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Class X

Q.1 Explain the following terms:

(i) Web page (ii) Home page
Ans: (i) Web page: A document using http and that resides on a website is known as a webpage.
(ii) Home page: It is top level webpage of a website. This is the page that gets displayed first
of all when a website is opened.

Q.2 What is a blog? What is blogger?

Ans: A blog refers to an online journal where entries are posted. The word blog has been derived
from WEB LOG.
A blogger is someone who blogs, or writes content for a blog and blogging is the act of
writing a post for a blog.

Q.3 What is chatting?

Ans: Chatting is online textual conversation wherein the message typed by the sender is instantly
made available to the recipient ad vice versa.

Q.4 What do you understand by e-learning?

Ans: e-learning refers to the learning that takes place in an electronically simulated environment.

Q.5 What do you understand by e-shopping?

Ans: the process of shopping done over the Internet is called online shopping or e-shopping. Both
products and services can be purchased through online shopping.

Q.6 What do you understand by e-reservation?

Ans: Making reservations of tickets or hotel rooms or tourist packages etc. through Internet is
known as e-reservation.

Q.7 What do you understand by e-group?

Ans: An e-group refers to an online community where people discuss on topics of common

Q.8 In HTML, what is the difference between container tags and empty tags?
Ans: The container tags are pair tags i.e., they require a starting tag as well as an ending tag.
They affect the text appearing between their starting and ending tag.
The empty tags just require a starting tag and no ending tag. They just carry out the job
assigned to them.

Q.9 Write the full form of the following tags:

(i) <LI> (ii) <A> (iii) <VLINK> (iv) <BR> (v) <P>
Ans: (i) List Item (ii) Anchor (iii) Visited Link (iv) Break (v) Paragraph

Q.10 Write the HTML code to create a paragraph whose text colour is blue.
Ans: <P>
<FONT color=’blue’>
Paragraph text

Q.11 What is the difference between a static and dynamic website?

Ans: A static website contains information that does not change. It remains the same, or static, for
every viewer of the site.
A dynamic website contains information that changes, depending on the viewer of the site,
the time of the day, the time zone, the native language of the country the viewer is in or many
other factors.

Q.12 What is a CSS rule?

Ans: A CSS rule is a grouping of one or more CSS properties which are to be applied to one or
more target HTML elements.

Q.13 What is online fraud?

Ans: Fraud committed using the Internet is called online fraud. Online fraud may occur in may
forms such as:
 Non-delivered goods
 Non-existent companies
 Stealing information
 Fraudulent payments etc.

Q.14 What do you understand by term URL?

Ans: The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. A URL refers to an address on the
Internet. Billions of documents/multimedia files can be accessed on the Internet through their
Q.15 What do you understand by plagiarism?
Ans: Plagiarism is the act of using or stealing someone else’s intellectual work, ideas etc. and
passing it as your own work. In other words, plagiarism is a failure in giving credits to its


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