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Experiment 2: Series Connection Circuit & Parallel Connection Circuit of


In this experiment, we learn more about resistance. This is important

because resistance is used for the regulation of a circuit’s current. The resistances
in a circuit can be setup not just in one way, the resistors can be in series or in
parallel. These are different respective formulas to find the total resistance in the
circuits. It is learned that the total resistance of 2 or more resistances connected in
series is the sum of all their resistances. It is represented by this formula where RS
is the combined resistances in series:

RS= R1+R2+….+Rn

On the other hand, to obtain the total resistance of 2 or more resistances connected
in parallel, the reciprocal of the total resistance is equal to the sum of all the
reciprocals of the resistances in the series which is represented by the formula,
where RP is the combined resistances in parallel:

1/RP = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +… 1/Rn

Series and parallel circuits have their own advantages and disadvantages,
series connections are easier to learn and make because they are designed simpler
compared to parallel ones. The resistors in series are connected from end to end in
a single path. Making it relatively easy to install and maintain but harder to
individually control the loads. Series circuits do not overheat easily either, thus
making it a good choice if its environment contains flammable materials. On the
other hand, parallel circuits allow your components to be more independent from
each other, meaning turning on one gadget won’t me you will have to turn the
other ones also. You can also add more components to a parallel circuit without
having to modify your voltage significantly unlike in series where it would
increase the resistance in the circuit, weakening the electric current. But parallel
circuits would require more wire compared to series circuits. As an engineer it is
important to understand these circuits and be able to decide what type of
connection is more appropriate to use in certain situations.

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