LW God's Power &amp Vitality

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International LightWorkerS

God’s Power and Vitality

LightWorker™ Series

Channelling & manual by

Elizabeth Ami
Layout by Jens Søeborg
God’s Power and Vitality (LW™ Series)
Elizabeth is a Registered Nurse and certified hypnotherapist with a
specialty in spiritual counseling and Depth Hypnosis (incorporates
Buddhism, hypnotherapy, shamanism and transpersonal psychology) -
founded by Isa Gucciardi of the Foundation of the Sacred Stream). She is
also a Reiki Teacher and also teaches infant massage.

Elizabeth is the mother of 2 beautiful children who make her life

worthwhile! She has been in the healing and service professions for
several years all the way to lifeguarding for peanuts in her teenage years,
camp counselor for scouts for even less $, and she loved it. Elizabeth has
been a Registered Nurse since 1985 and she loves that job as well.

Elizabeth’s path really began to take shape a couple of years or so ago when she had her "mid-life
crisis" – or really – it was more like a mid-life miracle. The veil was beginning to lift; what a surprise
- there really was such a thing as spirit, she was touched by Jesus when she called out in distress.

Elizabeth has many animal guides and angels who help her daily in her healing work, parenting and
in all aspects of her life. A whole world has opened up to her! And now we can also present her
work in the LightWorker Series.
LightWorker™ Miscellaneous Attunements (various founders)
Abundantia Demeter Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Angelic Pink Rose Empowerment (Andrew Brocklebank) (LightWorker™ Series)
Angels of the Heart Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series)
Aphrodite's Birth Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Breathe of Bliss (Andrea "Aridanne" Fetsko) (LightWorker™ Series)
Brighid Empowerment (Nan Fahey & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Bùdài (Hotei) Initiation (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Buddha's Bliss Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Cosmic Alignments (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Galactic Center Energy Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Ganesha Triple Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Gilgamesh Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)
God’s Power and Vitality (Elizabeth Ami) (LightWorker™ Series)
Golden Heart of Usui (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Fusion Reiki (Rev. Dr. Jason Storm) (LightWorker™ Series)
Jade Ray for Emotional Healing (Elizabeth Ami) (LightWorker™ Series)
Joy of Being Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lai Life Elixir Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Magic Touch of Reiki (Roger T. Hill) (LightWorker™ Series)
Majestic Trees Attunement (Gail M. Schumann) (LightWorker™ Series)
Masks of Mexico Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Milky Way Home Galaxy Empowerment (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Orange Carnelian Healing Ray (Elizabeth Ami) (LightWorker™ Series)
Power-Break Empowerment Client’s Manual (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Power-Break Empowerment Teacher’s Manual (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Protective Healing Symbol (Melanie “Shivanie” Pfetzinger) (LightWorker™ Series)
Seven Flavours of Vril (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Seven Ray Attunements (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Spiritual Transmission Initiation (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Usui Precepts Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Wordwide Net of Light (Sabine van Tellingen) (LightWorker™ Series)
God’s Power and Vitality
This energy is derived from the affirmation, which is good to use along with
this attunement:

God’s Power, Vitality

Good Health and Strength
Flow through me, flow through me, flow through me.

The energy of this affirmation – and this attunement - is useful for:

 Chronic illnesses that cause one to feel drained

 Low energy – physical as well as psychical
 Chronic joint and /or muscle achiness
 Improved recovery after injury or surgery
 Many other situations … use your intuition!
This affirmation has been used as a personal mantra with wonderful results.

Use for self-healing

Repeat the mantra, silently or out loud… or you may choose to sing the
affirmation. Imagine you feel your body being infused with this energy.

See yourself surrounded by white light. Feel the strength and vitality
flowing through you as you repeat the mantra.

Then, sit quietly and let the energy flow. You may choose to lie down if this is
more comfortable. It is ok if you fall asleep — this may be what your body
needs at this time.

To use God’s Power and Vitality hands on

The God’s Power and Vitality energy is called in by stating the mantra either
silently or out loud.

This energy may also be used with Usui Reiki or any other healing system.

You may call the energy in with the mantra once the Reiki energy is running.
The energies are synergistic. You may use the energy with other systems if
you are guided to do so.

To Send God’s Power and Vitality as distant healing

State the affirmation out loud or silently to yourself. Repeat the affirmation
as many times as you are guided to. You may sing the affirmation — this can
help to raise the vibration.

You may feel the energy of God’s Power and Vitality flowing through you, or
you may not. Be confident that you are receiving the energy, whether you
feel it or not.

To receive the attunement

• Ask your guides, angels, higher self — whomever you usually work with,
to assist you.
• State aloud or mentally, “I am now receiving the God’s Power and
Vitality attunement sent to me by _______________ (Your teacher’s
name), for the highest good of all concerned. Thank you.”
To send the attunement:
You can use whatever attunement method you are comfortable using to send
the attunement to others such as Chi Ball, proxy, etc.

I want to thank Hari Andri Winarso, the founder of many great healing
systems, for his help in writing manuals for my attunements.

© Copyright 2009 – All Rights Reserved

This manual is protected by Copyright. You can share this manual freely
provided it is left entirely intact – nothing left and nothing added. You can
give this manual to your students, but you cannot sell the manual separately.

With Love & Light

Elizabeth Ami

The God’s Power and Vitality energy is not to be used as a substitute for
medical care! It is a wonderful, complimentary therapy to help support
healing and well-being.**

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