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SaHarsh Solutions

Fleet Monitoring System

Saharsh Solutions presents Fleet Monitoring System with combination of user
friendly software and robust hardware. This system can locate any vehicle on
real time basis. User can monitor and manage his fleets and can take useful
decisions from the data he gets.


• Real time tracking: Vehicle can be tracked in real time on computer by

web based platform and on Mobile Phone by Android App
• Geo-Fence: Geo-Fence is a virtual area or boundary of certain territory.
You can define certain area on Map. If vehicle goes out of that area then
it will alert with SMS.
• Multiple mobile numbers can be authorized in who can get alert
• Travelling History: You can Play back/ replay the vehicle’s past
movement for more than 3 months with travelled route map, travelling
time, speed, distance, etc.
• It sends alert when vehicle Engine/Air Conditioner starts or stops.
• Over-speed alert: You can define certain speed. When vehicle moves
more than this restricted speed, it will send an alert message.
• Anti Tempering: It sends alert if someone cuts its power cable.
• Engine On-Off: Vehicle engine can be On-Off remotely by just one SMS
by authorized mobile.
• Container door open alert can be provided for various applications in
vehicles like Milk Van, Tanker, Carriage Van, etc.

Mob: 9099934363, 9099931263, Email:, Web:

SaHarsh Solutions
User can get various alerts according to his requirements and can generate
different reports for selected time.
• Over Speed Alerts
• Ignition ON/OFF Alerts
• Schedule Alerts
• POI Alerts
• Geo Fence Alerts
• Overstay Alerts
• Digital Input Alerts

• Fleet Summary Report
• History report
• Speed monitor Report
• Stoppage Report
• Geo fence report
• Poi History Report
• Travel Distance by Latlong
• Trip Report

Mob: 9099934363, 9099931263, Email:, Web:

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