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LIBELO, Angelo M.


Professor, Science, Technology, and Society
1. In your own words, define what is “intellectual revolution”.
• Intellectual revolution is an event where the intellectual members of the
society uses their knowledge and discovery to change a system to a more
ideal one with the help of providing scientific basis on what is happening in
the society.
2. Explain how did the Heliocentric Theory changed the religious views of
people and how did these views change the structure of society?
• The Heliocentric Theory proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus revolutionize the
human mind from the idea that the earth is the center, that was proposed
by Ptolemy of Alexandria, way before the Heliocentric Theory of
Copernicus. In the course of history, it was believed that below the earth is
hell and what lies beyond the stars are the heavens, which was ruled out by
the Church which almost all European government relies to, especially
during the Middle Ages. The Heliocentric Theory paved way that the sun is
the center, never the earth, which proliferated the ideas of the ancients.
Curiosity is one of the factors that scientist studies what is beyond the
heavens. This significant event led to the separation of the church and the
state in terms of governance.
3. Give an impact of the Darwinian Revolution in your life.
• The Darwinian evolution had a great impact to me especially right now
during my college years. My college program is very much different from
what I graduated in my senior high school track. I adjusted myself in this
program by advance reading some concepts about food, science, and
nutrition. It been a culture shock for me, but I do not have any choice to
adjust in my environment to survive and graduate.
4. Cite a situation in your life when your ego worked best for you. Illustrate by
stating which are the id and superego that were mediated by the ego.
• The situation in my life that my ego works for me is when I always got home
at 12 midnight and having classes at 7:30 in the morning and I need to get
ready by 3AM and starts commuting by 4AM for the 3-hour travel from home
to school. Even before pandemic, it is may daily routine of 3 hours travel
from school and 4-hour travel from school to home, I rarely have a 5-hour
sleep and my maximum sleep per day is 3 hours. For two years, that is what
I exactly do. There were times that when I got home, I really wanted to sleep
and get some rest for a tiring day, but my conscience always told me not to
sleep because for sure I will be late, but I really do want to sleep. I decided
that I will just sleep while commuting and continue my sleep at school. It
was a nice choice though.
1. Discuss how are the practices in agriculture, engineering, astronomy,
mathematics, and education of the Mesoamericans become significant to the
• The significance of the contributions of Mesoamericans in the fields of
sciences including agriculture in terms of cultivation, irrigation systems, and
food preservation helps the early societies in improving the aspect of
harvesting and food stocks for the whole community.
• They also had contributions in engineering by buildings obelisks and
pyramids which reflect their cultures, road, and bridge systems to connect
each community for trading and to ease communication, earthquake-proof
homes, public latrines, and vaults for public safety and sanitation.
• One of the major contributions of the Mesoamericans, particularly the
Mayans is the development of calendar systems (Mayan Calendar) which
is used then for monitoring seasons for harvest and planting.
• In the field of mathematics, the Mayans are considered the first civilization
to introduce the place-value number system of 0 which, signifies 0 as a
number value that is used for basic calculations, arithmetic, and writing
numbers. They also introduced the market and taxation system for trade.
• Mesoamericans also imposed the mandatory education like administrative,
technical, and domestic education which is the early concept of public
school system in the world. It is to help its citizens to be literate and a
functional member of the society. They also adapted a legal law that gives
sanctions for disobeying the law.
2. What are the four greatest inventions that the Chinese people contributed to
the world? What made each of them great?
• The Chinese civilization had 4 major contributions that led the world to a
new discovery, namely:
▪ Paper
• It is considered as a writing medium which is made up of tree
barks, rags, and grasses that were boiled. Pulp that was
separated during boiling were sun-dried and the paper
material was made.
▪ Printing Technology
• The moveable type printing is used to documents of wars,
government laws, and even books produced by the scholars.
It helps develop the process of communication through
printing which characters are printed to papers and it can be
removed and replaced.
▪ Compass
• It is primarily used for divination and detection of winds and
waters of the earth but now, it is used for navigation purposes.
It is the tool that led to discovering the unexplored western
part of the world, which then is called the New World.
▪ Gunpowder
• Component used for manufacturing of firecrackers composed
of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter. Used for developing
weaponry like the Chinese crossbow with gunpowder and fire
3. Describe how does India’s system in medicine influenced the world.
• An ancient comprehensive text known as “Caraka Samhita” records
diagnosis, cause and effects relationships, and medical procedures which
gave an idea to develop the practice of medicine to the West, which later
known for their advancement in research and technology of medicine
throughout time.
• One medical practice that is even common now is the “Ayurveda”, a
common alternative medicine that uses herbs, drugs, and minerals for cure
for diseases, during that time.
4. What are the greatest contributions in astronomy and agriculture that is so
unique to Africa and are still being enjoyed at present time?
• The significant contributions of the African civilization in the field of
astronomy is the adaptation of the Egyptian calendar system of 365 and ¼
days a year or a full revolution of the earth around the sun. In addition to
that, records of the Dogon culture in the discovery of Saturn’s rings, Jupiter
moons, and the spiral structure of the Milky Way, that has been late
discovered by the pioneer astronomers during the Renaissance era.
• They also have a significant contribution in the field of agriculture which is
the domestication of crops, animal husbandry, and experimentation in the
agriculture systems such as the development of drainage, construction of
polders, desalination, irrigation, intercropping, and adaptation of imported
species which improved the system of agriculture of the Americas during
the Slave Trade.
5. Name the different practices of the ancient Middle East people that were
done to glorify Islam. Did these practices somehow contribute to the non-
Islamic regions? Why or why not?
• The different practices of the ancient Middle Eastern people are the
Ramadan with the help of their further studies in the field of mathematics
and astronomy that helps them to calculate the days and schedule their
fasting. Also, with their advance knowledge in mathematics and astronomy,
they use some principles to apply in terms of Islamic architecture to
recognize and honor the Prophet Muhammad and Allah. They also known
for their textile, ceramics, and weaving industry that has unique designs and
patterns that reflect Islamic culture.
• These practices also influence non-Islamic people to introduce to the world
their diversity in terms of culture and heritage through architecture and arts.

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