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New strategies enhancing feasibility of
microalgal cultivations
Fabrizio Di Caprio, Pietro Altimari, Francesca Pagnanelli*
Department of Chemistry, University Sapienza of Rome, Rome, Italy
* Corresponding author. e-mail address:

1. Introduction develop an industry able to use these resources

as feedstocks to obtain several organic molecules
Microalgae are unicellular microorganisms has strongly attracted the interest of scientific re-
that live in nature by exploiting photosynthetic searchers and industrialists [4]. Although these
metabolism. Microalgae is the name by which general features are owned also by terrestrial
eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms are plants, microalgae have some properties that
generally indicated, while prokaryotic photosyn- make them more promising as future biomass
thetic microorganisms are named cyanobacteria sources with respect to terrestrial plants:
(green-blue algae). For simplicity, in this chapter
- Microalgae have higher photosynthetic
the term “microalgae” will refer to both. It is esti-
efficiency (maximum value w 10%) with
mated that up to 200,000 species of microalgae
respect to terrestrial plants (maximum
may exist [1]. They live in nature in a large vari-
value w 5%) [5e8].
ety of different environments such as seas, lakes,
- Microalgae can reach higher biomass
rivers, glaciers, wastewaters, etc.
productivity (50e70 t/ha per year) with
Exploiting their metabolism, microalgae can
respect to terrestrial plants (10e20 t/ha per
use inorganic carbon (CO2, HCOe 2
3 , and CO3 ),
year) [1,9,10].
light, water, and simple mineral salts (PO3 4 ,
- Microalgae can grow on nonarable lands and
NO 3 , Ca 2þ
, Mg 2þ
, etc.) to synthetize complex
in the sea [11].
organic molecules such as proteins, fatty acids,
- Microalgae can grow in closed systems and
polysaccharides, carotenoids, and others [2]
by using wastewaters and saltwater, thus
(Fig. 16.1). These molecules can be used for a
reducing considerably freshwater
large variety of applications such as biofuels,
consumption [9].
bioplastics, feed, and food [3].
CO2 and light are renewable resources widely However, despite these potentialities, the
available; consequently, the possibility to biomass produced by terrestrial plant is still the

Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy 287 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
288 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

FIGURE 16.1 Schematic illustration of microalgae photosynthetic metabolism.

main biomass available as feedstock for the in- are not balanced by the biomass productivity.
dustry. The worldwide microalgae biomass pro- The most widespread agricultural crops are
duction was estimated 5000 t/y for Spirulina in less productive with respect to microalgae, but
2013 and 2000 t/y for Chlorella in 2003 [12]. the cultivation systems used are enough cheap
This amount is negligible with respect to to ensure lower production costs. For example,
biomass coming from agriculture. It corresponds the price associated with some of the main vege-
to about 400e500 ha of maize cultivated land, table commodities is about 0.5 V/kg for palm
which is comparable with the average produc- oil, 0.2 V/kg for corn, and 0.3 V/kg for soybean
tion of just two average-sized farms in the (these three can be considered the main vege-
United States [13]. This limited production is table commodities for lipids, carbohydrates,
mainly given by the high cost associated with and proteins, respectively) (Index Mundi,
microalgae biomass production. At the state of 2018). Due to the high cost associated, currently
the art, with the best available technologies, the microalgae biomass production is mainly carried
minimum cost achievable for microalgae out for high added value products (Table 16.1)
biomass production is between 3 and 10 V per such as microalgal powder, tablets, supple-
kg of dry microalgae biomass, according to esti- ments, and ingredients for human and animal
mates published in 2016 [11,14,15]. Costs lower nutrition.
than 3 V/kg have been also reported in different For example, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is
works; however, these latter derive from as- an omega-3 fatty acid produced mainly by het-
sumptions and forecasts that still need to be erotrophic cultivation of Schizochytrium sp. in
experimentally verified [14e16]. The elevated different plants located in the United States and
cost is given by the application of expensive France. Haematococcus pluvialis is cultivated by
cultivation systems (mainly open ponds, flat Cyanotech (in Hawaii) and Algatech (Israel) to
panel and tubular photobioreactors) for reactors produce an oleoresin enriched in astaxanthin,
installation and for continuous power supply which is obtained by CO2 supercritical extraction
(required for cultivation and harvesting) that from dried biomass. Chlorella and Spirulina species

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Development of biorefineries 289
TABLE 16.1 Main companies involved in industrial production of microalgae biomass and derivates.

Company name Species cultivated size Products Reactor type References

Earthrise Spirulina (Arthrospira 108 ha Powder, tablets and Open ponds http://earthrise.
platensis) phycocyanin extracts com/
Taiwan Chlorella Chlorella sorokiniana 2.6 ha Powder, tablets, and Open ponds http://www.
Manufacturing chlorella extracts
otze Chlorella vulgaris
Roquette Kl€ 500 km Powder Tubular
GmbH & co. KG glass photobioreactors en
Algatechnologies Haematococcus pluvialis 600 km Astaxanthin and Tubular https://www.
Ltd. and Phaeodactylum glass fucoxanthin photobioreactors
tricornutum tubes

Cyanotech Haematococcus pluvialis 36 ha Spirulina tablets and Open ponds https://www.

and Spirulina encapsulated oleoresin
(Arthrospira platensis) enriched in astaxanthin
Phycom Chlorella sorokiniana and e Pellets, powder, and flakes Closed fermenters http://www.
Chlorella vulgaris
Solazyme Different Chlorella sp. e Oils and several food Closed fermenters http://
strains ingredients solazymeindustrials.
Alltech Schizochytrium sp. e DHA oil Closed fermenters https://www.

Fermentalg Schizochytrium sp. e DHA oil or pigments Mixotrophy using https://www.

mainly heterotrophy
(fermenters þ flash)

are often placed on the market as a powder rich in 2. Development of biorefineries

proteins. Such powders are dried and sold as
pressed pills, flakes, or tablets for nutraceutical ap- The aim of this section is to describe the devel-
plications [12]. The powders have also applications opment of a biorefinery, which is one of the most
as animal protein replacement for vegan food promising approaches to enhance the feasibility
production (e.g., Terranostra Food s.r.l., Italy). of microalgae processes. The concept of a bio-
In the following sections the new promising refinery is defined in Subsection 2.1, then the
strategies to enhance the feasibility of microalgae different products obtainable from microalgae
biomass production at larger industrial scale are biomass are described in Subsection 2.2. Subse-
described. The described strategies are develop- quently, in Subsection 2.3, the latest innovations
ment of biorefineries (Section 2), innovative pho- in the development of a biorefinery from micro-
tobioreactors (Section 3), wastewater utilization algae are described, illustrating the shifting of
as a source of nutrients (Section 4), and strain the processes from single end products to multi-
improvement (Section 5). ple end products.

IV. Selected examples and case history

290 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

FIGURE 16.2 Comparison between a conventional process and an example of biorefinery.

2.1 Definition of biorefinery different product. The main carbohydrates

(starch and cellulose) could be used to produce
With the term “biorefinery” a facility is indi- bioplastics, biofuels, or food [17e19], while
cated, in which microalgae biomass is used as some other carbohydrates (e.g., b-glucans) could
feedstock to produce a large variety of different have applications as nutraceuticals or cosmetics
products. The term derives from the conven- [20,21]. Microalgae proteins generally have a
tional petroleum refineries in which crude oil is good composition in amino acids, so they are
used as feedstock to produce a large variety of considered a promising future source of proteins
different petrochemical derivatives (fuels, oils, for human nutrition (especially in replacing ani-
heat, solvents, plastics, etc.). It is expected that mal proteins) and for feed (for livestock and
the development of biorefineries may enhance aquaculture) [22,23]. Microalgae proteins can
economic and environmental sustainability of also be exploited to produce bioplastics, for
microalgae biomass production, through the example, by processing directly dried biomass
valorization of different components of the pro- rich in proteins [24], or to synthetize polyure-
duced biomass. Until now, industrial processes thanes starting from amino acids [25]. Some pep-
that produce microalgae have been designed to tides, with health benefit properties, can be
obtain only a single product from a single produced by means of specific digestion [26].
biomass. The biorefinery aims to change this Proteins include enzymes, which could be
concept by shifting the process design from one extracted and used as catalyzers for a large vari-
biomass / one product to one biomass / mul- ety of different reactions with applications in in-
tiple products (Fig. 16.2). dustry, for example, laccase and esterase
[27e29]. Proteins from microalgae showed supe-
rior surface activity and gelation behavior when
2.2 Potential products obtainable by a compared with whey proteins, with applications
microalgae biorefinery in food industry [30,31].
Hypothetically, every component of the Lipids from microalgae can be divided in
microalgae biomass may be exploited for a neutral lipids, mainly triacylglycerols (TAGs),

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Development of biorefineries 291
and polar lipids, mainly phospholipids [32]. transformation of a single target product to
Some microalgae, for example, Botryococcus brau- multiple target products.
nii, can accumulate hydrocarbons too [33]. Fatty
The two changes are strongly related because
acids from microalgae can be used to produce
they depend on each other. Technical, economic,
biofuels (biodiesel above all) [34], bioplastics
and environmental sustainability are factors that
[35], and other products, similarly to what is
determine the number of target products obtain-
already done in the industry starting from con-
able from a microalgae biorefinery. Currently,
ventional vegetable oils such as palm oil, soy
downstream treatments of microalgae biomass
oil, and others. Glycerol deriving from hydroly-
are carried out by adapting technologies previ-
sis of TAGs and phospholipids can be recycled
ously developed for other applications. For this
as nutrients to improve microalgae productivity
reason, the sustainability of the downstream
[36]. Differently to the widespread vegetable
treatment is strongly limited, and a large part
oils, microalgae oils are rich in omega-3 fatty
of the companies sell biomass that is just dried
acids (for example DHA), which make them a
and pressed (Table 16.1).
promising substitute of fish oil for aquaculture
and to face the issue of omega-3/omega-6 imbal- To extract different compounds from the
ance in the human diet [37,38]. same starting biomass, the extraction treat-
Pigments such as carotenoids (astaxanthin, ments used for every compound should be
b-Carotene), xanthophylls (lutein, zeaxanthin), mild enough to avoid the degradation of the
chlorophylls, and phycocyanin also received other compounds. Much research has been con-
attention for their high added value (between ducted to optimize the extraction of different
300 and 3000 V/kg) [3]. Some of them are compounds from microalgae biomass; howev-
already extracted for nutraceutical application er, a large part of these works was carried out
(Table 16.1). They can also be used as pigments by focusing on a single product. For example,
for food and feed; for example, astaxanthin is a study was carried out for the optimization of
responsible for the red color of salmon [39,40] lipid extraction and another one for the optimi-
and lutein of the yellow-orange color of egg zation of protein extraction, instead of carrying
yolk [41]. out a single study to optimize both. The infor-
mation produced from these works is essential
for the development of a biorefinery, but it is
2.3 Shifting microalgae processes from not enough. In fact, the preliminary information
single products to multiple products achieved by the studies focusing on single prod-
ucts should be successively exploited to carry
The shifting from conventional microalgae out further studies in which extraction of
processes to biorefinery facilities needs several different compounds is optimized in a single
changes and improvements. The main changes process. In this direction, difference strategies
required are these: have been proposed (Fig. 16.3).
- the shifting of conventional cultivation All the downstream processes have to face
processes in which a single biochemical initially with the separation of the biomass
target component is maximized to the from water. Water is the solvent in which micro-
optimization of processes tailored to achieve algae carry out their reactions, namely the sol-
a biomass composition balanced for the vent in which they grow. In photoautotrophic
different biochemical target components; cultivations, water is generally between 99.9%
- the shifting of the downstream processes of and 99.5% of the microalgae culture [42], while
the biomass from separation/purification/ in heterotrophic cultivations, it is generally

IV. Selected examples and case history

292 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

FIGURE 16.3 Illustration of the main strategies described for separation of different biomolecules from microalgae

between 99.1% and 90% [43]. A large part of wa- a lower cost for biomass drying corresponding
ter can be removed by the preliminary harvest- to about 0.18 V/kg [15]. Due to the impact of
ing phase, generally achievable by filtrations, the drying phase, there is a recent growing inter-
sedimentation, flocculation, or centrifugation est toward the development of wet processes in
[44]. The parameters of the harvesting are mainly which extractions are carried out directly on
determined by the biomass cultivation condition wet biomass [46].
(microalgae strain, final biomass concentration The general strategy followed in the bio-
achieved, etc.). Through harvesting, biomass refinery is the cascade extraction approach, by
reaches a water content between 99% and 70%, which different compounds are extracted by us-
depending on the technology used, with an en- ing sequential extractions and separation phases.
ergy consumption between 0.01 and 8 kWh/kg The intracellular molecules have to be extracted
[15,44]. After harvesting, a large part of the pro- and separated by means of a partial or total alter-
posed processes includes a drying phase, by ation of cell structure. These alterations can be
which water content is reduced below 5%. more or less strong, in function of the used con-
Freeze-drying and spray drying are the most ditions. In general, it can be considered that the
used technical methods to dry microalgae kinetic of the extraction increases by increasing
biomass before compound extraction. However, the cell destruction efficiency. In fact, when the
the drying process is also a very energy-intensive cells are still intact, or just partially broken, the
treatment. Energy consumed for freeze-drying kinetic is strongly limited by the diffusion
has been estimated by some authors in the range gradient inside cells (or cell aggregates) and by
of 5e40 kWh/kg, corresponding to about 1e6 cellular layers (cell wall, cell membranes) that
V/kg [45], while some other authors estimated obstruct molecule movement.

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Development of biorefineries 293
The gentlest alterations are those obtained by The large variability reported depends on the
some selective extractions that can be carried out technology used, microalgae species, biomass
directly on live cells. In fact, it is possible to use concentration, suspension flow, pH, tempera-
conditions mild enough to maintain the cells ture, and also by the analytical method used to
alive. This kind of extraction is named milking assess cell destruction. Comparing the same
because of its similarity to the milking of cows. operative conditions, beat beater has been used
Milking has been used to extract b-carotene to achieve cell destruction of Chlorella vulgaris,
from (Dunaliella) salina [47], hydrocarbons from Neochloris oleoabundans, and Tetraselmis suecica
B. braunii [48], and fatty acids from Nannochlorop- with a comparable energy consumption of
sis sp. [49]. An essential condition for milking is 0.5 kWh/kg for all three strains [52]. Cell
the adoption of biocompatible solvents. Zhang destruction efficiency is generally quantified by
and coworkers found that a partition coefficient measuring cell disappearing by optical counting,
>5.5 (log Poct/wat) was required to be biocompat- flowcytometry, or cell counter [52,53]. However,
ible (nontoxic) for Nannochloropsis sp. cells [49]. that means that also with a reported 100% cell
However, it should be considered that milking destruction, there will be still a certain amount
has kinetics and efficiency generally lower than of cell fragments (of variable size) in which
conventional extractions, and it is applicable different molecules stay linked together, limiting
only for some molecules. their extraction and separation. Consequently, it
In the large parts of the processes investi- is not easy to understand from literature data
gated, the approach followed was based on what is exactly the amount of cell destruction
sequential selective extractions coupled with in the extracts, and data obtained can be strongly
treatment for partial or total cell destruction influenced by the solid/liquid separation
(death of cells). In every extraction condition, method used after treatment.
some compounds are pulled out with a certain Once the molecules are moved in solution,
selectivity from the residual biomass, by produc- they can be separated by treatments exploiting
ing a solution enriched in such compounds. conventional chemical and biochemical methods
To increase the extraction efficiency, different (precipitation, solvent partition, chromatog-
technical methods have been studied and opti- raphy, etc.). Different studies have investigated
mized to achieve cell destruction. They can be the possibility to separate fatty acids and lutein
classified as mechanical methods such as high- starting from the extract obtained by lipid extrac-
pressure homogenization, bead milling, ultraso- tion with organic solvents. These works were
nication, microwave, and pulsed electric fields based on the different partition coefficient of
and nonmechanical methods such as lutein and TAGs in an ethanol/hexane two-
chemical and enzymatic treatments [45,50]. phase system [54,55]. Biomass was first treated
Chemical and enzymatic treatments are also with a cell destruction treatment coupled with
accompanied by reactions that can induce modi- solvent extraction of lipids (e.g., by using ethanol
fication in the chemical properties of the or directly hexane/ethanol mixture). This phase
extracted molecules (e.g., hydrolysis). Some could be coupled with alkaline treatment
extraction solvents, a large part of organic sol- because high OH concentrations hydrolyze
vents, are able themselves to break down cell lutein esters to free lutein, and at the same
membranes by solubilizing membrane phospho- time, OH can enhance cell breaking (however
lipids [51]. OH should be carefully dosed for exposition
Data reported in the literature indicate that time and concentration to avoid lutein degrada-
the pretreatments carried out for cell disruption tion) [41]. After lipid extraction, a two-phase
require from 0.06 kWh/kg to 150 kWh/kg [50]. ethanol-hexane system can be obtained, in which

IV. Selected examples and case history

294 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

the lutein goes mainly in the ethanol phase, from Haematococcus pluvialis cells by exploiting
while the TAGs go mainly in the hexane phase. a microgel-stabilized ionic liquidewater emul-
Pure lutein can be finally obtained from the sion. The astaxanthin was extracted in its ionic
ethanol phase by means of precipitation induced liquid droplets, with a yield of 62%, while pro-
by water addition [56,57]. TAGs in the hexane teins (90%) moved in the aqueous phase [67].
extract can be used to synthetize biodiesel by The protein extracts obtained by any extrac-
converting fatty acids in their methyl esters by tion process can be processed by conventional
transesterification. downstream treatments such as membrane
The residual defatted biomass rich in proteins filtration and precipitation to produce protein
and carbohydrates can be further valorized. concentrates and protein hydrolysate [68,69].
However, protein and carbohydrate separation
from defatted biomass is poorly investigated in
the literature.
The main alternatives investigated in the liter- 3. Innovative photobioreactors
ature for the valorization of defatted biomass
concern the production of other biofuels: by hy- Many research works have been published
drolysis (chemical or enzymatic) to produce sub- with the aim to investigate the feasibility of
strates for microbial fermentations for bioethanol microalgae cultivation, mainly for biofuel pro-
or biogas production [58,59] and by thermal and duction. In these works, different photoautotro-
hydrothermal treatments for biochar, gas, and phic configurations have been tested for
liquid fuels production [60,61]. Other investi- microalgae cultivation: however, not one has
gated applications include biosorption, by which reached the hoped performances, and the costs
the defatted biomass was used as biosorbent for to sustain microalgae biomass production are
heavy metal removal in contaminated water yet too high for a large part of the expected ap-
[62]. plications (see Introduction section). The main
Extractions carried out by using bead milling configurations tested in pilot-scale photoauto-
in aqueous suspension allowed selective protein trophic plants were open ponds, tubular photo-
extraction, with selectivity between 0.9 and 6.7 bioreactors (vertical and horizontal), and flat
for proteins with respect to carbohydrates [52]. panels. For all these tested configurations, the
But it should be taken into account that this biomass production cost was higher than 3
study was conducted on nondefatted biomass. V/kg. The main factors affecting the cost of pro-
Instead, in the processes investigated by duced biomass were characteristics directly
Ref. [63] and by Ref. [64], the microalgae biomass linked to reactor design, such as operative costs
was first treated with organic solvents to extract given by energy consumption and labor and
lipids, and then proteins were extracted from costs for depreciation [11,14e16,42]. Conse-
defatted biomass by using alkaline solutions. quently, new reactor configurations can poten-
However, although alkaline proteins extraction tially improve the feasibility of microalgae
was successfully used, for example, to remove biomass production.
proteins from biomasses as rice flour [65,66], The aim of this section is to describe such new
when applied to microalgae biomass, it was reactor configurations. In Subsections 3.1 and
not very effective (only w 10% protein extrac- 3.2, thin-layer photobioreactors and biofilm reac-
tion) [63,64]. Desai and coworkers proposed a tors are described, respectively. In Subsection 3.3
process by which astaxanthin and proteins other new promising configurations are
were simultaneously extracted and separated described, which have received less attention.

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. Innovative photobioreactors 295

3.1 Thin-layer photobioreactors The thin-layer reactor designed by BCS Engi-

neering (Brno, Czech Republic) is a modified
One of the main bottlenecks limiting microal- open pond in which microalgae suspension is
gae productivity in photobioreactors is light lim- moved by a centrifugal pump instead of a pad-
itation. To have high biomass productivity dle wheel. The suspension is circulated on the
inside reactors, microalgae should grow with a surface of a glass sheet (sustained by a steel
fast growth rate (m w mmax) when they are at frame) that is inclined 1.6%e1.7%, 18 m long,
high biomass concentration (dX/dt ¼ mX). How- and 1 m width. The suspension layer is main-
ever, when microalgae grow, increasing their tained at an optical path between 6 and 8 mm,
concentration (X), they progressively limit light with a 0.5 m/s speed. At the end of the sheet,
penetration because of the shading effect. As a the culture is collected on a tank and recirculated
consequence, light available for microalgae cells by the pump. During the day, CO2 is supplied to
is progressively reduced inside reactors during the culture, whereas during the night the whole
microalgae growth, and as cell concentration in- suspension is maintained in the tank and
creases the amount of photons supplied per cell aerated. Water evaporation is balanced by
becomes progressively lower, making m < mmax feeding water to the tank to keep a constant level
[70,71]. The higher the optical path of the reac- [73,74]. By using this configuration, microalgae
tors is, then the lower the biomass concentration biomass concentrations between 8.9 and
at which light becomes limiting for microalgae 29.7 g/L were achieved in about 15e30 days
growth. The surface to volume ratio (S/V) of [73]. A very similar configuration was tested by
photobioreactors decreases by decreasing the Apel and coworkers too (5e5.6 mm optical
optical path. The reactors widely tested for path), by achieving biomass concentrations up
microalgae cultivation at pilot scale have optical to 50 g/L and biomass productivities of
paths between 0.02 and 0.3 m, corresponding to 2.4e2.9 g/L per day [75]. AlgoFilm is a photo-
S/V ratio between 5 and 100 m2/m3. By using bioreactor with an optical path of 1.5 to 2 mm.
these configurations, microalgae biomass con- It is similar to the reactors tested by
centrations and biomass productivities typically Refs. [73,75], but it is, in contrast, a closed sys-
reached were between 0.2 and 5 g/L and be- tem, similar to an inclined flat panel, in which
tween 0.01 and 1 g/L per day, respectively the suspension is continuously recirculated
[14,42,72]. from the bottom part to the top part by using a
Thin-layer photobioreactors can be defined as peristaltic pump. Chlorella vulgaris was culti-
reactors having an optical path 0.01 m. These vated in this configuration by reaching a
reactors have the potential to reach biomass con- biomass concentration up to 30 g/L and a
centrations and productivities much higher than biomass productivity up to 7 g/L per day.
the widely tested configurations. That is because Gifuni and coworkers investigated the perfor-
light decrease inside a reactor follows an expo- mances of an ultrathin flat photobioreactor
nential trend, so a difference of few millimeters (UFP) with 3-mm optical path. The reactor was
can lead to a relevant gain. However, the realiza- built up by using three polymethylmethacrylate
tion of reactors with a very low optical path re- panels (86  18 cm  0.5 mm) spaced out by two
quires one to face new issues that were not silicone sheets having 3 mm thickness. The
encountered with the conventional configura- panels were assembled in a sandwich structure
tions. For instance, there is no space for the con- by obtaining a reactor volume of 0.3 L and a
ventional probes used for pH and temperature back chamber used for cooling (by water recircu-
control. lation). Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated in this

IV. Selected examples and case history

296 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

latter reactor until reaching 24 g/L of biomass medium can remain impregnated. The well ro-
concentration and 11 g/L per day of biomass tates remaining partially (about 40%e50%) sub-
productivity [76]. merged in a tank containing medium solution
The studies carried out prove that by using [79,80]. With this configuration, microalgae
thin-layer photobioreactors microalgae concen- grow attached to the external surface of the
tration and productivities comparable to those wheel. About a half of the microalgae remain
achievable by heterotrophic cultivations can be submerged during cultivation, while another
attained [43]. This property may reduce the half remain constantly covered by a thin water
cost of the produced biomass with respect to film. Consequently, the configuration if these re-
the conventional technologies, but cost analyses actors still requires air/CO2 bubbling inside the
are required from pilot-scale plants to consider cultivation medium (in the tank), and they
also the higher operative and installation costs require a further energy supply for wheel rota-
that will be likely given by the higher S/V ratio. tion, and about a half of the microalgae are actu-
In this direction, preliminary data obtained by ally under limited condition for light penetration
Hulatt and Thoma indicate the net energy ratio and gas exchange [81].
calculated for biomass produced by flat panel re- To overcome these latter issues, PSBRs have
actors becomes more favorable by optical path been studied recently. These particular biofilm
reduction [77]. reactors are made of a porous material layer
(e.g., filter paper) on which microalgae grow
[82]. This layer separates microalgae cells from
3.2 Biofilm photobioreactors the cultivation medium. In detail, cells grow on
Biofilm bioreactors can be seen as a way to one side of the layer of the porous material and
work with an extremely reduced optical path. are directly exposed to air, while the cultivation
In these reactors, microalgae cells live attached medium is only in contact with the other side of
to a surface within an amount of medium solu- the layer (Fig. 16.4). Water moves from one side
tion that is reduced to a minimum. The main ad- of the layer to the other side (the one with cells)
vantages of the biofilm reactors are the high by passing through the porous material. The
photosynthesis efficiency and microalgae pro- movement of water can be given by different
ductivity, which are obtained thanks to the facil- mechanisms such as capillarity, difference of
itated gas exchange and light penetration. pression, and water evaporation on the surface
Moreover, the costs for harvesting are almost exposed to air. Mineral salts move in the water
avoided because microalgae grow already sepa- by the gradient diffusion between medium and
rated from the liquid, with water content cells. PSBR configuration allows one to maintain
reduced to w70% [78]. Materials tested as sur- the advantages of the reduced optical path, it en-
faces for microalgae growth were cotton ropes, hances gas exchange by cell exposition to air,
filter paper or synthetic polymers, stainless- and at the same time, it avoids the use of pumps
steel woven meshes, and sanded polycarbonate for air feeding. A pump is required only to move
[79e81]. the nutrient solution from the bottom to the top
Biofilm reactors can be divided mainly in two of the bioreactor [83]. The low mobility of the
categories: submerged cultures and porous sub- cells in the PSBR has been also indicated as a
strate bioreactors (PSBRs). promising solution to contain contamination,
The typical configuration for a submerged because when that appears, it remains confined
culture biofilm reactor is made of a wheel to a limited area.
covered with a material on which microalgae Very high productivities have been reached
can easily grow attached and on which solution by using PSBRs. In fact, for Scenedesmus obliquus

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. Innovative photobioreactors 297

FIGURE 16.4 Schematic representation of the porous substrate bioreactor (PSBR) configuration.

and Arthrospira platensis, biomass productivities for microalgae growth in PSBRs. Some other rele-
until 80 and 60 g/m2 per day were achieved, vant factors that can strongly affect the biomass
respectively [84,85]. The same works measured productivity are light dilution generated by the
very high photosynthetic efficiency too, with design of PSBRs and biomass loss by respiration
values greater than 10% [85]. These values are in the deep part of the biofilm [82]. More data
significantly higher with respect to the values are required from outdoor pilot plants operated
typically achieved by using conventional configu- for different seasons to carry out detailed cost
rations pilot plants, which are between 5 and analysis comparisons.
20 g/m2 per day. However, these studies were
carried out by maintaining the reactors under a
closed chamber in which CO2 concentration in 3.3 Other innovative solutions to
the air was strongly enriched (until 2%e5%) improve phototrophic cultivation
with respect to environmental air (0.04%). In Besides the configurations described in Sec-
contrast, by using the environmental CO2 concen- tions 3.1 and 3.2, there are some other systems
tration, a productivity value of 7 g/m2 per day that are being investigated to improve microal-
was obtained; this value is comparable with those gae cultivation sustainability. One recent
obtained from conventional configurations [86]. example is given by the liquid foam-bed photo-
These data indicate that gas exchange from envi- bioreactor [87]. This kind of reactor is based on
ronmental air to the biofilm is the limiting factor the idea of growing microalgae on the surface

IV. Selected examples and case history

298 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

of foam bubbles. The advantages are similar to infrared light penetration, reducing maximum
those of biofilm reactors. Microalgae are directly temperature achieved by 33% and increasing
exposed to air, so they can grow faster by by 52% and 64% biomass production and
exploiting the low light path, and harvesting phycocyanin content, respectively, with respect
can be more efficient thanks to the higher to reactors without any temperature control
biomass concentration. Microalgae are inocu- system. The growth performances were compa-
lated on a suspension containing a surfactant be- rable with respect to those achieved by using
sides nutrients. The suspension is fed at the conventional temperature control systems as
bottom of a photobioreactor together with a water jacket.
gas flux. By passing through a gas distributor Other innovative materials can be exploited to
plate, the foam is generated, filling the reactor obtain reactor surfaces able to convert a part of
to the top. Then the foam goes from the top of the inactive region of the solar spectrum to
the reactor to a foam breaker (made, for example, wavelengths that can be actively used by photo-
of a fixed bed filled with plastic beads), and the synthesis [8].
medium is recirculated by a pump. A key factor Some authors investigated the efficacy of
that can influence the performance of the reactor stacked waveguide reactors, which have micro-
is given by the surfactant. Ideally, it should have patterned waveguide surfaces. These reactors
good foaming properties (e.g., foam stability and exploit evanescent fields near the surface to
bubble size), it should be nonbiodegradable, enhance microalgae growth, which was
chemically stable, biocompatible with algae, increased two- to fourfold [91,92].
cheap, and it should allow a good repartition In some studies, the enhancement of microal-
of microalgae to the foam phase. By comparing gae productivity by fighting grazers was inves-
several surfactants, Pluronic F68 and P84 were tigated. Grazers are organisms that can
found to be the best after the evaluation of contaminate photoautotrophic microalgae cul-
different criteria [88]. When bovine serum albu- tures (especially open ponds) by decreasing
min (BSA) was used as surfactant, a time of oper- biomass productivity, generating culture
ativity of only 8 h was maintained, due to the crashes. Following the same approach used to
instability of BSA [87]. In a first study, a lower fight pests in terrestrial cultivations, several
growth rate with respect to conventional config- chemical compounds were studied for their ef-
urations was obtained due to the dark volume fects on grazers and on microalgae; among
of the culture, which accounted for about these, 21 chemicals effective against grazers
30% of total volume [87]. However, with an and compatible with Chlorella sp. were found.
improved version of the liquid foam-bed photo- Benzalkonium chloride was tested in open
bioreactor, in which Pluronic F68 was used as pond, proving its ability in killing grazers and
surfactant and in which liquid recirculation preventing negative effects on microalgae
was introduced, higher growth performances growth [93].
were achieved. Chlorella vulgaris and
Chlorella sorokiniana were cultivated in contin-
uous mode, for 500 h, maintaining biomass con- 4. Wastewaters utilization as a source of
centration around 20e25 g/L and reaching nutrients
growth rate values to 0.1 h1 [89].
To reduce water and energy consumption for The integration of microalgae cultivation with
temperature control in a photobioreactor, a so- wastewater treatment is a promising approach
lar control infrared blocking film (purchased that can improve the feasibility of microalgae
by 3M) was tested [90]. The film prevented biomass production. The main features that

IV. Selected examples and case history

4. Wastewaters utilization as a source of nutrients 299
may potentially increase the feasibility are as reported. Subsequently, in Section 4.3, the
follows: room of improvement that can be achieved by
the exploitation of organic substrates from
- Wastewater addition can reduce nutrient
wastewater by microalgae heterotrophic meta-
consumption, which is an issue both for
bolism is outlined.
economic (cost for nutrient purchase) and
environmental reasons (resource depletion).
- Wastewater treatment can enhance economic 4.1 Wastewater as a source of nutrients
sustainability by making the pollution for microalgae growth
treatment an added value of the process.
- Wastewater treatment can enhance Photosynthesis is the metabolic pathway by
environmental sustainability by reducing which microalgae convert H2O and CO2 to
pollutants spreading in the environment. organic compounds such as sugars (CH2O)n.
- Organic molecules in wastewaters can work However, H2O and CO2 are not the only nutri-
as substrate for mixotrophic and ents required for microalgae growth. Other nu-
heterotrophic cultivations, which can trients are required to supply elements such as
increase remarkably biomass productivity N, P, S, Mg, and others, which are essential for
and biomass concentration with respect to the production of new microalgae cells [2]. The
photoautotrophic conditions. empirical formula for microalgae cells has been
calculated in some different works, and the
The treatment of several wastewaters has values determined are summarized in
been tested for integration with microalgae culti- Table 16.2.
vation. These include municipal wastewaters For a sustainable, large-scale production of
[94,95], manure wastewaters [96e98], digestate microalgae, it is essential that all the nutrients
from anaerobic treatments [99,100], meat pro- are used in a sustainable way to minimize
cessing wastewater [101], cheese whey resource depletion from the earth. It has been
[102,103], olive mill wastewater [104,105], and calculated that if the biodiesel required to sup-
textile wastewaters [106]. port the European transportation market is pro-
The aim of this section is to describe the latest duced entirely by microalgae, the amount of P
innovations and the potentials of wastewater uti- and N required would be twice the amount
lization in microalgae processes. In Subsection that is presently produced as fertilizer in Europe
4.1 the potential of wastewaters in nutrients sup- [9]. Consequently, recycling nutrients is essential
plementation is described, while in Subsection for a sustainable production of microalgae.
4.2 the performances of microalgae processes in Several studies have been conducted with the
pollutants removal from wastewater are aim of studying the recycling of nutrients

TABLE 16.2 Empirical formula for microalgae biomass.

Microalgae Empirical formula Source

- CH2.4ON0.15P0.009 [107]
T. obliquus CH1.9O0.6N0.13P0.012K0.01Mg0.006S0.003Ca0.0004 [108]
C. vulgaris CH2O0.5N0.17P0.014K0.01Mg0.003 [43]
- CH2.5ON0.15P0.009 [109]

IV. Selected examples and case history

300 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

coming from wastewaters in place of synthetic be lost by means of NH3 evaporation

nutrients. In a large part of the studies carried (NHþ þ
4 þ H2O 4 NH3 þ H3O , pKa ¼ 9.25).
out, the wastewaters were diluted with distilled Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is produced
water, tap water, or synthetic culture medium. during the milling of olives to produce olive
That is because 100% of wastewaters often oil. OMW is characterized by a high content of
generate issues given by the high concentration phosphate and other mineral salts, but it has a
of substances limiting microalgae growth by low content of nitrogen available for microalgae
reducing light penetration or by their antimicro- growth [114,117]. To support microalgae
bial effects (such as the case of phenols and NHþ 4) growth, OMW typically requires an addition of
[110,111]. Municipal wastewater (MW) is one of nitrogen [118,119] that can be made also by mix-
the most studied as a source of nutrients to sup- ing OMW with other wastewaters like urban
port microalgae growth. MW has an N/P w 3 wastewaters [120].
[112], lower than the ratio typically required for Cheese whey (CW), which is produced from
microalgae growth, which is w15 (Table 16.2). cheese production plants, is rich in nitrogen
Therefore, nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in and phosphorus. These nutrients are both in
such wastewaters. Nitrogen concentration organic (mainly proteins) and inorganic forms
ranges between 10 and 100 mg/L in MW. Such (P-PO34 and NeNHþ 4 ). Proteins are generally
a concentration can support a biomass produc- removed from whey by filtrations to isolate
tion to 0.1e1 g/L before becoming limiting whey proteins, which have high added value
[113]. Generally, phosphorus is not a limiting [103]. Inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phos-
nutrient; however, it should be considered that phorus range between 65 and 160 mg/L and
at some Ca2þ concentrations, which may be 300e400 mg/L, respectively [121]. The N/P ra-
found in tap water, phosphorus can becomes tio is w0.3, about 10-fold lower than MW and
easily limiting because of phosphates precipita- digestate effluents. It has been proven that CW
tion [114]. can be used to sustain microalgae growth by
Digestate effluents originating from anaerobic replacing the addition of inorganic salts; howev-
treatments have higher nutrients concentrations er, only a few strains are able to use lactose as a
with respect to MW. Nitrogen can vary in the substrate [103], which is mainly responsible for
range of 100e3500 mg/L and phosphorus be- the high COD and BOD5 content in CW [121].
tween 20 and 400 mg/L. The N/P ratio is a bit The organic substrates that can be found in
more favorable too, about 3.6e4.3 [112]. Howev- wastewaters (generally measured as COD,
er, nitrogen is present mainly as NHþ 4 , which has BOD5, or TOC) can furnish further nutrients for
toxic effects for microalgae at too high concentra- microalgae growth. They can be a source of en-
tions [115]. There is not a fixed threshold limit for ergy and mass (C, H, O, N, S, P) for microalgae
NHþ 4 concentration because its effect can vary metabolism. The exploitation of this latter class
depending on the microalgae strain and cultiva- of nutrients is described in detail in Section 4.3.
tion conditions. However, the reported values Recently, the interest about the possibility to
over which negative effects were detected recycle directly nutrients from microalgae
ranged between 50 and 300 mg/L [116]. For biomass is growing too. When the target prod-
this latter reason, digestates need to be diluted ucts from microalgae are, for example, TAGs
to be used as a nutrients source for microalgae and starch, N and P are not included in the prod-
cultivation. Moreover, it should be considered ucts; consequently, their recycling may be
that microalgae alkalinize the pH by the photo- possible in an efficient process. Microalgae
synthetic activity. Therefore, if pH is not biomass can be used as substrate for anaerobic
controlled the large part of the nitrogen could digestion, allowing one to recover about 40 g of

IV. Selected examples and case history

4. Wastewaters utilization as a source of nutrients 301
N per kg of dry biomass (69%e86%) and 3.8 g of microalgae [130]. Bacteria contamination is a
P per kg of dry biomass (9%e49%) [122]. Hydro- limited issue for this kind of wastewater because
thermal liquefaction can be also used to recycle the initial COD concentration is quite low (be-
nutrients from microalgae biomass, allowing tween 100 and 500 mg/L) [131]. Several studies
one to recover about 26 g of N per kg of dry have been conducted to exploit a synergic inter-
biomass (15%e84%) and 6.8 g of P per kg of action between microalgae and bacteria. It
dry biomass (20%e85%) [122]. should be considered that in conventional waste-
water treatment plants, the aeration required to
support aerobic bacteria can account for 45%
e75% of the energy consumption [132]. By using
4.2 Wastewater treatment by microalgae a mixed culture of microalgae and bacteria,
Microalgae cultivation can reduce the microalgae can produce O2 by photosynthesis,
polluting load of wastewaters by removing reducing the energy supply for aeration and
organic and inorganic molecules. Such removal furnishing at the same time O2 for COD reduc-
can be obtained by several mechanisms, such tion by bacteria. Bacteria oxidation of organic
as enzymatic conversion to other molecules, molecules converts the O2 to CO2, which can
storage inside cells (bioaccumulation), adsorp- be used again by microalgae metabolism in a
tion on cell surface (bioadsorption), variation of closed cycle [133,134].
chemicalephysical parameters (e.g., pH, O2 con- Digestate produced from anaerobic fermenta-
centration), and action of bacteria that live in as- tion can be also efficiently treated by microalgae
sociation with microalgae. culture to reduce the concentration of pollutants.
For example, inorganic N and P can be accu- Removal efficiencies of N and P to 70%e100%
mulated inside cells and then used as a substrate have been obtained for digestate produced
by the enzymes to produce proteins, mem- from swine manure, dairy manure, MWs,
branes, and nucleic acids. Heavy metals can be poultry wastewaters, and others [116]. Because
bioaccumulated and/or adsorbed [123,124]. of the higher pollutant concentration in anaer-
COD can be reduced by converting organic mol- obic digestates with respect to MWs, they often
ecules to CO2 and H2O (mineralization) or to require a pretreatment before microalgae culti-
other organic molecules with a lower oxygen de- vation. Generally, the pretreatments carried out
mand. The pH increase induced by photosyn- are dilution, filtration, precipitation, steriliza-
thetic activity can boost phosphates and metals tion, and centrifugation [116]. The removal of
removal by precipitation and adsorption COD can achieve efficiencies to 50%e90%. How-
[114,123,125]. ever COD initial concentration has higher values
From MWs, high phosphorus and nitrogen with respect to MWs, generating a relevant issue
removal, between 80% and 100%, has been usu- by biologic contamination [116]. In anaerobic
ally obtained. These results were achieved by us- digestate, the high content of metal ions (Cu2þ,
ing several microalgae species (e.g., Chlorella sp. Pb2þ, Zn2þ, Co2þ, and others) is also a relevant
and Scenedesmus sp.) and several reactor config- issue. Microalgae growth can reduce signifi-
urations (open ponds, photobioreactors, immo- cantly the concentration of metals and heavy
bilized cells) [126e129]. COD, TOC, and BOD metals; this has been proven, for example, for
removal has been also obtained at comparable Zn2þ and Cd2þ [135]. However the large part
high values, close to 100%. However, for these of the studies carried out on this field did not
latter parameters, which are linked to the organic evaluate this aspect.
compounds, a main role is played by the bacteria The direct cultivation of microalgae in agro-
communities that live in symbiosis with industrial wastewaters such as CW has been

IV. Selected examples and case history

302 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

proven, allowing lactose removal to 64% [102] however, this ability can vary from one strain
and nitrogen removal to 100% [103]. However, to another strain. Glucose is likely the most
lactose can be used as substrate only by some tested substrate, and it has been used for the
microalgae strains [103]. Moreover, in the re- cultivation of a large number of different strains
ported studies, all the experiments were carried including Chlorella protothecoides, Chlorella
out under fully sterilized conditions, which are regularis, Chlorella vulgaris, Chromochloris
hardly applicable to large-scale cultivation. zofingiensis, Crypthecodinium cohnii, Dunaliella sp.,
Microalgae cultivation on diluted OMW was Euglena gracilis, Galdieria sulphuraria, Scenedesmus
efficient in phenols removal to 50%e60% sp., and many others [43,136]. Other sugars have
[105,110,114], COD reduction to 30%e40% been studied less. Sucrose is generally not
[118] and phosphates removal to 91% [114]. useable directly by microalgae because of the
absence of invertase [137]. Lactose can be used
only by a few strains [102,103]. Glycerol and
4.3 Enhanced microalgae growth by acetate have been widely used to support
exploiting organic substrates from the growth of several microalgae species
wastewaters [43,136,138]. Other substrates that have been
also used for microalgae cultivations are some
The large part of wastewaters contains signifi- amino acids (such as glutamate, aspartate, aspar-
cant amounts of organic substrates. Many micro- agine), butyric acid, ethanol, galactose, mannose,
algae can use such organic substrates, by means and fructose [43,136,139].
of a heterotrophic metabolism, as a source of car- When cultivated under a heterotrophic
bon and energy, in addition to light and CO2 regime, microalgae have yield factors that usu-
exploited by the photoautotrophic metabolism. ally range from 0.3 to 0.7 g of dry weight
When the heterotrophic metabolism is operated biomass per gram of organic substrate [43]. The
concurrently with photoautotrophic meta- yield factor varies depending on the strain, the
bolism, the microalgae metabolism is called mix- kind of organic substrate, and the cultivation
otrophic (heterotrophic þ photoautotrophic). conditions. Considering that several wastewa-
This further source of energy and carbon gives ters have concentrations of organic compounds
a room of improvement for microalgae biomass to w50 g/L, it can be deduced that more than
production processes. In this subsection, such 30 g/L of microalgae biomass may be obtained
possibility of improvement is described. by adding wastewater as a nutrient source.
Moreover, because of the independence of the
4.3.1 Microalgae growth on organic heterotrophic metabolism from the light supply,
substrates it should be possible to obtain also high biomass
The organic molecules that are present in productivities by working with low-cost config-
wastewaters have the possibility to boost micro- urations (low S/V ratio).
algae productivity by feeding their heterotrophic However, similar improvements in microal-
metabolism. Heterotrophic metabolism is inde- gae biomass production and productivity have
pendent of light penetration inside reactors; been registered only for microalgae cultivated
consequently, it could allow achieving high in fully sterilized conditions [43]. That is because,
biomass concentration and biomass productivity without an accurate sterilization process and
by cultivating microalgae in reactors with a low without an axenic microalgae culture, the
S/V ratio. organic substrate is used more efficiently by
Microalgae can use a large variety of organic the contaminant bacteria [116,140]. Bacteria can
molecules as source of carbon and energy; easily outclass microalgae growth in the

IV. Selected examples and case history

4. Wastewaters utilization as a source of nutrients 303
presence of high substrate concentration because can be exploited to favoring microalgae growth
their maximum growth rate (w20 d1) is about over bacteria is the different ability to store nutri-
one order of magnitude higher than microalgae ents [109]. Microalgae growth is generally
(w2 d1). described by a Droop model [113,143], which de-
Several studies have been also conducted by scribes the ability of microalgae to store nitrogen
using unsterilized wastewaters, namely by and to grow in N-starvation condition by using
working with a consortia of bacteria and micro- the internal nitrogen quota. Instead, a large
algae. However, in these cases the attention part of bacteria show a reduced ability to store
was mainly focused on wastewater pollutants nutrients, and their growth is generally
removal, and the initial COD concentrations described by a Monod model, which means
were generally low (<1 g/L) because of the that growth is stopped as soon as nutrients are
kind of wastewater used (e.g., MWs) or because depleted in the cultivation media [140]. This dif-
of wastewater dilution [129,134,141,142]. In ference was exploited by a mixotrophic cultiva-
these conditions, contamination is strongly tion in which glucose and nitrate were added
limited by the low COD, but at the same time, alternatively [144]. In the described alternate
microalgae growth is mainly phototrophic, feeding strategy, a fixed amount of glucose and
without any relevant advantage given by the nitrate were added separately and alternatively
organic substances. every 2 days, under mixotrophic regime. The
Only in some cases, unsterilized wastewater strategy was compared with a mixotrophic con-
was used to exploit directly the advantage given trol in which glucose and nitrate were added
by the supplemented organic substrates. For simultaneously every 2 days. The authors found
example, OMW was added in a two-stage photo- that with the alternate strategy, bacterial
trophic-heterotrophic cultivation process. In contamination was strongly reduced. During
such a process, microalgae were first cultivated the alternate strategy, there was an alternance
in a photoautotrophic regime, to reach nitrogen of low glucose/high nitrate concentration condi-
depletion, and then the wastewater was added tion and low nitrate/high glucose concentration
generating biomass production and productivity condition. Microalgae could grow under the low
comparable to the photoautotrophic control nitrate concentration condition (N-starvation) by
[19,105]. Although there was not an improve- exploiting the internal nitrogen quota, and under
ment in biomass growth with respect to the con- the low glucose concentration condition by using
trol, the possibility to obtain a comparable the extra inorganic carbon (CO2) by means of
growth in a reactor with lower S/V ratio was photosynthesis.
already a gain. The efficacy of a similar strategy was assessed
The use of wastewaters as a source of organic also in heterotrophic condition [177]. In this
substrates to improve microalgae biomass pro- latter case, the ability of microalgae to store
ductivity has not yet been proven in a way that organic substrates was exploited in addition to
is technically promising. The issue of bacterial the nitrogen storage. In fact, in heterotrophic
contamination to nonaxenic conditions is the condition, the growth of microalgae under high
main limit that needs to be solved. nitrate/low glucose concentration condition
was only possible by exploiting the microalgae
4.3.2 Innovative strategies for organic ability to use solely the internal quota of organic
substrate addition molecules stored as a source of energy (mainly
Some innovative strategies have been investi- starch and lipids). In this strategy, named
gated with the aim to control bacteria growth in uncoupled heterotrophic strategy (UHS),
nonaxenic microalgae cultivations. A factor that glucose and nitrate were added alternatively,

IV. Selected examples and case history

304 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

by tailoring their initial concentrations as a producing bigger fruits and seeds instead of
function of the biomass concentration and of in defense against the environment. The differ-
the internal quota of organic compounds stored. ences between maize and its ancestor teosinte
Moreover, the time between nitrate addition and (Zea mays ssp. mexicana) can be considered an
the subsequent glucose addition was tailored as example [146]. The large part of the current agri-
a function of the consumption kinetic. These ad- cultural production derives from the genetic im-
justments on glucose and nitrate addition provements obtained by the “green revolution”
avoided low biomass growth or high bacterial [145]. Analogous to what was done with terres-
contamination given by underestimation or trial plants, the future of the cultivation of micro-
overestimation of the substrate consumption in algae will be likely strongly related to the genetic
every phase. improvements. A “green revolution” is expected
With the UHS strategy, a strong reduction in to be a key factor to improve the feasibility of
bacteria concentration was achieved, and at the microalgae cultivation processes [147].
same time, 6 g/L per day and 26 g/L of biomass In the following subsections, the main meta-
productivity and biomass concentration were bolic pathways that have been manipulated in
achieved, respectively. microalgae by means of genetic modification
are described.

5. Strain improvement
5.1 Improvement of photosynthetic
agriculture. The conventional agriculture that we
knowistheresultofthousandsofyearsofimprove- Photosynthetic efficiency of microalgae is
ments. These changes have not been directed only measured as the ratio between energy supplied
byagronomicpractices,butakeyandfundamental to microalgae by light illumination and the en-
rolewasalsoplayedbythegeneticimprovementof ergy content of the microalgae biomass pro-
the species cultivated [145]. The reason at the duced by photosynthesis. It should be
base of this latter fact is that plants in nature considered that from the atmosphere to the
are the results of millions of years of evolution, ground, only a fraction of the light energy, esti-
but this evolution was mainly directed by their mated between 10% and 34%, reaches the
fitness, which means by their ability to repro- external surface of the reactors [8]. The energy
duce themselves in the environmental conditions is lost due to atmospheric scattering, weather
in which they live and in the new environmental conditions, latitude, reactor orientation, and the
conditions with which they had to adapt during limited photosynthetic active region. Then, other
the years. Consequently, the parameters that losses can be given by light saturation of cells
have been improved in plants living in nature and by energy consumption of the microalgae
were, for example, the production of resistant metabolism. Considering only the incident light
seeds, leaves, and stems to face herbivorous on the reactor surface, the typical photosynthetic
and competitors. By means of agriculture, efficiency registered is around 0.1%e10% and
several species were genetically improved to- the theoretical maximum value is w12% [8]. A
ward the characteristics requested for cultiva- factor that can reduce photosynthetic efficiency
tion. The natural environment was replaced by is photoinhibition, which can occur when micro-
the agricultural field, a more comfortable algae are exposed to too high a flux of photons.
environment, generated by the human work, in In this condition, the rate of photon absorption
which plants could grow using more energy in by light harvesting antenna becomes higher

IV. Selected examples and case history

5. Strain improvement 305
than the rate at which photons are utilized by ability, with respect to wild-type control, were
metabolism. The excess of photons (to 80%) is obtained by using gamma irradiation [156]. For
lost as heat, damaging the photosystems [148]. the same species, a mutant deficient for a dual-
To overcome this issue, some genetically modi- specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated
fied strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have kinase showed a higher level of starch accumula-
been produced, which have a truncated light tion with respect to wild type [157].
harvesting antenna [149e151]. These strains Some researchers attempted to enhance
have reduced the amount of chlorophyll for light accumulation of pigments too. By expressing
harvesting, making them less sensitive to photo- a phytoene synthase gene (CzPSY) from
inhibition. Moreover, their reduced light adsorp- Chlorella zofingiensis to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,
tion per unit cell reduces the self-shading effect 2.0- and 2.2-fold increases were obtained for vio-
inside photobioreactors too. laxanthin and lutein accumulation, respectively

5.2 Improvement in target compound

accumulation 5.3 Improvement in strain resistance to
As well as maize that was genetically
adverse conditions
improved to accumulate more starch in bigger The environment inside bioreactors is
cobs with respect to its wild ancestor, the same controlled within certain values to maintain the
approach can be followed to induce microalgae main environmental parameters around the
to accumulate higher amounts of target com- optimal values. However, two things should be
pounds. In this direction, several microalgae considered: (1) it is impossible to control every
strains able to accumulate higher amounts of parameter, and there will be invariably some pa-
TAG have been obtained by inhibiting the syn- rameters that may vary until producing stressful
thesis of starch (starchless mutants). Most conditions for microalgae. (2) Every control sys-
microalgae accumulate organic carbon during tem has a cost that affects the economic sustain-
N-starvation both as TAG and as starch, which ability of the cultivation process.
are two competitive pathways. Limiting the starch Therefore, the ability of microalgae strains to
pathway, the flux of carbon assimilation is directed resist to the adverse/nonoptimal conditions
mainly to TAG synthesis. Starchless mutant strains encountered during cultivation is a key factor
have been obtained for Chlorella pyrenoidosa, to consider in strain selection and improvement.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Without any control system, temperature can
Tetradesmus obliquus, showing a higher level of vary inside a photobioreactor in the range of
TAG accumulation [152,153]. below 0e50 C, affecting strongly microalgae
Other pathways can be also changed to growth. A lot of energy is required to cool
improve lipid accumulation; for example, in down water temperature during warm seasons
Phaeodactylum tricornutum the neutral lipid and to raise water temperature during winter
content was increased by 82% by inactivating seasons [159]. For this reason, many efforts
pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase [154]. For the have been made looking for strains more tolerant
same species, an increase in lipid content up to temperature fluctuations. A mutant of
to 2.5-fold was obtained with a transgenic Chlorella sp., obtained by chemical mutagenesis,
strain that overexpressed malic enzyme [155]. showed higher tolerance to high temperature
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants with a (to 45 C) with respect to wild type [160].
more than twice improved starch accumulation Similarly, a thermotolerant mutant of

IV. Selected examples and case history

306 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

Chlorella pyrenoidosa (NCIM 2738) was cultivated have been selected, for example, microalgae
under subtropical outdoor conditions corre- strains more tolerant to phenols [171], to pesti-
sponding to 43e45 C during the day and cides [93,172], to heavy metals [173], to
27e30 C during the night [161]. Five mutant extremely acid pH [174,175], and to high
strains of Arthrospira were obtained by ethyl salinity [165,176].
methanesulfonate mutagenesis. These strains
grew better than the wild-type strain at low tem-
perature, by achieving biomass production 6. Conclusions and future trends
10-fold higher than wild type at 16 and 18 C
[162]. Improvement of Chlamydomonas growth It can be concluded that although the cost of
was obtained at 10 C by using a diploid strain microalgae biomass production is limiting for a
[163] and at 4 C by using AMP deaminase sup- large part of the possible industrial applications,
pression [164]. The overexpression of hspA and this technology has a large room for improve-
osmotin genes in Synechococcus elongatus ment. The future trends expected for the scienti-
induced a coupled improved tolerance to high fic and industrial research in microalgae
temperature (45 C), high salt concentration processes development are as follows:
(3.5%), and high illumination (300 mmol/m2 per
second) [165]. (a) the development of new reactors by which
Another important aspect is CO2 concentra- energy and cost associated with the
tion. CO2 is often a limiting nutrient in photo- cultivation of microalgae can be reduced;
bioreactors; consequently, to obtain higher (b) the development of new microalgae strains
biomass productivities, the photobioreactors for a new “green revolution” by which the
could be supplied with higher CO2 concentra- efficiency of target compounds production in
tions in the feeding gas. However, CO2 concen- the reactor environment can be maximized;
trations higher than 10% can have toxic affects (c) the development of cultivation processes
on microalgae [166,167]. For this reason, integrated with wastewater treatment for the
different works have been conducted to isolate exploitation of organic substrates and for
microalgae strains more tolerant to high CO2 nutrient recycling;
levels. Strains able to tolerate CO2 concentra- (d) the development of tailored systems to
tions to 20%e30% have been obtained [167,168]. control biologic contaminants;
Apart from the main environmental parame- (e) the development of biorefinery facilities by
ters considered during microalgae cultivation, which several end products can be produced
several pollutants present in liquid and air starting from microalgae biomass.
streams feeding the reactors can affect microal-
gae growth too. Utilization of flue gas in place
of pure CO2 to supply photobioreactors can List of abbreviations and acronyms
potentially reduce production costs. However,
AMP Adenosine monophosphate
flue gas contains other compounds beyond BOD5 Biochemical oxygen demand (measured after 5 days
CO2, such as NOx and SOx, that can limit micro- of incubation)
algae growth [169]. A Chlorella sp. strain BSA Bovine serum albumin
tolerant to flue gas was obtained by 46 cycles COD Chemical oxygen demand
of adaptive evolution, showing the same CW Cheese whey
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid
growth on synthetic flue gas compared to pure MW Municipal wastewater
CO2 [170]. Several microalgae strains resistant OMW Olive mil wastewater
to pollutants found in different wastewaters PSBR Porous substrate bioreactors

IV. Selected examples and case history

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IV. Selected examples and case history

310 16. New strategies enhancing feasibility of microalgal cultivations

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IV. Selected examples and case history

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