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Lumia@PTE黑科技编选的个人机经 Listening 听力部分

Listening 听力部分

FIB_LW Fill in the blanks, LW 听力填空

1. Investors confidence/投资信心 #7206 2020-03 本月高频

Higher interest rates have knocked investors confidence in putting their money into property, evidence suggests. The
insurance company standard life says that the rate rises since last summer have led more people to question the
wisdom of property investment.

2. British Library/大英图书馆 #7202 2020-03 本月高频

To begin with, you should be standing in the main floor of the British Library. British Library situated in the Euston
road next to some pipe crustacean press, in the foyer to the left of the information desk. It was a large white
staircase. Follow this up towards the gallery at the top of the stairs, pause and look to your left for attention. This is
Robert Cotton, born in 1570, and died in 1631. Cotton was a member of parliament but he's mainly known as a great
antiquarian collector of manuscripts. It is the covenant we have a great depth and the survival of many English

3. Mixed and unmixed liquids/混合与未混合液体 #7198 2020-03 本月高频

Finally, we take a look at how to mix and unmix liquids at the flick of a switch. Sandrine tells us more. Oil and water
don't usually mix, but the new chemical sensitive to light has been added here to blend them together. When
exposed to UV light, the chemical changes its structure and become soluble in water. This causes two layers to form
with the oil floating on top of the water chemical combo. This method should be cheaper than the current alternative
which involves using high energy centrifuges.

4. Economists/经济学家 #7197 2020-03 本月高频

An economist sees the world basically through a typical micro-economic toolkit. That involves things like thinking at
the margin, rationality, opportunity cost, trade-offs. Economists like any other discipline, rules, and its own way of
seeing the world. So basically economics, or economists in general tend to apply micro-economic concepts like that to
explain the way humans behave and to make predictions about the future.

5. The entrepreneurs/企业家 #7196 2020-03 本月高频

Why do we need more entrepreneurs right now? The entrepreneurs who create and run our businesses, who play by
the rules, are in fact critical to our success as a nation. We need them especially today. Business, not government, will
end this recession. Government must help by creating fair rules, sound monetary policy, and by protecting our fellow
citizens in periods when they are jobless. We have to make way for the new entrepreneurial firms that will push us to
frontiers of innovation.

6. Young people's choices/年轻人的选择 #7195 2020-03 本月高频

I think its really important for young people not to feel restricted in their choices and also to be aware of the choices
that are available to them and obviously the media has an incredibly important role to play in that. I think we tend to

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talk about science as this big kind of monolith but of course actually it's this beautiful multifaceted thing. You know,
there's almost something for everybody there. And there are so many different aspects of it. You know, somebody
that's going to be attracted to working in biology might be a very different person from somebody who's attracted to
engineering. I suppose it's about knowing the breadth of opportunities that are out there and so anything that
universities and broadcast media can do to make sure that those opportunities are visible.

7. Housing market/住宅区市场 #7194 2020-03 本月高频

Well, Alex, the National Association of Realtors is at least putting the champagne on ice. The industry group says the
slight rise in sales for previously owned homes shows the housing market is finally stabilizing, which is the first sign of
a recovery. Now, that of course is an interpretation of the numbers Alex, and one that’s coming from an organization
known for being somewhat of a cheerleader for the housing market, since its members are made up of realtors
who’ve been losing a lot of money in the slump. Now, for a more sober view, I talked to Wellesley housing economist
Karl Case, and he says the slight uptick in sales hardly offsets the fact that numbers are down 20 percent from the
year before.

8. Carbon-rich soil/富碳土壤 #7193 2020-03 本月高频

Rebuilding carbon-rich agriculture soils is the only real productive, permanent, solution to taking excess carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere. She’s frustrated that scientists and politicians don’t see the same opportunities she
sees. This year Australia will emit just over 600 million tonnes of carbon. We can sequester 685 million tonnes of
carbon by increasing soil carbon by half a percent on only 2% of the farms. If we increased it on all of the farms, we
could sequester the whole world’s emissions of carbon.

9. Tax increases/税收增加 #7192 2020-03

Working together, they figured out that if the government was going to propose some kinds of significant tax
increases, which is a good strategy, require me to at least lie something like getting something for those big tax
brackets, not seeing any results. So the result of that was in the package of legislation that included the tax increases.
There was awesome information to have significant expansion of coverage families where they can buy into their
private insurance.

10. Patriotism/爱国主义 #7191 2020-03 本月高频

The effect of the first difference is, on the one hand, to refine and enlarge the public views, by passing them through
the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country, and
whose patriotism and love of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations.

11. Sea levels/海平面 #7190 2020-03

If sea levels continues to rise, eventually the property becomes inundated and the real value of the property, the vast
bulk of its value will be in the value of the land, which of course is then unusable. And that's of course not ensured by
proper insurance. Landowners and banks and other financial institutions that have lent money against the value of
those properties are going to find that they suffer very serious losses and it's not at all obvious at the moment who
would compensate them.

12. Virus/病毒 #6869 2019-10

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So a virus is something that you can't see by normal light microscopy, you need very advanced techniques for
electron microscopy to see it, but that virus is not able to reproduce itself without a host and us as human beings are
made up of lots of different cell types and we are interested in understanding at the molecular level how that virus
infects the liver and why does it infect the liver and it doesn't infect the heart or it doesn't infect other tissues.

13. Nanotechnology/纳米技术 #6867 2019-10 本月高频

What is nanotechnology? Well, a report that was put together by a combination of the Royal Society and the Royal
Academy of Engineering that came our last summer, identified two topics. Nano-science is the study of phenomena
and the manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where properties differ
significantly from those as a larger scale. Nanotechnologies arethe design characterization, production and
application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanometer scale. So I'll talk a little
bit more in a moment about what a nanometer is, but loosely speaking people think of nanotechnologies as being a
sort of a hundred nanometers or less.

14. Oceanographer/海洋学家 #6741 2019-08 本月高频

For many years the favorite horror story about abrupt climate change was that a shift in ocean currents could
radically cool Europe' s climate. These currents, called the overturning circulation bring warm water and warm
temperatures north from the equator to Europe. Susan Loosier, an oceanographer at Duke University, says scientists
have long worried that this ocean circulation could be disrupted

15. Financial markets/金融市场 #6699 2019-08 本月高频

Financial markets swung wildly yesterday in frenzied trading market by further selling of equities and fears about an
unraveling of the global carry trade.

At the same time trading in the European credit markets in London was exceptionally heavy as traders frantically
reassessed their appetite for risk - prompting wild swings in the prices of the key derivatives. It was the third day of
frenetic activity in the European credit markets, suggesting that equity market swings were prompting a wider
repositioning of investors in a host of asset classes.

16. Beautiful buildings/美丽的建筑 #6434 2019-05 本月高频

Along the way, we have built unashamedly beautiful buildings, two of which have won and been runner-up in the
prestigious United Nations World Habitat Award: the first time an Australian building has received that international
honor. We rely on older concepts of Australian architecture that are heavily influenced by the bush. All residents have
private verandas which allows them to socialize outdoors and also creates some "defensible space" between their
bedrooms and public areas. We use a lot of natural or soft materials and build beautiful landscaped gardens.

17. Contract patterns generator/合同模式生成器 #6233 2019-04 本月高频

In animals, a movement is coordinated by a cluster of neurons in the spinal cord called the central contract patterns
generator (CPG). This produces signals that drive muscles to contract rhythmically in a way that produces running or
walking, depending on the pattern of pulses. A simple signal from the brain instructs the CPG to switch between
modes such as going from a standstill to walking.

18. The ocean gets warm/海洋变暖 #5550 2019-01 本月高频

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The ocean has been getting bluer, according to a study published in the journal Nature. But that's not really good
news for the planet. It means that the plants that give the ocean its green tint aren't doing well. Scientists say that's
because the ocean has been getting warmer.

19. Chemical technology/化学科技 #5118 2018-11


回忆要点很快) 3.compatible 4.understanding

20. Planting bananas/香蕉种植 #5117 2018-11


回忆要点:考到香蕉种植史1.communities 2.demographic 3.transition 4.paddle 5.origin

21. E-Library/电子图书馆 #5116 2018-11



22. Difference/差异 #4993 2018-10

The effect of the first difference is, on the one hand, to refine and enlarge the public views, by passing them through
the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country, and
whose patriotism and love of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations.

23. Water crisis/用水危机 #4964 2018-09 本月高频

Now that story's been scotched, as only part of contingency planning. But it was a symptom of the dramatic turn of
events in South Australia, and it flushed out other remarks from water academics and people like Tim Flannery,
indicating that things were really much worse than had been foreshadowed, even earlier this year. So is Adelaide, let
alone some whole regions of South Australia, in serious bother? Considering that the vast majority of its drinking
water comes from the beleaguered Murray, something many of us outside the State may not have quite realized. Is
their predicament something we have to face up to as a nation?

24. Traffic jam/交通堵塞 #4748 2018-09

For the first time, Japanese researchers have conducted a real-life experiment that shows how some traffic jams
appear for no apparent reason. They placed the 22 vehicles on a single track, and asked the drivers to cruise around
at a constant speed of 30 kilometers an hour. At first, traffic moves smoothly, but soon, the distance between cars
started to vary, and vehicles clumped together at one point on the track, but the jams spread backward around the
track, like a shockwave at a rate of about 20 kilometers an hour. Real-life jams move backward at about the same

25. Rammer/装填器 #4676 2018-08 本月高频

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回忆1. 考到rammer那篇,第一个词好像是temperature 一样的发音,这篇还有一个craft一样的发音,但是不知道是啥
回忆2. 考到rammer那一篇 确定考了的词有popular, vernacular 第一个我写的是 「temporary」后面跟的是box,是说把
什么东西放到一个box里 读音像「craft」那个的后面是 __ aspect of knowledge. 这词前面是说 一个theory 很popular,but I
think it’s a mistake, because there is still a __ aspect of knowledge. 读音真的就是craft/“croft” 但是我真的不知道是什么
词.... 全篇应该是一个真实的讲座,中间还有(Emmm..... there‘s a mistake...)这样的文本,这篇挺难,包括后面的venacular

26. Neo-Latin/新拉丁语 #4668 2018-08 本月高频

Those of you who’ve never heard the term neo-Latin, may be forgiven for thinking it’s a new South American dance
craze. If you’re puzzled when I tell you it has something to do with the language of Romans, take heart, over the years
many classes I know have confessed they are not really sure what it is either. Some have assumed that they are so-
called 'Late-Latin', written at the end of the Roman Empire. Others have supposed it must have something to do with
the middle ages. Or perhaps it’s that pseudo-Latin which my five and seven-year old boys seem to have gleaned from
the Harry Potter books, useful for spells and curses that they zip one another with makeshift paper ash ones. No, in
fact, neo-Latin is more or less the same as the Latin that was written in the ancient world, classical Latin. So, what’s so
new about it?

27. Integrated ticketing/一票制 #4651 2018-08 本月高频

Well in 2004 we integrated ticketing in South East Queensland, so we have introduced a paper ticket that allowed you
to travel across all the three modes in South East Queensland, so bus, train and ferry, and the second stage of
integrated ticketing is the introduction of a Smart Card, and the Smart Card will enable people to store value so to put
value on the card, and then to use the card for traveling around the system.

28. H1N1/甲型流感 #4559 2018-08


回忆要点:H1N1 让很多人“ill”, “spread”很快,变成“global”事件,美国那年有“500000”人死亡

29. Bar code scanners/条形码扫描仪 #4138 2018-06

Many different types of bar code scanning machines exist, but they all work on the same fundamental principles. They
all use the intensity of light reflected from a series of black and white stripes to tell a computer what code it is seeing.
White stripes reflect light very well, while black stripes reflect hardly any light at all. The bar code scanner shines light
sequentially across a bar code, simultaneously detecting and recording the pattern of reflected and non-reflected
light. The scanner then translates this pattern into an electrical signal that the computer can understand. All scanners
must include computer software to interpret the bar code once it's been entered. This simple principle has
transformed the way we are able to manipulate data and the way in which many businesses handle recordkeeping.

30. Getting bored in class/厌学 #4136 2018-06

A majority of U.S. high school students say they get bored in class every day, and more than one out of five has
considered dropping out, according to a survey released on Wednesday. The survey of 81,000 students in twenty six
states found two-thirds of high school students complain of boredom, usually because the subject matter was
irrelevant or their teachers didn’t seem to care about them.
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31. Memories collecting area/回忆收集区 #2216 2017-12


fragile, mutate, engine, necessarily, etc.

32. Memories collecting area/回忆收集区 #2215 2017-12


similar . relevance . independence,massive,enormous等

33. CEO/首席执行官 #2214 2017-12 本月高频

That brings us to the CEO’s second duty: building everyone or more accurately, building the senior team. All the
executives report to the CEO, so it’s the CEO’s job to hire, fire, and manage the executive team. From coaching CEOs, I
actually think this is the most important skill of all. Because when a CEO hires an excellent senior team, that team can
keep the company running. when a CEO hire a poor senior team, the CEO is up spending all of their time trying to do
with the team, and not nearly enough time trying to do with other elements of their job. The senior team can and
often does develop the strategy for the company, but ultimately it’s always the CEO who has the final “go-no-go”
decision on strategy.

34. William Shakespeare/威廉莎士比亚 #2074 2017-11

For all his fame and celebration, William Shakespeare remains a mysterious figure with regards to personal history.
There are just two primary sources for information on the Bard: his works, and various legal and church documents
that have survived from Elizabethan times. Naturally, there are many gaps in this body of information, which tells us
little about Shakespeare the man.

35. Laurence Stephen Lowry/劳伦斯史提芬劳力 #2073 2017-11

Laurence Stephen Lowry RBA RA was an English artist. Many of his drawings and paintings depict Pend lebury,
Lancashire, where he lived and worked for more than 40 years, and also Salford and its surrounding areas.

Lowry is famous for painting scenes of life in the industrial districts of North West England in the mid-20th century.
He developed a distinctive style of painting and is best known for his urban landscapes peopled with human figures
often referred to as matchstick man. He painted mysterious unpopulated landscapes, brooding portraits and the
unpublished "marionette" works, which were only found after his death.

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HCS Highlight correct summary 摘要选择

1. Fluidity/细胞膜流动性 #7254 2020-05


回忆1:Bian, protein, 然后比较各种成分,有些比较liquid之类的。好像是说cell membrane里面fat多就更liquid,protein多
回忆2:题讲cell fluidity, 因为cell 中的fatty substance & protein 比例 的影响。。。。大概是讲fatty acid和protein是怎么在
cell membrane之间流动,还有symmetric啥的
回忆3:还有一题讲cell fluidity细胞流动性,fat多就更liquid,protein多就流动性差,然后讲了一下细胞膜的结构,有脂质
layer,有protein和碳水化合物 温度高流动性就好。 cholesterol [生
化] 胆固醇,作用是buffer<缓冲器>,低温高,高温差; 不饱和高,饱和低" 【背景】 细胞膜是由磷脂双分子层和镶嵌、贯穿
在其中及吸附在其表面的蛋白质组成的,磷脂双分子层疏水的尾部在内,亲水头部在外。 膜结构中的蛋白质和脂质具有相对
侧向流动性。 磷脂由分子层构成了膜的基本支架,这个支架不是静止的. 磷脂双分子层是轻油般的液体,具有流动性. 蛋白质分子
有的镶在磷脂分子层表面,有的部分或全部嵌入磷脂双分子层中,有的横跨整个磷脂双分子层. 大多数蛋白质分子也是可以运动
的。所以细胞膜也具有流动性。 细胞膜的流动性主要与胆固醇,磷脂分子的脂肪酸链,卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值和温度等因素有
关。 1、胆固醇:胆固醇在生理条件下可对细胞膜的流动性进行一定的调节。胆固醇的含量增加会降低膜的流动性。 2、细胞
使分子间排列疏松而无序,相变温度降低,从而增强了膜的流动性。 脂肪酸链的长度对细胞膜磷脂分子的流动性也有影响:
随着脂肪酸链的增长,链尾相互作用的机会增多,易于凝集(相变温度增高),流动性下降。 3、卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值:比值越
高,膜流动性越大。 4、温度:在一定温度下,磷脂分子从液晶态(能流动具有一定形状和体积的物态)转变为凝胶状(不流动)
膜磷脂分子相变温度越低,细胞膜磷脂分子流动性就越大。 5、除以上因素外,细胞膜磷脂分子与膜蛋白的结合方式、环境中

2. Pancake ice/荷叶冰 #7093 2020-01

Pancake ice is an intermediate step between an open-water configuration and a totally frozen body of water. We
know that a combination of very cold temperatures and waves is necessary to make the pancakes form in the first
place. After these waves make it form, there's an entire spectrum - so a wide collection of frequency waves that they
would encounter. Whether they be from wind shear or they'd be from you know that the ocean long slow waves. The
easiest way to study it is to look at each individual range of frequencies one after another. Sort of gain a wider
perspective on how the pancake ice interacts with waves. The ultimate aim of our research is to better inform the
meteorological modelers of the world who are looking at Antarctica as well as the Arctic and some of the other cold
regions of the world. We're conducting work in the Sea-Ice-Wind-Wave-Interaction facility here at UniMelb. It was
designed by the head of our department Jason Monty. He had the foresight to use a modular design, which means
there are individual sections that are stacked together, so since we're built to the space that we have in this lab right
now. When we moved to Fishermans Bend we can extend our model and a few more sections to make it much
longer. And that will enable us to have longer runtimes, have more developed waves as well as add some other
possibilities of study

video pancake ice
Dr. Skidmore from Melbourne university
介绍这个ice是什么情况 link:

3. Ugly building/难看的建筑 #7089 2019-12

It seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble. I live in the part of
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western London where I think many of the streets are, where I live are really really ugly, and this distresses me every
time I walk to a supermarket or walk to a tube. I think why did they built that and with terribly without architecture. It
last so long, and if you write a bad book or do a bad play, you know, I will be shocked when it be showed and then no
one would suffer. A bad building has a serious impact for, could be hundreds of years on the people around it.

And suppose the book arose a little bit from the frustration, almost anger than there is so much bad architecture
around. And then I realize if you talk about architecture, you will say why building are not more beautiful. Then you
will say I can use such work as "beauty", that's a really arrogant word. And no one knows what beautiful is. It's all in
the eye of beholder. I couldn't help but think that actually. Well, you know that we all attempt to agree that Rome is
nice than Milkykings, and San Francisco has the edge of Frankfurt, so we can make that sort of generalization, surely
they are somethings we can say about why a building work or why it doesn't. So the books really attempt to suggest
why architecture works when it does and what might going to be wrong when it doesn't work.

It seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble. I live in the part of
western London where I think many of the streets are, where I live are really really ugly, and this distresses me every
time I walk to a supermarket or walk to a tube. I think why did they built that and with terribly without architecture. It
last so long, and if you write a bad book or do a bad play, you know, I will be shocked when it be showed and then no
one would suffer. A bad building has a serious impact for, could be hundreds of years on the people around it. And
suppose the book arose a little bit from the frustration, almost anger than there is so much bad architecture around.
And then I realize if you talk about architecture, you will say why building are not more beautiful. Then you will say I
can use such work as "beauty", that's a really arrogant word. And no one knows what beautiful is. It's all in the eye of
beholder. I couldn't help but think that actually. Well, you know that we all attempt to agree that Rome is nice than
Milkykings, and San Francisco has the edge of Frankfurt, so we can make that sort of generalization, surely they are
somethings we can say about why a building work or why it doesn't. So the books really attempt to suggest why
architecture works when it does and what might going to be wrong when it doesn't work.

4. Astronauts/宇航员的压力 #7087 2019-12


回忆要点: 回忆1:有个题,考了2遍了,是讲解决太空宇航员长时间在太空,然后跟家人分离,会造成一些isolation还是什
么的问题。。有视频,是一个宇航员在太空,然后一个女的再讲。 回忆2:视频; 讲的是宇航员自己在太空很孤单没有家
人,要做各种活动释放压力,否则对心里不好。4个选型都有psychology 有关,有好几个明显不对,很简单不难排除 选 no
physical problem, have psychological problem and remain to be solved 说他们在宇宙中飞 好多人下来以后都需要更多的
关心什么的 说人们容易忽略他们的心理健康问题 好多人下来都需要好久才能怎么样
v=o0rwGJ2b_U4 since 51s to 2'11s 回忆3:一个女的讲航天员在长期的太空工作里会有exhausted, lonely, depressed 等负
I think we have mastered a lot of the physical problems that come along with space travel. But then psychologically we
haven’t really understood the amount of stress and strain that people are going to be under. Astronauts need to be o
constant alert. Maintaining a stress response for a long period of time can lead to exhaustion, we also have problems
with things like inter group conflicts. If you are put in a closed environment with a lot of other people, this can be very
difficult. We also have problems with workload. They are asked to do too many experiments and they don’t get
enough own time. It can be very difficult for that individual to say, ‘actually I have some thoughts of anxiety’, or ‘I’m
starting to feel some elements of depression’. It can be easier to cover up those issues than actually be honest. These
problems can lead into increases in human error. These are not big issues when you are on Earth, everybody makes
these everyday slips, however if your doing that in a very risky environment, then that can have really adverse effects.

5. Law students/法学生 #7039 2019-12


回忆要点:考到了这一题 讲学law 的学生觉得只要能说能辩论就可以了 好像是问这节课老师的目的/意图,中间说了他之前有


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6. Chinese language/汉语变迁 #7037 2019-12


回忆要点:Chinese language 讲了中国语言的在当代的变化,很多中国文字在词典上有标注拼音(pronunciation) 和很多含

义,但是现在很多读音已经改变,词的含义也改变了,很多人也不会读字典上的读音。我选的选项中有... Chinese language,
dictionary included pronunciation and definition,但是一些发音没有人会读,现在中国文字如何改变,等信息点。不知道

7. Stupid dinosaurs/恐龙蠢不蠢 #7036 2019-12


回忆要点: Dinosaurs is stupid or not. 大意是讲人们对恐龙有一个固定的看法,觉得他们stupid and slow,这种看法出现在

cartoon里,甚至在一些影视作品中,如Jurassic park里。实际上恐龙可能是聪明,并且行动迅速的,现在的科学家们正在研

8. Timetable and schedule/时间表 #6410 2019-05


回忆要点:选项A:a man and woman balabala(记不太清了,但很容易排除,好像说他俩“都”对timetable这个词怎么样)

B:男生提到timetable,让女生觉得confused,这是因为Britain and American English的问题,他们后来谈话继续,讨论了
不同的事情 C:男生说了a technical word,女生不明白,后面的忘记了(好像是男生试图解释之类的,不太记得了)

9. Criminal behavior/犯罪行为 #5344 2018-12


回忆要点:criminal behavior 3种类型:第一种physical;第二种psychological;第三种social

10. Sleep pattern/睡眠模式 #5325 2018-12



11. Passive education/被动式的教育 #5288 2018-11



12. Extrovert or introvert/内向员工与外向员工 #5287 2018-11 本月高频


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回忆要点:考了个关于management的;大概意思是 manager 要考虑到员工是 extrovert 还是introvert,奖励他们的时候有

所不同,有人可能喜欢被公开表扬,而有些可能倾向于 私下写个note…

13. Curing autism/治疗自闭症 #5166 2018-11


回忆要点:考过好几次的一道题:一个电台女主持介绍一本书叫《the horse boy》,这本书主要讲作者在全世界找寻治疗他

儿子疾病(Austin disease)的办法,后来在一个动物园找到了一匹马。以骑马来治疗他儿子的自闭症。然后,放了一段audi

14. Fuel/燃料 #5135 2018-11


alternative resouces的那个,不过resources后面跟了很多备用的燃料举例,但是录音里好像没有听到

15. Baby's mood/宝宝的情绪 #5033 2018-10



16. UK Universities/英国大学 #5032 2018-10



17. The Nile/尼罗河 #4971 2018-09


回忆要点:上次考到了一篇讲 The Nile(尼罗河)的文章,大概说的古埃及挖canal引尼罗河水来灌溉庄家,好像还说了 尼罗河


18. Kidney donation/肾捐赠 #4969 2018-09


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回忆要点:考到了一篇讲美国-kidney donation 的文章, 一开始说最早发生在 xxxx 年,是对兄弟之间的捐赠, 但是 现在 越来

越多的需要肾捐赠,而且医生面临着一个ethical 问题,好像是捐完肾 人的身体就不不太好了,答案我选的是有医生的和

19. Distance education/远程教育 #4767 2018-09


回忆要点:讲University的 文中说现在有远程教育啊啥的 说要解决两个问题 一个是University的Nature 一个是我忘了 选项选

文章解释了Academic education的挑战 XXX挑战了大学 要解决主要的问题(类似这个意思吧 就是选项有academic的)

20. Microeconomics/微观经济学 #4766 2018-09


回忆要点:讲的是microeconomics 选 microeconomics分配resources 影响prices 那项 文章说微观经济就是我们人个体 影

响limited 资源分配 影响supply和demand

21. Satellite/卫星 #4765 2018-09


回忆要点:我们现在有卫星 有map 可以看到地球的山 海…… 但是…………不detail 选项也是在各种让你迷惑的detail中选

22. Labor market/劳动力市场 #4764 2018-09


回忆要点:男的说 Labor market 和 marital market 说他觉得是different的 但是 有一些科学家的报告说它们有相似地方 例

如………我只听到一个 love make long relationships..... 选项记不清楚…

23. Potential customer/潜在客户 #4662 2018-08



24. Ocean/海洋 #4610 2018-08


回忆要点:开头introduction:global warming得到了很多人的关注,此次关注的重点在ocean effect,more and more

carbon dioxide emission into air,the sea become acidification. Doctor XX,discover a marine reef XX某种珊瑚 has
been significant affected by it. The skeleton materials can not be 合成. 然后除了lecturer说话,接下来男学生说到,是的
these reef has grown slowly,就是说到酸化导致海底生物的缓慢生长

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25. Sodium/钠 #4603 2018-08


回忆要点:碰到个讲sodium的,说sodium可以控制blood中水的含量 sodium 通过消化吸收进血液,但不是说完全进入血液

了,这是生物学常识,kindeny可以控制sodium balance,多的时候排出去,少的时候少排一点,另外,运动也会导致loss
of sodium,选带perspiration那个选项 出汗

26. Sponsor/资助学费 #4494 2018-07



27. Teamwork/团队协作 #4493 2018-07



28. Cost/成本 #4476 2018-07 本月高频



29. Mechanical arm/机械手臂 #4417 2018-07


个。选了后半句是the disadvantage is only one once那个选项. 不确定对不对

30. Prejudice/偏见 #4416 2018-07


大学。选择:这个老师希望更多学生来上学,热衷于探究21岁以上人不来的原因difficulties of misinformation. 大概是A选项

31. Dream/梦 #4402 2018-07

So from the possible role of sleep to that of dreams, is it simply a coincidence that we often dream about things we
remember, things that have happened to us or that we've learned from our waking lives? Some scientists think of
dreams as epiphenomena that is meaningless, random by-products of the real business of the thinking brain.
Neuroscientist Matthew Wilson-controversially for some - disagrees.

I think they are not meaningless. It's easier to see what the meaning, that potential meaning, might be when we study
animals like rats, whose life experience is much simpler than ours, so when we study the dreams of rats we're

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studying animals that have only had months of experience and we've controlled all of that experience, and what we
see reflects very closely to their actual experience. Now a human, when we think about our own human dreams,
we're thinking about dreams that now have access to decades of experience. They may seem complex and obscure
because they are bringing together, combining and evaluating decades of memories and experience. But if we think
about dreams not as a process of simply retrieving, of replaying memories, but of re-evaluating, reorganizing
something akin to taking piles of paper that have accumulated and now one needs to organize it.

选项大意:Dream is a simple coincidence. Some scientists think of dreams as epiphenomena that is meaningless,
random by-products of the real business.But neuroscientist Matthew Wilson disagrees, and he claimed human's
dreams seem complex and obscure as they are combining decades of memories and experience together. Dream is
also a process of re-evaluating and re-organising.

32. Introduction/介绍 #4393 2018-07


词有doctor scientist等。

33. Face-lifting/整容 #4390 2018-07



34. Checker/国际象棋 #4389 2018-07


18 years。答案不确定,请大神们补充哈。应该就是讲那个AI国际象棋的,当时看选项就比较熟悉。

35. Chatroom/聊天室 #4388 2018-07


网络紧密联系在了一起,已经和生活密不可分了。我选的是有keep away life的那个,不知道对不,请大神们补充。

36. Classify animals/动物分类 #4384 2018-07


回忆要点:今天考了一个关于1800年people classify animals,不难就选第一个,前面评论有人提过。先说他们怎么分类

mammal,再提到reptile,说他们是stupid animal. So when dinasours advent, they become stupid好像是这个意思,总之

37. York university/约克大学 #3703 2018-04

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York university的一个archaeological site,关键词有bronze age,human remain,文章最后说surprisingly…found a

human skull. 没听清York university和archaeological site的关系,选项不确定。

38. Scientific experiments/科学研究 #3702 2018-04


讲话的人是个author,他出了一本书, 关于12个失败了的scientific experiments。成功的科学实验相对没有那么有趣,但这


39. Bad architecture/糟糕的建筑 #3554 2018-03


新的是讲关于bad architecture has serious impact, but hard to determine what's beautiful because the beauty is in the
eye of the beholder, 什么需要看书知道why and when it does or does not.

40. London buildings/伦敦建筑 #3485 2018-03


London has many bad buildings. When I walked on the streets, I found the streets are ugly and terrible. These bad
buildings affected hundreds of people living around them. But if you ask an architect why these buildings are so bad?
They will answer: Beauty is in the eyes of beholders.
后来的不太记得了 提到了美国旧金山
说他去了伦敦 看到很多街道和建筑都很丑 这些建筑都有几百年的negative impacts 人们走路心情也会被影响 frustration and
anger 然后问建筑师不能造beautiful building吗 建筑师说 beauty is an arrogant(不确定)word 然后说可以去了解为什么
bad buildings出了问题 哪里出了问题.

41. Global climate and temperature change/全球气温变化 #3374 2018-03 本月高频


Global climate and temperature change until 2005

第一次PTE考试碰到了这个视频题目,还是个听力选择题,视频只显示一个大学教室的讲课 大屏幕,一个线图, 横坐标是
1990?(应该是90年代)到2005年, 是个男教授讲过去十几年全球变暖和温度的变化, 纵坐标好象是温度,中间教授 提出有几个
时间点温度变化很突然,结论是担忧以后温度继续上升(记的不是很清楚) 具体选择哪个选项,记不清了,自己听记点笔记,对

42. Professors/教授 #3373 2018-03


Professors are focusing more on research with ignoring the time and attention of the students

43. Oxford and Cambridge/牛津和剑桥 #2471 2018-01

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原文大意:It's well-known that our Britain has the best two universities, Oxford and Cambridge. They set up to set the
standards for universities. but because of loyal char, Ironically, Oxford and Cambridge....

44. Australia tsunami/澳洲海啸 #2135 2017-11



45. Global warming/全球变暖 #783 2017-04



46. Math lab/数学实验室 #782 2017-04


回忆要点:Math lab: an instructor encourages students to attend a regular math lab which will be held on
Wednesdays. It doesn’t require any background in math; introduced the lecturer of the math lab and his experience,
also the math lab will cover different aspects.

47. Education/教育 #781 2017-04



48. Body language/肢体语言 #780 2017-04


人类communication大多数是通过body language并非word。
提到了body language只能表达当下的心情,不能传达过去和未来的看法。

49. Cotton/棉花 #779 2017-04



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南部生产棉花, 东北部出口。

50. Lack of sleep/睡眠不足 #778 2017-04



51. Radial velocity/径向速度 #777 2017-04


很难拍到其他星球表面的图片跟细节,因为太小, 太暗, 太遥远。

但径向速度(radial velocity)的研究可以测量动向。

52. Valuable minerals/有价值的矿物 #776 2017-04


一个scientists 说空间有很多可利用的东西,例如Hydrogen-3。
还有有价值的矿物, 但不建议只做一件事情。

53. Genes/基因 #775 2017-04



54. Emotional experience/情感经历 #774 2017-04


说到amygdala and hippocampus。

印象中说hippocampus will be developed later in life。
然后虽然人们会不记得小时候的 emotional experience。
但这些experience will shape the relationship later in our life。

55. Three girls chatting/三女生聊天 #773 2017-04



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56. Greenhouse gas emission/温室气体排放 #772 2017-04


视频题讲greenhouse gas emission线图

Latest included 2005, 后面rapid upward trend

57. Less water/更少的水 #771 2017-04


答案:需要更少的水(need less water)这一选项

58. Crystal /晶体 #770 2017-04


回忆1.Crystal 虽然知道怎么形成的structure, 但是谁也不知道怎么grow成那些形态的。
回忆2.选项大意:Now we know the appearance and shape of crystal, and study crystallography to understand their
structures. But we still don’t know why mineral crystals are in that shape and how they have been formed. The
situation is the same for ice crystal. We scientists have put a lot of effort on it, while even the newest scientific method
cannot figure out how.

59. Proofreading/校对 #769 2017-04


Proofreading has three elements

Read backwards
Read aloud
Leave enough time

60. Two books/两本书 #768 2017-04



61. Virtual Reality/虚拟现实 #767 2017-04


讲 virtual reality, 用 extinction of buffalo 举例,说 virtually extinct,但是其实还有少数的几个存活。

Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name: the virtual extinction of the buffalo.

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Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used in literary criticism of a text.
Computers Created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network: virtual conversations in a

62. Lecture/讲座 #766 2017-04

John slept too long because his alarm didn't work. He missed lecture about globalization. Sally mentioned the lecture
is difficult and boring. He appreciates that Sally took notes so he can use.

The man, John, describes the topic of the lecture as "a nightmare". For this reason, he decided not to go to the lecture
and didn't set his alarm clock. Sally is rather annoyed with him and tells him that in fact he missed a very interesting
Due to the fact that he slept for too long, the man, John, failed to attend a lecture on the topic of globalisation. He is
rather ashamed about this, but he is relieved when his friend Sally tells him that she took some notes.
The man,John, has just missed an important lecture because he was ill and slept badly the night before. His friend Sally
says she is sympathetic to his problem. She reassures him that she has some notes that he can borrow.
The woman, Sally, is talking to her friend John about a lecture on globalisation. He is sorry that he forgot to go to the
lecture, but she reassures him that the lecture was not interesting and quite complicated, so he was lucky to miss it.

63. Polio virus/脊髓灰质炎病毒 #765 2017-04

After comparing, poliovirus only has RNA, then make two strands of RNA to reproduce. Retrovirus has RNA, then
make a DNA copy to create RNA again, thus called retro. This is basically what the summary says, mainly about their

讲polio virus和retrovirus, 它们用RNA,还是DNA复制,很多专业词,所以要了解一下背景知识

Polio virus is different from XXX, it doesn’t contain DNA, can absorb protein from the cell…

64. How to Study the Course/怎样学习 #764 2017-04


A professor talks about how to study the course. He said that the students should at least finish one biological course
before this one. New concepts are introduced, need to study at least 1 hour a day to keep up. No trick, just study hard.

65. Russian Revolution/俄国革命 #763 2017-04


Russia revolution: February & October revolution.

Bolshevik believe that the new established society is equal.
Russian revolution有两个阶段
第一个阶段是FEB, 1917
第二个阶段是OCT, 1917
Russian people说他们要成为世界上第一个democratic country

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66. Shakespeare/莎士比亚 #762 2017-04


有一个选项是:虽然莎士比亚的 language 很复杂, 但是有很多资料可以解释。所以现代人比较好理解他(她)的language
另一个选项说:现代人 have difficulty 理解莎士比亚的 language
答案是:现代人比较好理解他(她)的 language 的这个选项

67. Water/水 #761 2017-04


小动物本身身体消耗的水不多,不用喝太多水,而且体型小,所以small animals can live anywhere

68. Insomnia/失眠 #760 2017-04


回忆1.失眠的各种坏处,脑子给你的胃发信号,你很饿(但其实你不饿)。失眠导致 increase consumption of food and
回忆2.Some people are naturally hard to fall asleep, other causes may include stress, taking naps in daytime,
disorders. And ways may improve the symptom includes, change sleeping patterns, change lifestyle etc.

69. Eight Cups of Water Per Day/一天八杯水 #759 2017-04



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SMW Select missing word 补全对话

1. Coach/教练 #6148 2019-03 本月高频


科,然后再找个coach 这样才能很好的掌握。beep之前讲了先找到兴趣,然后找coach,所以在选项里选了better at it。

2. Dogs /狗狗 #6147 2019-03


回忆要点:有一道音频提到狗会警惕关注到发生了什么,来了什么人。最后beep选择有surprising那个短语 好像是不确定与
惊讶吧,挺简单。听力90 供参考

3. Education /教育 #6146 2019-03


回忆要点: 20190121考的,讲教育类的,选项是什么student themselves ignored,teacher ignored 还有两个想不起来

了,有没有大神考过的 考到這題,大概是學校接納 gov, parent, teachers 的意見,然而沒有學生的。最後我選了student
themselves ignored。 1.22考到这个的。我选哪个忽略了学生的那个选项。这个题一上来就直接说了这个忽略了学生的这个

4. Eclipse/日食 #6145 2019-03


回忆要点:今天考到一個eclipse,如果已在題庫請別介意 內容提到類似人們用什麼方法來觀賞eclipse,最後一句話的倒數第
二個字是lunar.....[beep].....。 選項:1.eclipse 2.night 5.moon 3&4我忘了...抱歉

5. Aging population / 老龄化人口 #6144 2019-03


回忆要点:12.23 第二题是aging population 结束前应该说的是工作相关所以我选了with the labor force 介词忘了 但是和工


6. Chemical /化学 #6142 2019-03


回忆要点:12.23 chemical reaction 说的应该是化学方程式 3个选项 equality equilibrium还有equal的另一个形式,选最长

的这个 equilibrium是化学反应达到化学平衡的意思。 第一个题考到4楼的chemical reaction,选的是最长的那个单词

7. Sense/感觉 #6141 2019-03

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回忆要点:选项是各种sense,vision hear等等,内容太长根本没心情听! 只听到beep前说了视觉相关的内容!所以我选了


8. Immigration/移民 #6140 2019-03


回忆要点:第二个题讲immigration, 因为beep之前说到paper, 就选了sign。。的选项,不知道到对不对。

9. Bird extinction /鸟类灭绝 #6139 2019-03


回忆要点:20190104一个bird extinction 3个选项 it is hard 选项question to answer /fact to accept

10. Sustainability/持续性 #6138 2019-03


回忆要点:20190104 一个是sustainability,说字典里有sustainable一类的词但是最近才有这个sustainability,然后最后一
句好像是we need to know why…我选了为什么是一个criticism

11. Sustainable development/可持续发展 #6137 2019-03


回忆要点:20181207一个是sustainable development 讲很多国家加入了个什么协议 最后的词是on 所以我选了single piece

of paper 其他的三个选项都是介词开头

12. God pledge/上帝誓言 #6136 2019-03


回忆要点:God pledge......好像Land还说健康,有点混乱 It was popular 答案有circle; contemporary time; after that time
其他都是现代式,我感觉是after that time,因为前面有Was 基督徒表示除了God Pledge、其他完全听不懂,好像说疾病,房子
都说了一下 ​♀️

13. Product safety/产品安全 #6135 2019-03


回忆要点:10.16 有一题是说产品的安全来源? 有 an approved factory,multiple sources,还是什么 希望补充 忘记了 好

像是说产品的各个部件现在可以从很多国家的suppliers获得 选项我也是记得你写的那两个 纠结了一下选了multiple那个

14. Oil company /石油公司 #6134 2019-03


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回忆要点:说以前xx年,油价上升,物价上升还是啥,最后的选项是,重复,上升,下降,保持稳定。没太听明白 the
topic is oil company.内容讲了oil company contribute to revenue. 选项有 downturn 还有blacklash

15. Shopping/购物 #6133 2019-03


回忆要点:一个女的先提到一系列人们现在在Media 上买东西。问题是:the speaker concerned point是什么…【beep】

(选项有Relationship between economic growth, D. XXX digital media)

16. Germ/细菌 #6132 2019-03


回忆要点:考到一个视频讲germ 选项有bacteria infect

17. Smoking/吸烟 #6131 2019-03


回忆要点:我记得先说吸烟是balabala intangible, however, 戒烟的好处是... 我选的是concrete 选has no real value , 对人

来说好处应该是intangible, 但是戒烟得好处,intangible, 所以对人来说no real value

18. The impacts of globalization/全球化的影响 #6130 2019-03 本月高频


回忆要点:20190304 腾飞 全球化的影响,对于有教育背景的人来说是好事,对于没有良好教育的人来说 两个存疑选项

protest suffer 我选了后面的

19. King's speech / 国王讲话 #6129 2019-03



20. Research topics/研究课题 #6127 2019-03


回忆要点:考到关于一个女学生跟教授讨论research topics,录音说到最后,那个女学生说了一句话大概意思: 那我需要将这

两个___解释一下么?类似是doI need to explain these two___ ? 选项: 1. research topics, 2. Geographical features, 3. Rank
separately 还有一个选项记不起来 考到了选项有个area of research.大概是讲一个女的在一个professor那里学到了一些什

21. Science and technology/科学与技术 #6126 2019-03


回忆要点:考了一道beep题 男声 选项有automobile, environment, neighbourhood, interactive. 没听怎么懂,后三个词都

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提到了,希望大神补充 说的是science and technology 发展的新旧两种方法吗?

22. Product reputation/商品信誉 #6078 2019-03


回忆要点:企业的商品信誉问题,如果有问题要及时跟消费者沟通,因为他们会互相推荐产品体验。最后说customers by
the product depending on...我选的,experience. 比较简单 应该是新题,negative experience。主要讲customer如果不

23. Social ability/社会能力 #6077 2019-03


回忆要点:讲social ability(啊 我竟然忘了social啥了) 文章Bee之前说 我们让小孩子做家务训练他们但是如果在Social

terms的话这是…… 我选选项有social的那个。不确定

24. Lincoln/林肯 #6076 2019-03


样 20190305 Brisbane 好像是新题但又感觉在哪里见过 关于Linclon, 大概就是介绍他的生平, 我最后选的misleading, 不
知道对不对, 求复盘

25. Language/语言 #6075 2019-03


题有五个选项。听懂了也选不出来 楼上的我也考到过,这不是一般的长,2分钟都不止 我选了meaningless 通常会考一些
否定意义的词,显得更专业 不知道选啥时 在语法正确的情况下 建议选meaningless

26. Evolution theory/进化论 #6074 2019-03


回忆要点:今天悉尼考到达尔文进化论beep题,问达尔文的进化论difficult to accommodating? 选项1,xxx behavior。

2,genetic 3,individualism,4,evolutional xxx。我是猜的2。希望大神看看给个好答案,2,3不能选 这正是进化论的核心

27. Soil/土壤 #6071 2019-03


铁来完善一下。 我也考到了soil,给了一个视频,有背景音乐,很多女人和小孩用手捧起土壤,特别开心的样子。主要讲
soil很重要,为我们吃的食物提供了很多营养之物,不能让它们受污染什么的。最后,we need to adopt [beep] ______. 一共
就三个选项 我选了: sustainable agricultural practices 没选: soil xxx campaign (感觉 adopt campaign 不搭) 干扰: scientific

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evidence on soil

28. Dessert/沙漠 #6070 2019-03


回忆要点:考到一个关于自然环境的,最后一句是decline 我选的rate 1.14 貌似新题说气候变化 water cycle changed.举了

些不好的例子,最后dry place beep,选了 more drier. 考到11楼的,desert become more_ drier ; 还考到个at the rate of?
选项,speed/ factor......... 已忘,也不知道答案是不是记乱了

29. Men and women/男女思考方式差异 #6069 2019-03


回忆要点: 考到一个man和women的对比,只记得beep 前面是essentially,选项完全忘记 说的是男女对解决问题的思考方

式不同,男的想的是找到solution,女的想的是为什么要用这个solution. 大概是这个意思。 考到说女工作很局限,慢慢随着
时代变迁女性越来越多参与社会工作进军男性领域,essentially beep male domain

30. 5 promoting methods/五种市场推销方式 #6068 2019-03


回忆要点:市场有5种推销方式,12345都说一遍,然后the xx mix is to put them 答案是together 其他选项independently

等等 20181207是marketing strategy 5个strategies 公司需要使用它们together,其他选项有correctly independent

31. Study in Italy/在意大利留学 #6067 2019-03


balabala的,最后一句突然话锋一转说我出生在一个意大利南部的城市那里怎样结果就beep了,一脸懵逼状。 选项有make
new friendships, learn new language, know new culture还有另外两个忘了,不知道和楼上是不是同一题 本来很开心地听
音频,一般讲学校的应该不会太难,但是看到选项懵逼了,完全不明白音频和选项有什么联系之处!这要选啥!! 选项记得
有 A. Friendship B. The whole culture C. Miss the French D. Forget xxxx E. 补充 还有个选项好想意思是 帮助他学习意大
利语 还是法语 我选的culture 和楼上的一样 也是意思是了解文化 可以留心一下最后beep 前的单词是什么 我记得可以根据
单词确定 答案一定不选friend 但是已经忘记那个单词是什么了 有个人说他到国外念书,学习Italian. 当初很anxiety, 中间讲
述了很多人帮助他,他在那里度过很美好的campus life,他融入了atmosphere and ------beep 选项:have new friendship;
the whole culture; forget french (他原本是法国人?);campus life

32. Battle between plants and animals/动植物之战 #6066 2019-03


回忆要点:考了一个plants __ ,我选的winning the battle 主题是说plants和animals有 conflict, 先说animals有哪些优势,

然后however转折, 说plants beep....我选了 winning the war,感觉比较合理。有道题说植物和动物battle的有人考过吗 最后
是plants … 选项有win the battle,avoide the battle 还有两个animals的忘记了

33. Remote learning/远程学习 #6065 2019-03


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回忆1.有一道题是个视频,讲remote learning,然后讲online resources,你可以在家自由用网络资源学习,最后好像说用
online learning相当于...beep。。。然后选项只有三个,一个是在家可以自由学习什么的,第二个在学校学习,第三个用网
络学习。我选的二,我可能选错了。 Video computer: wireless: choose as campus in university (三个选项另外两个一
个是at home 一个是online)答案不确定
回忆2.刚考完一个说是现在很多大学online courses. Beep 前面的一句话是 nearly a third of universities have a ....。我选的
online courses

34. Customer relationship/客户关系 #6064 2019-03


回忆要点:今天遇到一个客户关系的,最后问是否到达beep 我选择的是客户的expectation

35. Climate change/气候变化 #6063 2019-03


回忆要点:考过一个问climate change的态度问题,一个访谈,让那个女的说怎能看到climate change,我记得我选了中立态

度。我看题库里没找到,有人考过没 有一题选项有 1 nonsense 2 partly true 3 true 4 忘了 有大神记得吗? 文章内容不太理
解 楼上这个题我也考过,当时没咋听懂,选了partly

36. The canceled research/被取消的研究 #6062 2019-03


回忆要点:Research 为啥被cancel 了 我选的the wrong way 还有个选项是资金不够 另一个是说的一个研究,前面说做的很

好,但是后面(go the wrong way) 括号里的是我选的,不一定对

37. Love/爱 #6061 2019-03


回忆要点:补充一个beep题说love是在little things。最后选Love last longer那个选项

38. Movie music/电影音乐 #6060 2019-03


回忆要点: The topic is movie music。选项有 of the theme 还有of the repeative...四个选项都是of开头 【# SMW -3 人的
活法】 文章说的内容是说top level的人活得都很好。middle 和bottom level的人都活得很惨。 最后问middle level的人__?
答案中好像有: 1.交更多钱 2.有更多利益 3. lose out 还有一个我忘了。 我选的是lose out。

39. Composing music/编写音乐 #6059 2019-03


回忆要点:我考的是讲编写音乐的,有的可以基于一个素材发挥,但是最低要求是 beep ...然后我选了类似repeat without

development 好像是说大家创作喜欢用以前有的一样的source,bi前面说的大概是 advantage is develop various ** but
disadvantage is…我选的好像和楼上一样

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40. Project manager/项目经理 #5339 2018-12


回忆要点:视频题。女lecturer,different people。。。so here is a project,I’m the builder,so why it is

unique(builder/plan that needs official approval/a little different/?

41. Countries development/国家发展 #5290 2018-11


回忆要点:1. 内容讲的是 欧洲发展,造成环境破坏等,所以需要遵循某个东西,要是一个国家发展,without这个约定,那么

(I think no)

42. Shopping experience/购物体验 #5289 2018-11


回忆要点:negative experience。主要讲customer如果不满意商品,他们不会跟retailer抱怨,反而会跟朋友或者其他人抱
怨。他们不会再去那个retailer,如果其他人有negative beep,选experience

43. Democracy/民主 #5201 2018-11


回忆要点:考到一个democracy 一个女的在谈democracy. 最后大意是 some people ask question: some countries aren’t
ready for democracy. But my answer is no country is fully ready for anything else什么的 我选的 All countries should
adopt democracy 干扰项: Democracy isn’t suitable some countries/ Some countries aren’t ready for democracy

44. Sun/太阳 #5198 2018-11


回忆要点:有个视频,就是一个大太阳。然后说大家都对太阳很好奇啊,它很大,离地球很远。 然后我真的很好奇太阳到底
有多大,how far way from (beeeeeep) 答案:earth

45. American Neighborhood/美国邻居 #5197 2018-11


回忆要点:考到一个说American neighborhood 一个选项是environment 一个是neighborhood不知道选啥,求大神复盘

46. Aspirin/阿司匹林 #5196 2018-11


回忆要点:考到一个说阿司匹林的,有一个选项是more resistant,一个是什么antibacterial,不知道选啥

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47. Chronic Disease/慢性疾病 #5195 2018-11


回忆要点:还有一个chronic desease 最后说医院怎么样 我选的demanding 感觉是慢性病人多医院供不应求

48. Eye Tracking/人眼追踪 #5194 2018-11


回忆要点:考了eye tracking 具体是ui设计时用来研究user eye movements的 我选了eye movement it狗读书正好做过这个

project 开心

49. Food Safety/食品安全 #5193 2018-11


回忆要点:有一题是说产品的安全来源? 有 an approved factory,multiple sources,还是什么 希望补充 忘记了

回忆要点:好像是说产品的各个部件现在可以从很多国家的suppliers获得 选项我也是记得你写的那两个 纠结了一下选了

50. Cloud Computing/云计算 #5192 2018-11


遇到过18楼的 云计算 我感觉好像是说人们把照片邮件各种东西存放在网上 当你在access这些资源的时候,其实是beep…。
我选的 通过sever around the world 。 干扰选项有个自己家的电脑 听力有点差 但IT狗觉得貌似还是听懂了这道

51. Energy consumption/能源消耗 #5172 2018-11


回忆要点:考了一题关于energy consumption 方面的,一个老头,讲话巨慢,大部分时间都在自己停顿思考,讲了差不多三

分钟才beep,最后一句说的是如果我们持续这样消耗,我们将不能beep,我选了survive. 建议大家遇到这题直接选survive.

52. Einstein/爱因斯坦 #4760 2018-09


回忆要点:Einstein 老爱一生搞了很多研究,但是不像今天人们有计算机,你难以想象他怎么推出那么难的公式with pen and

BEEP, 我选了paper

53. Marketing competition/市场竞争 #4759 2018-09


回忆要点:有点记不起来 大概讲了公司之间的marketing competition 最后是for new 然后beep 选项有两个比较confusing

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一个是competition还有一个是business 我选了business

54. Male teacher/男教师 #4758 2018-09


回忆要点:视频 一个男教师 放了个PPT 有三本书 书是绿色封面的 其中一本书的封面有个女的 又human 又health的 完全不知


55. Successor/继承者 #4645 2018-08


回忆要点:有一道题 之前考过一次 说了很多 大概关于政府工作之类的 最后问beep继任者 答案是继任者 successor 干扰项前

任者 predecessor

56. Reference/参考资料 #4474 2018-07


回忆要点:总考这一题 女生说给的参考资料很多 然后举了很多例子 最后说有没有什么beep 选项我在两个之间纠结 一个是

preference 一个是guideline 自己选的是guideline但不知道对不对 希望有考到的朋友们可以交流一下

57. Queen/女王 #4418 2018-07


reconciliate to xx,等等。听不懂也没仔细看。求大神复盘!
回忆要点:大家有做过一篇beep 是讲 medieval ilterature的吗 是视频题 一个老太太在桌子前

58. Jargon/行话 #4316 2018-07



59. Flowers/花 #4267 2018-06

Earlier this year, I was driving through the countryside with a girl of six, and she pointed out some flowers by the
wayside. I asked her what she thought flowers were for. She gave a very thoughtful answer. "Two things," she said, "to
make the world pretty and to help the bees make honey for us." I thought that this was a very nice answer and I was
very sorry to have to tell her that this wasn't (beep)

not true
not wrong
not right
not real

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60. Relationship/情侣关系 #4266 2018-06


回忆要点:考到一题讲情侣关系,前面说到date, buy rings, buy flowers,最后一句keep the relationship [beep]……选 in the

long run,干扰项outside the norm

61. Computer virus/电脑病毒 #4130 2018-06


回忆要点:考到一题讲电脑病毒的,beep声前说了copy me, beep 后选A, and spreading around那个选项

62. Engineer/工程师 #3742 2018-04


第一句就是engineer is not technologist. 然后讲了一堆engineer主要干什么。最后一句engineer (beep)

选项有1. is not technologist
2. do both kinds of work.

63. Recycling/循环利用 #3705 2018-04


讲我们应该回收塑料瓶环保,但除了塑料瓶子还有其他很多需要回收利用的。 所以我们应该关注general issue rather than

(particular one )

64. Water/水 #3704 2018-04


主题跟water有关,early childhood beep. 选项有memory,life,剩下的失忆,我选了memory

65. Basement/地下室 #3613 2018-03



66. A Company/一家公司 #3328 2018-02


个什么收入还要好。然后最后话锋一转说到别人说的一个事情的性质,答案其中有party true, nonsense, accurate 。选了
accurate 但不确定,后来想想可能是non sense.... 反正这两个中一个。

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67. Felid/猫科动物 #3322 2018-02


三种blabla,最后是说完这个我们来说the main body of.... 选项有lecture context specimen 我两次选的不一样 猜是选
lecture 吧,不确定

68. Future benefits/未来收益 #2473 2018-01


Future benefits对于激励人们戒掉坏习惯通常没什么吸引力。For example, smoking, if you want people to quit smoking

and you use the better health to attract them, that is actually [Bi声]。
答案选:has no real value for them

69. Airport/机场 #2211 2017-12


考察建设机场的影响,按照公里划分为两个group, 最后是学生问 Do i need to specify the two?

答案应该是 geographical varieties和groups clearly中的一个

70. Dream/梦 #2199 2017-12


选的是 face it with the fact you face it

71. Smoking/吸烟 #2190 2017-11


人们只关注眼前的利益 虽然告诉人们吸烟有害健康 但是... 我选的是delay in time Different words:比较简单

72. Soft Soil/软土 #2132 2017-11


因为土壤流失严重 没地种庄稼了 美帝的科学家就开始研究 然后弄出来了一种番茄可以在soft soil上生长……最后是选water

73. Government funding/政府补助 #836 2017-04


Government funding, people with degree of social anxiety better deal with this sort of XX.

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74. Logistics/物流 #835 2017-04


Logistics, globalization, move things faster and XXX


75. Greenhouse/温室效应 #834 2017-04


4个选项:1. Atmosphere 2. Greenhouse 3.Air 4.Gas

76. Packaging/货运流程 #833 2017-04 本月高频


答案是一开头几句话里面说shipping包括了packaging and xxxxx,注意这个就可以了。

77. Class/课程 #832 2017-04


最后一句he gives the guidance for myself of this…

78. Shipping/海运 #831 2017-04


回忆要点:现在国际货运利用缩小storage space,让他们可以shipping quicker and cheaper.

79. Gravity/万有引力 #830 2017-04


Sunrise is always 50 seconds later than the previous days because of gravity。
But obviously, tides are related to …?

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80. Sleeping/睡眠 #829 2017-04



81. Without Further Development/无进展 #828 2017-04


达成哔哔声(reach a BEEP)
答案:same conclusion without further development

82. Jungle/丛林 #827 2017-04



83. Fingerprint/指纹 #826 2017-04



84. Rail Expansion/胀轨 #825 2017-04


Rail expansion, mining, forestry will be happy.

Because they can get benefit.
答案:expansion of it

85. River Channel/河道 #824 2017-04


答案:river channel

86. Essay or Assignments/论文及作业 #823 2017-04


背景:Tutor 讨论学生的 essay or assignments 类的 needs to …

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选项有 more xx, greater value, 等

87. Farmlands/农田 #822 2017-04


背景:create a variety of beep.


88. Now and Past/现在与过去 #821 2017-04


背景:现在和以前完全不同了,最后一句讲到different language and …


89. Stars/太空的星星 #819 2017-04


所以很难observe, 就像searching a candle flame with a beam of …
答案: searchlight

90. Free/自由 #818 2017-04


说二战时期欧洲国家追求自由free, 但是只有4个国家。
答案: free

91. Subsidy/补助金 #817 2017-04


背景:发达国家给农民subsidy, 解释了什么是subsidy。
答案: competitive advantage

92. Communication/沟通交流 #816 2017-04


背景:讲 communication 最后说 you should be…


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93. Virus/病毒 #815 2017-04


背景:讲 virus,最后说 insurance


94. Skin Release Heat/皮肤散热 #814 2017-04


背景:关于 skin release heat


95. Quarantine/检疫隔离 #813 2017-04



96. Human beings/人类 #812 2017-04


背景: 最终人类还是属于群组里的so you are in

答案:选members of the collective

97. Surfing/冲浪 #811 2017-04


背景:你在海上surfing,你很努力让自己活着,the ocean is ignoring of your existence


98. Service/服务 #810 2017-04


背景: 讲某种服务的供给跟不上需求。

99. Hearing of Children/儿童听力 #809 2017-04



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100. Costs and Profits/成本与利润 #808 2017-04


背景:最后一句话是 costs are socialized,profits are


101. Robots/机器人 #807 2017-04


答案: cave

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HIW Highlight incorrect words 识别错词

1. What's an article?/什么是冠词 #5796 2019-02 本月高频

What's an article? I was asking myself this very question in the post office yesterday, standing in line waiting to sign
for, as it so happens, an article. A postal article. Not the postal article. Now before we get ahead of ourselves, an
article in English is a word that precedes a noun, and simply indicates specificity. This sounds quite complicated, and
to be honest, it's quite complicated to say without spraying everyone within 15 feet, but the concept's quite simple.
The definite article in English is the word "the", and indicates a specific thing or type; for example, the train is an hour
late. By contrast, the indefinite article in English is any of the words "a", "an" or "some", and the indefinite article
indicates a non-specific thing; for example, would you please pass me an apple. We always preceed a word with "a" if
it doesn't start with a vowel sound. For example, take a hike; I'm spending a Weekend at Burnie's; or there's a Knight
in Shining Armour. Similarly, we proceed words with the indefinite article "an" if they do start with a vowel sound, for
example, an ostrich, an enormous mess or an Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

2. Height/身高 #837 2017-04

Height is correlated with a lot of things. Up to a certain height, taller people make more money than the vertically
challenged. And the taller presidential candidate almost always wins. Now a study finds that your height as an adult
has a profound effect on your perception of your health. Short people judge their health to be worse than average or
tall people judge theirs. The research was published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology.

Data for the study came from the 2003 Health Survey for England. More than 14,000 participants filled out
questionnaires and had their heights measured. The study only looked at how good the subject through his or her
health was, not their actual health.

Questions focused on five areas: mobility, self-care, normal activities, pain or discomfort and anxiety or depression.
Men shorter than about 5’4 and women shorter than 5’ reported the worst impressions. But small increases in height
at the low end had much bigger effects on perception than the same increase among taller people. Other studies
have shown, ironically, that shorter people on average actually live longer.

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