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(SOLVED) Former employees of the Castaways Hotel in Las

Vegas sued
Former employees of the Castaways Hotel in Las Vegas sued to recover unpaid wages they
lost when the hotel-casino filed for bankruptcy.They sued several former high-level mangers at
Castaways. The managers were also the owners of Castaways, which was incorporated as an
LLC. The former employees contend that the managers […]

Covalt owned 25 percent and High owned 75 percent of CSI, a corporation that they operated
together. They also entered into a partnership to build an office building that they leased to CSI.
Covalt resigned from CSI and went to work for a competitor. When the lease on the office […]

Dr. Citrin had an agreement with Dr. Mehta for Mehta to work in Citrin’s medical offices to see
his patients when he was on vacation.While Citrin was on vacation, Mehta saw a patient and
misdiagnosed the problem; the patient died. The heirs of the patient sued Citrin, claiming that
Citrin […]

Globe Building went into Chapter 7 bankruptcy, so a trustee was appointed to control the
bankrupt estate. As a number of Globe employees had not been paid when the company went
under, the state of Wisconsin, where Globe was located, filed a lien for wages against all
property owned by […]


The Boggses were declared bankrupt under Chapter 13. Shortly after their discharge,
Somerville Bank and Trust contended that the Boggses did not pay off the interest on a loan
secured by a mortgage on their principal residence.The bank had not raised the issue until after
the bankruptcy court had issued […]

Bussewitz borrowed money from Citibank and signed a promissory note. Pitassi also signed the
promissory note as co-maker of the note.When Bussewitz failed to make payments and
defaulted on the note, Citibank, under the terms of the note, declared the entire unpaid balance
due and sued both makers. Pitassi defended […]

After Darby filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, Time Warner canceled his cable service. Darby
filed a motion with the bankruptcy court to compel Time Warner to reinstate his service upon the
offering of assurances of future payments.The bankruptcy court and district court held that cable
service was not a utility […]


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