04 - Practical Seamanship

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04 ‐ Practical Seamanship

Competence (Skills) Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency Level Required Methods for Criteria for
Demonstrating Competence Evaluating Competence
Coxswain Crew (Qualification Standard) (Performance Standard)
Exhibit elements of basic RQ RQ • Describe Characteristics,
seamanship construction, advantages and
disadvantages of various types of
• Describe the Factors that Affect
the Strength of lines
• Discuss the Handling and
Stowage of Different Types of
• Discuss Various Types of Deck
Fittings and their use.

Lines • Care, handling and storage of lines RQ RQ • In accordance with standard • Integrate aspects of line
• Inspection of lines operating procedures and the handling into CCGA activities
• Line throwing, heaving lines practice of good seamanship. • Demonstrate selected knots
• Docking/undocking - mooring lines, and hitches
fenders • Select the most suitable knot
• Knots/hitches/bends and/or hitch for specified
• Securing for adverse weather aspects of CCGA activities (i.e.
securing, towing, transferring

Competence (Skills) Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency Level Required Methods for Criteria for
Demonstrating Competence Evaluating Competence
Coxswain Crew (Qualification Standard) (Performance Standard)
Throwing a Line Each crewmember shall prepare and throw a • Each crewmember shall state at • Given a hypothetical situation
heaving line using the following steps: least two situations in which it or a scenario in the skill
• Coil it would be necessary to throw a demonstration each
• Hold it line or a heaving line. crewmember shall choose the
• Aim it • Each crewmember shall describe appropriate line to throw and
• Toss it! a heaving line and its purpose. give an example of an
• Each crewmember shall attach a heaving inappropriate line to use. Each
line onto a larger line using a slip bowline. crewmember shall explain the
proper use of a heaving line
and when it should be used in a
small boat setting.

Elective or incidental:
• Given a working line and for
heaving line and a target, each
crewmember shall prepare,
secure and throw a heaving line
in the predicted direction and
have the line extend without
Deck Safety with Lines • Each crewmember shall demonstrate safe RQ RQ Each crewmember shall know the Given exercises like anchoring,
under Load working practices when demonstrating following safety rules: lowing and tying up, each
skills such as anchoring and lowing. • Do not stand in the bight crewmember will demonstrate that
• Lines will be kept orderly and direct • Do not stand under a load he possesses the knowledge.

Competence (Skills) Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency Level Required Methods for Criteria for
Demonstrating Competence Evaluating Competence
Coxswain Crew (Qualification Standard) (Performance Standard)
communication will be used when working • Wear your safety gear
with tines under load. • Do not use gloves with rope
• Each crewmember will demonstrate the • towline
ability to secure gear and equipment in • Keep hands away when feeding a
lockers and on deck. line out
• Each crewmember will exercise caution • Prevent shock loading
when doing so. • Stand aside from the direction of
recoil of a towline under load
Knots and Lines Each crewmember shall tie the following knots: RQ RQ Each crewmember shall identify the Each crewmember shall know the
• Bowline types of line found on the vessel and types of lines and correct care and
• Round turn and two half hitches describe the strengths and stowage of lines. Given a piece of
• Stove hitch weaknesses of each type. line, the crewmember shall tie the
• Reef knot • Polypropylene following knots correctly at least
• Sheet bend • Nylon/Dacron (other) once:
Each crewmember shall use these knots in • Natural Fibre • Bowline
various applications. Each crewmember shall • Round turn and two half
coil and stow lines. Each crewmember shall describe hitches
proper line care and stowage. • Clove hitch
• Reef knot
Each crewmember shall identify the • Sheet bend
signs of line damage or excessive
wear. Each crewmember shall use these
knots in effective applications. Each

Competence (Skills) Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency Level Required Methods for Criteria for
Demonstrating Competence Evaluating Competence
Coxswain Crew (Qualification Standard) (Performance Standard)
crewmember shall coil and stow
Complete basic knots in Knowledge of: RQ RQ • Duties related to mooring the
fiber rope. Care for rope. • use and care of types of rope, wire and vessel are completed safely and
chain found on board ship; in accordance with the vessel
• markings on lifting tackle. procedures.
• Safety equipment is worn/used
Ability to: in accordance with vessel
• make basic knots and splice in fiber rope; procedures.
• coil, flake rope wire or chain;
• handle and secure ship with mooring lines;
• take soundings;
• coil and throw a heaving line.
Safely stow and secure Knowledge of: RQ RQ
cargo and equipment and • potential hazards and precautions to be
secure vessel for sea. observed when carrying dangerous
• Securing arrangements for deck cargoes.

Ability to:
• supervise cargo operations;
• plan stowage of cargo on and below deck.
Anchoring Each crewmember will participate in the X X Each crewmember will identify the Given a familiar CCGA Vessel in a

Competence (Skills) Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency Level Required Methods for Criteria for
Demonstrating Competence Evaluating Competence
Coxswain Crew (Qualification Standard) (Performance Standard)
successful anchoring of a vessel that involves following parts of depth of water not greater than half
the responsibility of one or more of the an anchor: the length of the anchor rope.
following roles: • Shank Equipped with an anchor and
• Setting up the anchor • Fluke appropriable ground tackle. Each
• Dropping the anchor • Crown crewmember will participate in
• Manoeuvring the vessel • Stock successful anchoring exercise.
• Retrieving the anchor Each crewmember will define the
• Stowing the anchor term scope and its relevance to
Take charge of anchor Knowledge of: RQ RQ • Describe basic anchoring Anchor operations are completed in
party and operate • communications procedures; terminology and theory a safe manner, in accordance with
windlass. • safety precautions; and standard • Evaluate the circumstances under vessels procedures.
anchoring procedures. which anchoring would be
Ability to: • Perform anchoring and weighing
• operate anchor windlass; and raise, lower, anchor operations
and secure anchor. • Describe the method for clearing
a fouled anchor

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