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In Mechatronics Systems

Tarun Kumar Aseri, Asst. Prof.,

Mechanical Engineering Department
Engineering College Ajmer
▪ Basics of System Modeling: Introduction

▪ LTI and LTV systems,

▪ Need for modeling, Types of modeling,

▪ Steps in modeling, Building blocks of models,

▪ Modelling of one and two degrees of freedom systems,

▪ Modeling of Electromechanical systems, Mechanical Systems, Fluid systems,

Thermal systems;

▪ Dynamic Responses, System Transfer Functions,

▪ State Space Analysis and System Properties,

▪ Stability Analysis using Root Locus Method, Stability Analysis using Bode

▪ PID Controllers(with and without TimeDelay)

Modeling and Simulation
Types of building block for systems

▪ Mechanical systems
▪ Fluid systems
▪ Thermal systems
▪ Electrical systems
Mechanical System Building Blocks

Force F
Input, F Output, x
Spring • Represents the stiffness of
Spring the system
Change in
Length ‘x’

Force F Fluid
Input, F
Output, x • Represents the forces
Resistance Dashpot opposing motion i.e.
frictional or damping effects

Change in
Length ‘x’

Acceleration • Represents the inertia or

Force, F
Mass Input, F
Output, x Masses resistance to acceleration

Change in
Displacement ‘x’
Mechanical System Building Blocks

Force F
Input, F Output, x
Spring 𝐹 =𝑘∙𝑥
Change in
Length ‘x’

Force F Fluid
Input, F Output, x
Dashpot 𝐹 =𝑐∙𝑣 𝐹=𝑐
Change in
Length ‘x’
Force, F Acceleration 𝐹 =𝑚∙𝑎 𝐹 =𝑚∙
Mass Input, F
Output, x 𝑑𝑡
𝑑2 𝑥
Change in 𝐹 =𝑚∙ 2
Displacement ‘x’ 𝑑𝑡
Mechanical System Building Blocks: Energy

Force F
Input, F Output, x
Spring 1 𝐹2
𝐸= ∙
Change in 2 𝑘
Length ‘x’

Force F Fluid
Input, F
Output, x 1
Resistance 𝐸 = ∙ 𝑚𝑣 2
Change in
Length ‘x’

Force, F
Input, F Output, x
𝑃 = 𝑐𝑣 2

Change in
Displacement ‘x’
Building up a mechanical system

▪ Many systems can be considered to be

essentially a mass, a spring and dashpot
combined and having an input of a force F
and an output of displacement x.
▪ To evaluate the relationship between the
force and displacement for the system, the
procedure to be adopted is to consider just
one mass, and just the forces acting on that
▪ A diagram ofthe mass and just the forces
acting on it is called a free-body diagram
Building up a mechanical system
▪ When several forces act concurrently on a body,
their single equivalent resultant can be found by
vector addition.
▪ If the forces are all acting along the same line or
parallel lines, this means that the resultant or net
force acting on the block is the algebraic sum.
▪ For the mass, if we consider just the forces
acting on that block then the net force applied to
the mass is the applied force F minus the force
resulting from the stretching or compressing of
the spring and minus the force from the damper.
Building up a mechanical system
▪ When several forces act concurrently on a body,
their single equivalent resultant can be found by
vector addition.
▪ If the forces are all acting along the same line or
parallel lines, this means that the resultant or net
force acting on the block is the algebraic sum.
▪ For the mass, if we consider just the forces
acting on that block then the net force applied to
the mass is the applied force F minus the force
resulting from the stretching or compressing of
the spring and minus the force from the damper.

A machine mounted on The chassis of a car as a result The driver of a car as it is

the ground of a wheel moving along a road driven along a road
Example: Rotational system

• A system involving a
torque being used to
rotate a mass on the end
of a shaft.
• The differential equation
for such system can be
written as:
Example: A two-gear train system

• Motors operating through gear trains to rotate

loads are a feature of many control systems.
• It consists of a mass of moment of inertia I1
connected to gear 1 having n1 teeth and a
radius r1 and a mass of moment of inertia I2
connected to a gear 2 with n2 teeth and a
radius r2.
• If gear 1 is rotated through an angle θ1 then
gear 2 will rotate through an angle θ2 where

• The ratio of the gear teeth numbers is equal to

the ratio n of the gear radii:
Example: A two-gear train system

▪ If a torque T is applied to the system and

torque T1 is applied to gear l then the net
torque is T - T1 and so

▪ If the torque T2 occurs at gear 2 then

▪ Power transmit is
Example: A two-gear train system

▪ Thus we can write:

Thus the moment of inertia of the load is reflected

back to the other side of the gear train as an
additional moment of inertia term n2I2
Electrical building block: Inductor
Electrical building block: Capacitor
• For a capacitor, the potential difference across it depends on the charge q on the capacitor plates at the
instant concerned:

• Since the current i to or from the capacitor is the rate at which charge moves to or from the capacitor
plates, i.e. i = dq/dt, then the total charge q on the plates is given by

and so
Electrical building block: Resistor
• For a resistor, the potential difference v across it at any instant depends on the current i through it:

• Both the inductor and capacitor store energy which can then be released at a later time. A resistor does
not store energy but just dissipates it.
• The energy stored by an inductor when there is a current i is:

• The energy stored by a capacitor when there is a potential difference v across it is:

• The power P dissipated by a resistor when there is a potential difference v across it is:
Electrical building block: Summary
Building up a model for an electrical system

▪ Law 1: the total current flowing towards a junction is equal to the total
current flowing from that junction, i.e. the algebraic sum of the
currents at the junction is zero.
▪ Law 2: in a closed circuit or loop, the algebraic sum of the potential
differences across each part of the circuit is equal to the applied

Applying Kirchhoff's second law to the circuit loop gives

Resistor-capacitor system
Building up a model for an electrical system

▪ If Kirchhoff ‘s second law is applied to this circuit loop

Resistor-inductor-capacitor system
Fluid systems: Hydraulic and Pneumatic

▪ Hydraulic, where the fluid is a liquid and ▪ Pneumatic, where it is a gas which can
is deemed to be incompressible be compressed and consequently shows
a density change
▪ Hydraulic resistance is the resistance to
flow which occurs as a result of a liquid ▪ Pneumatic resistance is the resistance
flowing through valves or changes in a to mass flow rate which occurs as a
pipe diameter result of a gas flowing through valves or
changes in a pipe diameter
▪ Hydraulic capacitance is the term used
to describe energy storage with a liquid ▪ Pneumatic capacitance is due to the
where it is stored in the form of potential compressibility of the gas, and is
energy comparable with the way in which the
compression of a spring stores energy
▪ Hydraulic inertance is the equivalent of
inductance in electrical systems or a ▪ Pneumatic inertance is due to the
spring in mechanical systems. pressure drop necessary to accelerate a
block of gas.
Fluid systems: Hydraulic
Fluid systems: Equations
Building up a model for a fluid system

▪ a simple hydraulic system, a liquid

entering and leaving a container.
▪ Such a system can be considered to
consist of a capacitor, the liquid in the
container, with a resistor, the valve.
• Pressure difference is due to height of liquid,
▪ Inertance can be neglected since flow rates so
change only very slowly. For the capacitor
we can write: • And the capacitance

▪ The rate at which liquid leaves the container

q2 equals the rate at which it leaves the • and, since C =A/pg,
valve. Thus for the resistor •
Thermal system building blocks
▪ Thermal resistance ▪ Thermal capacitance is a measure of the
store of internal energy in a system
▪ If q is the rate of flow of heat and (T1-T2)
temperature difference, then ▪ If the rate of flow of heat into a system is q1
and the rate of flow out is q2, then
▪ Rate of change of internal energy = q1 – q2
▪ The value of the resistance depends on the
mode of heat transfer. ▪ An increase in internal energy means an
increase in temperature
▪ In the case of conduction through a solid, for
unidirectional conduction ▪ internal energy change = mc x change in
▪ where m is the mass and e the specific heat
▪ Here, resistance can be written as capacity, then the rate of change in energy:

where C is the thermal capacitance

Building up a model for a thermal system
▪ Consider a thermometer at temperature T which has just been inserted into a liquid
at temperature TL

▪ If the thermal resistance to heat flow from the liquid to the thermometer
is R, then

▪ where q is the net rate of heat flow from liquid to thermometer.

▪ The thermal capacitance C of the thermometer is given by the equation

▪ Since there is only a net flow of heat from the liquid to the thermometer,
qi - q and q2= 0. Thus
Building up a model for a thermal system
▪ Substituting this value of qin the earlier equation gives

▪ Rearranging this equation gives

This equation, a first-order differential equation, describes how the

temperature indicated by the thermometer Twill vary with time when the
thermometer is inserted into a hot liquid.
Model dynamic systems by means of differential
Modelling dynamic systems

▪ The most important function of a model devised for measurement or

control systems is to be able to predict what the output will be for a
particular input.

▪ After some time when the steady state has been reached an output of x
corresponds to an input of y.

▪ The output will change with time when there is a change of input or
when the input changes with time.
Modelling dynamic systems
Modelling dynamic systems
▪ To describe the relationship between the input to a system and its output we must describe the
relationship between inputs and outputs which are both possible functions of time.

▪ Thus, there a need a form of equation which will indicate how the system output will vary with
time when the input is varying with time.

▪ This can be done by the use of a differential equation.

▪ Such an equation includes derivatives with respect to time and so gives information about how
the response of a system varies with time.

▪ A derivative dx/dt describes the rate at which x varies with time; the derivative d2x/dt2 states
how dx/dt varies with time and so on.
Natural and forced responses
▪ The term natural response is used for a system when there is no input to the system forcing the
variable to change but it is just changing naturally.

Natural system Force system

(no input)
Natural responses
Natural responses
Forced responses
Forced responses
Transient and steady-state responses
▪ The transient response is that part of a system response which occurs as a result of a change in input
and which dies away after a short interval of time.

▪ The steady-state response is the response that remains after all transient responses have died down.

▪ The deflection of the spring abruptly increases and then may well oscillate until after some time it
settles down to a steady value.

▪ The steady value is the steady-state response of the spring system; the oscillation that occurs prior to
this steady state is the transient response.
Transient and steady-state responses
▪ The transient response is that part of a system response which occurs as a result of a change in input
and which dies away after a short interval of time.

▪ The steady-state response is the response that remains after all transient responses have died down.

▪ The deflection of the spring abruptly increases and then may well oscillate until after some time it
settles down to a steady value.

▪ The steady value is the steady-state response of the spring system; the oscillation that occurs prior to
this steady state is the transient response.
Forms of inputs

▪ The input to the spring system, the weight, is a

quantity which varies with time.
▪ Up to some particular time there is no added
weight, i.e. no input, then after that time there is
an input which remains constant for the rest of
the time.
▪ This type of input is known as a step input
Forms of inputs

▪ An impulse is a very short-duration input type input

▪ A ramp is a steadily increasing input

Ramp type
▪ A sinusoidal input can be described by an Input
equation of the form y=k sin ωt, with ω
being the so-called angular frequency and
equal to 2πf where f is the frequency
0 Time

Sinusoidal type input

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