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(SOLVED) Fourteen applicants for a city of Providence

Rhode Island poli

Fourteen applicants for a city of Providence, Rhode Island, police academy training class each
received from the city a letter stating that it was a ‘‘conditional offer of employment’’ subject to
successful completion of medical and psychological exams. The 14 applicants passed the
medical and psychological exams. However, these applicants […]

Smith has in his possession the following instrument:September 1, 2003I, Selma Ray, hereby
promise to pay Helen Savit One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) one year after date. This instrument
was given for the purchase of Two Hundred (200) shares of Redding Mining Corporation,
Interest 6%.Selma Ray (signature).What is this instrument? Is […]

Bellino made a promissory note that was payable in installments and contained the provision
that on default of the payment of any installment, the holder had the option to declare the entire
balance due and payable on demand. The note was negotiated to Cassiani, who sued Bellino
for the full […]

Nation-Wide Check Corp. sold money orders through local agents. A customer would purchase
a money order by paying an agent the amount of the desired money order plus a fee. The
customer would then sign the money order as the remitter or sender and would fill in the name
of […]


Charter Bank of Gainesville had in its possession a note containing the following provision:
“This note with interest is secured by a mortgage on real estate, of even date herewith, made
by the maker hereof in favor of said payee.. The terms of said mortgage are by this reference
made […]

Go to Case 46.2, Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc., __ U.S. __, 127 S.Ct.
2705,168 L.Ed.2d 623 (2007),on pages 942–943.Read the excerpt and answer the following
questions. (a) Issue: The dispute in this case was between which parties and turned on what
legal issue?(b) Rule of Law: […]

Instant Foto Corp. is a manufacturer of photography film. At the present time, Instant Foto has
approximately 50 percent of the market. Instant Foto advertises that the purchase price for
Instant Foto film includes photo processing by Instant Foto Corp. Instant Foto claims that its film
processing is specially designed […]


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