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BENC 2413



SEM 1 2020/2021
Group Assignment
SEM 1 2020/2021

 This assignment is to be done by a group of maximum 4 students. Each group

need to choose one problem only. (One problem limited for 3 groups)
 Report submission is in softcopy form (including Multisim simulation), and also
each group need to prepare the video presentation for the assignment.
 The submission deadline is before week 15. Marks will be given based on rubric

Project 1:
Design a control for a hot drinks vending machine using JK flip-flop. Hot drinks inside the machine cost 50
cents, and the machine accepts 50¢, 20¢ and 10¢ only. The inputs to the control are a set of three signals
that indicate what kind of coin has been deposited, as well as a reset signal. Assume that exactly one coin
is inserted on each cycle because the machine cannot accept more than one coin. The control should
generate an output signal that causes the hot drink to be delivered whenever the amount of money
received is 50¢ cents and return any necessary changes. Once the candy has been delivered, some
external circuitry will generate a reset signal to put the control back into its initial state. Then it should be
ready to start accepting coin for the hot drink. Don’t forget to design your FSM using Multisim.

Project 2

Ben decides to solve the problem with an FSM. He

installs two traffic sensors, TA and TB on Academic Ave
and Bravado Blvd respectively. Each sensor indicates
TRUE if students are present and FALSE if the street is
empty. He also installs two traffic lights, LA and LB to
control traffic. Each light receives digital inputs
specifying whether it should be green, yellow or red.
Hence, his FSM has two inputs, TA and TB and two
outputs, LA and LB. The intersection with lights and
Figure P2(a): Kampus map sensors is shown in Figure 1. Ben provides a clock within
5 second period. On each clock tick (rising edge), the
lights may change based on the traffic sensors. He also
provides a reset button so that Physical Plant technicians
can put the controller in a known initial state when they
turn it on. Figure 2 shows a black box view of the state
(a) Derive a Moore and Mealy state diagram
(b) Simulate your design in Multisim.

Figure P2(b): Black box view of finite state


Project 3
Design Traffic light with counter Condition 1 While pedestrian button is not pressed, GREEN
display control system that will light will always turn on therefore timing counter
operate in two conditions. The will display nothing
digital controller is required to Condition 2 When pedestrian button is pressed. GREEN
control a traffic light in a main road button will turn on for 3 seconds follows by
that has pedestrian crossing. The YELLOW for 2 seconds and RED for 10 seconds.
main street has GREEN, YELLOW The PEDESTRIAN light is always RED and will
and RED lights. There is also only turn into GREEN when RED light in main
PEDESTRIAN light that will turn street turns on. Then the traffic light goes into
from RED to GREEN few second Condition 1.
after pedestrian button is pressed.
Timing counter will be counting down for each sequence of
condition 2

Project 4

Due to new expressway development Table P4

across the farm village, the farm village
crossroads will upgraded using a traffic Inputs Present State Next State Outputs
light. With the expertise of your topic in
C TL TS Q1 Q0 P1 P0 ST H1H0 F1F0
finite state machine, design the counter
display and traffic light control system that 0 X X HG HG 0 00 10
will operate in two condition. To illustrate
the impact of state encoding on the next X 0 X HG HG 0 00 10
state and output logic, use the symbolic
state transition table given in Table Q4. 1 1 X HG HY 1 00 10

 The input combinations for the state X X 0 HY HY 0 01 10

transitions is shown at the left of the
table, which is C represent the farm road X X 1 HR FG 1 01 10
vehicle detector, TL is long time delay
1 0 X FG FG 0 10 00
(20 second) while TS is short time delay
(10 second). 0 X X FG FY 1 10 00
 The symbolic state names HG, HY, HR,
FG, FY are represent the states highway X 1 X FG FY 1 10 00
green/farm road red, highway
yellow/farm road red, highway red/farm X X 0 FY FY 0 10 01
road green, and highway red/farm road
X X 1 FY HG 1 10 01
yellow. The traffic light already encoded
the outputs: 00 = Green, 01 = Yellow,
10 = Red and ST as RESET for the

By using JK flip flops, draw the

implementation circuit and show the
simulation for the detector sensor,
counter and traffic light using Multisim or
other software that you familiar.

Project 5
Hani is trying to control the fan speed in her study room. There are three (3) buttons available to
control the fan speed namely 0, 1 and RESET, the button can only press once on a time. Assume
the initial speed is starting from 000; the speed can be controlled from 1 to maximum speed of 5.
When button 1 is pressed, the state will change one speed ahead, while if button 0 is pressed, the
fan will operate at the previous speed. Unfortunately, if the RESET button is pressed at any speed
condition, the speed will reset to the initial state. By using JK flip flop, design the finite state
machine controller for the fan speed. Illustrate the sequential circuit and simulate using any software
that familiar with you.


Report format:

1. Introduction: Cover the background, general idea of the topic.

2. Contents: May consists the current trends and any relevant sub-topics.
3. Conclusion: Restate the main idea, important result and any future work.
4. Reference and appendix: Reliable reference source, appendix helps the reader


1. Organization: Creatively introduce the topic, present the contents in a clear and logical
order, and conclude by reinforcing the main idea and provides a sense of closure.
2. Effectiveness: Readable slides, voice projection, eye contact, enthusiasm towards the
topics, able to engage the audience to the topic presented.

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