What Is The Philosophical Basis of Filipino Values

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Lara Jane C.

Dogoy MATVE – GARMENTS Philippine Value System

1. What is the Philosophical basis of Filipino values?
Filipino values are set of values which we consider very important to our daily
living. These values are influenced by social, spiritual, moral and ethical factors. These
values that we uphold become our common standards to how we observe things
unanimously. In my own opinion, the philosophical basis of most of the common Filipino
values is more related to social behavior and acceptance. We Filipinos give high
importance to our social status; having good relationship with our family, friends and
“barkadas”, workmates and the people in our community. I would say that Filipinos strive
hard to be successful in life to give their family a better future. We believe that education
is the main solution to solve poverty in also to help our parents in return. We don’t want
to humiliate the name of our parents that’s why as much as possible we will follow the
rules they have implemented and respect every decision they have made. Most of us are
also exclusively attached to a certain group which we are loyal of. In this relationship
with our groups we learned and adopt the “pakikisama” and “amor propio” attitude. We
give high importance to social acceptance that if we don’t have approval otherwise, we
often feel a bit ashamed (hiya) and low self-esteem.
Another philosophical basis of Filipino value is our belief in God, Our Heavenly
Father. In fact, Philippines is one of the biggest Christian nation all over the world. We
see the important of having faith in our God as our priority, and most of the values that
we uphold are in accordance in the gospel such as “pananampalataya”, “pananalangin”,
“kusang loob” and a lot more. Though these are the common Philosophical basis of
Filipino values, I personally think that this is somehow changing due to the influence of
social media and irresponsible sharing and access of information that is being spread
throughout the internet.

2. What is distinctive about the Filipino value system?

As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipinos is rooted primarily
in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation, friendship,
religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.
I also personally think that the unique set of values that we uphold is influenced
the colonization of the different nations in the past. Most probably, the Americans
influenced as in our proficiency in English communication skills and in being straight
forward, the Japanese in our sincerity and hard work, the Spaniards in our commonly
use words and family practices, the Malays in our sensitivity to harsh word, and the
Chinese to superstitious beliefs and submission to parents. These complex combination
of values or characteristics due to multilayered influences enabled us Filipinos to easily
adapt t other cultures. Maybe that is why no matter how many tourists come and visit
this country regardless of their origin, we can easily adjust, adapt, and communicate with
them properly (palagayan ng loob). These set of values then becomes our basis for our
social, moral, cultural and political assessment. And like other cultures, Filipino values
are also ambivalent – they can either be good or bad. Some good values would be
hospitality, close family relations, damayan system (sympathy), friendly, flexible
(magaling makibagay), respectful (specially to elders), “pakikisama’, bayanihan system,
compassionate maunawain), determine (matiyaga), “utang na loob”, and a lot more.
While these values somehow make us proud to be a filipino, there are also some
distinctive values that makes us feel otherwise, namely the “bahala na attitude, crab
mentality, euphemism, over sensitive, ningas cogon, maṅana habit, gaya-gaya attitude,
filipino time, and a lot more.

In this present time were change is abrupt, I personally think that this distinctive
Filipino value might change.
3. How will do Filipinos prioritize their values?
Filipinos are respectful, friendly and hospitable by nature. Even if we are in
different in difficult situation we can still manage to smile. Also, Filipinos are very family
oriented and keeps a peaceful and good relationship with family as much as we can. It is
through this factors that a Filipino chooses to act on his moral values and prioritize it
over the unethical once. A perfect example would be the wise decision of a teenager
with tightly family relation who is under peer pressure. If a teenager values his
relationship with his parents so much opts to respect their decisions and authority, he
has a higher probability of saying “no” to temptations, even under peer pressure. He
would rather take the “pakikisama” attitude for granted and loose his ties with his peers
and barkada rather than loosing the trust of his parents. another example would be
simple sharing or lending of money to your friend even if you know you don’t have much.
Sometimes, rather than securing your own financial stability, you choose to lend a
helping hand because he is our friend (especially when that friend is in dire need). These
examples only show that we Filipinos prioritize the values that we uphold especially
when we know that it would be for the greater good.
We also give the value of respect so much credit, and it makes us do good rather
than evil. Even when responding to a request or favor we can hardly, say “no” even if it
may cause a little trouble or discomfort to us because we don’t want to hurt anybody.
There are even times that we still respect others decision even if we disagree with it.
Also, we have respect for our elders to an extent that even if we feel like there are times
when they are wrong, we still follow their orders and in the end of the day, still manage
to do the “mano po”. I personally think it is also because we believe that one day we will
all be where they (the elders) are now. We respect them because we love them and we
also want to be treated the same when the time comes. Respects begets respect.
4. What is the strength of the Filipino Characters?
Though the values that we uphold as Filipinos may also be present in other
cultures, there are some that are prevalent to us. Many of these values are considered
as our strengths as an individual and as a human being. Filipinos are friendly and has a
positive disposition in life. We always try to see the brighter side of every situation that
we are facing. I personally think that one of the factors why majority of the Filipinos have
a positive disposition is because we are joyful and humorous. We believe that saying
that “laughter is the best medicine”. And so even when things are getting bad and out of
control, we still tend to just laugh at it. Another Filipino characters that are considered
our strength is our hospitality. When I watched foreign vloggers who visit the Philippines,
they always say that we are very hospitable and they find it amazing. Filipinos are also
flexible and adaptable. We are used to be the ones who adjust in situations whenever
there is a need to. Also, in our work places, Filipinos are skilled and flexible enough to
do multitasking and nit compromising quality and efficiency. And that also makes
Filipinos are very well known worldwide; that, and hard work. Another example would be
our sense of “pakikipagkapwa tao”, “matulungin”, and “pagdadamayan”. These
characters or values are very evident every time we are in great peril. When we
encountered typhoons and earthquake, it is In this very trying times that our sense of
“pagdadamayan” emerges. We do not leave our fellow Filipinos behind. We are resilient;
no matter and whatever happens to us we never give up.
Filipinos are also courageous, our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal would be the best
example for this. Amidst the abuse of power by the Spaniards, Dr. Jose Rizal was brave
enough to stand and fight for our freedom. Many of the Filipinos from then even up to
this present time still looks up to this man who bravely died for his country. And many of
the Filipinos inherited the ‘makabansa’ spirit. Though these are only few of the many
examples of the strength of the Filipino characters, these are already enough for me to
say that truly indeed, we should be proud not just the beauty of our country and cultural
heritage, but also for the uniqueness of the genuine Filipino people.
5. Give at least five previous topics/tile and relate how significant or valuable they
are as Filipino.
Out of this previous topic that we discussed I personally think that the values of
self - esteem, prudence, initiative, family and diligence and patience.
The value of self-esteem is one of the factors that enables the person to push
through the challenges in life because he believes in himself and in his capabilities. High
self-esteem gives the person confidence not just in surpassing his circumstances, but
also in facing the sequences of his actions. I personally think that majority of the Filipinos
has high self-esteem. It is one of the factors why Filipinos have a more positive outlook
in life and is motivated in achieving his goal. Though sometimes, when a person is too
much of his self-esteem, it can be misleading if that person is too full of himself and does
not entertain comments or corrections and suggestion anymore.
The value of prudence also determines the correctness of his decisions and to
weigh the impact it will have not just to himself and to society. It enables us to decide
properly and to choose whether to act on something that would only benefit him or the
things that would benefit to anyone else. This is very common to us Filipinos especially
most of us Filipinos seek guidance from our heavenly Father. The value of prudence
also requires a strong conviction to do what is right no matter how hard the decision will
be. As Filipinos, we have big respect and fear for the lord that enables us not to yield in
doing the wrong actions.
The value of diligence and patience enables a person to learn how to persevere.
Making most of us Filipinos are able to accept defeat and even love our enemies
especially that we give high importance to the values of diligence and patience.
The value of initiative is also very evident in most of the Filipinos. Most Filipinos
have a sense of self-initiative especially that we are hardworking and diligent. Though
many of us have that value, there are still some who wants to be told on what has to be
done. The value of self-esteem enables a person to gain control on the things around
him, feel the sense of achievement, boost one’s confidence, makes a person proactive,
learn self-awareness and learn to see that you will learn something out from your
And lastly, the value of family. this value is undeniably and obviously the value
that most of the Filipinos gives high importance. The family is like the foundation of a
person’s moral values. It is where you learned basic proper conduct. For us Filipinos it is
where you usually learned the values of “paggalang”, “pagkamasuurin’, “tiyaga’,
“pagmamahal”, “pakikisama”, and a lot more. I personally think that the setting of a
Filipino family is slowly changing. There are many cases now were kids or teenagers are
experiencing depression which primarily started from lack of communication with in the
family. Parents should understand that their children does not only need food, clothes
and shelter, but also love, care, affection, and understanding.

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