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Trends, Networks and Critical
8Thinking in the 21st Century:
· · Quarter 2 - Module 4:
6s8 ICT in Social Relationships and
-Z Political Movements



Trends, Networks, and Critical
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 2 - Module 4: ICT in Social Relationships and Political
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Maria Letecia N. Lucenio
Editors: Rio S. Moreno, Gemma O. Nunez
Reviewers: Lorelie C. Salinas; Jay Sheen A.
Illustrator: Molina Mark Y. Garcia
Layout Artist: Ian Ceasar B. Sipe
Cover Art Designer: Ian Caesar E. Frondoza
Management Team: Allan G. Farnazo, CESO IV -- Regional Director
Fiel Y. Almendra, CESO V -- Assistant Regional Director
Ruth L. Estacio, PhD, CESO VI- Schools Division Superintendent
Carlos G. Susarno, PhD - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Gilbert B. Barrera - Chief, CLMD
Arturo D. Tingson Jr. -- REPS,
LRMS Peter Van C. Ang-ug -
Johny P. Sumugat - REPS - Subject Area Supervisor
Lalaine SJ. Manuntag, PhD - CID Chief
Nelida A. Castillo, PhD - Division EPS In-Charge of LRMS
Marichu Jean R. Dela Cruz, PSDS - Division ADM
Coordinator Sally A. Jabido - EPS - Subject Area Supervisor

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Trends, Networks and Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century:
Quarter 2 - Module 4:
ICT in Social Relationships and Political




Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21s

12 Self-Learning Module (SLM) on ICT in Social Relationships and Political

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21s

12 Self-Learning Module (SLM) ICT in Social Relationships and Political

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant

competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in
your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding


(§) What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

@ WhatIKnow This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct ( 100%), you may decide to skip this

® What'sln This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

() What's New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

© Whatislt This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

~ What's More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

~ What I Have This includes questions or blank

Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

® What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

@ Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning

@% Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also tends retention
of learned concepts.

This contains answers to all activities in the

~ AnswerKey module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used

in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don't forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

Hello, learners! How are you? This past few months we have experienced
different crisis, one of those is the pandemic that we recently experiencing. This is
the reason why we need to cope with the challenges of embracing the new normal.
In the succeeding lessons of this Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in
the 21st Century, we will deepen more on the context of this topic and strengthen
your understanding on ICT in different angles whether it enslaves, emancipates,
and empowers individual.
Always bear in mind too, that before you start browsing and answering your
modules always wash your hands or rub an alcohol on it.

The module is divided into 4 Lessons, namely:

Lesson 1: Delving into Information and Communication Technology

Lesson 2: Social Relationships in the World of ICT
Lesson 3: Political Movement in the World of ICT
Lesson 4: ICT: Empowering Not Enslaving Technologies

Understand how ICT enslaves, emancipates, and empowers individual.

(HUMSS_MCT12-Ild-f-5, HUMSS_MCT12-Ild-f-6)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
2. Analyze the importance of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT);
3. Differentiate the lives of people before and after the existence of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
4. Explain how information and communication technologies
facilitate social relationships;
5. Write an essay on how ICT facilitate social relationships;
6. Explain how information and communication technologies
facilitate political movements;
7. Write an essay on how ICT facilitate political movements;
8. Explain the effects of the advancements of ICT;
9. Identify the core rules of netiquette, online safety and ethics; and
10. Compile different pictures showing the different advancements of

What I Know

This part of the module will assess your prior knowledge of the topic that
you are about to learn. You are expected to answer the Pretest.

Multiple Choice: A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the given space provided on your answer sheet.

1. Internet is an abbreviation of_

a. inter-netizen
b. inter-networking
c. inter-netti
d. inter-netflex
__ 2. The following are all mechanisms in social media that help us in
Information and Communication Technologies EXCEPT,
a. transmitting
b. accessing
C. storing
d. leasing
__ 3. Mobile phones aside from being just tools for communications are able
to integrate other ICT innovations EXCEPT,
a. internet access
b. camera
c. ATM
d. AM/FM
__ 4. Which of the following is not included in presenting and
exchanging information by electronic and other automated means?
a. hardware
b. software
c. World Wide Web
d. telecommunication
__ 5. Who is the psychologist who says "You can connect with those people in
similar situations and share worries, fears and celebrations?
a. Kathryn Moore, Ph.D
b. Kelly Burch
c. Tim Lee
d. Konrad Zuse
__ 6. How many percent of teenager says that they have made a new
friend online?
a. 83%
b. 60%
C. 80%
d. 64%

__ 7. The following are the types of social movements EXCEPT;
a. redemptive
b. visionary
c. reformative
d. revolutionary
__ 8. Which core of rules of netiquette is known as a golden rule and must
apply even in cyberspace?
a. Know where you are in cyberspace
b. Make yourself look good online
c. Remember the human
d. Respect other people privacy
__ 9. You will be mostly be judged for your writing, so read and read in order to
make comment and messages with good spelling and grammar. What core
rules of netiquette is being discussed?
a. Know where you are in cyberspace
b. Make yourself look good online
c. Remember the human
d. Respect other people privacy
10. In the midst of 1500s, printing press brought information to the masses.
Today, those same ideas have been continued with Twitter, Facebook,
a. blogs
b. e-mail
c. pinterest
d. posters

B. Choose letter A if the statement is true and letter B if the statement is false.

_____ 11. Social media can positively and negatively affect relationships.
A. True B. False

______ 12. To adhere the standard behavior online that you follow in real
life, you should not change your persona whenever you are in front
of the screen.
A. True B. False

______ 13. You can snoop into other peoples account in social media.
A. True B. False

______ 14. Never use your Google Account Password on another websites.
A. True B. False

_____ 15. Development in ICT have put most part of the world within reach
of information dissemination and connectivity.
A. True B. False

Delving into Information and
Communication Technology
Learning Objectives:
• Explain the Information and Communication Technologies;
• Analyze the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT); and
• Differentiate the lives of people before and after the existence of information
and Communication Technology (ICT).

What's In

On your previous topic you were understood the benefits of technology, you
explained the weakest link in a system using strategic and intuitive thinking and
exploring all of those was awesome!
Let's check first if you have still in mind the last topic that we have by doing
this activity:

Activity 1.1 Mastermind

Instruction: Using the spider map below, organize the different dimensions of
technology that are enabling and inhibiting:


Congratulations! You just did great with your activity! Now, you are ready to
proceed with your new lesson.

I know that you are excited to know more but before going further, try to
ponder on these questions: What are your ways in order to reach out your families
and friends during the lockdown? How did you cope with the challenges brought by
the pandemic in terms of communicating your families and friends?

What's New

Are you all set for our new lesson? If yes, let's continue with our lesson.
First we have to understand that we are going to utilize technology effectively rather
than to be enslaved. So first, we have to establish that our current technologies
are enabling.

Let's begin!

Activity 1.2 ScrutiPIC (Cartoon Analysis)

Look at the details of the picture and answer the following questions in your
activity sheet attached in this module. Enjoy!

Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2

1. What can you say about the first picture?

2. What can you say about the second picture?

3. Based from the image, which do you prefer to experience, a life without ICT or
a life with ICT? Why?

4. What do you think will happen if you will be over exposed to social media?

5. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of ICT?

What is It


Let's Delve into ICT

The term "internet" was first introduced in 197 4 and internet is an

abbreviation of the words "inter-networking". The term "Internet and
Communication Technology" has been used by researchers in the 1980s, but
only became widely used in the 90s after a report to the British government by
Dennis Stevenson.

Information and Communication Technology enables the vanous

forms of communication that we enjoy today, for instance, the internet which
paved the way for social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organizations (UNESCO), Information and Communication Technology or ICT
is the collective term that refers to:
... the tools and the processes to access retrieve, store, organize,
manipulate, produce, present and exchange information by electronic and
other automated means. These include hardware, software and
telecommunications in the forms of personal computers, scanners, digital
cameras, phones, faxes, modern CD and DVD players and recorders,
digitized video, radio, and TV programmes and multimedia programmes.

Information and Communication Technologies are mechanism that help

us in transmitting, receiving, storing, accessing and processing
information through electronic media. This definition enables us to include
computers and telecommunication devices while conveniently excluding
printers media such as books, magazine and newspapers, yet admits their
digital versions such as e-books and e- journals, among others.

Developments in ICT have put most part of the world within reach of
information dissemination and connectivity. This enables us to relatively fast •
track many researches, procedures and processes that need real-time and up•
to-date information to accomplish which results in us having a lot of the things
that we are able to enjoy today and make our lives easier. From cures to
common illness, day-to-day weather forecast, stock market predictions foreign
films, global news, to the most viral Youtube Video to-date; ICT has influenced
our lives in numerous ways.

What's More

Activity 1.3 You Belong to Me!

Instruction: Using the spider map below, identify the tools that are
considered under the Information and Communication Technology:

In the
World of

1.4 Let's Think and Wonder!

1. How did you come up with the tools that you have identified as belong to
Information and
Communication Technology?

2. How are these tools connected to technology?

3. Which of these tools do you have at home?

4. How are these tools help you in your daily life?

5. If we are going to summarize all the answers, what do you think ICT is all about?

What I Have Learned

Activity 1.5 See the Difference!

Fill in the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the images (Cartoonl and
Cartoon 2) found in Activity 1.2 page 5.


Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2

What I Can Do

Activity 1.6

Instruction: Make a poem about the importance of ICT to human life.

Rubrics for Poem making

Category Descriptions Points Score

Content It shows the content of the poem 10
based on the importance of ICT to
human life.
Creativity Clear and precise message of the 10
story. Creativity in formulating a
Over-All Clean, organize, attractive and 10
Presentation vibrant appearance
Total 30

Social Relationships in the
World of ICT
Learning Objectives:
• Explain the Information and Communication Technologies facilitate social
relationships; and
• Write an essay on how ICT facilitate social relationships

What's In

How are you today? Let me remind you to sanitize before you start. In our
previous lesson you were able to understand what is ICT, its importance and you
have differentiated the lives of people before and after the existence of ICT. This
time, let's review if you can still recall your lesson by doing this activity. Let's start
now ...

Activity 2.1 ScrutiPIC (Cartoon Analysis)

Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2

1. Explain your thoughts about the two images above by writing a short essay of at
least 50 words. Write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided.

What's New

Here are some pictures that you can find in your home or school that you
can use in connecting your friends or families.
For each picture, analyze closely its differences for you to be guided in the
questions given for the next activities.

Activity 2.2 Picture Analysis

Look at the details of the pictures and answer the following questions in
your activity sheet attached in this module. Enjoy!

Android Phone Digital Camera Flatscreen TV Calculator

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() 802 (7) ) GETFLIX.TV aaan
23963 a a au
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e006 tr n
Desktop Computer Fax Machine Laptop Computer

1. What did you notice about the images presented?

2. Which of these ICT tools do you have at home?

3. In terms of features of each of these ICT tools, which do you

prefer? Why?
4. Among the tools, choose those that you cannot live without? Why?

Activity 2.3 Knowing Me Answer the following questions.

1) What are the social events that you had attended? _

2) How do you greet your loved ones during those events? _

3) How ICT can improve your relationships with other people? _

What is It

Social Relationships and Social Media
From the Insider article written by Kelly Burch, social media can foster
genuine relationships and it allows people to connect in any ways and it can often expand
people's social circles. Kathryn Moore, Ph.D., a psychologist says you can connect
with those people in similar situations and share worries, fears, and celebrations. Up to
64% of teens report they have made a new friend online, and 83% of teens report
that social media makes them feel more connected with their friends.
Social media can negatively affect relationships when you start comparing yourself
to other people, including your friends, just based on their social media accounts, Moore
says. For example, some may fear their lives aren't as good as their friends' and withdraw
from friendships because they feel they're not good enough.
That impact on self-esteem and isolation is part of the reason that increased
social media usage has been associated with depressive symptoms. If you're
constantly comparing your life to a picture-perfect image that others put forth on social
media, you might not feel good about yourself, and you may be more likely to develop

The Impact of Technology on People's Social Relationships

1. Bringing People Together
The primary issue that many people faced only two decades ago was
communication. All of us were limited to a close set of people with whom we could
2. Easier Organization of Communities
It's not only we can communicate with a single person, but it is possible to create
group chats where you can exchange messages with both small and big groups of people.
3. Birth of New Issues in Face-to-Face Communication
While being able to communicate with people online has improved social
relationships significantly, there are some issues with face-to-face communication. This
also causes frustration in different social circles, especially if we are referring to quality
family time
Social Relations and Technology: Continuity, Context, and Change
1. The Convoy Model of Social Relations
The convoy model was developed to specify the scientific study of social relations
by detailing the antecedent factors influencing social relations (personal and situational),
identifying multiple dimensions of social relations, and illustrating how these factors
influence health and well-being (Antonucci, 2001).
2. Population Demographic Shifts
Technological advances have occurred within the context of broader demographic
changes, including shifts in mortality, fertility, mobility, and marital patterns
3. Intergenerational Relations
Families are changing such that intergenerational ties, especially those across
more than two generations, are becoming increasingly salient (Antonucci, Jackson, &
Biggs, 2007; Bengtson, 2001; Swartz, 2009).
4. Immigrant Aging
New and varied ways to communicate across geographic distances have created a
world of possibilities for immigrants. The advent of communication technologies such as
Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, and FaceTime (among others), has made the ability to connect
with close others who are geographically distant almost effortless.

5. Marital Patterns
A population trend that has widespread implications for how older adults use
technology is the heterogeneity of marital statuses, including "gray divorce" (i.e.,
divorce after the age of 50; Brown & Lin, 2013) and never married older adults
(Cooney & Dunne, 2001).
6. Social Relations and Health
New technologies have been found to directly influence health due to the
possibilities they generate to better connect with others. New ways to create and sustain
social relations may represent viable alternative sources for developing a sense of
community in situations where mobility is limited or restricted.
7. Social Support, Intervention, and Technology
Innovative uses of technology have been applied to create social support
interventions that maximize good health and well-being. Use of the Internet has opened
new avenues for enhancing social support for older adults, especially to address the
threat of social isolation and loneliness.


Activity 2.4 Getting In Touch Fill-in the table below.

1. In your Activity Sheet, complete the table.

2. List at least 10 significant people in your life and determine how you connect
with them.
Name Relationship Means/ Ways of

Check it out:
1. What are the major means of communication found in your answers?

2. How often do you use them?

3. How will you maximize those means of communication to strengthen your
relationship with them?
Activity 2.5 In an Instant!
Make a message to your teacher. Relay the message through
postmail and send the same message through texting.
1. How was the experience of sending a message through postmail? _
2. How different is the experience of sending the message through postmail and
sending the message through texting? _
3. How does technology affects our life? _

What I Have Learned

Activity 2.6 Telling Me Swiftly Fill-in the blanks to complete the statements
1) The positive effect of social relationships in social media are _

2) The negative effect of social relationships in social media are _

Activity 2.7 Telling Me Swiftly Fill-up the graphic organizers below about social
relationships in the world of ICT.

7 C)
Social Relationships in the world of ICT

What I Can Do

Activity 2.5 My Creation!

Create a scrapbook of the different information and technology tools and

state its functions and importance to the lives of people particularly in
communication. Limit your scrapbook into 10 pages only.

scrap b oo kA ssessmen tRLub rc

Excelling Acceptable Fair Needs Work Nonexistent
10/10 8/10 6/10 4/10 2/10

Creativity Scrapbook is Scrapbook Scrapbook is Scrapbook is Scrapbook

unique, mostly similar to like many does not take
appealing, unique, others, lay- others, lay- advantage of
takes advantage
and organized, out is out is creative tools
of the design and shows unorganized. unappealing available.
tools available. some use of and Little thought
design tools. unorganized. in choice of

Content Accurate content Accurate Some Many of Project does

explained in content, but inaccuracies inaccuracies, not reference
detail. not very in content, or or incomplete any content
detailed. lack of any information. discussed in
detail. the lesson.

Political Movements in the
World of ICT

Learning Objectives:
• Explain how information and communication technology can
facilitate political movements; and
• Write an essay on how ICT facilitate political movements.

What's In

Hello! How are you today? Previously, you identified the positive and
negative effects of social media in social relationships. Now, Let's try if you can
still remember our lesson by answering this activity.

Activity 3.1 Mastermind What are the positive and negative effects of ICT in
social relationships? Fill your answers in the table below.


What's New

Activity 3.2 Do I Know You? Fill-up the graphic organizers below about social
relationships in the world of ICT.

Social Relationships

Activity 3.3 Knowing Me Answer the following questions.

1) How does media/ICT influence political movements in the Philippines?

2) How does politics change from the past to present?

3) How will you use ICT to make your political movement stronger?

What is It

Politics and Social Media

Politics and social unrest have been around since man first
gathered into groups in order to survive. Someone always wants to be in
charge, and someone is always unhappy with the way things are. Leaders
have always used private or public communication tools and propaganda
to gain or maintain power, and those who oppose them have always used
the same to overcome them when necessary (et tu, Brute?). The printing
press brought information to the masses in the 1500s. The postal service
moved things a step further in early American history. Today, those same
ideas have been continued with Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.

The difference today, with instant communication possible on a

global scale through email, IM, and social media, is that these things
happen much faster, and often much more effectively. With the near
ubiquitous nature and adoption of social media and online information
dissemination in general, being able to monitor that activity is more
important than ever for both sides of the equation - the leaders and the

This can be a liberating force for good and freedom, but there is
also a dark side as authoritarian governments - and frighteningly, many
who claim to be for freedom - use the same tools to monitor their citizens
for any dissent in order to clamp down and maintain control.

Social and Political Movement

A social movement is a loosely organized effort by a large group of
people to achieve a particular goal, typically a social or political one. This
may be to carry out, resist or undo a social change. It is a type of group
action and may involve individuals, organizations or both.

Aberle's Four Types of Social and Political Movements: redemptive,

reformative, revolutionary and alternative.

Political Movements in the Philippines: Communism in the

Philippines, Environmentalism in the Philippines, Federalism in the
Philippines, Islamism in the Philippines, Left-wing politics in
the Philippines, Filipino nationalism, Separatism in the Philippines,
Socialism in the Philippines.

What's More

Activity 3.4 Graphic Organizer

Fill-up the graphic organizers below about political movement. Cite some
examples of political movements in the Philippines that you know.

Political Movements

What I Have Learned

Activity 3.5 Mastermind Complete the following statements below. Write your
answer on the separate sheet.
Politics and social unrest have been around
Leaders have always used
______________and _____________to gam or
maintain power.

The difference today with instant communication possible on a global scale

throughl - , and _ , IS these things happen much faster, and
often much more effectively.

What I Can Do

Activity 3.6 Write an essay about "Empowering Political Relationships Through


ICT: Empowering not
Enslaving Technologies

Good morning! You will be having new learning for today. But before we go
further we need to recall our last lesson. You have understood how ICT facilitates
social relationships and political movement. Today's lesson you will be able to
understand better how you are connected and will become more responsible ICT
user. Enjoy!

Learning Objectives:
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

• Explain the effects of the advancements of ICT;

• Identify the core rules of netiquette, online safety and ethics; and
• Compile different pictures showing the different advancements of ICT.

What's In

Activity 4.1 Remember Me Complete the following statement below. Write your
answer on the separate sheet.

Social and Political Movements

Politics and social unrest have been around

}l[]ff Leaders have
always used ______________and
_____________to gain or maintain power.

The difference today, with instant communication

possible on a global scale through
_________ , and , is these
things happen much faster, and often much more effectively.

What's New

Activity 4.2 My Everyday in a Glance!

In learning there are advantages and disadvantages in using ICT tools. How
do you manage your time when using the ICT Tools? Below is your timetable to be
filled-up with your daily schedule. After you are through writing your schedule,
check V the smiley() icon if you are doing it most everyday and check V the stop
@) icon if you seldom doing it.


g 6
5:00am 5:00pm
6:00am 6:00pm
7:00am 7:00pm
8:00am 8:00pm
9:00am 9:00pm
10:00am 10:00pm
11:00am 11:00pm
12:00am 12:00am
1:00pm 1:00am
2:00pm 2:00am
3:00pm 3:00am
4:00pm 4:00am

1. How does it feel to budget your time for each everyday activities

2. Which do you prefer, a day with budgeted time for activities or a day without any
plan/schedule? Why? _

What is It
The Core Rules of N etiquette
According to Virginia Shea, a prominent lecturer at the University of
Carolina published a book called "Netiquette. The 10 rules are as:
Rule 1: Remember the human
The golden rule must apply even in the cyberspace. You do not see the facial
expressions of a person. When communicating with a person, especially with a
stranger, always ask the question: "Would you say it to the person's face?
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in
real life.
You should not change your persona whenever you are in front of the
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.
There are different areas or domains in the cyberspace and the type of
people also vary. The culture or self- imposed rules (on posting) varies on different
websites. This is prevalent in forum boards and on social media services where
anyone can comment.
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth.
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online.
You will mostly be judged for your writing, so read and read in order to make
comments and messages with good spelling and grammar.
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge.
The internet was founded on the idea that scientist wanted to share their
knowledge. Do not be afraid to tell what you know.
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control.
Be a referee and know how to control other people's emotions.
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy.
Do not snoop into other people's private accounts, especially their files and,
messages. This is prevalent when phone has been stolen or when an account has
been left logged on a public computer, such as library.
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power.
Just because you know other things does not mean you are superior.
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.
If you notice a mistake, correct it in a very polite manner.

Online Safety and

Keeping yourself safe
According to Google's support page, you should:
1. Check for virus and malware.
2. Do an account Security Check up.
3. Google has a Security Check up Feature in your account's page
that allows an overall check-up and for a possible update of
your details.
4. Update your account recovery options.
5. Enroll in 2-step verification.
6. Google allows you to add an extra layer of security by requiring
you to grab a code sent to your phone after logging in with your
7. Perform regular operating system and browser updates.
8. Never use your Google Account Password on another websites.
9. Protect your password.
10. Use a strong password.

What's More


Write Effective if the statement depicts effectiveness and Enslaving if the

statement depicts form of enslavement. Write your answer on the separate sheet

___ 1.Using your smartphone as the only means to socialize with your friends.
___2. Using facebook as a tool to disseminate information to a wider audience.
___3. Movies and TV series marathon, for 20 hours, in your brand new LED TV.
___4. Using your computer to make Powerpoint presentations as a supplement,
not as a sole material, for your report.
___5. Flooding your instagram account with lots of glamorous photos to
boost your self esteem.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4.5 Easing Essay! Answer the following questions. Write

your answer on the activity sheet provided.

1. How social media affects your safety?

2. As a Senior High School student, what are your responsibilities to be on guarded

while having social connections through ICT?

What I Can Do


Make a poem on how social relations evolve in the world of ICT. Compose a
minimum of four stanzas with your own title and limit each stanzas with five lines
only. Please refer your rubric to Lesson-I, Activity 1.6 page 8. Goodluck!


This part of the module will assess what have you have learned. You are
expected to answer this test.

Multiple Choice: A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the given space provided on your answer sheet.
___ 1.The following are ICT features of mobile phones as tools
for communications EXCEPT,
a. internet access
b. ATM
c. camera
d. AM/FM
___ 2. Internet is an abbreviation of_
a. inter-netizen
b. inter-networking
c. inter-netti
d. inter-netflex
___ 3. In the midst of 1500s, printing press brought information to the masses.
Today, those same ideas have been continued with Twitter, Facebook, and

a. blogs
b. e-mail
c. pinterest
d. poster
__ 4. You will be mostly judged by writing, so read and read in order to make
comments and messages with good spelling and grammar. What core
rules of netiquette is being discussed?
a. Know where you are in cyberspace
b. Make yourself look good online
c. Remember the human
d. Respect other people's privacy
__ 5. Which core rules of netiquette is known as a golden rule must apply even
in the cyberspace?
a. Know where you are in cyberspace
b. Make yourself look good online
c. Remember the human
d. Respect other people's privacy
__6. The following are the types of social movements EXCEPT;
a. redemptive
b. visionary
c. reformative
d. revolutionary

__7. The psychologist that said "You can connect with people in
similar situations and share worries, fears, and celebration"?
a. Kathryn Moore, Ph.D
b. Kelly Burch
c. Tim Lee
d. Konrad Zuse
8.The following are all mechanisms in social media that help us in
Information and Communication Technologies EXCEPT,
a. transmitting
b. access1ng
C. storing
d. leasing
9.How many percent of teenager have made a new friend online?
a. 83%
b. 60%
C. 80%
d. 64%
10.Which of the following is not included in presenting and exchanging
information by electronic and other automated means?
a. hardware
b. software
c. World Wide Web
d. telecommunication
B. Write letter A if the statement is true and letter B if the statement is
_____ 11. Development in ICT have put most part of the world within reach
of information dissemination and connectivity.
A. True B. False
_____ 12. Using your smartphone is the only means to socialize with
your friends.
A. True B. False
_____ 13. It is ethical if you are fond of investigating into other
people's account in social media.
A. True B. False
_____ 14. Social media can positively and negatively affect relationships.
A. True B. False
_____ 15. Perform regular operating system and browser updates.
A. True B. False

Additional Activities

Make a collage of different pictures of ICT tools. You can integrate using
indigenous materials that can be found in your locality. Make your own title about
your collage. Please refer your rubric on the answer sheet provided

Answer Key

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Marquez, L., (2018) Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21s Century
Culture for Senior High School., C&E Publishing Inc, page 115-131

Revano, Jr. T.F., (2016) Empowerment Technologies., Mindshaper Co.,Inc., page 1•


Web Sources:

DLP on Trends, Network and Critical Thinking in the 21s Century Culture
https: //sites. /site/ hums shaven/ home/ daily-lesson-plans-dlps•
for- humss-subjects

Trends, Network and Critical Thinking in the 21s Century Culture.

https: / / depedshs. blogspot. com/ 201 7 / 06 / trends-networks-and-critical•

Rubrics. http:// rubistar .4teachers. org/ index. php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric

_id=l 107387

Scrapbook Assessment Rubric https:/ /•

hickey-social-studies /assessments/ scrapbook-assessment-rubric

iRubric: Scrapbook Project rubrichttps:/ /

cfm?code= P56A5A&sp=true

The Past, Present and Future of Politics and Social Media vishal pindoriya ·
january 20, 2015https:/ / present•

How Social Media Affects Relationships, Kelly Burch-INSIDER March 17, 2020
https:/ /

Information and Communication Technology (UNESCO Bangkok 2003 p. 75 in

Anderson. p.5)

Social Relations and Technology: Continuity, Context, and Change Innov Aging.
2017 Nov; 1(3): igx029.Published online 2017 Dec
25. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx029 articles

This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN with
the primary objective of preparing for and addressing the new normal. Contents of
this module were based on DepEd's Most Essential Leaming Competencies (MELC).
this is a supplementary material to be used by all learners of Region XII in all
public schools beginning SY 2020-2021. The process of LR development was
observed in the production of this module. This is version 1.0. we highly
encouraged feedback, comments and recommendations.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education -- SOCCSKSARGEN
Learning Resource Management System

Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Email Address:

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