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Guide to Supervision - CBEP

Personal Supervision Sessions

Congratulations on choosing your CBEP topic! You will now be starting your individual
supervision sessions with your assigned supervisors. Please follow the guidelines below:

1. Once you have chosen a literature review topic and been assigned a personal
supervisor, you will have up to eight opportunities to see them throughout the year.
Each session should last up to 20-30 minutes. In line with UWE/TBC regulations around
Covid-19, these meetings should be conducted through Google Meet, Collaborate,
Skype, Zoom. If both students and supervisors are comfortable, you can use the college
premises to have a face to face meeting (Make sure to follow proper safety precautions).
2. It will be down to you and your supervisor to agree on the platform you use and to
schedule the meetings. Please be proactive and take the initiative to schedule meetings
with your supervisor and complete the said readings and action points as assigned.
3. Make sure you fill the supervision form provided to you after each meeting and have it
signed. This is mandatory and acts as proof of completion of the supervision sessions.
4. Do remember you need to take active notes during the supervision session not just to
properly complete your “Literature Review” project but also to complete your “Learning
Journal” assessment in this module.
5. Note that if you miss an arranged session without prior notification, the supervisor is not
obliged to offer an alternative, so please ensure you communicate in a professional
manner. Outside of meetings, supervisors may be able to answer straightforward
questions via email or telephone. As part of the first meeting, clarify your understanding
of your supervisor’s expectations about contact and preparation. Your supervisor may
also be the best person to act as your personal academic referee, so this is an ideal
opportunity to build a good relationship with them.
6. As a reference, the table below outlines what to prepare for the supervision meetings.
As given below you are expected to complete 4 meetings by at least the end of January.

Guidelines for Supervision Meetings 
Meeting  Date Preparation necessary  Key issues to discuss 
  of meeting 
1/2 December/Jan Read and understand the Key process issues (i.e. what is a
    requirements for the assignment literature review, structure, how to
  contained in the approach the assignment, our
module handbook including expectations). 
formatting and referencing.    
Identify in advance the questions Issues arising from your initial
you want to ask your tutor.  reading. 
You will have begun to identify the Key sources, etc. Future search
major contributions to your topic directions. 
(i.e. your main sources) by   
searching electronic databases. 
3/4 Jan You will have completed your initial Progress to date. 
  using electronic databases.  Issues arising from your initial
Bring a list of sources you have   
obtained so far (typed up Key sources, etc. Future search
in UWE Harvard style). This should directions. 
be more or less the final list.   
  Proposed structure and key themes
You should have started to think of review. 
about the key themes you are  
identifying in the literature and Approaches to working
which will form the main building productively with sources (i.e.
blocks of your review.  effective note-taking and record
Identify in advance the questions  
you want to ask.  
5/6 Feb/March  You should have finished all your Progress to date. 
  searches and should be well into   
  reading and noting your Proposed structure and key themes
sources. You might have started of review. 
roughing out a first draft.    
   Methodological issues.  
You will have finalized your themes  
and therefore your structure.  Advice on writing up. 
Bring with you a firm and final list Generally, issues arising from
of sources you intend to cover in your reading. 
your review (typed, Harvard   
Identify in advance the questions
you want to ask.  
7/8 By end of You should have begun writing up.   Any outstanding issues and
March    questions on the literature review. 
(before the Bring one completed section (i.e. a   
Easter Break) theme) with you for comment and Advice on project completion. 
Identify in advance the questions
you want to ask.  

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