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Subject: Islam and Moral Education,


Read the questions a!entively and click the correct one.

1. Who were encouraged to restrict the preaching of Invitation of Islam?

a) Mishriks.

b) Muna.qs.


d) Youths.

Clear selection

2. Our Prophet ( sm: ) is the teacher of humanity.Because he teaches - i) Morality.

ii)Mutual friendship & Unity. iii)Helping each another. Which one is correct ?

a) i & ii

b) ii & iii

c) i & iii

d) i, ii & iii

Clear selection

3. `Islam is the religion selected by Allah for us` By which sura mentioned it ?

a) Alr raad.

b) Al-Ahzab.

c) Al-Maida.

d) Al-Baqara.

Clear selection

4. What is the meaning of Burhan ?

a) Knowledge.

b) Clear evidence.

c) Guide line.

d) Cure.

Clear selection

5. What is expressed of man by charity ?

a) Charater.

b) Of wealth.

c) Of hearts.

d) Of Iman.

Clear selection

6. How many types of animals name mentioned of the Hadith related to

plantation ?

a) Two.

b) Three.

c) Four.

d) Five.

Clear selection

7."Islam established on "ve pillars" of which Hadith book mentioned it ?

a) Bukhari

b) Muslim.

c) Bukhari & Muslim.

d) Ibn Majah.

Clear selection

8. The Humanity is expressed of human beings- of which is related with

education ?

a) Knowledge.

b) Aqaid.

c) Morality.

d) Light.

Clear selection

9. what is the mundane knowledge ?

a) Al-Quran.

b) Al-Hadith.

c) Literature.

d) Fikh.

Clear selection

10. what is the only quality of an ideal students--according to Allama waki (R) ?

a) To be modest.

b) To memorize with undestading.

c) To aviod all sin works.

d) To go the class after making lesson.

Clear selection

11. How many qualities mentioned of an ideal student in your text book ?




d) 21.

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12.What is the best honored profession of this world ?

a) Service.

b) Business.

c) Teaching.

d) Works.

Clear selection

Read the following passages and give answer -13 & 14. Shahed pe!orm salat
a"er wake up early in the morning and brushes his teeth and pe!orming
ablution. He does`t forget to cut nail on time of his hands and legs.

13. What is the expressed by the works of shahed ?

a) Taqwa.

b) Justice.

c) Cleanliness.

d) dutifulness

Clear selection

14. For what works he will gain--i) love of human beings. ii) Allah Tala will love
him.iii) Everybody likes him.

a) i & ii

b) ii & iii

c) i & iii

d) i, ii & iii

Clear selection

15.The main elements of environment--i) water.ii) Air. iii) Roads. Which one is
correct ?

a) i & ii

b) i & iii

c) ii & iii

d) i, ii & iii

Clear selection

16."Clean your dress" from which Sura`s taken is it ?

a) Al- Maida.

b) Al-Mudassir.

c) Al- Hashr.

d) Al-Nisa.

Clear selection

17. Which policy is the best to be spend ?

a) Right.

b) Middle policy.

c) Directly.

d) Fully.

Clear selection

18. What did the Prophet(sm) for extra wealth ?

a) To use.

b) To spend (charity).

c) To invest in business.

d) To save.

Clear selection

19.Which is the main contribution of the organs of humanbody ?

a) Heads.

b) Hands.

c) Heart (Qalb).

d) Ears.

Clear selection

20. The impo#ance of puri"cation of soul is very high Because-i) It`s helps to
gain wealth. ii) It`s gain the satisfaction human beings. iii) It`s encourage goods
deeds & thinking. which one is correct ?

a) i & ii

b) ii & iii

c) i & iii

d) i, ii & iii

Clear selection

21. What is the element to purify the soul ?

a) Taoban.

b) Zakir of Allah.

c) Reciting Holy Quran.

d) Salat.

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22. In how many years Hazrat Ali(R) was accepted Islam?

a)10 years

b) 15 years

c)20 years.

d) 25 years.

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23. Darul Akram is a----

a) Library.

b) Mosque.

c) Science Lab.

d) Educational institution.

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24.For which ba!le, our great Prophet(sm) presented Hazrat Ali(R) the sword
"Zul"qar" for his heroism ?

a) Badr.

b) Khaiber.


d) Si_n

Clear selection

25. Imam Abu Hanifa was a--------

a) Follower.

b) Tabiyi.

c) Tabe-Tabiyi.

d) Khalifa.

Clear selection

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