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Fermentation and biochemical
engineering: principles and applications
Leone Mazzeo, Vincenzo Piemonte*
University Campus Biomedico of Rome, Faculty of Engineering, Rome, Italy
* Corresponding author. e-mail address:

1. Introduction Enzyme theory is mainly based on different

physical reaction models that follow quite well
Industrial fermentation is a chemical engi- all the experimental data: examples of the
neering term used to describe the processes
that utilize a chemical change induced by a
living organism or enzyme, in particular bacte-
ria, yeasts, molds, or fungi, that produces a spe-
cific product [1]. Although in the biochemical
context the word “fermentation” describes the
anaerobic metabolic process of partial oxidation
of organic compounds, in the industrial field it
refers to either aerobic or anaerobic processes.
The fermentation technique was used long
before humankind discovered, or understood,
microbes, and it was adopted mainly for the pro-
duction of drinks containing the same active
compound: ethanol. Nowadays fermentation is
a developed technology used in many sectors,
such as food, pharmaceutical, biofuel, and
biopolymer production (Fig. 15.1).
There are two main characters in industrial
fermentation: the enzymes and the cell cultures.
Both of them will be treated in this chapter with a FIGURE 15.1 A picture of industrial scale bioreactor
particular focus on their kinetics. fermenters.

Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy 261 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
262 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

estimation of the parameters of such models will • Substrate: This is a term used to indicate a
be given. Cell theory, different from enzyme the- reactant involved in an enzymatic reaction.
ory, is mainly based on experimental tests • Active site: This is a specific area of the
followed by the ad hoc formulation of models. enzyme on which the substrate is able to
Engineers always work to make their life easier, connect, giving a substrateeenzyme complex.
and the most-used expression adopted to • Cofactor: This is a nonprotein compound that
describe cell population growth is suspiciously connects with an inactive protein (the
similar to the one used for enzymes. apoenzyme) to form a catalytically active
Finally, a general description of the most- complex (the holoenzyme), commonly called
used reactors will be given and typical enzyme. Cofactors can be made of metal ions
examples of the cell-populated bioreactors will or complex organic macromolecules.
be analyzed. The purpose of this chapter is to • Turnover number: This is a typical index of
transmit a basic knowledge of bioreactor the enzyme’s catalytic activity. It is defined as
modeling and prepare the reader to face future the maximal number of molecules of
bioreactor design work. substrate converted to product per active site
per unit time when the enzyme is saturated
with substrate [2].
2. Enzymes • Units: These are also called units of activity
and are commonly used to express the
Enzymes are globular proteins that act as bio- concentration of enzymes in a solution. A unit
logical catalysts: they are able to increase the rate is defined as the amount of catalytic activity
of a chemical reaction without being consumed per amount of enzyme. The necessity of
and without affecting the thermodynamic defining such an unusual unit measure arises
equilibrium of the reaction itself (respecting the from the impossibility of completely isolating
definition of catalysts) (Fig. 15.2). enzymes from a protein mixture.
Before getting into all the mechanisms and The number of enzymes that is possible to find
related models used to describe the kinetics of in nature is incredibly high and every single one
a catalyzed enzymatic reaction, it is important has a unique and complex chemical structure.
to remind the reader of the terminology used Because of this it has been preferred to classify en-
for this specific topic: zymes by the particular class of reaction in which

FIGURE 15.2 The action of a catalyst (left) lowers the activation energy of the chemical reaction and (right) makes it
possible for molecules with low internal energy to react (right).

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Enzymes 263
TABLE 15.1 International classification of enzymes [3].

Class Class name Type of reaction catalyzed

1 Oxidoreductases Transfer of electrons (hydride ions or H atoms)

2 Transferases Group transfer reactions
3 Hydrolases Hydrolysis reactions (transfer of functional groups to water)

4 Lyases Cleavage of CeC, CeO, CeN, or other bonds by elimination, leaving double bonds or rings,
or addition of groups of double bonds
5 Isomerases Transfer of groups within molecules to yield isomeric forms

6 Ligases Formation of CeC, CeS, CeO, and CeN bonds by condensation reactions coupled to
cleavage of ATP or similar cofactor

they are involved. Six main classes of reactions plays a critical role in the enzymatic action, devel-
and six types of enzymes have been identified oping its selectivity for a specific substrate.
and are reported in Table 15.1. How enzymes increase the rate of a biochem-
ical reaction is still a research topic, but two pos-
itive effects have been highlighted:
2.1 Enzyme kinetics
1. Proximity effect: This is the ability of the
Several investigations into the mechanisms enzyme to “collect” the substrates in its active
that enzymes adopt to catalyze biological reac- site.
tions have been done. All the results of such 2. Orientation effect: The substrates in the
studies agree on the existence of a substratee active site are oriented in the proper way to
enzyme complex as the first step of the enzymatic interact with each other.
reaction: the substrate links with the active site of
the enzyme. As is easy to see in Fig. 15.3, the The design of any type of reactor requires
three-dimensional configuration of the enzyme knowledge of the kinetics expression that

FIGURE 15.3 Focus on the substrateeenzyme complex. In this picture, the enzyme hexokinase, which is responsible for
transforming glucose and ATP into glucose 6-phosphate and ADP, is represented.

IV. Selected examples and case history

264 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

describes the rate of the reaction. With the 2. The substrateeenzyme complex releases the
growing utilization of enzymes in the medical, product. This step is assumed to be
pharmaceutical, and industrial fields, the neces- irreversible:
sity of finding a simple way, in line with all the
experimental data, to reproduce biological reac- k2
ES ! E þ P: (15.2)
tions catalyzed by enzymes is becoming more
and more important. As usual, many assump- Since every step of the mechanism is consid-
tions and exceptions hide behind every formula; ered an elementary reaction:
for this reason, in the following paragraphs a dp ds
schematic guide is given, to prevent confusion v¼ ¼  ¼ k2 ðesÞ; (15.3)
dt dt
between all the different cases and their range
of application. se k1
¼ ¼ Km ; (15.4)
ðesÞ k1
2.1.1 MichaeliseMenten kinetics
e þ ðesÞ ¼ e0 : (15.5)
From the pieces of information known about
enzymes at the time, Michaelis, Menten, and Here, s, e, and (es) indicate the concentrations of the
Henri in 1902 proposed the following mecha- compounds S,E, and ES, respectively, while the
nism of reaction and its related model, from parameter Km is the dissociation constant and e0
which they derived (Fig. 15.4) the famous is the initial concentration of the enzyme. Rear-
MichaeliseMenten kinetics expression: ranging all the equations it is easy to obtain the
MichaeliseMenten rate equation plotted in Fig. 15.5:
1. The substrate links with the enzyme, forming
the substrateeenzyme complex. This step is
supposed to be in equilibrium: v ¼ vmax ; vmax ¼ k2 e0 : (15.6)
Km þ s
S þ E # ES: (15.1) Another way to describe the same situation
k1 was developed by Briggs and Haldane. They

FIGURE 15.4 A schematic of the hydrolysis of sucrose as an example of a MichaeliseMenten reaction mechanism.

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Enzymes 265

FIGURE 15.5 (A) Plot of the MichaliseMenten equation. (B) MichaeliseMenten kinetics of the chimeric enzyme CelA--
SSO1949-CelA at pH 3 and 80 C, in which the velocity has been divided by the constant enzymatic concentration [4].

solved numerically the set of equations relative of them are mainly based upon a linear transfor-
to the reaction scheme given earlier (Eqs. 15.1 mation of Eq. (15.4) (Table 15.2). The most
and 15.2): important linearization methods are the ones
8 indroduced by Langmuir and Lineweaver-Burk.
> ds
> v ¼  ¼ k1 se  k1 ðesÞ An example of the estimation of Michaelise
> dt
> Menten parameters is given: sago starch hydro-
< dðesÞ lysis using amyloglucosidase derived from
¼ k1 se  ðk1 þ k2 ÞðesÞ : (15.7)
> dt
> Aspergillus niger [6,7].
> e þ es ¼ e0 In general, the Langmuir plot appears to be
: more accurate than LineweavereBurk. This is
I:C: sð0Þ ¼ s0 ðesÞð0Þ ¼ 0 because the maximum experimental error
From the results shown in Fig. 15.6 it is notice-
able that if the ratio e0/s0 is low enough, an
approximation of quasiesteady state can be
done, setting:
¼ 0: (15.8)
After a few calculations it is easy to find that
even when imposing the quasi-steady-state con-
dition the expression of MichaeliseMenten ki-
netics it is obtained again. This time Km ¼
k1 þk2
from the model, but nothing changes
from the experimental point of view: the same
equation can be used to fit experimental data
and describe the substrate consumption rate.
Several strategies have been developed to FIGURE 15.6 Result plot of the set of Eq. (15.5). In this
evaluate MichaeliseMenten parameters, and all case the ratio e0/s0 is low enough that after a short time the
quasi-steady-state condition, Eq. (15.6), is established.

IV. Selected examples and case history

266 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

TABLE 15.2 Common linear transformation which deactivate cholinesterases (enzymes

methods to evaluate enzyme kinetics that are an integral part of nerve
parameters [5,6]. transmission).
Model Equation Slope and intercept • Reversible inhibitors: This type of inhibition
is often employed by cells as a control
LineweavereBurk 1
¼ Km 1
þ vmax
Slope vKmax
m 1
, intercept vmax
v vmax s mechanism to achieve an efficient use of
Langmuir s
¼ 1
s þ vKmax
Slope 1
, intercept vKmax
nutrients. A common example is so-called
feedback inhibition (Fig. 15.7), and in this case it
is the product that plays the role of inhibitor.
happens to be at a low concentration of sub-
strate, having a significant impact on the Reversible inhibition modeling
LineweavereBurk plot slope. Therefore, even
though the regression coefficient of The model used to face the presence of an in-
LineweavereBurk (e.i. R2 ¼ 0.9687) is higher hibitor is again represented by the Michaelise
than that of Langmuir (e.i. R2 ¼ 0.926), the sec- Menten equation (Eq. 15.4):
ond method should be preferred to the first [8]. app s
v ¼ vmax app : (15.9)
Km þs
2.1.2 Enzymatic activity inhibition
In this case, the maximum reaction velocity
As for all catalysts, the activity of enzymes is a ðvapp
max Þ and the MichaeliseMenten constant
crucial aspect that must be taken into account in app
ðKm Þ depend also on the concentration of the in-
every enzymatic reactor design. There are some hibitor (i) and the dissociation constants of the
chemical species called inhibitors, able to connect reactions in which the inhibitor is involved (Ki).
to the enzymes and modify their activity. Some- The most common types of inhibition action
times such activity alteration is permanent, are [8]:
sometime it is just temporary, and, depending
on this aspect, it is possible to divide the inhibi- • Competitive: The inhibitor adsorbs at the
tors into two families: substrate binding site. In this case, two types
of complexes are formed: enzymeeinhibitor
• Irreversible inhibitors: These are poisons and (EI) and enzymeesubstrate (ES); complex EI
a group of compounds called nerve gases, has no enzyme activity.

FIGURE 15.7 Typical feedback inhibition scheme. The product of every reaction constitutes a (intermediate) substrate for
the following one involving another enzyme. The end product inhibits the activity of the first enzyme involved in the reaction

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Enzymes 267
• Uncompetitive: The inhibitor binds only to with and without the inhibitor species is done
the ES complex; it does not interfere with the (Figs. 15.8 and 15.9).
binding of substrate to the active site but
prevents the dissociation of the ES complex: it Other factors influencing enzyme activity
results in the dependence of the inhibition on The enzyme’s structural or chemical state can
only the inhibitor concentration and its Ki be affected by many other factors having conse-
value. quences on their catalytic activity [11]:
• Noncompetitive: The
• pH
enzymeeinhibitoresubstrate (EIS) complex is
• temperature
unable to dissociate to give a product of
• fluid forces (hydrodynamic forces,
reaction. In this case, inhibitor binds to E or to
hydrostatic pressure, and interfacial tension)
the ES complex. The binding of the inhibitor
• chemical agents (such as alcohol, urea, and
to the enzyme reduces its activity but does not
hydrogen peroxide)
affect the binding of substrate. As a result, the
• irradiation (light, sound, ionizing radiation)
extent of the inhibition depends on only the
concentration of the inhibitor (i). Influence of pH
• Mixed: This action is generated by the
combination of different types of inhibition. The active sites of enzymes are often consti-
tuted by ionizable groups (basic, neutral, and
Table 15.3 summarizes the cases described acidic groups) that can be positively or nega-
above and correlates, for each case, the respec- tively charged depending on the pH. According
tive expression of vapp
max and Km . to this, it has been noticed experimentally that
Usually, to recognize the presence of an inhib- there exists a certain pH at which the activity
itor, a comparison of the LineweavereBurk plots of an enzyme is maximum (Fig. 15.10). Several

TABLE 15.3 Typology of inhibition attack and related expression of the MichaeliseMenten constants.


Type Equations Dissociation constantsa Constant expressions

Competitive E þ S4ES Ks max ¼ vmax ¼ k2 e0

E þ I4EI Ki  
k2 i
ES ! E þ P Kmapp ¼ Ks 1 þ
Uncompetitive E þ S4ES Ks i
ES þ I4EIS max ¼ k2 e0 = 1 þ
Ki Ki
ES ! E þ P
Kmapp ¼ Ks = 1 þ
Noncompetitive E þ S4ES Ks i
vapp ¼ k e = 1 þ
max 2 0
E þ I4EI
Ki Kmapp ¼ Ks
k2 Ki
ES ! E þ P

Remember that for the noncompetitive type, the inhibitor and the substrate do not influence each other as to affinity for the complex with the enzyme. For
this reason the dissociation constants are just Ks and Ki.

IV. Selected examples and case history

268 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

FIGURE 15.8 Qualitative overview by means of LineweavereBurk plot of different cases of inhibition [9]. (A) Competitive
inhibitor, (B) noncompetitive inhibitor, (C) uncompetitive inhibitor, (D) mixed inhibitor.

models have been proposed to study this phe-

nomenon; a simple one is described as follows:
H þ H þ
E #þ E #þ E2 : (15.10)
þH þH
K1 K2

Here, K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constant of

the reactions. Starting from Eq. (15.8), it is easy
to calculate the fraction of active enzyme and
its maximum (pKi is defined as log(Ki)):
y ¼ ; (15.11)
1 þ hþ =K1 þ K2 =hþ
ðpHÞoptimum ¼ ðpK1 þ pK2 Þ: (15.12)
2 Influence of temperature

FIGURE 15.9 LineweavereBurk plot of pancreatic lipase The temperature has a very big impact on the
in the absence and presence of an ethanolic extract of Oncoba protein structure of enzymes: raising the temper-
spinosa. It shows a mixed inhibition behavior [10]. ature gives energy to the atoms. Eventually, they

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. Enzymes 269

FIGURE 15.10 Activity detection of two commercial b-galactosidases (Lactozym and Maxilact) depending on pH. Two
types of models have been used to fit the data (M1 and M2). Further information in [12].

acquire enough energy to overcome the weak in-

teractions holding the global protein structure
together, and enzyme deactivation follows. The
deactivation may be of two types:
• Reversible: Ea # Ei, where the equilibrium
constant of the reaction is eeai ¼ Kd ðTÞ ¼
exp DG
. Adopting again the mechanism
described by Eqs. (15.1) and (15.2), this time
the quantity of active enzyme is no longer e0,
but it is:
FIGURE 15.11 Effect of temperature on the activity of
ea ¼ e0  ei ¼ e0  Kd ea Bentong ginger protease [13,14].
e0 (15.13)
ea ¼ :
1 þ Kd
maximum velocity changes with respect to tem-
The maximum rate of reaction can be perature (Fig. 15.11).
described now as: k
• Irreversible: Ea /Ed ; here multiple choices
vmax ¼ k2 ðTÞ : (15.14) can be made to describe the kinetics of this
1 þ Kd ðTÞ reaction, depending on the selected order of
The different contributions, depending on reaction itself. One strategy is to assume
temperature, of k2 and Kd establish how the different orders of reaction and evaluate the

IV. Selected examples and case history

270 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

best one by means of an experimental data system consisting of a liquid with dispersed
fitting. What is certain is that the activity of gas bubbles, a liquideliquid system in which
the enzyme will decrease with increase in the immiscible fluids are present, or a three-phase
temperature. system (liquideliquidegas).

3. Cellular kinetics 3.2 Growth medium model

Life requires adequate environmental condi-
tions: in a cell culture the properties of the liquid Cellular growth is followed by many physical
medium may be responsible of the life behavior and chemical phenomena, the description of
of the cells themselves. To completely describe which is complicated due to the enormous quan-
the cellular kinetics is fundamental to recog- tity of variables involved. In common engineer-
nizing that two interacting systems are involved: ing usage, to study the complexity of the
system, several parameters are imposed as
• the biological phase consisting of a cell
“fixed” to detect one by one the effects of
different agents. In this case, the growth is
• the environmental phase or growth medium
formulated so that all components but one are
present at sufficiently high concentrations that
could be considered not to change in quantity.
3.1 System description Hence, a single component becomes the rate-
Once it is understood that the system is limiting nutrient and with respect to just this
composed of a biological part and an environ- compound we consider the effects of medium
mental one, the focus should be moved to how concentration on cell growth kinetics.
the two sides interact with each other. To
grow, reproduce themselves, and survive, the
cells require the consumption of nutrients (sub- 3.3 Cell model simplifications
strate) taken from the environment. Usually
The cell population is a heterogeneous collec-
such action is followed by the release of an end
tion of single cells: every cell is different from the
product of the cell’s metabolic process.
others depending on its actual internal composi-
Increasing their biomass, cells change the me-
tion and with respect to the particular life func-
dium properties:
tion that it is developing (i.e., growth,
• Temperature: Cells usually release heat, reproduction) or its age. It is clear that a rigorous
raising the environmental temperature. description of such situation is complex but
• Composition: This changes as a consequence sometimes useful. Here are listed the usual sim-
of the product ejected from the cells into the plifications adopted to model the system (see
environment. In this case such products may also Table 15.4):
alter the pH of the medium or even
• Structured segregated model: This is the case
participate in chemical reactions.
in which the system is considered as it is, with
• Rheological properties (viscosity, etc.).
a multicomponent heterogeneous description
Environmental modifications also have a big of cells. Thus there are no simplifications.
impact on cellular activity, closing the interac- • Structured unsegregated model: In this case
tion cycle. From a physical state point of view, the multicomponent nature of the cells is still
the cellular environment is often a multiphase considered, but all cells have the same

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. Cellular kinetics 271
TABLE 15.4 Schematic classification of cellular sys- composition, which is the average of the
tem simplification. population.
Unstructured Structured
• Unstructured segregated model: Here, in the
balance equations, is considered just the
Unsegregated quantity of biomass without taking into
account the presence of every single
component in the cells, even if they still
compose a heterogeneous system. This
simplification is the result of the balanced
growth hypothesis, which assumes that the
average cellular composition is not affected
Most idealized case by the proliferation of the cell population.
Segregated • Unstructured unsegregated model: This is
the most idealized model, in which there are
both the average and the balanced growth

3.4 Cell life cycle

Actual case When an inoculum of living cells is seeded into
• indicates a cellular component. a liquid medium and nothing is removed or
added to the culture (batch cultivation), the
quantity of biomass changes typically as is re-
ported by the plot in Fig. 15.12.

FIGURE 15.12 Typical growth curve for batch cell cultivation.

IV. Selected examples and case history

272 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

As represented in Fig. 15.12 four phases are where x is the cell mass per unit culture volume,
typically present in cell growth: s is the concentration of the limiting nutrient, and
mobs is the observed specific growth rate of the cells,
• Lag phase: The cells need an amount of time to
which is a constant since all substrates necessary
synthesize the cofactors (coenzymes, ions) and
for growth are present in excess. When there is a
enzymes able to metabolize the nutrient, so
limiting nutrient present, mobs ¼ f(s), where s is
when a new medium is applied on the culture
the concentration of the limiting nutrient. All
or when the cells are transferred to a new
the phenomena that may influence the cell
environment the lag phase occurs. Special care
mass growth are included in mobs(s). In this chap-
must be taken when a cell population is
ter only unstructured and unsegregated models
transferred into a larger volume of medium
will be used.
since the outward diffusion of cofactors into
the new medium may cause a delay in cellular • Stationary phase: In this phase the rate of
growth. Sometimes it is possible to observe production of newborn cells is equal to the rate
multiple lag phases due to the exhaustion of of death and the net quantity of cells does not
one nutrient and the reorganization of the cell change. It happens that the nutrients are
to absorb its carbon supply from another almost finished and the living population uses
source. This phenomenon is called diauxic the components of dead cells to sustain itself.
growth (Fig. 15.13). • Death phase: This is usually an exponential
• Logarithmic phase: Also called exponential decay in the number of living cells due to the
growth, because it has an exponential trend, exhaustion of the nutrient resources.
this is the phase in which the cell biomass
simply grows. The description of this
phenomenon is often accomplished by means
of an unstructured and unsegregated model
3.5 Monod growth kinetics
in which the cell mass generation rate is: It has already been mentioned that the rate of
biomass generation for an unstructured and un-
segregated model is usually written as Eq.
ðrx Þ ¼ mobs x; (15.15) (15.15). The parameter mobs is usually expressed
as a combination of parameters that may influ-
ence the generation of biomass and, in the pres-
ence of a limiting nutrient, it may be written as:
mobs ðsÞ ¼ mðsÞ þ k: (15.16)
Here k represents a generic kinetic constant of
other possible mechanisms having an impact
on biomass growth. For example, in the case of
cellular death by mechanical agitation occurring
in the reactor, k < 0 (called the death kinetic con-
stant) is introduced to consider this phenome-
non. Several ways are used to express the
parameter m(s), the specific growth rate of cells.
The most common one is the Monod equation:
mmax s
mðsÞ ¼ : (15.17)
FIGURE 15.13 Typical cellular diauxic growth plot. Ks þ s

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. Cellular kinetics 273
TABLE 15.5 A list of the variations of Monod’s is not related to any physical model. As for
equation to model other possible enzyme activity, the cellular growth ability
dependence of cell growth on substrate, may change according to different inhibition
product, and more than one limiting
nutrient. types or because of the presence of more than
one limiting nutrient (Table 15.5 and Fig. 15.14):
Type Equation

Substrate inhibition mðsÞ ¼ mmax Ki þsþss 2 =Kp

Product inhibition mðsÞ ¼ mmax Kisþs
Kp 3.6 Substrate consumption
Kp þp

More than one limiting nutrient mðsÞ ¼ mmax K1sþs

1 s2
Y The substrate consumption rate is always
1 K2 þs2
related to the amount of biomass; in fact,
commonly it is:
Here, s is the concentration of the limiting
ð  rs Þ ¼ qðsÞx; (15.18)
nutrient, Ks represents the substrate concentra-
tion value at which the specific growth rate is where q(s) is the observed specific consumption rate
half its maximum, and mmax is the maximum spe- of substrate. Before giving some typical formulas
cific growth rate achievable when s [ Ks. This of q(s) we must define the observed growth yield of
condition is almost always satisfied, since the the organism Yx/s, which is the ratio of the
value of Ks is often rather small. This explains biomass produced with respect to the substrate
also why in the plot in Fig. 15.12 the growth is consumed. The consumption of substrate (Ds)
simply exponential. Although Eq. (15.16) is is partially dedicated to the production of new
very similar to that of Michaelis and Menten cell material (Ds)G and partially to the mainte-
(Eq. 15.17), it is just an experimental law and it nance of the cells (Ds)M [16].

FIGURE 15.14 An example of using the Monod expression to model the behavior of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp.
PCC6803 having as nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Here for msyn,LI is identified the maximum specific rate modified by the
effect of LI (light irradiation) [15].

IV. Selected examples and case history

274 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

Calling Dx the amount of biomass produced: role in growth, development, or

reproduction. However, they play a role in
Dx Dx
Yx=s ¼ ¼ ; (15.19) ecological functions like defense mechanisms,
Ds ðDsÞG þ ðDsÞM
serve as antibiotics, and produce pigments
Dx [18]. An additional quantity of substrate
YG ¼ : (15.20)
ðDsÞG (energy) is needed to produce them.
YG is termed the “true growth yield” because As for substrate consumption, and also for
it is considered to be the “true” stoichiometric product formation, it is always possible to define
factor of the reaction that produces biomass an observed formation yield of product Yp/s related
from the substrate, since it takes into account to the mass of product formed with respect to
only the amount of substrate used by the cells the total amount of substrate consumed. Only
to grow. Because YG is usually a constant [10], in the case in which the product is a secondary
it is often used instead of Yx/s, while the terms metabolite is it possible to define a “true” product
related to maintenance may be included in the yield YP, which takes into account the additional
expression of q(s) or mobs(s) as is reported in quantity of substrate used to form the product
Table 15.6. (Dssm).
A combined model of the two listed in Dp Dp
Table 15.6 can be found in Ref. [17]. Yp=s ¼ ¼ ; (15.21)
Ds ðDsÞG þ ðDsÞM þ ðDsÞsm
YP ¼ : (15.22)
3.7 Product formation ðDsÞsm

Products may belong to two different classes It is common to relate the production forma-
of metabolites: tion rate and the amount of biomass as follows:

• Primary metabolites are directly involved in ðrp Þ ¼ qp x (15.23)

the growth, development, and reproduction
of living organisms. No additional quantity of
substrate (energy) is needed to produce them. 3.8 Example of observed and “true” yield
• Secondary metabolites are produced through mass coefficients of organism growth/
the modification of primary metabolites. They product formation and related models
are formed near the stationary phase of
See: Table 15.7.
growth. Secondary metabolites do not play a

TABLE 15.6 Different cell growth-substrate 4. Ideal bioreactors

consumption-specific rate models.

Model Equation A bioreactor is a process unit in which

biochemical reactions occur. Commonly bioreac-
Herbert model mobs ðsÞ ¼ mðsÞ  c
(endogenous metabolism)
tors are isothermal. The meaning of the adjective
1 ideal may be different depending on the reactor
qðsÞ ¼ mðsÞ
typology. The most important reactors are the
Pirt model mobs ðsÞ ¼ mðsÞ following (see also Table 15.8):
qðsÞ ¼
mðsÞ þ m • The batch stirred tank reactor (BSTR) is a
closed system; there are no mass flows

IV. Selected examples and case history

5. Typical industrial fermentation setup 275
TABLE 15.7 A useful example for understanding the difference between the observed yield and the “true” yield for
product formation and biomass growth.

Assumed stoichiometric equations Modela

Observed Overall equation for growth and production dx

¼ mobs ðsÞx
mass yield sS þ nN þ oO2 / X þ pP þ wH2O þ eCO2 dp
Yp=s dx
pM dt Yx=s dt
Yx=s ¼ sM
; Yp=s ¼ sMsp 1 dp
¼ 1 dx
Yx=s dt
¼ Yp=s dt

“True” mass (1) Growth equation (From Pirt’s maintenance model)

yield dx
¼ mðsÞx
s1S þ n1N þ o1O2 / X þ w1H2O þ e1CO2 dt
¼ qp x
(2) Product formation equation  ds ¼ 1
mðsÞ þ m þ
dt YG YP
s2S þ n2N þ o2O2 / P þ w2H2O þ e2CO2

(3) Maintenance equation

s3S þ n3N þ o3O2 / maintenance þ w3H2O þ e3CO2
YG ¼ sM x
1 Ms
; YP ¼ s2 Mp s

Here S is the carbon source, N the nitrogen source, X the cell mass, and P the product; s, n, o, w, and e are the stoichiometric coefficients of the
reactions; Mx, Mp, and Ms are the molecular weights of the cells, products, and substrates, respectively. It is important to remember that the
“true” yield model is related only to describe the production of a secondary metabolite. For further details see Ref. [19].
Material balances are assumed to be for a constant volume batch fermentor. For the equations in the model obtained from the estimation of the “true” yield
coefficient, there is assumed to be no cell death related to the mechanical agitation in the reactor. See Chapter 4 for details.

entering of coming out from it, but it can • The plug flow reactor (PFR) is an open
eventually exchange heat with the system. The fluid passing through a PFR has a
environment. An ideal BSTR has the property flat velocity profile; in this sense a PFR is an
of perfect fluid mixing. It represents the ideal reactor. This condition happens
typical case of a cell culture. typically when a fluid moves through a pipe
• The fed-BSTR is a semi-open system; in fact, with a sufficiently large Reynolds number
mass can enter but not exit the reactor. It is an (Re > 2100).
enhancement of the closed batch process in
which the substrate is added in increments as
the fermentation progresses. An ideal fed- 5. Typical industrial fermentation setup
BSTR has the property of perfect fluid
mixing. Two recurrent industrial biological reactor
• The continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) configurations will be analyzed in this section:
is an open system. An ideal CSTR has the the chemostat and the aerobic reactors. In the
property of perfect fluid mixing. A classical first typology, the mathematical dynamic model
CSTR bioreactor is individualized in the used to describe it helps in understanding the
chemostat configuration, in which a sterile possibility of the occurrence of unstable working
nutrient solution is added to the bioreactor sates of the reactor; in the second typology, oxy-
continuously and an equivalent amount of gen must be supplied to the cell population:
converted nutrient solution with particular attention is given to the transfer rate
microorganisms is simultaneously taken out expression of oxygen from the gaseous phase
of the system [20]. to the liquid phase.

IV. Selected examples and case history

276 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

TABLE 15.8 Equations used for a general description of the principal ideal

Equations System

VR ¼ constant
¼ ðrx Þ
¼  ðrs Þ
¼ ðrp Þ

Batch stirred tank reactor

Total mass balance
dðVR Þ
¼ Q
Components mass balance

dðVR xÞ
¼ ðrx ÞVR þ QðtÞxf
dðVR sÞ
¼  ðrs ÞVR þ QðtÞsf
dðVR pÞ
¼ ðrp ÞVR þ QðtÞpf

Fed-batch stirred tank reactor

Steady state

VR ¼ constant
Q(x  xf) ¼ (rx)VR
Q(s  sf) ¼ (rs)VR
Q(p  pf) ¼ (rp)VR

Continuous stirred tank reactor

Steady state
u dx
¼ ðrx Þ
u dz ¼  ðrs Þ
u dp
¼ ðrp Þ

Plug flow reactor

The density of the inlet fluid is assumed to be the same as that of the fluid inside the reactor.

IV. Selected examples and case history

5. Typical industrial fermentation setup 277

5.1 Chemostat: focus on the washout

condition and productivity
The chemostat was originally introduced in the
1950s as a method to culture a bacterial population
at a reduced growth rate for an indefinite period
and is the most widely used approach to establish
steady-state culture for various applications [21].
The chemostat configuration may be simply rep-
resented as a conventional CSTR configuration.
To describe the system with the correct model
the following assumptions are made:
• There is perfect mixing in the reactor: the ideal
CSTR situation.
• Only one nutrient constitutes the limiting
substrate: m(s) can be expressed by the FIGURE 15.15 Space phase to visualize the system dy-
standard Monod equation, Eq. (15.17). namics and the washout conditions.
• The “true” yield mass stoichiometric
coefficients and Pirt’s model are used: YG, YP.
not desired, and the stationary state should be
• The death of cells caused by the mechanical
reached by ensuring the second one. A clear
agitation of the impeller is neglected:
vision of the situation may be illustrated with a
mobs(s) ¼ m(s).
space state graph (Fig. 15.15), which takes into
• The feed stream is sterile: xf ¼ 0.
consideration the dynamics of the system
• The reactor is isotherm.
following the nonstationary equation:
Using the set of equations for an ideal CSTR in  
steady state, already expressed in Table 15.8, and x_ ¼ mmax  D x: (15.27)
rearranging them with all the assumptions Ks þ s
described above it is easy to obtain: There is a situation in which it is always
s m(s) < D and the washout is the only stationary
Qx ¼ mmax xVR ; (15.24) state possible:
Ks þ s
  D > mðsf Þ: (15.28)
1 s
Qðs  sf Þ ¼  m þ m xVR : In fact m(sf) is the maximum rate possible ac-
YG max Ks þ s
cording to the Monod equation. Bearing this dis-
(15.25) cussion in mind, the maximum value that D may
Calling D ¼ VQR the dilution rate, it is possible have to not induce the system to wash out is:
to rewrite Eq. (15.24) as: mmax sf
  Dmax ¼ mðsf Þ ¼ : (15.29)
s Ks þ sf
0 ¼ mmax  D x: (15.26)
Ks þ s In continuous cultivation the objective is the
It is noticeable that Eq. (15.26) has not got a production of cells, and for this reason it is
unique stationary point; in fact, the equation is important to focus on the rate of cell production
satisfied for x ¼ 0 and m(s) ¼ D. Obviously the per unit reaction volume: the productivity,
first condition, called the washout condition, is expressed by Dx.

IV. Selected examples and case history

278 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

The design of an aerobic reactor is focused on

the determination of the quantity of oxygen to
supply. Let us introduce again the equations
for an ideal steady-state CSTR reactor
(Table 15.8):
Cell balance:
Qðx  xf Þ ¼ ðrx ÞVR ; (15.30)
Oxygen balance in the liquid phase:
Q Cin
O2  C O2
þ qtO2 VR ¼ ðrO2 ÞVR ; (15.31)
FIGURE 15.16 Steady states in continuous culture:
mmax ¼ 2.38 L/h; sf ¼ 1100 mg/L; YG ¼ 0.45; Ks ¼ 35 mg/L;
Carbon source substrate balance:
m ¼ 0.05 [22].
Qðsf  sÞ ¼ ðrs ÞVR ; (15.32)

The results of the system of Eqs. (15.24) where the addition flux term qtO2
expresses the
e(15.25) and the productivity are plotted in the amount of oxygen transferred from the gas
graph shown in Fig. 15.16. phase, given by breathed air, to the liquid phase.
The evaluation of qtO2 is given according to the
mass transfer film theory (Fig. 15.17), which
5.2 Aerobic reactors: cellular respiration 
Organisms may be divided into three main qtO2 ¼ KOL aðCO2  CO2 (15.33)
classes depending on their ability to live with  2
or without oxygen consumption [23]: L
Here a is the gas bubble surface to reactor
• Obligate anaerobes: These are prokaryotic liquid volume ratio, KOL is the overall liquidegas
microorganisms (Clostridium sp., the soil mass transfer coefficient, and CO2 is the oxygen
bacteria Actinomyces, and the methanogenic concentration in the liquid phase in equilibrium
bacteria) for which molecular oxygen is a
toxic substance.
• Obligate aerobes: These are organisms that
require molecular oxygen as the terminal
oxidizing agent to fulfill their energetic needs,
such as humankind.
• Facultative anaerobes: These are organisms
that are able to grow either in the presence or
in the absence of oxygen (e.g., Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, the “brewer’s yeast”).
It is obvious that an amount of oxygen must
be delivered to the reactor if it is necessary for
the survival of the cell population. In such case,
oxygen consumption is typically coupled FIGURE 15.17 Film theory sketch: visualization of the
directly to the amount of carbon source substrate gaseliquid interphase and the local mass transfer coefficients
consumed (commonly glucose). kG, for the gaseous film, and kL for the liquid one.

IV. Selected examples and case history

5. Typical industrial fermentation setup 279
with the bulk of the gas phase. Remember that growth rate is almost zero when the oxygen con-
the gaseliquid equilibrium equation is given centration stands below a threshold value. In
by Henry’s law: these cases, the Monod formula is not completely
correct and other models may be used, such as
yO 2 P
CO2 ¼ ; (15.34) the modified MonodeGompertz model [24]:
HO2 ;mix   
s KO2  CO2
where yO2 P is the oxygen partial pressure and mðs; CO2 Þ ¼ mmax exp  exp :
Ks þ s KO2 =2
HO2 ;mix is the Henry constant of oxygen in the
liquid mixture of the reactor (which in biological (15.36)
reactors, in many cases, is just considered the To avoid easy oscillations in the cell popula-
Henry constant of oxygen in water for tion quantity in the reactor, it is useful to work
simplicity). under conditions in which the oxygen is no
The relation between the global mass transfer longer a limiting nutrient. This situation happens
and the local ones is simply: when:
1 1 1 CO2  3KO2 : (15.37)
¼ þ : (15.35)
KOL kG HO2 ;mix kL
All the situations explained above are sum-
Several models are proposed to express the marized in Fig. 15.18, a study of desulfurization
specific growth rate for cells m(s) when the oxy- by means of the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria Acidi-
gen constitutes a limiting nutrient. Remembering thiobacillus thiooxidans [24], in which:
also that the consumption of oxygen is related to
- an oxygen threshold value was identified,
the assimilation of a carbon source, the most
calculated to be 0.4 mg/L;
used expression of m(s) is again the Monod equa-
- the data of the specific growth rate depending
tion for multiple substrates (Table 15.2). It hap-
on the other substrate (for the specific case of
pens often with oxygen that the cellular specific
H2S) were obtained under the conditions of

FIGURE 15.18 Experimental data of the cellular specific growth rate for the sulfur oxidizing bacteria Acidithiobacillus thi-
ooxidans. (A) The concentration of oxygen in the liquid is kept constant at a value at which it is no longer considered a limiting
nutrient and the dependence of the specific grow rate upon the concentration of sulfide in the liquid has been detected. (B) With
a constant concentration of sulfide in the liquid, the dependence of the specific growth rate upon the concentration of oxygen in
the liquid has been detected [24].

IV. Selected examples and case history

280 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

Eq. (15.37) and, in fact, from the study KO2 ¼ materials belonging to the food industry
1:10 mg=L and graph (A) of Fig. 15.18 was (such as sugar cane, sorghum, and corn).
made with CO2 y6 mg=L. • Second-generation bioethanol was developed
to substitute food-based feedstock with raw
materials that are almost all waste products.
Five classes of such raw materials may be
6. Bioethanol production defined: (1) wood residues, (2) municipal solid
waste, (3) agriculture residues, (4) dedicated
A typical example of employing both enzy- energy crops, and (5) microalgal biomass.
matic and cellular technologies is the production
of bioethanol. Fossil fuel depletion has become a The bioethanol production process is
great concern as the world population is composed of three macrounits common to all
increasing at an alarming rate. Current concerns the types of raw materials:
such as global warming, depletion of fossil fuels, 1. Pretreatment: It is necessary to break the cell
and increasing price of petroleum-based fuels wall membrane of the biomass and permit the
have forced the search for alternative and cost- release of all the cell contents (carbohydrates
effective energy sources with fewer greenhouse for bioethanol production, lipids for biodiesel
gas emissions. Research into the development production). It is extremely important, since it
of renewable and sustainable fuels has recog- affects the efficiency and consequently the
nized bioethanol as a viable alternative to fossil cost of the whole process. Many different
fuels, owing to its low toxicity, biodegradability, pretreatment techniques have been
and ability to effectively blend with gasoline developed (Fig. 15.19) and the most
without any engine modifications [25]. appropriate one to adopt depends on the
Depending on the raw materials used for the particular biomass selected and the
bioethanol production, two main classes of configuration of the plant.
such product may be identified: 2. Hydrolysis: Starch, lignocellulose, or, better,
• First-generation bioethanol is made via a polymeric carbohydrates and polyphenolic
traditional production approach using raw lignin are not directly fermentable by most

FIGURE 15.19 Classification of cell pretreatment methods [26]. EFAC, Electroflotation by alternating current.

IV. Selected examples and case history

6. Bioethanol production 281
yeasts to produce bioethanol. Accordingly, 6.1 Separate hydrolysis and fermentation
the hydrolysis of such compounds must be
carried out to obtain fermentable monomeric This situation presents enzymatic hydrolysis
sugars. Although acid hydrolysis constitutes and fermentation conducted in separate reactors.
a valid strategy, hydrolysis run by means of In such configurations each step can be per-
enzymes is known to be more cost effective formed at optimum conditions. In particular,
due to the mild operative temperature and the enzymes are able to produce more substrate
pH conditions. While cellulase, the term used for the yeast fermentation. On the other hand,
to describe the active material that hydrolysis products inhibit the activities of the
depolymerizes cellulose, is a complex mixture cellulases so the rate of hydrolysis is progres-
of many different enzymes that are identified sively reduced.
by their generating organism (e.g.,
Trichoderma reesei cellulases), a more precise 6.2 Simultaneous saccharification and
classification is available for starch-degrading fermentation
enzymes (Fig. 15.20). Further information
may be found in Refs. [26,27]. The simultaneous saccharification and
3. Fermentation: This is the step in which a cell fermentation (SSF) configuration consists of a
culture, having monomeric sugars as a unique reactor in which both hydrolysis and
nutrient source, generates ethanol as a fermentation occur. Adopting this type of solu-
primary metabolite product. Historically, the tion, the inhibition problem found in separate
most commonly used microbe has been yeast, hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) disappears,
and among the yeasts, S. cerevisiae, which can since glucose and cellobiose are progressively
produce ethanol to give concentrations as consumed during their production. As a draw-
high as 18% of the fermentation broth, is the back, since the temperature of maximum enzy-
preferred one for most ethanol fermentation matic activity differs from the optimal one of
[27]. yeast growth, one of the two functions (or both
of them) will not operate under its optimum con-
The steps of hydrolysis and fermentation are ditions. As an example, T. reesei cellulase has an
both conducted in bioreactors and are disposed optimum activity at 55 C, while S. cerevisiae ac-
in sequence. Bearing this in mind, there are tivity is optimum at 37 C.
several considerations to make about the The two configurations explained above may
different process design choices that can be be improved by the introduction of microbes
done according to the specific requirements of (genetically modified) able to ferment simulta-
the plant. neously pentose and hexose sugars, increasing

FIGURE 15.20 Classification of starch-degrading enzymes [27].

IV. Selected examples and case history

282 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

the ethanol production yield. In such a way the liquid sugar-rich phase, which sugar concentra-
issue involving S. cerevisiae, commonly unable tion is monitored by the evaporator, directed to
to ferment pentose sugars like xylose and arabi- the fermentor. The fermentation bioreactor is
nose, was overcome [28]. Since in such case a inoculated from an inoculum seed train. This is
contemporaneous fermentation of different required to avoid the shock of inserting a cell cul-
types of monomeric sugars takes place, the pro- ture into a new or bigger volume environment,
cesses involving this technique are called simul- which may cause undesired behaviors of the cells.
taneous saccharification and cofermentation or Finally, the content of the fermentation reactor is
separate hydrolysis and cofermentation, collected into a storage tank, which permits all the
depending on whether the SSF or SHF configura- following units to work continuously.
tion is chosen, respectively.

7. Conclusion and future trends

6.3 Example: general second-generation
In this chapter, an overview of the theoretical
ethanol production case
key aspects of the design of both enzymatic and
A schematic representation of a possible pro- cellular reactors was given. Each section is fol-
cess flow diagram for second-generation bio- lowed by an example that applies the concepts
ethanol production is illustrated in Fig. 15.21. explained.
First of all, it is an SHF configuration with a The development of biobased reactors has a
hydrolysis batch reactor and a fermentation fed- very old origin, and, over the centuries, the inter-
batch reactor. Both reactors are drawn with a est in this fascinating kind of technology
pump around the loop with cooling water heat continued to grow (Table 15.9).
exchange, which is a technique used to control Nowadays, the development of industrial
the temperature of the reactors. After the technologies is mainly focused on moving to-
hydrolysis reactor, a filter is inserted to effectuate ward the “green chemistry” concept. Green
a solideliquid separation to obtain a lignin-rich chemistry requires the reduction, or elimination,
solid fraction, destined for a combustor, and a of the use (or generation) of hazardous

FIGURE 15.21 Example of a process flow diagram for the production of bioethanol.

IV. Selected examples and case history

List of abbreviations and acronyms 283
TABLE 15.9 Main events involving bioreactors in history [29].

Year Event

4000e3000 BC Baking, brewing

2000 BC Ethanol production and distillation (China)
1923 Commercial production of citric acid (Pfizer, USA)

1940s Production of penicillin by fermentation (USA)

1950s Design and scale-up of large aerated fermentors
1970s More than 100 new drugs and vaccines produced by bioprocesses
1980s Control of fed-batch bioreactors

substances in the design, manufacture, and of bio-based reactors was already more than 200
application of chemical products. It is noticeable [23]. This highlights how the potentialities of
how the utilization of bioreactors fits perfectly such technology are well known and how, for
into such definition: in fact, such units operate the near future, its rapid development is ex-
at low temperature and pressure (typically pected, in line with the ideal of green chemistry.
T ¼ 37 C and P ¼ 1 atm), reducing the consump-
tion of energy in the plants, avoiding the waste
of chemicals, and guaranteeing safer working
conditions (Fig. 15.22). List of abbreviations and acronyms
According to some data on the year 2013, the SHF separate hydrolysis and fermentation
number of companies involved in the utilization SSF simultaneous saccharification and fermentation

FIGURE 15.22 An example of the substitution of a conventional scrubber unit for the removal of H2S from a biogas stream
with a biological reactor. The bacteria Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans are responsible of the oxidation of H2S to obtain living energy.

IV. Selected examples and case history

284 15. Fermentation and biochemical engineering: principles and applications

List of symbols qtO2 flux of oxygen, from the gaseous phase to the liquid
phase, per unit volume of liquid in the reactor
R gas constant
a gas bubble surface to reactor liquid volume ratio
(rp) rate of product formation per unit volume of liquid
CO2 concentration of oxygen in the liquid
in in the reactor
CO concentration of oxygen entering a CSTR reactor

(Lrs) rate of substrate consumption per unit volume of
CO concentration of oxygen in the liquid phase in
liquid in the reactor
equilibrium with the bulk of the gas phase
(rx) rate of biomass formation per unit volume of liquid
c maintenance term in Herbert model
in the reactor
D dilution rate
ðLrO2 Þ rate of oxygen consumption per unit volume of
Dmax maximum dilution rate
liquid in the reactor
E enzyme element in the reaction formula
S substrate in the reaction formula
ES substrateeenzyme complex in the reaction formula
s substrate concentration
EI inhibitoreenzyme complex in the reaction formula
sf feed substrate concentration
EIS inhibitoresubstrateeenzyme complex in the reac-
T absolute temperature
tion formula
u mean velocity in the PFR reactor
Ea active enzyme element in the reaction formula
VR volume of liquid in the reactor
Ed denatured enzyme element in the reaction formula
X biomass in the reaction formula
Ei inactive enzyme element in the reaction formula
x biomass concentration
e enzyme concentration
xf feed biomass concentration
e0 initial enzyme concentration
YG “true” growth yield: stoichiometric factor of the
(es) substrateeenzyme complex concentration
reaction that produces biomass from substrate
DGd denaturation Gibbs free energy variation
YP “true” product yield: stoichiometric factor of the
HO2 ;mix Henry constant of oxygen in a mixed liquid solution
reaction that generates product from substrate for
I inhibitor in the reaction formula
secondary metabolites
i inhibitor concentration
Yp/s observed product yield formation
K1 enzyme first reduction equilibrium constant
Yx/s observed biomass yield formation
K2 enzyme second reduction equilibrium constant
yL fraction of active enzymes
Kd equilibrium constant of enzyme inactivation with
yO2 P oxygen partial pressure
Ki gas inhibitoreenzyme dissociation constant
Km MichaeliseMenten dissociation constant
Km apparent Michaelis-Menten dissociation constant
KOL overall liquidegas mass transfer coefficient Greek symbols
KP product concentration that reduces to one-half the
cellular specific growth rate m(s) biomass specific growth rate
KS substrate concentration at which the cellular specific mmax maximal biomass specific growth rate
growth rate is half its maximum mobs observed biomass specific growth rate
KO2 oxygen Monod constant n reaction rate
k1 kinetic constant for the production of the nmax maximum reaction velocity
substrateeenzyme complex napp
max maximum apparent reaction velocity
kL1 kinetic constant for the dissociation of the
substrateeenzyme complex
k2 kinetic constant for the formation of the product
kG gas mass transfer coefficient
kL liquid mass transfer coefficient [1] K.Chojnacka, Fermentation Products, Chemicalengin-
m maintenance term in Pirt’s model eering and chemical process technology, Vol. V.
P product element in the reaction equation [2] R.H. Garret, C.M. Grisham, Biochemistry, 1999.
p product concentration [3] D.L. Nelson, M. M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of
pf product feed concentration Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman & Co.
Q volumetric flow rate [4] K. Kufner, G. Lipps, Construction of a chimeric ther-
q(s) observed specific consumption rate of substrate moacidophilic beta-endoglucanase, BMC Biochemistry
qp observed product specific production rate 14 (2013) 11.

IV. Selected examples and case history

Further reading 285
[5] M. Emmanuel, Papamichael, G.T. Leonidas, Enzyme [18] Lakna, "Difference Between Primary and Secondary
kinetics and modeling of enzymatic system, in: Metabolites",
P. Ashok, W. Colin, R.S. Carlos, L. Christian (Eds.), primary-and-secondary-metabolites/.
Enzyme technology, Springer, India, 2006. [19] J. Hong, Yield coefficients for cell mass and product
[6] P.M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, 7, Aca- formation, Biochemical Engineering Program, School
demic Press Ltd., London, 1995. of Engineering, University of California, lrvine, Califor-
[7] L.W. Lai, C.L. Teo, S. Wahidin, M. Suffian, M. Annuar, nia 92717.
Determination of enzyme kinetic parameters on sago [20] B. Pumphrey, C. Julien, An introduction to fermenta-
starch hydrolysis by linearized graphical methhods, tion, 1996.
The Malesian Journal of Analytical Sciences 18 (3) [21] C.L. Winder, K. Lanthaler, The use of continuous culture
(2014) 527e533. in systems biology investigations. In. Methods in Enzy-
[8] R. Eisenthal, A. Cornish-Bowden, The direct linear: a mology vol. 500, Academic Press, 2011, pp. 261e275.
new graphical procedure for estimating enzyme kinetic [22] H. R. Bungay, A. E. Humphrey, G. T. Tsao, D. T. Tsao,
parameters, Biochemical Journal 139 (3) (1974) Biochemical Engineering.
721e730. [23] W.H. Kampen, Chapter 4 - Nutritional Requirements in
[9] O.D. Lopina, Enzyme inhibitors and activators. Fermentation Processes, in: H.C. Vogel, C.M. Todaro (Eds.), Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering
[10] P. Kuma, R. Reddy, S. Babu, Inhibitory effects of Handbook, third ed., William Andrew Publishing,
Oncoba spinosa on key enzymes related to diabetes mel- 2014, pp. 37e57. ISBN 9781455725533.
litus (a-Amylase and a-Glucosidase) and obesity [24] N. Hyeong-Kyu, J. Song, The effect of oxygen supply
(Pancreatic lipase) in vitro, Journal of Diabetes and on the dual growth kinetics of Acidithiobacillus thiooxi-
Metabolism 8 (2017) 12, dans under acidic conditions for biogas
2155-6156.1000781. desulfurization, International Journal of Environ-
[11] J.E. Bailey, D.F. Ollis, Biochemical engineering funda- mental Research and Public Health 12 (2015)
mentals, Mc Graw Hill. 1368e1386,
[12] E. Jurado, F. Camacho, G. Luz on, J.M. Vicaria, Kinetic [25] R. Harun, M.K. Danquah, G.M. Forde, Microalgal
models of activity for b-galactosidases: influence of biomass as a fermentation feedstock for bioethanol
pH, ionic concentration and temperature, Enzyme production, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotech-
and Microbial Technology 34 (2004) 33e40. nology 85 (2) (February 2010) 199e203. ISSN 0268-2575.
[13] A. Nafi, F.H. Ling, J. Bakar 1, H.M. Ghazali, Partial [26] C. Onumaegbua, J. Mooneya, A. Alaswadb,
characterization of an enzymatic extract from Bentong A.G. Olabi, Pre-treatment methods for production of
Ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Bentong), Molecules 19 biofuel from microalgae biomas, Renewable and Sus-
(2014) 12336e12348, tainable Energy Reviews 93 (16e26) (2018).
molecules190812336. [27] Y. Lin, S. Tanaka, Ethanol fermentation from biomass
[14] P. Held, K. Raymond, Determination of Algal Cell resources: current state and prospects, Applied Micro-
Lipids Using Nile Red Using Microplates to Monitor biology and Biotechnology 69 (2006) 627e642.
Neutral Lipids in Chlorella Vulgaris, Applications [28] R. Koppram, F. Nielsen, E. Albers, A. Lambert,
Department, BioTek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT, S. W€annstr€om, L. Welin, G. Zacchi, L. Olsson, Simulta-
2012. neous saccharification and co-fermentation for
[15] H. Kim, S. Park, B.E. Rittmann, Multi-component ki- bioethanol production using corncobs at lab, PDU and
netics for the growth of the cyanobacterium Synechocys- demo scales, Biotechnology for Biofuels 6 (2) (2013).
tis sp. PCC6803, Environmental Engineering Research [29] M. Sper, L. Porto, D. Vandenberghe, et al., Application
20 (4) (2015) 347e355. ScienceCentral. Web. 07 Feb. of Different Types of Bioreactors in Bioprocesses, 2011.
[16] S.J. Pirt, The maintenance energy of bacteria in growing
cultures, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Biological Sci. 163 (1965) 224e231, Further reading
[17] G. Wang, W.M. Post, A theoretical reassessment of mi- [1] W.W. Cleland, The kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reac-
crobial maintenance and implications for microbial tions with two or more substrates or products. II. Inhibi-
ecology modeling, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 81 tion: nomenclature and theory, Biochimica et Biophysica
(2012) 610e617, Acta 67 (1963) 173e187,
6941.2012.01389.x. 6569(63)90226-8.

IV. Selected examples and case history

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