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Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks:100

1. (a) Interpretation of Statute means finding out the intention of the legislature”. Explain
(Refer Page No. 25)
Explain with the help of cases preamble to legislation and marginal notes as internal aids
to construction. (Refer Page No. 80)

(b) Write Note on :

Heyden’s rule (Refer Page No. 39)
Functions of courts (Refer Page No. 73)

2. (a) Explain any two external aids to construction of statute (Refer Page No. 106 )

Examine the importance of foreign decisions and historical facts for interpretation of
statute.(Refer Page No. 108, 122)

(b) Write note on :

Parliamentary history (Refer Page No.108)

Dictionaries (Refer Page No. 112)


3. (a) Discuss the general principles with regard to retrospective operation of the statute
(Refer Page No. 165)

What are the major differences between perpetual and temporary statute? Explain. (Refer
Page No. 67)

(b) Write note on :

Non-obstante clause(Refer Page No. 290)
Commencement of statute (Refer Page No. 188)

4. (a) How “mens sea” is treated in interpreting statutory offences? Discuss. (Refer Page No.
Explain the common law rule relating to statutes affecting the crown or the state (Refer
Page No. 128)

(b) Write note on :

Remedial statute (Refer Page No.71)
Statute affecting the jurisdiction of Courts (Refer Page No. 149)


5. (a) Explain the principle of Utility as advocated by Sir Jermy Bentham (Refer Page No.
Explain the circumstances which effects the sensibility (Refer Page No. 416)

(b) Write note on :

Classification of evils (Refer Page No. 412)

Morals principle (Refer Page No. 402)

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Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks:100

1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.

1. “Construction to be made of all parts together and not of one part only by itself” –
Explain.(Refer Page No. 9)

2. Discuss the Literal Rule of interpretation with cases.(Refer Page No. 27)

3. Explain the internal aids to construction of statutes.(Refer Page No. 106)

4. Discuss the consequences of repeal and point out the differences between repeal and
expiry.(Refer Page No.199 )
5. Discuss the presumption against violation International Law.(Refer Page No. 146)

6. Discuss the Rules of interpretation regarding remedial and penal status.(Refer

Page No. 265))
7. Explain the circumstances in which crown is bound by statutes and explain the
application of the Rules in India.(Refer Page No. 128)

8. Write short note on any two of the following:

a) Rule of ejustem generis (Refer Page No. 43)

b) Non obstante clause(Refer Page No. 290)

c) ‘Reddendo Singulo Singulis’(Refer Page No. 436)

9. Write a note on any two of the following:

a) Importance of ‘Parliamentory History’ (Refer Page No. 109, 118)

b) Principle of utility(Refer Page No. 393)

c) Kinds of pleasures and pains.(Refer Page No. 425)

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