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The vision of future sustainable energy,
catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for
innovation and business
Angelo Basilea, Gabriele Centib,*, Marcello De Falcoc,
Gaetano Iaquaniellod,e
ITM-CNR, c/o University of Calabria, Rende, Cosenza, Italy; bDepartment of MIFT - Industrial
Chemistry, ERIC aisbl and INSTM/CASPE, University of Messina, Messina, Italy; cResearch Unit
Process Engineering, University of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico”, Rome, Italy; dKT e Kinetics Technology
S.p.A., Rome, Italy; eNextChem srl, L’Aquila, Italy
* Corresponding author. e-mail address:

1. Introduction minimizing waste by reuse, is not just the intro-

duction of technologies using waste streams, but
The evidences that the current chemical and it asks for system rethinking [13]. Realizing a
energy production system is facing a major tran- circular economy requires a radical and systemic
sition in its structure, in terms of both raw mate- innovation. Most of the actual business
rials and energy sources, technologies of modeling tools and methods do not have the
conversion, and market drivers, are continu- necessary comprehensive approach for an inno-
ously increasing [1e12]. The characteristic vative business approach to the circular econ-
elements of this transition will be the progressive omy. Replacing products designed to be
replacement of fossil fuels with the combination disposed (one-way use) with those that are
of renewable energy (RE) and alternative carbon designed for circularity means to create a reverse
feeds. This will be a major change in the logistics network acting as support for the circu-
manufacturing system that will require a radical lar economy. The advantages derived from this
change of the modalities of production, and thus innovative approach to a circular economy are
related technologies, but also system thinking. many, such as an increased rate of technologic
For example, circularity is the keyword for the development, realization of materials with
next decade. However, a circular economy or enhanced properties, increased labor and energy
circularity, i.e., an economic system aimed at efficiency, and the creation of profit

Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy 7 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
8 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

opportunities for companies. McKinsey, a case histories regarding how to develop a path
worldwide consulting and management com- from idea generation and testing to preparation
pany, reported that by introducing circularity of research or industrial projects, fund raising,
principles in the area of manufacturing, Europe business plan preparation, and starting a
can create a net value of V1.8 trillion by 2030, startup/spin-off, IPR (intellectual property
i.e., about doubling the net value expected right) preparation, and finally, creation of com-
from the current linear development path [13]. mercial processes or products.
In general, this transition and effort toward This introductory chapter provides general
sustainability offers great possibilities for inno- elements and aspects about these topics and, in
vation and business, creating great opportunities general, sustainability as a driver for innovation
for industrial renewal, regeneration, and innova- and business, while Chapter 2 introduces key
tion, as well with small-medium enterprises aspects of how green chemistry will change
(SMEs) and spin-off/startup companies that chemical engineering and vice versa. The
may especially take advantage of the new oppor- following chapters will discuss specific aspects,
tunities due to their quick adaption to a chang- centered on four main areas:
ing word [14,15].
- opportunities for innovation and business
Catalysis, green chemistry, and sustainable
- methodologies for green chemistry and
energy are the three key elements of this transi-
tion and the three charactering areas where
- laboratory from industrial practice: examples
new technologies will create novel business op-
and case histories
portunities. This book is thus dedicated to these
- creating business with new technologies
aspects and aims to offer ideas and case exam-
ples, together with some technologic, economic,
and entrepreneurial background to stimulate
new possibilities for entrepreneurs wanting to 2. Sustainability as a driver for company
address the current global transition period to strategies
adopt low carbon and sustainable energy/chem-
istry production, but also to create new business. Increasingly, companies, as well as financial
It thus aims to offer an integrated view of new capital promoters, are no longer considering
likelihoods within catalysis and green chemistry sustainability as a way to comply with regula-
in this changing economic context, showing how tions due to social pressure but as a corporate
these potential new technologies may become strategy for joint protection of resources and an
useful to business. Fundamentals and specific environment for market and social requirements
examples are included to guide the transforma- (in terms of products and social visibility of the
tion of idea to innovation and business. companies itself) and, more recently, as an
This book originates from the Summer School approach to stimulate innovation and competi-
held in Sarteano (SI), Italy, on July 22e27, 2019, tiveness. Forward-looking venture capital com-
and it is dedicated to stimulating young and panies and investment funds are stimulating in
senior scientists, engineers, and managers to spin-off/startup companies the need to evolve
explore in a creative way these emerging oppor- from a service approach (too much dependent
tunities. The school, and this book as well, inte- on the economic situation) to an innovation
grate different views of scientists from vision, which results in the creation of new
academic research and engineers or managers strong business cases. An example is the Avan-
from industries that share their knowledge and tium companies, initially started as a service
expertise, elements of thought, examples, and company of Shell and then stimulated to create

I. Introduction
2. Sustainability as a driver for company strategies 9
new business cases in the area of biomass trans- investments are in the new direction, as is
formation. NextChem, the new business unit of already occuring for renewable energies in
the Maire Tecnimont, is another example of a contrast to fossil fuels use.
green acceleration company created to explore As remarked elsewhere [1], the limiting factor
new possibilities derived from (i) carbon foot- today in the area of sustainability as a business
print reduction, (ii) circular economy, and (iii) driver is the ability to recognize the key aspects
new bio-based products and feedstock. and business opportunities in an economic
Two decades ago, sustainability in the chemi- context quickly changing for chemical and
cal industry was limited to actions necessary to energy production, and thus overcoming the
protect employees health and safety and to meet current limits in assessing processing using the
environmental regulations. However, following conventional technoeconomic tools.
the white paper on The United Nations’ Sustain- When a fast-changing scenario is present, as
able Development Goals (published in 2015) and in the actual period, it is necessary to adopt
its adoption by several national governments, new assessment tools. For example, the feasi-
sustainability targets have been strongly bility from a chemical engineering perspective
enforced. Today, sustainability-related invest- should include new aspects and assessment
ments are about a fifth of management assets, methodologies. From a historical perspective,
especially in the chemical industry where sustain- going back to about 70 years ago when there
ability is not a compliance issue but an opportu- was a similar major change in chemical produc-
nity to generate revenues. tion technologies, companies not able to adopt
Table 1.1 shows examples of how sustainabil- new assessment methodologies have rapidly
ity megatrends create opportunities that trans- lost their market positions. In fact, in the chemi-
late to business prospects, when approached cal industry, innovation skill is a key aspect in
with the correct open-minded vision, because business models, so especially in transition
the opportunities also create risks. This is what periods, conservative approaches have often
currently occurs in the area of sustainable led to a loss of markets [4]. Therefore, traditional
energy. RE is becoming the better solution from economic models and concepts, such as scale-
both environmental and economic perspectives, economy analysis, are not adequate to under-
with over 80% of the world’s new energy capac- stand the business potential of new production
ities dedicated to this area, but with still many models. New assessment tools have to be used.
companies, which have not addressed technol- They should include aspects such as understand-
ogy in time of transition, trying instead to insist ing socioeconomic macrotrends, the dynamic of
that fossil fuels are the only solution. market change in transition periods, how to
In this sense, there is also wide debate introduce competitiveness in relation to full eco-
whether a transition from oil or carbon to natural systems rather than specific local aspects, how
gas is still worthy to consider, when REs in com- sustainability and integration into territories
bination with solar fuels (as a solution to trans- are key winning elements (localization instead
porting and storing renewable energy) are of globalization), the presence of nonlinear
already a preferable solution. From a practical dynamics in the evolution of the costs, and
perspective, with energy being the crucial how extended life cycle cost and social analysis
element of our actual system with thus a transi- have to be included [17,18].
tion requiring long times to be completed, fossil Different strategies for sustainability can be
fuels will be still a backbone of the energy system identified in the chemical sector [16] (Table 1.2).
for the next decades. However, the turning point The level of sustainability increases (from license
in any transition is when the additional to operate to sustainability at the center) in going

I. Introduction
10 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

TABLE 1.1 Sustainability megatrends create opportunities and risks for the chemical industry.

Sustainability megatrends Opportunities Risks

Water scarcity - Water filters, membranes, and - Public resistance to new plants, reduced water
purification systems availability, higher costs for heavy water consumption
- Improved water management and
reduced environmental costs
- Improved water-saving
Circular economy and - Thicker plastics for reusable - Shrinking demand for chemicals used in hard-to-
waste applications recycle plastics, such as PVC
- Materials/additives that support
- Regeneration/reuse in operations
- Industrial symbiosis
Green energy and energy - Utilization of renewable energy - Declining demand for fossil fuels from the chemical
efficiency - Adoption of biomass as fuel and industry
- New technologies of production
Food security and safety - Fertilizers, pesticides, and - Reduced demand for packaging containing substances
herbicides that increase crop of concern
- Solutions such as packing and
Workplace health, safety, - Internal expertise leveraged to - Stricter penalties for noncompliance and incidents
security, and environment help other companies
Climate change - Saving energy and costs by - Greater scrutiny of manufacturing processes and
adopting new solutions greenhouse gas emissions
- CO2 as a feedstock
- Pushing new markets for
alternative to fossil fuels
Green products - Plastics and blends from - Shrinking demand for materials perceived as toxic or
renewable and biodegradable resource intensive
- New materials based for example
on nanocellulose from waste
- Green solutions for chemicals

Adapted from C. Follette, U. Jung, I. Kharisov, A. Meyer, H. Rubel, Making a Business Case for Sustainability in Chemicals, Boston Consulting Group - BCG,
2017. Available at: Source: BCG analysis.

from basic to specialty chemical companies, but 1. Adopting eco-efficient processes. Focus is on
sustainability is progressively becoming the improving production methods to increase
main business strategy also in large companies. sustainability, rather than changing the feed
There are also different business cases in com- and the product characteristics. It is thus
pany strategies to identify the added value mainly a process- and technology-oriented
created by sustainability approaches and how solution, with the payoff given from resource
to justify the needed investment. and energy efficiency, and only in part from

I. Introduction
2. Sustainability as a driver for company strategies 11
TABLE 1.2 Strategies for sustainability in chemical companies.

strategies Comments

1. License to operate - Just the minimum to meet regulations, including those expected in future. Due to the increasing
relevance of the company’s public image, the number of these companies is progressively
2. Isolated initiatives - There is some payoff in sustainability going beyond compliance, guided typically from
sustainability-oriented performance indicators to address areas of greatest concern. Often advisor
companies will guide in using the right indicators.
3. Full embrace - Sustainability is a key, but not the dominating element of corporate strategy. Companies invest
across multiple areas of sustainability, both to develop new products and services and to improve
internal operations. Clear goals and a broad set of metrics should be used.
4. Sustainability - Sustainability becomes the driving force behind new products and services. Due to global
innovator competition, sustainability becomes part of the brand to increase competitiveness. Rigorous
standards, from feed to circularity, should be used. Sustainability is the key for company image.
5. Sustainability at the - Particularly for some startup and small innovative companies, sustainability is at the core of market
center strategy, for example, of those in performance-oriented biopolymers made from renewables. The
entire business model is to serve the demand for sustainability.

Adapted from BCG analysis C. Follette, U. Jung, I. Kharisov, A. Meyer, H. Rubel, Making a Business Case for Sustainability in Chemicals, Boston Consulting
Group - BCG, 2017. Available at:

the company image because social visibility is lower carbon emissions, increase reusability
limited. or recyclability, and in general decrease the
2. Embracing eco-efficient raw materials. environmental footprint associated with
Existing products are redesigned to use new product use by consumers. The benefit
ones based on more sustainable resources or should be clearly demonstrated by a
ones that decrease impact on circularity. comprehensive product life cycle
Payoff is either lower production costs or a assessment. Plastics for automobiles, for
higher price premium. An example is the joint example, offer relevant potential for a price
venture between Total and Corbion to premium when meeting these criteria.
produce PLA (polylactic acid or polylactide is Solvay, for example, developed lightweight
a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived plastics that reduce product energy usage
from renewable biomass). The biodegradable and emissions for end users.
plastics will reduce end user solid waste, and
It is necessary for each company to analyze in
for this reason, a higher price than
detail these approaches to build the company
conventional plastics is accepted.
business case. This requires one to do the
3. Fielding new offerings. New products and
services are developed in response to the
growing demand for sustainability. An - understand the impact of the new or altered
example is Climeworks, a new company able product over its life cycle,
to raise over US$30 million to commercialize - design the product to improve its life cycle
a technology to capture CO2 from air. value and reduce its environmental footprint,
4. Improving downstream performance. The - quantify the benefits across the value chain
products are modified to reduce waste or and defines the new cost structure,

I. Introduction
12 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

- analyze the market possibilities to pay a high are leaving at a temperature higher than
enough price to generate a return on the 1000 C and have a very large convection section.
investment, Stacks and emissions are also going to disappear.
- define the company communication strategy Today, too much plastic is being incinerated
to take advantage of this sustainability instead of being recycled into new raw materials.
strategy, with communication at different Today, recycling technologies have severe limi-
levels (stakeholders, NGOs, public). tations associated with poor quality goods and
high use of chemicals and energy. The six largest
Sustainability will thus not have the same
soft drink producers use an average of only 6%
meaning for different companies and sometimes
recycled PET material for their plastic bottles.
even for different divisions inside the company.
The need to reuse/recycle CO2 will converge
For this reason, defining a correct strategy for
with the use of RE sources to define a new para-
sustainability requires one to have a clear but
digm where electricity, water, and CO2 are going
broad business vision encompassing the many
to be the only resources required. Imagine the
complex aspects in this area and going largely
power-to-liquids (PtL) or power-to-gas (PtG) as
beyond the aforementioned conventional assess-
the production platform for gas and liquid
ment methodologies.
hydrocarbons and other chemicals [10].
A further step in developing such a platform
will be to extend the use of electrocatalytic tech-
3. Opportunities for innovation and nologies [21], not only for CO2 reduction both
business also for other challenging reactions like direct
ammonia or even fertilizers from N2 [22,23], to
The energy transition toward a more sustain- a broader range of reaction of interest for a
able society is currently one of the most urgent sustainable chemical production [1,11,12]: as
goals of the worldwide community. Moving the 6e reduction to methanol or 8e reduction
toward an almost carbon-neutral global society to methane and even more challenging reactions
and economy in the second half of the 21st involving CeC bond formation. Examples are
century will dramatically change the way fuels the CO2 direct conversion to acetic acid/acetate,
and chemicals are produced. Direct use of RE ethylene, and ethanol. A new industrial chemis-
sources and CO2 reuse in chemical production try can be created moving these still lab-scale
are going to be a great dare for chemical developments to commercial production.
engineering, which requires developing new
methods that instead using heat, produced
from the combustion of fossil fuels, running
operations with electrical or solar energy.
3.1 The business opportunities
Imagine the possibility to realize a quite In the next decades, it will be a major change
compact process of making olefins from CO2 in the production methods for fuels and chemi-
waste and H2O (using RE as an energy source) cals. Under the term production, the recycling
[19,20], rather than having, as today, very large processes are also included: the recycling of plas-
plants (with issues connected to environmental tic wastes or municipal solid wastes conversion
impact, product transport, large investments are going to play a major role in coming decades,
necessary, high sensitivity from market fluctua- making obsolete the conventional processes [24].
tions) with a steam methane reformer or a steam But these are only a few examples in such a
cracker for olefin production, with their quite fast-changing arena, where the start of show-
inefficient radiant sections, where the flue gases cases will open to new opportunities to create

I. Introduction
3. Opportunities for innovation and business 13
value. An example is the waste-the-chemicals paper mill sludge, municipal solid waste, waste-
area cited before [24]. Nouryon, a global paper or wood, and agricultural residues) into
specialty chemical leader derived from AkzoNo- levulinic acid (LA). LA can be used as a building
bel Specialty Chemicals, is building a waste- block for chemicals in many useful materials,
to-chemicals plant in the Netherlands to produce including pharmaceuticals, food additives, and
methanol from residual waste. They formed a plastics. LA made from waste cellulose reduces
consortium with Enerkem, Air Liquide, Port of the use of fossil fuels and reduces by one order
Rotterdam, and Shell to build the plant in Rotter- of magnitude the overall cost of LA. In 2015,
dam with the support of the City of Rotterdam, GF Biochemical opened a 10,000-MT capacity
the province of South Holland, and Innovation- plant to produce LA from biomass on an indus-
Quarter. The new chemical plant will be based trial scale.
on the technology developed by Enerkem, which These examples remark of how new business
converts residual waste into syngas and then opportunities are generated from the use of
into high-quality methanol, a chemical building biowaste as a carbon source. Although still
block used to make a broad range of everyday limited, industrial initiatives are starting and
products and as a renewable fuel. An Enerkem opening new value chains. The value creation
commercial facility has been operating in Can- process will encourage the decentralization of
ada since 2015. The Enerkem Alberta Biofuels innovation to promote and exploit creativity,
facility is helping the City of Edmonton increase thinking out of the box, and participation
its waste diversion from 50% to 90%. The plant in outside corporate structures.
Rotterdam will be the first of its kind in Europe. New startup firms and even more informal
The planned facility (to be operative in 2021) will groups are going to be the center of such a
convert up to 360,000 tons of waste into 220,000 “cultural revolution” generating new ideas and
tons (270 million liters) of bio-methanol. This putting them in action, leaving to centralized
represents the total annual waste of more than corporate structures the role of introducing inno-
700,000 households and represents a CO2 emis- vation in an efficient and effective way into the
sion savings estimated at about 300,000 tons production schemes.
when compared to the production of methanol To play such a role, “startup companies” need
from fossil fuels. Once the facility will be opera- not only to have fundamental knowledge of new
tive, it will represent a significant step toward a processes, materials, and catalysts, but also to
sustainable and circular approach to waste identify the crucial technology and when it
management. should be introduced, identifying solutions in
Recently (June 2019), Maire Tecnimont group, the short, medium, and long term. A sequence
in particular through the controlled NextChem, of cost-effective solutions should be introduced
announced an agreement with Eni to develop to reduce the initial cost barriers: on a short
WtC (waste to chemical) technology to produce term, using bankable infrastructure, either an
H2 and methanol. existing refinery or gas pipeline or industrialized
These are examples of WtC processes via gasi- sites, will be fundamental to minimize invest-
fication, and thus with a high carbon utilization ment and make the new projects bankable.
factor of the biowaste. Other examples in this Negative examples in the last years are plenty.
general area of waste biorefinery use only a frac- In this respect, the succinic acid from biomass
tion of the waste to produce chemicals. One [25] is a case example that needs to be carefully
example of this type is Biofine (now DPS Biomet- analyzed to avoid falling into the same mistakes.
rics, Inc.) that developed a process to convert the Succinic acid production was conceived a
cellulosic biowaste (cellulose component in decade ago, when oil cost was more than $100

I. Introduction
14 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

per barrel and chemical industries were con- highest utility at all times in both technical
cerned. When the plants opened, oil cost was and biologic cycles.
half that much and succinic acid was an after- - Foster system effectiveness by revealing and
thought. The goal of this project was to use designing out negative externalities.
biotechnology to ferment carbohydrates into
The circular economy keeps products at
succinic acid at a cost low enough to open a large
highest utility and value, rather than passing
volume polymer market. A product that was
through a volcano shape in the value chain as
once going to change the chemical industry
in the linear approach. This will thus signifi-
turned out to be an expensive disappointment.
cantly impact the industrial competitiveness
For this reason, it is necessary to have a quite
along the value chain. In some industries, like
critical view on both the technologic aspects,
glass and steel industrial sectors, elements of
identifying correctly the bottlenecks, but also
the circular economy are already at work and
on the dynamic of cost development, the market
are a relevant element for their competitiveness.
perspectives, and the alternative solutions. Just
However, in the chemical industry, differently,
looking to the scientific and technologic side is
there is a modification of molecular bonds along
not enough is this fast-evolving scenario.
the value chain. This modification inherently
changes the nature of the product itself and is
4. Circular economy therefore more challenging and energy inten-
sive to pursue [27]. This implies that circularity
As introduced before, creating a circular econ- in chemicals has some different aspects with
omy is the current main stream in macro regions respect to the general case, in virtue of the spe-
such as Europe, where resources are limited. A cific value chain. Circularity in chemicals may
circular economy aims to redefine growth, be addressed according to two perspectives
focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It (Fig. 1.1) [28]:
entails gradually decoupling economic activity
- circulating molecules
from the consumption of finite resources and
- enabling the circular economy in downstream
designing waste out of the system. It is based
on three principles: (i) designing out waste and
pollution, (ii) keeping products and materials Circulating molecules means reusing and
in use, and (iii) regenerating natural systems. recycling existing molecules that are tied up in
Today, circularity is considered in close relation consumer products that have reached the end
to innovation for future chemicals. The basic of their lives. Up to 60% of the molecules
principle is to move from a “linear” economy provided by the chemical industry to customer
(e.g., raw materials are used to make a product, industries and end users can be recirculated if
and after its use, any waste like packaging is utilization of all five loops is maximized, as sum-
thrown away) to a circular concept, which mini- marized in Fig. 1.1 and shortly described next:
mizes waste formation and use of resources.
1. Substituting raw materials. The industry
The principles of actions [26] are the
could substitute some portion of fossil
feedstocks with renewable feedstocks.
- Preserve and enhance natural capital by 2. Increased reuse of end user products. The
controlling finite stocks and balancing industry could focus on developing full suites
renewable resource flows. of new products and solutions that can
- Optimize resource yields by circulating essentially be reused “as is,” such as durable
products, components, and materials at the PET bottles.

I. Introduction
4. Circular economy 15

FIGURE 1.1 Enabling circularity and circulating molecules approaches for circularity in chemicals. The lines indicates loops
between the different steps of even the same step, for example, in the steps of raw materials or customer industry uses. Based on
indications in E. Bernd, M. Ulbrich, Taking the European Chemical Industry into the Circular Economy, Accenture, 2017. Available (Ex-
ecutive Summary) at:¼50.

3. Mechanical recycling. This involves reusing 4.1 Industrial symbiosis and change of
existing materials without modifying their business model
chemical bond.
4. Chemical recycling. When molecules cannot Industrial symbiosis is the mutually beneficial
be reused in their intact structure, chemical exchange of waste and by-products between
companies could modify the material’s three or more parties. Based on ecologic mutu-
molecular bonds to recover hydrocarbons. alism and nutrient flows within an ecosystem,
5. Energy recovery and carbon utilization. This industrial symbiosis requires collaboration
involves recovering the energy contained in across stakeholders within a relatively small
molecules by oxidizing hydrocarbons to CO2, geographic proximity.
capturing it, and then building new chemical There are three opportunities for resource
feedstocks via a catalytic reaction. exchange within an industrial symbiotic system:

However, industrial-scale chemical recycling - by-product exchange

and carbon utilization technology is not readily - utility and infrastructure sharing
available. Companies would have to make sig- - common service sharing
nificant investments in creating and operating Industrial symbiosis often occurs within
new circular economy processes. About 19 industrial parks. Their evolution may be planned
million tons (Mt) of material a year could be or self-organized. Some governments and
processed through the mechanical recycling private sector actors have planned eco-
loop in Europe, but doing so would require an industrial parks in attempts to revitalize sites,
infrastructure investment of as much as EUR stimulate job growth, and promote sustainable
10 to 20 billion. For a chemical recycling loop development.
that could handle 8 Mt a year, that figure could An example is the Kalundborg Symbiosis, the
be up to EUR 30 to 80 billion [28]. The comple- world’s first functioning example of industrial
mentary approach is enabling the circular econ- symbiosis [29]. Situated in Kalundborg,
omy in downstream industries (Fig. 1.1, top). Denmark, the symbiosis is based on publice

I. Introduction
16 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

private partnerships, with exchanges of energy, using more complex tools, such as using portfolio
water, and materials in closed loops. The vision sustainability assessments (PSA) [34]. PSA is a
of Kalundborg Symbiosis is to be the world’s methodology to steer a product portfolio toward
leading industrial symbiosis with a circular improved sustainability performance. Existing
approach to production. An industrial symbiosis methodologies, such as environmental or social
constitutes a local partnership where partners life cycle assessments (LCA), are not well suited
provide, share, and reuse resources to create a for this objective. Companies using PSA method-
shared value. The purpose of industrial symbio- ology to achieve improved sustainability have
sis is to create loops of technical or biologic results in various tangible business benefits,
materials while minimizing the leakage and such as (1) better decisions; more robust strate-
waste in the loop, by demonstrating some key gies; (2) higher growth rate of more sustainable
parts of a circular economy, at a local scale. solutions; (3) credible communication on sustain-
The result is that every year the combined bene- ability benefits; (4) stronger customer and stake-
fits for the partners are these: holder relationships; (5) reduced risks; and (6)
improved corporate image. PSA does not focus
- bottom-line savings of 24 MV
on aggregated company sustainability impacts,
- 14 MV in socioeconomic savings
such as quantifying total company emissions.
- reduction of 635,000 tons of CO2, 3.6 Mm3
The PSA approach [34] is based on a variety of
water, 100 GWh of energy, 87,000 tons of
inputs including environmental and social
impact, market perception, regulatory direction,
and other indicators, providing a robust
approach for companies to understand the risks
5. Sustainability and circularity indexes in the portfolio, take action, anddultimatelyd
transform the company’s product portfolio
With the increasing role of sustainability as toward improved sustainability performance.
part of a company’s strategies of development The PSA methodology is based on five main
or even a company’s mission, creating robust sequential steps [34]:
methodologies to assess the sustainability degree
1. defining objectives, scope, and process
is becoming a crucial element, offering also pos-
2. defining assessment segments
sibilities for startup/spin-off companies to pro-
3. detecting market signals
vide services in this direction.
4. categorizing the portfolio
Quantifying process sustainability is necessary
5. reporting and using PSA results
to achieve improved sustainability performance
or to compare different possibilities, but also for There are a number of different sustainability
company visibility [30]. Thus, the development assessment methodologies for evaluating the
of indicators able to assess process sustainability performance of industrial facilities or of prod-
becomes crucial for decision-making. These indi- ucts. The World Business Council for Sustainable
cators should be able to collect and summarize Development [35], the Global Reporting Initia-
complex process operations of energy, mass, tive [36], and OECD (Organisation for Economic
and momentum transport phenomena into a Co-operation and Development) standards [37]
manageable amount of quantitative information are procedures used for monitoring sustainabil-
that is easy to analyze and communicate. Various ity management in industries. An example is
publications propose a list of indicators to their use to assess comparatively the sustainabil-
analyze sustainability [31e33]. More recently, ity of three different reaction routes for dimethyl
sustainability performance monitoring requires carbonate: direct synthesis from carbon dioxide

I. Introduction
5. Sustainability and circularity indexes 17
and methanol, transesterification of methanol based on the boundary limits, the type of data-
and propylene carbonate, and oxidative carbon- base used, and various other aspects of the meth-
ylation of methanol [38]. CEFIC, the European odology. The case of bioethanol, with LCA study
Council of Chemical Industries, has published results largely different in estimating from posi-
a guide on sustainability of products aimed to tive to negative its impact in terms of environ-
introduce how sustainability may apply to mental benefits, teaches about the necessary
chemicals in practice [39]. Various additional care.
environmental performance assessment tech- There is thus a serious concern on how apply
niques are available, such as AIChE total cost robust and widely accepted sustainability eval-
assessment, life cycle analysis, and integral uation procedures and use them for assessing
biodiversity impact-assessment system [40 and sustainability strategies in the chemical indus-
references therein]. Lou et al. [40] introduced a tries. Sustainability guidelines, developed for
set of new sustainability indexes to assess the the chemical industry in Germany, but of
environmental and economic performances as more general value, have been prepared by
well as the sustainability of industrial systems the German sustainability initiative “Chemie3”
in a uniform approach. The approach was vali- (Chemistry3) promoted by the German Chemi-
dated by a series of case studies. cal Industry Association.
As can be argued from this short survey, there Similar questions regard also assessing circu-
is not a unique, nor generally implemented, larity in chemicals. Although no unique defini-
approach to sustainability metrics. Even in the tion of circularity and methodologies for its
academic activities, there is a long debate that quantitative assessment exist, there is some
started about 2 decades ago [41] and continues effort in defining circularity indicators to
today [42] on green chemistry metrics. There provide companies with a methodology and
are widely used metrics, the E factor (kg tools to assess how well a product or company
waste/kg product) and atom economy (mol wt performs in the context of a circular economy,
of product/sum of mol wt of starting materials), allowing companies to estimate how advanced
introduced in the early 1990s and attempts to they are on their journey from linear to circular
revise them to distinguish between simple and [43]. A toolkit and methodology description
complete E factors, for example. Other mass- that can be downloaded include
based metrics such as process mass intensity (i) methodologies to measuring circularity, (ii)
(PMI) and reaction mass efficiency (RME) have dynamic modeling tool, and (iii) aggregator
been proposed. However, all these indexes are tool. The following are distinguished:
not catching the complexity of assessment
- product-level methodology, with definition
sustainability in chemical production, even if
and examples on how to determine material
quite popular. At the same time, even more com-
circularity indicator [26],
plex methodologies, such as LCA and derived
- company-level methodology, which includes
approaches, have weaknesses in using databases
aggregating material circularity indicators.
of processes that are often not correctly address-
ing the large variability in the production The indicators can be used as decision-
methods of the same raw material and especially making tool for designers but might also be
the emerging new methodologies of production used for several other purposes including inter-
in a fast-evolving scenario. Not uncommon, nal reporting, procurement decisions, and the
LCA procedures give quite different results, evaluation or rating of companies. The

I. Introduction
18 1. The vision of future sustainable energy, catalyst, and chemistry: opportunities for innovation

methodology was tested by a group of leading change in perspective and tools to use the
European businesses with real product data to evolving economic, social, and market scenario
ensure robustness and relevance economy-wide. to create business and innovation, is the neces-
In January 2018, the European Commission sary foundation on which to build technologic
adopted a monitoring framework for the circular opportunities. Sustainable energy, catalyst, and
economy, which aims at assessing progress to- green chemistry are the three pillars around
ward a circular economy in the European Union which to create these technology opportunities,
and its Member States. Circular economy metrics but without an understanding of the systemic
can be categorized into two types: macro-level change in the approach and assessment tools
national tools and activity- or product-based for decisions, it is not possible to create innova-
tools for businesses. National and sectoral level tion and business.
analysis, using national material flow accounts, For this reason, attention was given here to
does not provide a suitable level of detail for discuss the general aspects of sustainability and
businesses and their products. Business- or circularity, which are the crucial elements of
product-focused metrics have been also devel- the vision for the future. Technical aspects will
oped, in view of tracking material flows through be instead presented in the various chapters of
supply chain analysis, building on tools such as this book, together with more specific methodo-
bill of materials and LCA. These business metrics logical aspects on the procedures for evaluating
generally also consider core elements underpin- the impact, creating entrepreneurship, and man-
ning the circular economy, such as product aging intellectual properties. This chapter thus is
design, collaborative business models, reverse intended at creating the necessary change in
logistics, and wider system conditions, which mentality and attitude toward sustainability
can be assessed in either quantitative or qualita- and circularity to take full advantage on how
tive terms. For example, the circularity indica- translate the opportunities created from the tran-
tors, developed by the Ellen MacArthur sition in chemistry and energy to business
Foundation and Granta Design [26,43], focus through innovation.
on material flows in a business or product using
the concept of “material circularity indicator.”
The indicator is based on production inputs,
use phase utility, waste destination, and effi- List of abbreviations and acronyms
ciency of recycling, and it requires a detailed
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
bill of materials. Further complementary indica- BCG Boston Consulting Group
tors cover factors such as material price varia- CEFIC European Council of Chemical Industries
tion, energy use, and carbon emissions. IPR Intellectual property right
LA Levulinic acid
LCA Life cycle assessment
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
6. Conclusions and future trends PET Polyethylene terephthalate
PLA Polylactic acid
In this introductory chapter, we have pro- PMI Process mass intensity
vided general background aspects around the PSA Portfolio sustainability assessments
PtG Power-to-gas
concepts of sustainability and circularity. In PtL Power-to-liquids
fact, obtaining a better understand of these PVC Polyvinyl chloride
aspects, and especially on how they require a RE Renewable energy

I. Introduction
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I. Introduction

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