Anamae P. Patrmonio: Processing

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Name: Anamae P. Patrmonio Year & Section: BSA1-A

1. What is the importance of studying manners and etiquettes?

First impressions last, especially if it is your only encounter; thus, we

should educate ourselves to have a proper manner and etiquettes so

that we would leave a good impression to others. Social factor is a

great influence in generating ones manner. Therefore, in order for us to

be with people who have great manners, we must be the one to

influence it on them. Manners and etiquettes are not rules to be

followed, it something that we must practice to make it our second

nature. Hence, it is important because this is something that would

make us more human and respectful.

2. As a student of Binalbagan Catholic College, how will you portray the

following etiquette?

A. Courtesy in Church: During online mass, I will follow the rules of the

church as if I am really physically. I will listen carefully, put on

formal clothes, will not talk unless necessary for the mass, and put

to heart whatever the priest is saying.

B. On the Street: As a student of Catholic institution, I am walking with

name of the school. Therefore, whatever I am doing reflects the

school. Hence, I must act with modesty wherever I go, especially on

streets for I do not totally know everyone who might see me. I must

not talk too loud when I am walking with my friends, and if ever I am

in a crowded street, I shall give courtesy to the person around me.

For example, saying “excuse me” when I am in a hurry or saying

“sorry” when I bumped into someone accidentally.

C. On Public Vehicles: One lesson I have learned is that, whenever we

are in a public transportation like bus we should not directly sit next

to someone, we should ask the one who sits next to the blank spot

before sitting. Because, maybe there is someone who owns the sit

already or the person sitting is not comfortable to sit next to you.

Also, as a student of BCC I must follow all the etiquettes for public

vehicles since, as what I have said, I bring to me the neame of the

school wherever I am.

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