted in almost any setting - from the street to
the stage, in the comfort of your home, either over the phone or on a CD to a face to face
clinical setting.

Stage hypnosis, which is the most well-known form of hypnosis, is done primarily for
entertainment. The more serious work of hypnosis is done in clinics or private practices
under the supervision of expert hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapists deal with clients who
seek help in alleviating pain, to overcome addictions, fears, or to modify behaviors.

How Hypnosis works

Hypnosis involves suggestion, susceptibility and a role of conscious and unconscious mind.
A detailed explanation of these factors would help us to understand how hypnosis works.

Suggestion: Eminent hypnotist James Braid, when explaining hypnotism, avoided the
usage of the term ‘suggestion’ and instead referred to the act of making the conscious
mind of the subject concentrate on a particular central idea. Braid chiefly employed the
therapeutic strategy of exciting or reducing physiological functioning in different parts of
the body. Braid later emphasized on the use of a range of verbal and non-verbal forms of

Hypnotism today employs a wide range of diverse forms of suggestions. These could be
direct verbal suggestions like requests, inferences and metaphors besides other rhetorical
forms of speech as well as indirect verbal suggestions like mental imagery, and voice

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tonality. Suggestions can be given permissively or in a more authoritarian manner.
Hypnotic suggestions aim to elicit instant responses while post-hypnotic suggestions
generate responses after a certain span of time.

Susceptibility: In order to assess the susceptibility of a subject, “hypnotic depth scales”

were introduced by Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault and Bernheim. This was worked out based
on a combination of behavioral, psychological and subjective responses of the subject.
This was improved upon by the introduction of “hypnotic susceptibility scales” in the first
half of 20th century. Significant contribution was made by the Davis-Husband and
Friedlander-Sarbin scales in the 1930s. In 1959, Andre Weitzenhoffer and Ernest R. Hilgard
created the Stanford Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility; it comprised of twelve parts of
suggestion test besides a standard hypnotic eye-fixation induction script. This scale has
since become one of the most extensively referred research apparatus in the subject of
hypnosis. Few years later, a similar group scale called the Harvard Group Scale of
Hypnotic Susceptibility was designed by Ronald Shor and Emily Carota Orne.

The hypnotic depth scales that were earlier used attempted to deduce the client’s
‘hypnotic trance’ based on certain signs like spontaneous amnesia. However, the Stanford,
Harvard, HIP and other susceptibility scales interpret numbers in order to configure
whether a person’s susceptibility level is high, medium or low. This can vary over a
person’s lifetime. Deirdre Barrett, a researcher, has contended that there are two kinds of
highly susceptible subjects: the Fantasizers, who have high absorption abilities to forget
real-world stimuli easily and Dissociaters, who have experienced some type of abuse or
trauma in the past and want to forget them and seek refuge in numbness.

Consciousness and unconscious mind: The concepts of ‘conscious’ and ‘subconscious’

mind were established in hypnotism towards the end of 19th century by Sigmund Freud and
Pierre Janet. The original Victorian pioneers of hypnotism like Braid and Bernheim
concurred that the addressee was the subject’s unconscious mind. Those who believe the
addressee of the suggestions to be the conscious mind use direct verbal suggestions and
instructions. On the other hand, hypnotists like Milton Erickson have contended that
responses are addressed to the unconscious mind and thereby they have prescribed to
indirect suggestions like metaphors, stories etc with intended meanings and
interpretations. Varying views about the nature of the mind have paved way for differing
perspectives on suggestion.

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Demystifying Hypnosis - Identifying the myths and the facts

There are many opinions about the subject of hypnosis though unfortunately most of these
are factually incorrect. It is thus important to know at the outset what hypnosis is and
what it is not. It is now accepted that hypnosis has uncanny curative powers. Sigmund
Freud came close to recognizing the ‘trance state’ observable in people before eventually
rejecting hypnosis. Though Freud’s rejection of hypnosis and shifting of attention to free
association and dream interpretation caused serious setback to the subject, work on
hypnosis carried on. Bernheim voiced a strong rejection of modern psychology and argued
that hypnosis is much more effectual than psychoanalysis. He said, “Modern psychology
should go the way of mammoths”.

Hypnosis resurrected itself in the 1950s following research findings that it has a persuasive
therapeutic value. The supposed ‘trance state’ was recognized to be a safe and effectual
means for controlling behavior. The subconscious is the natural and most perfect state of
the mind. It is a virtual storehouse of memory of every place, person and experience. By
virtue of being a treasure of knowledge, the subconscious mind has been also called the
“Supermind”. A person’s life can be changed for the better if this subconscious mind is
rightly tapped on. However, many refuse to believe its curative powers.

Entering a hypnotic state is as normal as any other daily act like eating or sleeping. In
fact, you enter into a hypnotic state several times a day without realizing it. Some of the
famed names who have used hypnotic techniques include Winston Churchill, Jack
Kennedy, Adolf Hitler, Franklin Roosevelt and even Bill Clinton.

Almost every civilization and culture has been familiar to the idea of hypnosis though
different people have different ways of naming and describing it. However, the names are
immaterial. What is more important is to sift the facts from fiction.

Hypnosis is not a process in which your will is completely wiped away and you are made to
do things that you otherwise would not want to. Hypnosis has been unwarrantedly and
disapprovingly described as magic or occult and being anti-religious.

Some of the myths associated with hypnosis that you should be wary of:

• Hypnosis is occult.

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(Fact: There is nothing supernatural about hypnosis: it is purely scientific in the
sense that it manifests the power of the human mind.)

• The subjects are weak-willed persons

(Fact: It is intelligent and determined people with strong abilities to concentrate
who make for the best subjects.)

• Very few people can be hypnotized.

(Fact: While it is true that some people make better subjects than others, almost
everyone can be hypnotized. Those who cannot be hypnotized are infants, insane
or inebriated people or those under the influence of drugs.)

• The subject becomes dominated by the hypnotist and loses his/her will power
(Fact: Hypnosis involves neither domination nor subjugation. The hypnotist merely
helps the subject articulate some of his/her latent abilities like speaking in front of
a huge audience when otherwise he/she is known to be diffident.)

• A person can be hypnotized against his/her will.

(Fact: It is impossible to hypnotize a person unless he/she consents to being

• The subject’s mind is completely under the control of the hypnotist.

(Fact: This is one of the widely circulated myths about hypnosis and the most
absurd too. A subject cannot be made to do anything against his/her morals and
principles, not even by the hypnotist. Hypnosis is not an anesthetic that renders
the subject powerless but is a method to release or intensify the subject’s personal
powers and abilities.)

• A hypnotherapy necessitates the subject to obtain a state of deep trance.

(Fact: Majority of therapeutic hypnosis can be performed in its light or moderate
phase itself.)

• It is possible that the subject will never ‘wake up’ from a state of hypnosis.
(Fact: There is no truth in this belief. The subject may fall into a natural sleep for
some time and ‘wake up’ eventually or awaken when the hypnotist stops

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• Hypnosis is not safe.
(Fact: If performed by a trained and professional practitioner, hypnosis is entirely

• A subject is completely unaware of what happened during the period of hypnosis.

(Fact: A subject who has undergone light or medium stage of hypnosis is fairly
aware of what happened during the hypnosis after they ‘wake up’. Those who had
gone through a deep state might find it difficult to recall what happened once they

• Established medicine rejects hypnosis.

(Fact: The American, British and Canadian Medical Societies have recognized the
curative qualities of hypnosis.)

It is very easy to dismiss hypnosis as supernatural mumbo-jumbo for those who do not
comprehend it. It is unfortunate that the myths generated by ignorant people have
prevented people from availing of its benefits and bring positive changes in their lives.

The legends in the field of hypnosis

The field of hypnosis boasts of many eminent personalities who have made valuable
contributions to it. It would be fitting at this point to peruse in brief detail what they had
to say in order to make informed opinions and judgments.

Franz Mesmer

Franz Mesmer, the 18th century hypnotist, devised a distinctive theory according to which
the health of the human body was affected by a magnetic force or ‘fluid’ within the
cosmos. Mesmer therefore attempted to devise healing techniques by experimenting with
magnets to influence the magnetic field. He later originated the ‘Mesmeric passes’ - In
this, hands are passed some distance away in front of the subject’s body to control the
magnetic field and cause healing. The word mesmerize itself owes its origin to the name
of Franz Mesmer.

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In 1784, Benjamin Franklin undertook the task of scrutinizing Mesmer’s theories on the
instance of King Louis XVI and some French scientific committees. Unfortunately, despite
being proven that Mesmer’s practices were effectual, his theories were discarded by the

James Braid

James Braid conducted a detailed reappraisal of the theory and practice of Mesmerism to
create his own theory of hypnotism. He contended that his theory was more ‘rational’ and
‘sensible’. Although Braid referred to his theory as ‘rational Mesmerism’ in the beginning,
he later stressed that his approach was different. He conducted informal experiments all
through his career to counter arguments in favor of supernatural practices and highlight
the role of ordinary physiological and psychological processes like suggestion and focused
attention in generating the observed effects.

Braid had worked closely with his friend, the well-known physiologist Professor William
Benjamin Carpenter. Carpenter, an early neuro-psychologist, coined the “ideo-motor
reflex” theory of suggestion. He had studied instances of expectation and imagination
influencing involuntary muscle movement. Braid integrated Carpenter's observations into
his own theory and concluded that focusing attention augmented the ideo-motor reflex
response. Braid expanded Carpenter’s theory to incorporate the role of the mind in
affecting the body in general beyond its muscular system and thus invented the term
‘psycho-physiology’ to refer to the ‘ideo-dynamic’ response and the general mind/body

Braid’s later works refer to ‘hypnotism’ as a situation in which subjects entered into a
state of amnesia akin to sleep. In addition to this, he spoke of a ‘mono-ideodynamic’
principle that is at work when the subject’s eye is fixed to narrow his/her attention to a
specific train of thought.

Pierre Janet

Pierre Janet, born 1859, carried out detailed studies on a hypnotic subject in 1882. He
finished his doctorate in philosophy on psychological automatism. Janet was appointed
psychology lecturer at Sorbonne in 1898. Few years later, he became Chair of
Experimental and Comparative Psychology at the Collège de France. Janet combined his

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observations with those of Bernheim and his followers to build a unique and advanced
hypnotic psychotherapy on the basis of the concept of psychological dissociation. This
directly challenged the Comprehensive Theory of Psychotherapy provided by none other
than Sigmund Freud.

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud, the Father of Psychoanalysis, studied hypnotism at Paris school and briefly
visited the Nancy school. Freud began as an avid supporter of hypnotherapy and
highlighted the use of hypnotic regression and reaction (catharsis) in curative therapy.

Freud wrote an approving encyclopedia article on hypnotism, translated one of Bernheim's

works into German, and published a sequence of significant case studies with his colleague
Joseph Breuer called ‘Studies on Hysteria’ (1895). This became a much-referred
sourcebook for subsequent generations of “hypno-analysis” or “regression hypnotherapy”.

Freud, however, eventually shifted his attention to psychoanalysis and stressed on free
association and interpretation of the unconscious. Freud submitted that psychoanalytical
process consumed a great length of time and thus supported its collaboration with
hypnotic suggestion to expedite the outcome of treatment. Unfortunately, Freud did not
enjoy a generous number of qualified followers who could take his idea of synthesis
forward successfully.

Clark L. Hull

Renowned American psychologist facilitated the next important development in hypnosis.

Hull undertook research in Behavioral Psychology and published the first major anthology
of laboratory studies on hypnosis called ‘Hypnosis & Suggestibility’ (1933). In this, he
established that there is no relation between hypnosis and sleep. Hull approached
hypnosis from the viewpoint of Behavioral Psychology and underlined the role of
conditioned reflexes. This theorization completely rejected the psycho-dynamic
interpretation emphasizing unconscious transference propagated by Freud.

Milton Erickson

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Milton H. Erickson has been regarded as one of the most prominent post-war
hypnotherapists. He had written a number of books and articles on this subject. Erickson
professed a new branch of hypnotherapy, called Ericksonian hypnotherapy. His
hypnotherapy was distinguishable as it involved indirect suggestion, “metaphor”
(analogies), confusion techniques, and double binds instead of prescribed hypnotic
inductions. Erickson’s methods have, however, been critically scrutinized by
contemporaries like André Weitzenhoffer who doubt whether Ericksonian hypnotherapy is
hypnosis at all. Erickson himself never doubted his theory and described any suggested
effect as hypnosis.

Cognitive-Behavioral Theories

The second half of the twentieth century witnessed the growth of Cognitive-Behavioral
approach to hypnosis. There were two reasons behind its development: firstly, cognitive
and behavioral theories on the nature of hypnosis became increasingly dominant, thanks
to the contribution of Sarbin and Barber. Secondly, the remedial practices of
hypnotherapy and diverse forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy tended to be related and
influenced each other.

One can distinguish Cognitive-Behavioral Theories of hypnosis from Cognitive-Behavioral

approaches to hypnotherapy. Nonetheless, the two share common concepts, terminology,
and assumptions. The two have been assimilated by leading researchers and clinicians
including Irving Kirsch and Steven Jay Lynn.

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There are several different types of hypnosis. Additionally, each practitioner adopts a
slightly different style and uses different techniques. Therefore, there are as many types
of hypnosis as there are its practitioners. Several types of hypnosis have evolved over the
years in an attempt to more effectively work with all types of subjects. Even those who
considered themselves ‘un-hypnotizable’ can usually be hypnotized, utilizing the right

The most commonly used and recurrent forms of hypnosis are hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis,
waking hypnosis and walking hypnosis. There are other types of hypnosis besides these.
They are: Stage hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The
field of hypnosis is witnessing the development of new and innovative hypnotic methods
constantly. A brief explanation of these common hypnosis types are:

Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is also known as auto-suggestion. In this, a person can hypnotize

himself/herself without being guided by a practitioner. A person intending to undergo self-
hypnosis successfully must be self disciplined. A person’s self-esteem can be a significant
factor in the ability to follow through. A sincere desire to change, is necessary.

Unlike other types of hypnosis, self-hypnosis is a practical and effectual way to manage
daily stress because it is not dependent on the help of a hypnotist. Self-hypnosis is similar
to meditation in the sense that both are driven by ‘relaxation response’. In self-hypnosis,
the body becomes relaxed, stress hormones decrease and the mind is diverted from
unpleasant thoughts. One can achieve deep relaxation in self-hypnosis. In self-hypnosis,
affirmations, or positive statements based on rational thinking facilitate managing stress
and building confidence.

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Self-hypnosis is a useful tool that can be used on a daily basis for well-being. A successful
self-hypnosis session can be conducted by going about it step by step. First, set an
intention for the session. Then think of affirmations you want to include. Remember to
keep your affirmations positive and in the present tense. Choose a quiet place where you
will not be distracted. You can now begin self-hypnosis. Close your eyes and relax your
body. Imagine that waves of relaxation are running down your body from the top of your
head down to your feet. Let these waves move in rhythm with your breathing, first
washing down over your head, then your neck, then your torso, then arms, and finally your
legs and feet.

This preliminary stage of hypnosis is followed by the next stage in which you attain a
deeper state of relaxation. This is done by suggestion. At this stage, you make simple
statements to yourself to induce rest and relaxation. Common hypnotic terms include:
calm, relax, deeper, etc. Choose any mantra that feels appropriate. Repetition is a key
element to inducing greater depth. When you experience a deep level of inner peace and
comfort, use the affirmations you prepared before beginning the session. You can combine
affirmations with relaxation suggestions.

Self-hypnosis usually lasts up to 20 minutes but it can take as long as you like.

Environmental Hypnosis

Environmental hypnosis is also known as walking hypnosis. This kind of hypnosis occurs
naturally when persons enter a trance like state while occupied in a dull or repetitive
task. Therefore, a person can undergo environmental hypnosis while walking, gardening,
reading or listening to a lecture. What actually happens is that the person’s attention is
diverted from the task and he/she enters a state of trance. This is also known as ‘zoning

The state of walking hypnosis is very common. We all undergo walking hypnosis
involuntarily several times a day. This kind of hypnosis is triggered when we become over
stimulated by the external environment. To escape the intake of excessive input, the mind
zones out.

Although environment hypnosis is unplanned and induced by external surroundings, one

can learn to attain a state of walking hypnosis to reap its benefits. Its technique can be

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learned from any trained and competent hypnotist. Many athletes make use of walking
hypnosis to go into the “zone” where they are able to focus solely on the hypnotic state
and not get distracted by feelings of exhaustion or pain while exercising their bodies in
arduous physical activities.

Walking hypnosis is attained in the midst of activities as listening to music, watching

television, driving etc. at any time of the day.

When we learn how to drive, the entire procedure is registered in our subconscious. Have
you ever arrived at your destination and do not remember the drive there? When the mind
zones out, as your conscious thoughts consume your attention, your subconscious takes
over. The emotions aroused while watching movies also lead to walking hypnosis. We
begin to focus so intently on the movie that it feels real: the emotions expressed in the
movie become ours and its images become embedded in our subconscious registering a
strong walking hypnosis state.

So, hypnosis is perfectly natural and we all have undergone it at some point. The fears
about hypnosis are typically caused by a lack of understanding.

Traditional Hypnosis

This is the most common type of hypnosis. The subject/client is encouraged to enter into
an intense state of relaxation by the hypnotist through set techniques. The subject’s mind
becomes highly susceptible to suggestion in this relaxed state. It is at this stage that the
key purpose behind hypnotizing the subject is fulfilled.

Traditional hypnosis generally involves a concrete process of inducing a trance-like state.

The uninitiated will always identify hypnosis as traditional hypnosis whereas it is merely
one type of hypnosis. In traditional hypnosis, the hypnotist gives direct suggestions and
commands to the subject. The individual follows what the hypnotists asks them to do. This
type of hypnosis works well on people who are naturally complying.

Ericksonian Hypnosis

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Ericksonian hypnosis was conceptualized by noted hypnotist Milton Erickson in the late
1960s. It follows a similar mechanism of inducing a state of trance. Nonetheless, it has an
entirely different method of suggestion. In this, ideas are introduced to the subconscious
of the subject in the form of stories which function as metaphors. The hypnotist crosses
the barriers of the critical, questioning part of the conscious mind and reaches the
subconscious with the help of these metaphors.

The influential role of suggestions makes the process of Ericksonian hypnosis highly useful
and effective. It is quite different from other types of hypnosis. Even skeptical and highly
analytical subjects respond positively to Ericksonian hypnosis. In fact, cynical people are
easier to hypnotize through this method. Ericksonian hypnotherapy lays emphasis on and
assists the client’s own creative processes.

Ericksonian hypnosis has now developed into ‘conversational hypnosis’. People can be
hypnotized by simply talking to them. Others will presume that you are having an ordinary
talk with your client when in fact you are guiding them to a deep hypnotic state and
embedding suggestions into their subconscious minds.

Ericksonian hypnotherapy is based on the following important ideas:

1. Every person is unique and the therapy should be in cognizance with that person’s
beliefs, motivations and mannerisms.
2. Hypnosis is an experimental process in which ideas are communicated to achieve
experiential involvement of the client through activation of those ideas.
3. Every person has his/her own resources and they can be assisted in utilizing their
own skills and resources.
4. The state of trances activates the subject’s resources.
5. Trance is completely natural.
6. The Ericksonian approach is oriented more towards course-alignment rather than
error-correction. This is achieved by leading subjects towards their interests and
goals instead of restricting their expressions.

The two basic principles behind Ericksonian hypnotherapy are:

1. Accept the person’s reality

2. Utilize the person’s reality

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The Ericksonian hypnotherapist attempts to neutralize undesirable recurrent conscious
processes to stimulate formerly inaccessible resources. The hypnotist uses an indirect
approach to avoid any potential resistance that may hamper the facilitation of desired

In order to produce trance, a framework is created in which the subject complies with
setting aside normal consciousness and discover other unexplored facets of the being. The
subject is then engaged in a process of communication to engage him/her in experiential
realities that would facilitate trance and personal growth.

The Ericksonian way of inducing hypnosis starts by creating rapport with the client so that
he/she trusts the hypnotist and is comfortable. The hypnotherapist then drifts to hypnotic
communication to enter the state of trance.

The Ericksonian induction incorporates the following:

1. Using the client’s reality for hypnotic induction

2. Asking questions to draw direct attention
3. Furnishing experiential demonstrations
4. Cognizing real sense memories to access trance
5. Periodic shifting between specific demonstration or story and the general to revert
finally to the specific
6. Progressive development of each new response from preceding ones
7. Presuppositions concentrating on how something will be done instead of discussing
whether it would be done
8. Using conjunctions to show everything spoken is linked together.
9. Regular interspersing of ideas related to trance to create a context for the
unconscious to activate autonomously and intelligently.
10. Developing a framework to illustrate hypnosis as a natural process
11. Allowing for intermittent periods of silence to give the subject space to explore on
his/her own
12. Altering the style of delivery of speech
13. Confusing the client to deactivate conscious involvement

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What E&P Suggestibility is and why this approach more effective than traditional

Suggestibility refers to the ability of being prone to accept and act on the suggestions of
others. A person undergoing strong emotions is likely to be more receptive to ideas and
suggestions and therefore more suggestible. Usually, a person’s suggestibility changes with
age. Psychologists have however found that factors like the individual’s sense of self-
esteem, assertiveness, and other qualities also determine the degree of their

Scientific research on hypnosis and associated phenomena is significantly influenced by

the extent of suggestibility of a subject. It is agreed among hypnotherapists and
academicians in this field that suggestibility plays an important role in inducing helpful
hypnotic states.

Dr. John Kappas (1925-2002) recognized three different types of suggestibility. They are:

Emotional Suggestibility:

In this type of suggestible behavior, the subject exhibits a high level of responsiveness to
inferred suggestions. These inferred suggestions influence emotions and contain physical
body responses. The emotionally suggestible subject responds more to inferences rather
than direct and literal suggestions.

Physical Suggestibility:

A physically suggestible subject’s behavior is characterized by strong responses to literal

suggestions, which have an effect on the body. There is control on emotional responses. It
is generally associated with cataleptic stages or deeper.

Intellectual Suggestibility:

In this type of suggestibility, the subject is suspicious of being controlled by the hypnotist.
The subject continually tries to scrutinize, reject or rationalize everything done or said by
the hypnotherapist. When dealing with this type of subject, the hypnotist must provide a

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reasonable explanation for everything and let the subject feel that he/she is doing the
hypnosis himself/herself.

There is still some uncertainty about what suggestibility actually entails. Suggestibility is
undoubtedly an important aspect of hypnosis. However, there is much debate and
difficulty in determining and controlling susceptibility. No practical apparatus exists by
which the level of a person’s suggestibility can be measured exactly.

Extensive research done on hypnosis and monitored trials have revealed that hypnotherapy
is legitimate, curative and effectual. Nonetheless, since it is not possible to determine
empirically the level of a person’s suggestibility, accurate predictions on the therapeutic
outcomes cannot be made.

The uncertainty element of hypnosis makes it all the more effective. The subject is more
likely to personalize the method and cooperate with the practitioner. All this depends on
the motivation, learning, behavior and emotions of the subject. Hypnosis is not a battle of

Subjects generally welcome positive suggestions and are less likely to resist new and
optimistic ideas and perspectives. However, the suggestions that come in the form of the
ideas and perspectives have to be the following:

• Be in accord with ideas previously held

• Consistent with the preferred model of decision-making
• Flatter the subject’s self-identity to an extent agreed on by him/her
• Include positive and constructive suggestions
• Be expressed through sensory combinations experienced in the real world

In other words, if the suggestions tend to make sense to the client and not disturb them,
the hypnotic sessions are highly probable of ending up in success. Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP) studies and deals with this kind of hypnotic suggestion.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, frequently referred to as NLP, is a relatively new

advancement in the study of various types of hypnosis. NLP is a scientific study of how

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language programs our mind’s subconscious. Therefore, though hypnosis has a crucial
contribution in the method of NLP, it is not precisely a type of hypnotism. In NLP, thought
patterns are embedded on the mind to aid solving problems. NLP resourcefully combines
the traditional and modern approach to hypnosis by being simple and convenient and
applying a more modern and profound approach in comprehending how our mind works.

NLP co-founders Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder promoted it in the 1970s as a
speedy and efficient form of psychological therapy which is equipped to tackle cases like
phobias, depressions, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses and learning disorders. It was
further held that NLP could assist a person’s well-being and healthy functioning besides
strengthening his/her self-determination by surmounting learned limitations. Bandler and
Grinder avowed that NLP would be helpful in “finding ways to help people have better,
fuller and richer lives”.

The co-founders invented the title Neuro- Linguistic Programming to represent connection
between neurological processes and language and behavioral patterns that are learnt
through experience and can be organized to realize particular goals. NLP was later put
forth as a “science of excellence” derived from the study of how people across various
fields have achieved excellent results. It was further asserted that these skills can be
learned by anyone to bring positive and effective changes in themselves on both the
personal and professional front.

Although NLP is highly popular, conventional social science prefers to ignore it citing lack
of professional legitimacy and inadequate empirical evidence to verify its claims. Neuro-
linguistic Programming has been conspicuous by its absence in academic psychology. NLP
has enjoyed limited influence in mainstream psychotherapy and counseling. Nonetheless,
private psychotherapists and hypnotherapists recognize it so much so that many use it in
their practice. NLP has greatly influenced management training, life coaching and the
self-help industry.

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Hypnosis is a naturally attained state of mind. It occurs when a person is highly attentive
and focused, with complete concentration on something. Hypnosis is often referred to as
hypnotherapy, when used in a therapeutic setting for vocational/avocational self-
improvement. The state of hypnosis tends to be very relaxing. Most clients feel physically,
mentally, and emotionally comfortable throughout the process.

Under hypnosis, a client is more open to suggestions than they would be otherwise. This
condition of suggestibility can be used resourcefully to fine-tune the client’s perceptions,
behavior, sensations and emotions. Hypnotherapy is practiced to improve a client’s health
and well-being and is significantly different from stage hypnosis done by entertainers.
Even though clients are more susceptible to suggestion during hypnotherapy, they are free
to exercise their own will and reason.

Hypnosis does not make the client lose control over his/her actions but instead help them
achieve greater control over undesired behaviors or emotions. Hypnotherapy helps
individuals more effectively cope with certain medical conditions and chronic pain. In
these cases, hypnosis is not a treatment in itself but a procedure combined typically with
certain treatments and therapies to address a range of conditions.

Clients are first examined by accessing their formal history to ascertain realistic
therapeutic goals. The desired results of this session are discussed as well as the longer
term goals over the course of therapy. This is followed by testing ones suggestibility,
which is only necessary during the first session. After the suggestibility test, a hypnotic
induction takes the client into hypnosis.

Hypnosis should always be conducted under the care and supervision of a trained therapist
or health care professional. Hypnotherapy is a safe, complementary and alternative

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medicine treatment. However, clients undergoing hypnotic therapy must be made aware
of the possible risks that come with hypnotherapy.

A session of hypnotherapy rarely causes adverse reactions; however the following are
possible, especially when working with someone who does not have proper training:

• Headache
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Panic or anxiety
• Planting of false memories in the brain

To avoid facing any of these risks, a client should choose a certified or clinical
hypnotherapist. A therapist who has requisite training, expertise, professional experience,
and all other important and relevant details will usually provide that information upfront.

When clients are getting ready for a hypnotherapy session, there are no special
preparations. Nonetheless, they can ensure that the process is enjoyable by getting
enough rest beforehand and wearing comfortable clothes.

Hypnosis can include a range of techniques. The technique or approach to be exercised on

a particular client depends on the desired goals of that client. The hypnotherapist is many
also give recommendations regarding techniques and practices that will increase the
effectiveness of achieving the desired goals.

The hypnotherapist usually begins the session by talking to the client in a gentle and
comforting tone and using various deepening techniques which generate a feeling of
relaxation, security and well-being.

As the client goes into the hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist makes suggestions in order
to achieve specific goals like alleviating pain or altering behaviors. The hypnotherapist will
help the client visualize images in which the client experiences the desired outcome.
These positive mental images are beneficial for creating new associations in the mind.
When the session is over, the client is ready to return to the real world and continue
normal activities. A session usually lasts as long as 60 minutes. Clients can benefit from

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one session itself or may need several sessions before the changes and improvements

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It is established that hypnotherapy helps eliminate certain medical conditions, end
unwanted habits, give up harmful addictions like smoking and curb stress involved in
medical procedures. Hypnotherapy has lasting effects and it can change and improve the
overall quality of a person’s life.

Hypnotherapy can be used to deal with the following medical conditions:

• Controlling pain
• Quitting addictions like smoking
• Allergies
• Asthma
• Weight loss
• Athletic performance
• Dental procedures
• Coping with chemotherapy
• Skin conditions
• Gastrointestinal problems
• Procedural anxiety management
• Medical treatment side effects for instance nausea and vomiting
• Stress management
• Phobias
• Stress-induced neurological problems
• Surgical preparation
• Childbirth

Since all feelings of pain are mediated through the brain, it is possible to alleviate them
through hypnosis. Hypnosis is almost synonymous with the condition of being completely
relaxed. A motivated client can avert feelings of panic and anxiety when he/she is in a
hypnotic state.

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A brief overview on pain reduction, quit addictions, weight loss etc. through

Pain Management

Hypnosis helps with treating and controlling pain. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy in
reducing pain has been ascertained by Ernest Hillgard in his research and publications. He
has been the emeritus Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Hillgard used a
control research group to corroborate hypnosis’s effective role in managing pain.

Hypnotherapists are obliged to take note of an important ethical consideration before

they use hypnotherapy for treating pain. They should refrain from applying hypnosis on the
client until the source of pain has been identified. Occasionally, pains tend to be a
symptom of other major problems rather than being the problem itself. For example, a
person is suffering from persistent headaches; it could be the symptom of a brain tumor. If
the proper source of the client’s pain is not diagnosed, then a hypnotherapy session could
be harmful for them.

If it has been found that the pain is chronic or untreatable through conventional medicine,
then the hypnotherapist can proceed with the therapy to treat the pain. Hypnotherapy is
applied to treat pain in its various stages and situations. They are:

1. Post-operative pain: The client may feel afraid of needles or be allergic to

medications. In that situation, giving regular painkillers to the client will not be
2. Phantom limb pain: Sometimes clients with amputated limbs feel pain from the
severed limbs. Research has revealed that hypnosis is an excellent method in
treating this kind of pain.
3. Palliative care: A number of hypnotherapists interact with terminally ill clients to
help them cope with their pain and improve their quality of life.

How to Stop Smoking Using Hypnosis

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Hypnosis an effective way give up harmful addictions, including smoking. With hypnosis,
the client can effectively resolve the emotional and psychological aspects of the smoking
addiction. It a healthy and safe option compared to relying on medications.

A hypnotherapy session will cost much less then continuing the habit. The average smoker
spends over $3,000 per year on cigarettes and pays higher insurance premiums. Additional
expenses could include, the medical costs associated with cancer, emphysema, and other
smoking related diseases.

Hypnotherapy has been a highly popular and successful mechanism for quitting addictions.
Hypnotherapy encourages clients to visualize positive images of themselves in which they
see themselves in good health, happy, free, and in control. Motivation and commitment
are continuously reinforced, making it easier to follow through as a permanent ex-smoker.

In order to detect the most effective way to stop smoking, University of Iowa’s Frank
Schmidt and his research student Chockalingham Viswesvaran applied meta-analysis and
observed results of more than 600 studies covering 72,000 people. The result was based on
48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers. It confirmed clearly that hypnosis is thrice
as much effective as NRT. The results were published in the Journal of Applied

How You Can Lose Weight Using Hypnosis

Many people have felt discouraged by repeated unsuccessful attempts at losing weight.
Especially after trying and failing with different types of weight loss programs. It is
regrettable that the countless weight loss programs that have mushroomed here and there
make weight-loss process unnecessarily complicated. One must realize that these weight
loss programs do not address the emotional reasons for weight gain.

Trendy weight loss plans, crash diets and rigorous exercise at the gym are some of the
common weight loss techniques. These programs tend to allure people with promises of
drastic improvement. But they are very dangerous and often infective. Those extra pounds
seem to find their way back to your body making you feel all the more dejected. It is
important to accept that the healthiest way to lose weight is not the quickest way to lose

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Hypnotherapy’s role in helping lose weight has not been explored much until now. But it
happens to be a very healthy and holistic approach to achieve your weight goals. The truth
is losing weight and maintaining ideal body weight is much simpler and easy than it is
thought to be.

The right way to lose weight is all about replacing bad habits with good habits. This is
where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for losing weight by helping you
incorporate new, healthy and positive habits. It is ideal, easy and natural, and its effects
are long-lasting.

Hypnotherapy for losing and managing weight includes the following practices:

• Develop a new image of the self in the future where you see yourself as fit, healthy
and in shape. You will make that image your goal and work towards it.
• Eliminate stress and try to feel more relaxed about weight loss and weight
• Think positively about weight and diet. Being worried or anxious will cause you to
continue comfort eating.
• Generate a positive cycle of feeling good and losing weight. When you start feeling
better about yourself, you will lose weight and that in turn will make you feel even
better about who you are and what you are capable of achieving. It is interesting
to note that as and when you start feeling good about yourself, weight loss, health
and happiness tag along.

If you still cannot believe the wonders hypnotherapy can do in losing weight, then a
detailed explanation of how it works is due. Hypnosis actually helps the client surmount
unconscious impediments preventing him/her from losing or keeping off weight. So, even
though the client’s conscious knows that they want to stick to a sensible diet and exercise
to keep fit, it doesn’t seem to work out. Instead, the client needs to re-educate their
unconscious mind about making healthy choices. Hypnosis is possibly the most natural,
healthy and economical ways to lose weight.

Dieting may be useful for losing a few pounds within a short time but it is not the right
option for maintaining a healthy weight for a longer term. Hypnosis helps in achieving
healthy weight for a lifetime as it involves nurturing new, positive, healthy habits to break
the old ones.

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The very idea of dieting inevitably triggers two strong beliefs among those adopting it.
First, dieting is thought to be a difficult task that entails a strict regimen. Secondly, it is
something, which you would not otherwise want yourself to go through. It is these two
beliefs that make dieting unsuccessful.

Modern approaches, including hypnotherapy and other applied psychology, dispute these
beliefs and advocate that healthy weight management is not just easy to incorporate as a
habit but also something that will be done out of choice.

Hypnosis works on the subconscious level to help the client attain a mindset in which they
can lose weight willingly. Hypnotherapy understands that achieving weight loss would be
difficult as long as the client is not willing to make the necessary changes on his or her

Since hypnotherapy addresses the subconscious of the human mind, it can remedy certain
medical conditions that are beyond mainstream medical practice.

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If we look at obesity around the world, we find an alarming number, which continues to
grow. With urbanization, modernization and technological developments, day by day
people are becoming lazy and eating more than their body can utilize. This in turn is
leading them to become either overweight or obese.

Obesity is a medical
condition which refers
to the excess body fat
that accumulates in
the body to such an
extent that it starts
showing effect on the
health. Obesity
increases the chances
of various diseases like
breathing difficulties
during sleep, heart
diseases, Type-2
osteoarthritis and
certain types of
cancers. It is
estimated that there
are more than 1 billion
overweight adults
around the world of
which 300 million are obese. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions around the world
and is considered to be one of the major causes for the global burden of chronic disease
and disability. Obesity is an intricate condition that often co-exists with under-nutrition in

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developing countries with serious psychological and social elements, affecting people of
all ages and socioeconomic groups.

What are the causes of obesity?

As we all know, weight gain occurs when we eat more calories than our body can burn up.
When the food you eat provides you more calories than you actually need, the excess
calories are converted into fat. The fat cells generally increase in size but when they fail
to increase, they grow in number. So, when you lose weight, the size of the cells decrease
and not the number.

1. There are many causes behind obesity. One of the prime reasons behind weight gain is
the imbalance between intake of calorie and the consumption of the amount of it. This
imbalance generally varies with your age, genes, sex, environmental factors and
psychological makeup.

- Environmental factors: The biggest environmental factor that affects weight gain
is your lifestyle. It is generally believed that eating habits and your activity level is
partly affected by the people around you. Inactivity and overeating are some of the
primary reasons behind obesity.
- Genes: Often, obesity runs in the family. This is affected by a shared diet with the
members of a family, same genes and similar lifestyle. But that doesn’t mean that
having obese relatives can make you obese.
- Age: With age, people tend to lose muscle and starts putting on fat. As their
metabolism rate slows down, their calorie requirements also decrease.
- Pregnancy: Women commonly gain 4 to 6 pounds after their pregnancy. This
weight gain may turn to obesity in future.
- Emotions: Emotions too play an important part in obesity as people suffering from
anger, boredom, depression, hopelessness may tend to overeat. But, this doesn’t
mean that obese people are unhappy or they suffer more than others emotionally.
It is just that people with emotional burden tend to suppress their feeling by
- Sex: On average, men have more muscles than women. Since muscles can burn
more calories than any other tissue, men use more calories than women do, even
when they rest. That is why women are more likely to gain weight than men even
when both of them take in the same calories.

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2. Obesity can also be an effect of certain medications and medical conditions, but they
are less common causes of obesity. Some of the medical conditions are:

- Cushing syndrome
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Depression
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Hypothyroidism
- Certain medications like antidepressants, steroids and birth control pills.

3. The distribution of fat in your body also plays a part in determining obesity related
problems. Generally, there are two different kinds of body fat – first, the fat that is
distributed around the waist and second the fat that is distributed on the thighs and hips.
The fat near the waist is more prone to accumulate.

4. Most commonly, obesity is the result of certain eating disorders like bulimia or binge
eating. Consuming too many calories is the primary reason behind the sudden increase in
the number of obese people around the world. People are eating more than before
throughout the world. In spite of billions of dollars spent on awareness campaigns to help
people live a healthy life, majority of people continue with their overeating. In 1980,
about 14% of the adult population in USA was obese; by 2000 the figure reached to 31%,
according to The Obesity Society. In USA, the consumption of calories increased from
1,542 per day in 1971 to 1,877 per day in 2004 for women. For men, the figures were
2,450 in 1971 and 2,618 in 2004. The consumption of sweetened drinks and fast foods has
increased three times over the same period.

5. Inadequate sleep is also believed to be a cause behind obesity. According to a research

carried out by University of Warwick at Warwick Medical School, if you do not have enough
sleep, your chances of becoming obese increases two times. The risk is similar for both
adults and children. Professor Francesco Cappuccio and his team evaluated evidence in
over 15,000 adults and 28,000 children. Their study very clearly showed that inadequate
sleep radically increased obesity risk in both the groups. According to Professor Cappuccio,
sleep deprivation leads to obesity because of the increase in appetite as a result of
hormonal changes. When you do not sleep enough, you produce Ghrelin, a hormone that

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arouses appetite. Lack of sleep also results in your body producing less Leptin, a hormone
that curbs appetite.

Classifications of obesity

Relative weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) are used to estimate body and measured by
percentage. But, BMI does not account for the variation of body fat distribution and may
not match the same degree of excess fat or associated health risk in different people and
populations. Other fat distribution measuring methods are the waist–hip ratio and body fat

BMI: BMI or Body Mass Index is widely used for estimating body fat mass. The method was
developed by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet in the later
part of 19th century. BMI is the exact reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of
adult population. But it is less precise in people like pregnant women and body builders.
BMI is calculated by dividing the subject's mass by the square of his or her height which is
either expressed in US "Customary" units or metric.

BMI Classification
Less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 to 24.9 Normal weight
25.0 to 29.9 Overweight
30.0 to 34.9 Class I obesity
35.0 to 39.9 Class II obesity
= 40.0 Class III obesity

Surgical literature further breaks down Class III obesity into groups whose exact values are
disputed. It says:

BMI = 35 or 40 is severe obesity

BMI = 35 or 40 to 44.9 or 49.9 is morbid obesity
BMI = 45 or 50 is super obese

It is believed that Asian people develop negative health outcomes at a lower BMI than
Caucasians. There are some nations who have redefined obesity like the Japanese has

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defined obesity when BMI is greater than 25 and for the Chinese, when BMI is greater than
28, it is obesity.

Waist circumference and waist–hip ratio: In the United States, when a waist
circumference of >102 cm in men and >88 cm in women or the waist–hip ratio which is the
circumference of the waist divided by that of the hips is >0.9 for men and >0.85 for
women, it is defined as central obesity. In Europe, waist circumference of 94 cm in men
and 80 cm in non pregnant women are taken as cut offs for central obesity.

Body fat percentage: Body fat is the total body fat that is expressed as a percentage of
the total body weight. It is believed that men with more than 25% body fat and women
with more than 33% body fat are obese. Body fat percentage is calculated by the following

Bodyfat % = (1.2 x BMI) + (0.23 x age) - 5.4 - (10.8 x gender) where the gender is 0 if
female and 1 if male.

This formula takes into account the fact that body fat percentage is 10 percentage points
greater in women than in men for a given BMI. There are many other methods of
calculating the body fat percentage. One is the Hydrostatic weighing which is conducted
by weighing a person underwater. Other two methods are the skinfold test which takes
into account a pinch of skin to measure the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and
the bioelectrical impedance analysis which uses electrical resistance.

What is childhood obesity?

Teenagers and children with a BMI greater than 95th percentile is considered obese.
Childhood obesity has become a common problem worldwide in this 21st century. For
instance, research shows that the obesity rates in Canadian youngsters have increased
from 11% to over 30% in the last decade. During the same period, the rates of obesity in
Brazilian children increased from 4 to 14%. Factors like changing food habits and less
physical exercises are causing the increasing percentage of obesity among children. In
most of the countries, physical activities in school and homes have decreased with time.

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Childhood obesity usually grows with the child leading to obesity in adulthood and results
in many different chronic illnesses in children. Obese children may suffer from
hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fatty liver and hypertension.

What is the total impact of obesity?

Physicians all over the world have the same view that obese people tend to suffer socially
because of their weight issues. People around them often equate obese people with
laziness, overeating and idleness. Some people are obese because their work requires
them to sit for
hours without
any activity. In
such cases, the
person takes in
more calories
than the body
can burn off
and causes
them gain
weight. Obesity
is not only an
outcome of
overeating, it
can also be the
effect of low
self-esteem and
reasons like alcoholism, sexual abuse or depression. People suffering from these problems
use eating as their only mean to cope with their problem. For them, eating gives them a
feeling of temporary relief.

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Studies have
shown that
obese women
suffer more
than their male
Obese women
often try hard
to lose weight
and when they
fail, they tend
to suffer
They start
feeling that
they are not like
what ideal
women ‘should
look like’. Because of this, women start nurturing negative feelings about themselves. In
order to improve this, overweight women need to learn to love who they are. Following a
regular routine of healthy diet and exercise will not only help to lose weight but improve
self-esteem as well. When people learn to find other ways of dealing with their emotions
rather than overeating, it becomes easy to have a healthier body. It is very important for
obese people to feel good both physically and mentally to deal with obesity and
overweight problems.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Obesity has become a major health problem for people all over the world. Obesity can
cause severe health hazards at some point in life. That is why it is very important for you
if you are obese to minimize weight and lead a healthy life.

The more obese a person is the more health problems he/she is likely to develop. Mild
obesity (when the BMI is 30+) is less dangerous for health than morbid obesity (when the
BMI is 40+) or malignant obesity (when the BMI is 50+).

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What is central or abdominal obesity?

People suffering from central or abdominal obesity which refers to excessive visceral fat
around the abdomen and stomach are at greater risk of health related problems.
Abdominal obesity is one of the main reasons behind health problem symptoms like insulin
resistance syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

In women, central obesity is determined by a waistline of about 35+ inches whereas in

men, the danger waistline is around 40+ inches. Similarly, the waist-hip ratio also helps to
determine if the person is in the danger of obesity. For women, waist-to-hip ratios of
more than 0.8 and men with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 1.0 are considered to have
apple-shaped body with higher health risk because of their excessive fat distribution.

What are the health risks involved with obesity?

1. Obese people are prone to sudden heart attack, congestive heart failure, chest pain or
angina. High blood pressure or hypertension is more common in obese people due to the
extra fat in your body that puts pressure on your heart and other organs as well as the
skeletal system which are supposed to give support to the weight of the body. Another
major health complexity triggered by obesity is the failure of coronary blood circulation to
the cardiac muscle and the surrounding tissues.

The chances of getting a heart attack are high with obesity due to the rising cholesterol in
the blood. Atherosclerosis, which refers to the narrowing of the arteries leading to the
formation of an arterial blood clot, is one of the pre-conditions of strokes. Atherosclerosis
is sped up by smoking, high blood pressure, lack of exercise and high cholesterol. Morbid
obesity is often associated with high blood pressure and lack of exercise.

2. When you do nothing to reduce your weight, you are actually reducing the number of
years from your life. Young people suffering from obesity tend to develop diseases that
are more common with older people like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and
hardening of the arteries that may ultimately lead to early death. According to CDC
researchers, there are some 300,000 American deaths every year due to obesity. The
chance of premature death increases with the rise in the number of obese people.
Individuals who are obese have 50 to 100 percent increased chance of premature death
compared with those of a healthy weight.

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3. Obesity also increases the chance of cancer in the kidneys, gall bladder, prostate and
breasts. Women who gain more than 20 pounds from the age of 18 to 40, develops greater
risk of post-menopausal breast cancer than those with normal weight.

4. Musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis are more common in obese people than in
people with a healthy weight. Various health studies have shown that obesity is one of the
strong indicators for symptoms of osteoarthritis, mainly in the knees. It is proven that for
every 2 pounds of weight gain, your chances of osteoarthritis increases.

5. Obstructive sleep apnea or breathing problems while sleeping is common in obese

people. Obesity is related to asthma, severe bronchitis, respiratory insufficiency and
obesity hypoventilation syndrome.

6. The risk of gallstones is 3 times higher in obese people than in people with normal
weight. In fact, symptomatic gallstones are directly related to the rise in Body Mass Index

7. Obesity shows some extreme effects in pregnant women and affects the health of both
the mother and the baby. It raises the risk of high blood pressure in the mother by 10
times. Obesity during pregnancy can also lead to the chances of birth defects like spina
bifida. Obesity related problems after childbirth includes higher chances of endometritis,
wound and endometrial infection as well as urinary tract infection in the mother.

8. An increase in weight raises a person’s chances of developing type 2 diabetes. More

than 80% of people with diabetes are either obese or overweight.

Other than health problems, obesity is also linked with psychological and social effects.
Most obese people suffer emotional pain due to their weight problems. Society is more
attracted to people with a perfect body and ideal appearance. Such thinking makes obese
people feel rejected.

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You are the one ultimately responsible for ridding yourself of excess weight. Continue
reading to learn some easy ways to prevent obesity effectively.

1. Monitor your weight on a regular basis. If you are inactive and have an unhealthy diet,
you will easily notice any change in weight at an early stage. This will help you to prevent
potential problems.

2. Drink plenty of water. Water can detoxify your body from all the impurities present in
the system. You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking water not
only detoxifies your body, but also rejuvenates your skin.

3. Stay energetic with activities like climbing the stairs, evening or morning walks and
swimming. These small activities can help you burn a lot of calories and stay healthy. Start
doing mild exercises at home for thirty minutes or join a gym or health club.

4. Avoiding junk food can play a big role in preventing obesity. Do not bring junk food to
your home; refrain from eating at fast food restaurants and stop buying foods that are full
of calories. Treat yourself once or twice a month but not more than that.

5. Do your best to have a balanced diet with whole grains, fruits and vegetables. An adult
suffering from obesity should eat low-sugar fruits and vegetables at least five times a day.
Avoid fruits that are rich in calories like mangos. A serving of vegetables should include
one and a half cups of cooked vegetables or one cup of raw vegetables.

6. Eat only when you feel hungry, which means, no mindless eating. Do not cut your three
meals a day. Instead, divide the meals into small meals and eat every 2 to 3 hours. Try not
to have calorie rich snacks in between the meals. Also, eat slowly so your stomach has
time to feel ‘full’.

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How to prevent childhood obesity?

Every year, millions of children are affected by obesity in the United States. These
overweight or obese children are highly at risk due to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Other health risks include asthma, emotional issues, bone and joint problems and sleeping

Causes of childhood obesity include:

- Increased consumption of food, which are highly rich in calories like fast food and
soft drinks. Today’s children eat three times more than what children used to
consume 20 years ago. Moreover, the fast food companies are mainly targeting
children in their marketing campaigns. Some schools also offer junk food and soft
drink during lunch time.
- Nowadays, children spend most of their time watching TV, playing on the computer
and playing video games. Reduced amount of physical activity have contributed to
childhood obesity.

As a parent, you can play a big role in helping your child adopt healthy eating habits and
lifestyle, like:

- Encourage your children to adopt physical activities. Introduce them to different

activities until they find something they like.
- Never reward your children with good food or candy. This can only encourage bad
habits. Instead, find other ways to celebrate their achievements.
- Try to limit the amount of time your child spends on the computer and playing
video games. Rather, encourage them to go out and do some physical activities.
- The most important thing that you can do as a parent is be a good role model for
your kids. If you yourself adopt a healthy lifestyle, your children will automatically
start following you.
- Praise your children for good deeds and help them develop a positive image of
themselves. Speak to them positively; avoid saying hurtful things out of anger or
- Encourage your children to have good and healthy food even when they are not at

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According to a warning published by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA), most of
the weight loss pills and weight loss products contain unlisted ingredients. There are some
72 weight loss and diet products on the FDA list that are highly contaminated and
dangerous. Many of the products are marketed as natural products containing natural
ingredients, but they contain unlisted substances which can cause severe health problems.

Some of the weight loss pills contain illegal drugs that are not listed or approved by the
FDA for Over the Counter use. Many of these weight-loss drugs are antidepressant
medicine and contain chemicals that are suspected for causing cancer.

Intake of these dangerous pills can lead to serious health hazards like cancer, sudden
death, strokes, seizures and heart attacks. Other health problems associated with them
are palpitations, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia.

Natural herbal diet pills can be equally dangerous. Side effects of natural herbal diet pills

- stomach irritation
- increased heart rate
- nervousness or irritability
- insomnia
- undesirable reactions with any prescription drug you are taking

Similarly, prescription drugs, although approved by FDA, may also carry certain risk and
side effects. Most of the prescribed diet pills include fat absorbers and blockers, appetite
suppressants and are used as a quick fix or when other weight loss methods have not
worked. The side effects of prescription diet pills are related to amphetamines, which are
considered to be a narcotic drug and carry side effects like:
- constipation

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- increased blood pressure
- insomnia
- dry mouth

The most dangerous diet pills are Over the Counter diet pills because they have side
effects like:
- nervousness
- heart irregularities
- headache
- heart attack
- stomach irritation
- diarrhea
- addiction
- high blood pressure
- diarrhea
- stroke

There are lots of weight loss pills that people consider as quick fix solutions for obesity,
but most of the ingredients found in these drugs are not regulated. That means you do not
know what you are actually getting in these products.

Visit for more details. 40

What is emotional eating?

Emotional eating means consuming large quantities of food, mainly junk foods, in order to
suppress an emotion. It is estimated that nearly 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.
Many of us have the idea that food consumption can give us temporary relief from the
emotional distress that we go through. As a result, most of us start using consumption of
food as an escape from the emotional burden. Emotional conditions like loneliness,
frustration, boredom, depression, anxiety and stress or any kind of emotional problem due
to interpersonal relationships and low self-esteem often result in eating disorders and
weight gain.

The first and foremost way to curb your eating disorder is to know what triggers your
eating. If you can identify the reason, then you can easily find other ways to manage your
emotional problems and regulate the intake of food.

How to identify eating triggers?

Emotions and situations that trigger our eating fall into five categories:

- Emotional: Eating in order to suppress boredom, tension, stress, fatigue, anger,

depression or loneliness.
- Physiological: Excessive eating also takes place due to physical cues. You may
experience increased hunger due to skipping of meals, to treat headaches or pain.
- Situational: You may tend to overeat because the opportunity is there to eat.
Eating is also associated with going to movies, watching TV and other activities.
- Social: Eating due to encouragement from others or feeling uncomfortable in social
- Thoughts: Indulging in excessive eating due to negative self worth or as a form of

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How can you break yourself from the habit?

The first thing you need to do is to identify what triggers you to overeat. But this alone
cannot help you change your eating behavior. You also need to break the habit of
excessive eating caused by emotional distress or uncomfortable situations. To do this, you
need to develop alternatives to eating. Whenever you feel like eating as a means of
coping, you choose other activities: like reading a book or magazine, do deep breathing
exercises, go for a long walk or jog, talk to a friend, play cards or do housework.

Hypnosis is an effective way to quickly replace your old coping mechanisms with new healthy

There are times when simple distractions alone will not do any good. If you feel that the
alternatives are not effective enough to suppress emotional distress then you may have to
try a more powerful method like meditation, relaxation exercises, hypnotherapy or
counseling. These methods help you to detect the emotional problems and teach you how
to cope with them in healthy and effective ways. As you successfully incorporate the
coping strategies in dealing with your eating disorders, reward yourself with a massage or
any other self-loving activity. This will motivate you to carry on with your goals.

How are obesity and depression related?

It is very common that obesity and depression go hand in hand. People who are depressed
can become obese over time as they focus more and more on eating as a way to comfort
them self. The connection between depression and obesity works on two levels. On the
first level, people suffering from depression actually become obese. This happens because
a depressed person often uses food to escape from uncomfortable feelings. The longer the
person is depressed, the more this behavior becomes a problem leading to excessive
weight gain. Alternately, obese people tend to feel depressed because of their weight

How obesity affects emotional and mental health?

Being overweight or obese affects a person emotionally in different ways. According to

recent obesity related research, the mental health effects of obesity are as intense as the
physical effects. Mental and emotional health issues include low self-esteem, social

Visit for more details. 42

discrimination and even suicidal ideation. Recent researches have proven that overweight
people tend to suffer more mentally than underweight people.

Obese people are often misjudged or mistreated in the society. They are seen as lazy and
lacking in will-power or even incapable of taking care of themselves. These factors
increase their chances of becoming depressed. It is also believed that obese people are
less likely to attend college or pursue advancement opportunities. According to research
conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, obese youngsters, women are half as likely
to attend college as their slim counterparts. It was also proven that the emotional effects
of obesity in females are stronger than males. This is mainly because of society’s pressure
on women to look a certain way. The feeling of distress for being overweight not only
affects their self-esteem but also their achievement.

What are the emotional effects of childhood obesity?

Emotional effects of obesity are more intense in children than in adults. A study about
Childhood Obesity and Self Esteem published in Pediatrics Magazine says girls between the
age of 13 and 14, who are obese are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and carry
over the feeling to adulthood. Regardless of gender, overweight children who suffer
emotionally throughout their childhood can develop deep rooted insecurities as adults.

In these cases, you as a parent can play a big role in helping your child cope with the
problem of obesity and the emotional distress that he/she might be experiencing.

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Hypnosis is a powerful therapeutic method which helps people achieve their weight loss goals
with greater ease and effectiveness. Hypnosis can assist clients in using the power of the mind
to change behaviors and self perception.

In hypnosis, people are encouraged to unleash a new communication channel with the
body and mind through the mind. A professional hypnotherapist will guide the client into a
state of concentration as well as mental and physical relaxation. In this state, the client is
highly suggestible and imaginative powers are strongly at work.

In hypnosis, the subconscious mind becomes strongly amenable to positive suggestions for
altering eating habits, incorporating exercise and other habits that promote self-care.

A person can reach this highly sensitive state of suggestibility in any setting with the help
of a hypnotist. Positive suggestions are given, as well as visualization exercises which
create a new positive self image. Within a short period of time, the suggested messages
expend the subconscious to make positive permanent changes. It is this development that
facilitates the person in re-orienting his/her eating habits, exercise regimen, body image
and overall self image. The client is then further educated in ways to utilize the power of
hypnosis in concentrating on his/her goals and the new improved self image.

Hypnosis is a useful mechanism for deciphering the emotional factors laden in the
unconscious mind that lead a person to eat more than required. Unhealthy eating choices
are generally made when a person is anxious, bored, stressed or depressed. When these
emotional factors are identified, hypnosis is brought in to replace them with affirmative
motivators to help the person make better and healthier choices under stress.

When hypnosis is combined with a behavioral weight management treatment plan, it turns
out to be a very effectual way for attaining weight loss. Nonetheless, there are many

Visit for more details. 44

other variables at work which determine the success or failure of the program. A
particular hypnotic program, for instance, should be customized to suit the needs and
requirements of that individual.

The most serious challenge in weight loss is retaining it permanently. However, a client
undergoing hypnotherapy learns that he/she can overcome inner anxieties and emotions
with the help of certain tools. Some of these tools are emotion regulation skills,
motivational skills, self-control skills besides awareness about diet, exercise and nutrition.
It is generally held that successful hypnotherapy for weight loss must include
strengthening a client's sense of worth and confidence.

All in all, hypnosis deserves serious consideration as a helpful means for weight loss. When
it is combined with other forms of treatment like psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral
therapy, group counseling and support, dieting, exercise and other educational programs,
even challenging cases of obesity can be overcome.

What is most alluring about the hypnotic mechanism to lose weight is that it precludes the
necessity to consume pills. Crash dieting and popping weight loss pills may be speedy ways
to achieve weight loss but they are neither healthy nor safe. Moreover, there is no
guarantee that they would have long-lasting effects.

Obesity is increasingly becoming a serious health concern, especially in the USA. Recent
data from the National Center for Health Statistics reveals that 30% of American adults 20
years of age or over are obese. This means that more than 60 million Americans are
overweight. The trend of young population coming under the grips of obesity is a
disturbing one. The condition of obesity or being overweight makes one vulnerable to
many diseases and health conditions as we already know.

One question that might be asked is whether hypnosis works for everyone. Professor at
Yale University and ABC medical contributor Dr. David Katz has clarified that hypnosis is
not a definitive solution to weight loss or weight control. Dr. Katz has highlighted the
positive and indispensable role of exercise and nutrition. This fact is important to consider
when choosing hypnotherapy to achieve your weight loss goals. You must be willing to
make some life style changes. Expecting to lose weight without changing dietary habits
and/or exercise is unrealistic.

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Hypnosis is a state in which the consciousness is momentarily altered and in full
concentration. According to a study by Stanford University, around 15% of the country’s
population is strongly hypnotizable and about 10 to 15 % are not hypnotized at all. Since
normal faculties are at abeyance in hypnotized state, it is important that the practitioner
is reliable and competent and has worthy credentials. Hypnotherapy can also help
migraines, sleep disorders, anxieties, depression, nausea and ulcers. Some of these issues
are common amongst people with weight challenges.

As a branch of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy holds immense potential. It can be gainfully

implemented to treat ailments like insomnia, tension headaches, asthma, weight loss,
phobias and addictions. When the hypnotherapist works with a person, they invite the
client to open their mind and receive the positive suggestions. These suggestions are
embedded in the subconscious of the client’s mind and the altered behaviors and thought
process helps the client make necessary changes.

Laypersons have often wondered how hypnosis works and imagined that it treats weight
loss completely by preventing clients from doing certain things through suggestions when
they are asleep. When they wake up, they find that they have lost weight. However, this
is not true. A hypnotherapist employs relaxation techniques to let the client achieve a
relaxed state. The client may resist attempts to relax and this will impede the process.
Treatment through hypnosis can only begin once the client is completely relaxed and open
to receive suggestions that will help eliminate his/her problem. This may also involve
visualization techniques to help the client enter the mind framework where they see
themselves as successfully working on weight loss habits like dieting and exercising.

It is good to take all the necessary steps to remain in shape and stay fit. It is not only good
for your health but the mind as well. There is no doubt that a fit body and mind is
indispensable for having a strong and confident personality. But obese individuals often
become pessimistic and lose hope when they see the common weight loss programs failing
them. Hypnosis, on the other hand, helps the client believe that they can and will be
successful at the beginning of the process so that they proceeds with a positive frame of

The advantages and drawbacks of using hypnosis for losing weight

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Hypnotherapy comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. It might be more suitable
for some than others. Therefore, prospective clients must take due note of these before
pursuing hypnotherapy to achieve their weight loss goals.

Advantages of Hypnosis

The non-invasive nature of hypnosis is possibly hypnotherapy’s greatest merit. Unlike

other methods, it is completely safe for the individual’s health and does not have any side
effects if done under a skilled hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy understands that different clients have differing needs and requirements. It
is not a one size fits all approach. The hypnotherapy sessions are personalized in order to
cater to the particular needs of the client and negotiate the cause of the ailment head-on.
Hypnosis goes to the subconscious and unearths the real cause, which is often the cause
for significant transformation. However, it will not miraculously make someone thin. It
works by helping the client make positive permanent life style changes.

Hypnosis has been found to work and result in success where many mainstream treatments
have failed.

Hypnotherapy helps the client by altering their conditioned responses to specific

situations. It can assist a person in altering old habits and behaviors to improve their life,
and it can be usefully employed to eliminate problems like anxiety, addiction, insomnia,
phobias, grief, irrational anger and obsessive compulsive behaviors.

If done properly, hypnosis has the potential to be the most reflective form of healing.
Usually, clients going through hypnosis become fully cognizant with the deeper recesses of
their own mind. Self-hypnosis educates a client in self-acceptance beyond any other
healing or therapeutic method.

Disadvantages of Hypnosis

There is no proper statutory regulation functional in this profession. Clients are thus highly
vulnerable to the danger of being duped by a fraudulent unprofessional. Therefore,
defenseless clients ailing from post-traumatic stress, epilepsy and serious psychological

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disorders for instance borderline psychosis, split personality and even depression should
refrain from going for hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy does not guarantee results to everyone. Many people also show reluctance
in undergoing hypnotherapy because they are not comfortable with the idea of losing
control of their consciousness and being submissive to the other person i.e. the hypnotist.
A long standing misconception is that clients who are very logical, skeptical and reserved
in nature would not be easy to hypnotize. However, E&P testing enables the
hypnotherapist to work with highly analytically people just as effectively as any other
naturally suggestible person. The technique is slightly different, but it is a misconception
that analytical people cannot receive the same benefits.

It can be more difficult than it seems to find a qualified hypnotherapist. Professional

credentials can be awarded for a weekend long course. The lack of skills typically results
in little to no significant changes.

Staying Safe

With due consideration to the benefits and drawbacks of hypnotherapy, it can be

concluded that any person willing to undergo hypnotherapy should exercise precaution in
finding a qualified hypnotherapist. A genuine hypnotherapist should be able to produce
valid credentials.

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When a person is able to hypnotize herself or himself, it is described as self-hypnosis. Self-
hypnosis can be done without introducing a hypnotist. Self-hypnosis can be practiced with
the help of audio tapes, books, magazines and receiving training from professional
hypnotists. Most of the professional practitioners contend that hypnosis can be carried on
one’s own self through continuous practice.

Self hypnosis often takes place unconsciously: what requires repeated effort and practice
is the ability to control the act. It must be remembered that hypnosis is a highly
complicated procedure and learning to hypnotize one’s own self may not be as easy as it
appears to be. A person must not sleep during hypnosis and be in full awareness of what
he/she is doing. This calls for a great deal of resolve and self-control.

A lot many people have likened self-hypnosis to placebo effect but the debate continues.
Self hypnosis can be learned successfully by listening to audio tapes, practicing the correct
methods and procedures and training under a qualified hypnosis practitioner.

It is important for the self-hypnotizer to bear in mind that he/she must not exceed his/her
emotional limits as it may disturb the mind. Beginners must begin and learn with caution and
refrain from making dangerous mistakes. It is apparent that beginners will gain confidence by
learning under a practiced hypnotist.

Several people have adopted self hypnosis methods to initiate positive changes and
improvements in their lives. They have benefited from self hypnosis. But it is important to
warn here again that self-hypnosis can be unsafe if appropriate safety measures are not
taken. It is best advised that you do not attempt self-hypnosis if you feel emotionally

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So it must be evident by now what the answer to our question asked in the beginning is:
self-hypnosis is not just good enough but perfectly acceptable. Self-hypnosis can be done
frequently and in the convenience of your own home. But learning self-hypnosis takes time
and the person should be able to exercise self-control as well. On the other hand, visiting
a hypnosis practitioner is acceptable in the sense that there would not be any scope for
mistakes that beginners can possibly make when hypnotizing themselves. Additionally, a
professional has vastly more knowledge and techniques to enhance the results.

There is a lot of myth and predetermined ideas and opinions revolving hypnosis and it goes
without saying that most of this is false. One can take a short survey to find out what
people in general feel about hypnosis. It would reveal that hypnosis is understood as some
form of magic or supernatural activity. These understandings of hypnosis are fanned by
the media which likens hypnosis to the kind done on stages for entertainment purposes.
But it would be a mistake to form one’s own opinion about hypnosis in general solely on
the basis of what one has seen on entertainment shows. Clinical hypnosis has been
acknowledged and used by several medical practitioners for therapeutic purposes as well
as personal growth and development. It has been utilized successfully as an alternative
therapy in several medical establishments all through the world.

Visit for more details. 50

Hypnotherapy can be of considerable help to clients undergoing medical treatments and
operations. It can be integrated with psychotherapy to support individually the personal
adjustments facing every person. It is also used successfully to help clients with weight
loss, smoking cessation, self-confidence, and vocational/avocational self-improvement.

The process followed by a hypnotherapist to work with a client encompasses a series of


The first session of hypnotherapy typically involves a slightly longer interaction between
the hypnotherapist and his/her client. This meeting is critical because here the hypnotist
is attempting to know the client thoroughly. This requires building a personal relationship
and establishing what the purpose of the therapy is going to be. The therapist may ask a
series of questions in order to become familiarized with the client’s history. He/she will
study these details to identify the cause of the client’s problem and how to best resolve
it. The hypnotherapist will explain the entire process of hypnosis to the client. It is
important that the client knows what and what not to expect in the session. The client
will also take a suggestibility test to determine the most effective way to work with them.

A session of hypnosis usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour. The session begins
with cognitive discussion that involves questions like “How are you feeling?” or “How's
your week been?” One must realize that hypnotherapy is a highly organic procedure - the
pace and content of the session cannot be predetermined. Much of the progress of the
session depends on the moods and motivations of the client. Nonetheless, a cognitive
discussion usually lasts up to 20-30 minutes and is then followed by hypnosis of 20-30
minutes duration.

The hypnotherapist will ask the client what their goals are for the session, what they want
to achieve, and what challenges they face. The therapist will try to detect factors like

Visit for more details. 51

psychological issues, psychosis or any serious medical issue which requires attention and
which is off limits to a hypnotherapist. A good therapist will communicate compassion and
understanding to ensure you are comfortable being completely honest.

In hypnotherapy, the therapist may or may not refer a script. A script normally contains
pre-written suggestions to be given to a client.

The process of transition from full conscious awareness into hypnotic trance is described
as the induction stage of hypnosis. One has to be induced with or without the help of
hypnotherapist to enter hypnotic state. Induction requires the client to feel completely
relaxed and have focus and concentration. When the brain concentrates single-mindedly,
the conscious mind becomes exhausted, the outside world effaces gradually and the
subconscious becomes active. This is the transition in which the client is moves from
conscious state into hypnosis.

Once a client enters light hypnotic state, it is deepened by intensifying concentration and
enhancing relaxation. As the conscious critical mind shuts down, the brain goes gradually
into hypnosis to let the subconscious mind take over. Deepening techniques are used to let
the brain get more and more focused, relaxed and go deeper into trance. Levels of trance
often fluctuate during hypnosis. A medium depth has been found to be effective for cases
like weight loss.

When a person is in hypnosis, his/her body is completely relaxed and their mind is
focused. The subconscious cannot discriminate between reality and fantasy and the mind
becomes highly suggestible. Since the critical part of the brain is inactive, the brain
accepts suggestions unquestionably. At this juncture, positive suggestions will also be
received without interruption from conscious mind and get embedded into the
subconscious to facilitate changes in habits accordingly.

This is followed by the stage of post hypnotic suggestion. Post hypnotic suggestions are
given to a client whilst they are in hypnosis to effect a change once they come out of
hypnosis. A posthypnotic suggestion given at the proper time and context can efface a
negative memory and replace it with a positive one that will help overcome a problem a
client had been facing. This could be the ability to speak in front of a huge audience,
imbibe healthy eating habits, exercise regularly to keep fit, or quit smoking.

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The last stage of hypnosis is when the client wakes up from the trance. Many people
wonder anxiously whether they would be able to wake from the trance or not. However,
their fears and inhibitions are unwarranted. One will wake up from hypnosis as naturally
as one wakes up from sleep.

Hypnotherapy, or medical hypnosis, has slowly found its rightful place in conventional
medicine. Mainstream medicine practitioners have begun to acknowledge that
hypnotherapy has lot to offer and that it can be combined successfully with other
remedial procedures to facilitate positive outcomes. Since it is competent to address the
inner recesses of the mind, it can deal with a broad range of psychological, emotional and
physical health issues.

What does the client experience?

People have a very vague idea about what to expect and what the experience is going to
be like during and after hypnosis. Many of them start worrying that they would lose self-
control and have to deal with difficult thoughts and feelings. These worries often leave
them anxious. People often come for hypnotherapy when everything else has failed and
they are desperate for a remedy.

With each subsequent session, however, these anxieties subside. In some cases hypnosis
will reveals past memories which seem to indicate the cause of the client’s behaviors. This
whole process facilitates a comprehensive understanding of one’s body and soul and
making necessary amendments for its well-being. It reveals the inner fears and inhibitions
and helps overcome them in a relaxing manner. Hypnosis can usher positive changes in our
lives only if we allow it to. Instead of being anxious and apprehensive, clients must feel
motivated and eager to go ahead with hypnosis for healing purposes.

The physical experience during hypnosis varies from person to person. Some feel that their
body or limbs have become heavy while others feel so light they think they are floating.
But more or less all clients experience a highly relaxed physical state when they are in

Clients might also experience Rapid Eye Movement (REM). We all go through this naturally-
occurring stage at night as we fall asleep. A hypnotized person usually looks like they are
asleep - their eyes are closed and they breathe slowly. It is important to note that

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hypnosis is not sleep! Hypnosis is a heightened state of learning and it is important that
the client does not fall asleep. Some people’s conscious minds do not stop thinking even
while they are in the hypnotized state. This can cause a person to mistakenly think they
are not hypnotized.

It is not necessary for everyone to feel the same during hypnosis. Everyone is unique and
that’s why their psychological experience with hypnosis will be unique as well.

What to expect

A session usually begins with a thorough conversation between the client and the
hypnotherapist. The hypnotherapist needs this in order to have a full appraisal of the
client’s situation and its implications. The therapist does this to identify what techniques
will be most effective to achieve the desired outcome.

Following this conversation, the hypnotist may give a few suggestibility tests to assess how
suggestible the client is. The test is given to find out the best way to hypnotize a client so
there are no correct or incorrect answers. In most cases, this only occurs in the first

Hypnotherapy usually lasts for 6 to 8 sessions. Many people are utilizing hypnosis for
greater advancement in their career and life success, making hypnotherapy an ongoing

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Hypnosis is a process in which a person achieves a state of highly focused attention, the
conscious is bypassed and the subconscious becomes open to receive suggestions. It has
been often argued that hypnosis can be employed in treating ailments. But how does
hypnosis work?

An important development in the study of hypnosis has revealed that the power of
hypnosis resides potentially in the client. This implies that the client has enormous
potential within himself/herself to treat the illness he/she is ailing from. Contemporary
hypnosis aims to help clients utilize this very potential at the subconscious level to
eliminate their ailments.

Hypnosis for treating ailments is significantly different from stage hypnosis. Unlike stage
hypnotists, hypnotherapists treating clients with specific disorders cannot choose subjects
by gauging who would be able to be hypnotized most easily or who would be highly
susceptible to suggestions. There is adequate evidence from research that efforts to heal
by specific command and instruction are more likely to end up in failure due to underlying
complexities in many clients that have not been taken note of. With the utilization of
different methods while in therapy, clients achieve greater levels of success with

Hypnosis has the strong potential to bring positive changes in clients even in the most
challenging cases. The desired changes may reveal themselves instantly or in some
unanticipated advantageous ways. It is deeply unfortunate, both for clients as well as
physicians, that hypnosis’s role as a therapeutic model has been highly underestimated
until now. Moreover, there are certain parahypnotic techniques which are easy to learn
and utilize in practice on a daily basis.


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Hypnosis is mainly criticized on the ground that it does not have the backing of research
evidences. There is still not any definitive evidence of guaranteed results. Each client
reacts differently to hypnosis which is why it becomes difficult to ascertain any conclusive
statement. Furthermore, many people only receive one or two sessions, which in many
cases will produce limited results compared to six to eight sessions (depending upon the

Hypnotherapy was earlier associated with spirituality and mysticism and this association
has earned it many detractors. People tend to discredit hypnotherapy because of its
dubious origins. However, it must also be submitted that mainstream medicinal practice
cannot boast of a clean history either - there was a time when clients’ bodies were
pierced to let blood drain in order to let go of the illness.

Hypnotherapy, or clinical-hypnosis is often thought to be like the hypnosis done on stages

for entertainment purposes but this is not so. So the criticism that hypnosis makes clients
behave in strange ways is unwarranted because it treats clinical hypnosis on the same
level as stage hypnosis.

Some of the criticisms leveled against hypnotherapy may not be unwarranted but most
are. Therefore, one must go for hypnotherapy only if one believes in it and is motivated
enough to give it a try for his/her own well-being. However, it deserves to be reiterated
that a hypnosis session should only be conducted by a qualified practitioner.


Hypnotherapy has the potential to deliver when everything else fails. When an illness
cannot be treated through mainstream medicinal practice or the client is showing adverse
reaction to excessive medication, then hypnotherapy can help. What sets hypnotherapy
apart from conventional medicine is that it deals with ailments by gaining direct access to
the inner consciousness of the client. It addresses the subconscious to detect emotional
factors causing the health disorder. This alternative medicine therapy is often teamed up
with other conventional therapies to get desirable results.

Hypnosis is highly beneficial in controlling pain, anxiety and addictions. The affirmative
post-hypnotic suggestions help clients correct their eating and living habits to live a

Visit for more details. 56

healthier lifestyle. Hypnosis also helps in alleviating the pain and nausea caused by
chemotherapy and other surgeries as well as controlling asthma and other such bodily

Hypnosis is actually a way of increasing a client’s control and teaches them to regulate
their body’s sensations and functions. Hypnosis works by helping the client enter a relaxed
state and lower their heart rate, metabolism and breathing temporarily. The brain waves
become altered and the mind becomes amenable to suggestions. It exercises control over
body processes that are otherwise uncontrolled.

There is evidence to support that hypnosis is able to treat stress, addictions, headaches,
lose weight, and achieve positive self-image. It can also help to cope with stress and
anxiety related to complicated surgeries and treatments like chemotherapy. People have
also benefited from hypnosis in the field of sports and other careers by showing better
performance. All in all, hypnosis helps clients bring out the best in themselves in a non-
invasive way and incorporate new and healthy lifestyles for complete well-being.

Visit for more details. 57

The Skeptic's Dictionary:
Stanford Hospitals & Clinics:
Mayo Clinic:
Northern County Psychiatric Associates:
Anton Hout:
Works of Dr. Bruce Eimer:
ABC News - Good Morning America: Hypnosis Can Help Shed Weight Without Pill Popping
(September 17, 2005)
The Wesland Institute Blog:
altMD, LLC:
Works of Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D:
Works of Juliet Enerson:
The Permanente Journal: Medical Hypnosis: An Underutilized Treatment Approach by Brian
Alman, PhD -
Works of Dr. Frank Valente:

Biography – Alicia D. Cramer C.Ht.

(Member of the American Hypnosis Association, Hypnotherapists Union Local 472, Student Affiliate
of the American Psychological Association)

Alicia D. Cramer is a Certified Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner, Coach and Business Owner. She
works with individuals to improve themselves and the quality of their lives. Some have called her an
expert in transformation. And her clients have been receiving life changing results.

At age 18 while working at a health food store, she found a passion for helping others improve their
physical health. And in 2000 she received a Diploma for Fitness and Nutrition from Harcourt Learning
Direct. After a brief study with a local holistic health practitioner, she implemented her knowledge
and enthusiasm for health and wellness into an ongoing study of mental and spiritual health for a
holistic approach to healing and personal growth.

In addition to her passion for healing, her drive to be an entrepreneur led her to start her first
business in 2002. Already having an education in Marketing, she began her internet marketing
training with some of the top internet marketers of the time. Her internet marketing skills eventually
evolved into an internet marketing business, working with business owners on marketing and

In spite of some difficult emotional issues and poor decisions earlier in her 20’s, she found energy
healing which literally transformed her life and past emotional instabilities. As a result of self
discipline and pure passion for healing herself and others, she sought to educate herself in the areas
of Psychology, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Quantum Touch, Body Talk Access, Hypnotherapy,
Neuro-linguistic Programming, the use of Universal Life Energy also referred to as Chi, Prana, or Life
Force for healing, the operation of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind, Spirituality in everyday life
and various other techniques for self healing and self empowerment.

Visit for more details. 58

Around 2006 she began writing articles on self-healing and transformation. She is the Author of
several books and articles. Her writing can be found online at

To date she continues to educated herself, and her work includes the understanding of Universal
Laws, Quantum Physics and the relationship between science and spirituality. She is currently
working towards her bachelor’s in Psychology and is an Ordained Minister.

Alicia has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Sedona and Diploma in
Hypnotherapy from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. Clients are guaranteed confidentiality within
the scope of laws and regulations. Her work is based on a foundation of spirituality, but with no
religious affiliation.

She created Holistic & Alternative Therapies in January of 2006 which later evolved into Wausau
Hypnotherapy. She works with individuals and groups to generously provide coaching, education of
self healing techniques, and self-improvement.

If you would like to work with Alicia, visit for additional
information. Hypnosis products including: mp3s, videos and free hypnosis downloads are also
available online.

Visit for more details. 59

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