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St. Columba’s School, Ashok Place, New Delhi.

Term 2 2020- 2021

English Practice Worksheet
Name _____________________________________ Class 1 ____ Date ________

Q 1. Choose the correct pronouns from the box to fill in the blanks.

I , you , he , she , it , they , we

Hello ! Do ________ know me? My name is Sunny. _________ am six years old. This is my
dad. ________ is a police officer. This is my mum. _____________ is a nurse. I like to play with
Sam and Ben. __________ are my brothers. ___________ have a beautiful house. _________
is red in colour.

Q 2. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Robin was a young boy. He was six years old. One day he went to a pet shop with his parents.
He wanted to buy a puppy for himself. The shopkeeper showed him six beautiful puppies who
were golden brown in colour. Robin was very happy. Suddenly he saw a black puppy sitting in a
corner. It had hurt one of its legs. It looked quite sad. Robin told his parents that he would
take the black puppy as his pet and would take care of it. His parents were very happy with his

a . How old was Robin and what did he want to buy?

Ans _______________________________________________________________________


b. What did the shopkeeper show him?

Ans _____________________________________________________________________


c. What did Robin tell his parents?



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