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Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education


Assignment 1 (Spring 2020)

Submitted by;
Faiz Farid (bc180406838)

Question 1:
Summarize the article titled “Change in Pre-service Teacher Attitude towards
Contemporary Issues in Education”.Summary should clearly describe the main
purpose of behind conducting this study and what conclusion has been drawn in
this article.

Answer :
In this article researcher want to assess attitude change regarding
contemporary issues in education. In this article 169 students in a second-year
educational psychology course were selected. Comparison of pre- and post-course
Likert ratings indicated pre-service teachers who modified their attitudes
regarding grade retention, inclusive education, and classroom management. It will
appear pre service teacher attitudes, in some cases, would be amenable to change
in a relatively brief time. it is also focused on promotion for teacher.

One hundred twenty-four students satisfied research requirements

sufficiently who was included in data analysis. sixteen students withdrew from the
course and 7 had missing identification numbers on the pre- or post-course
measure ands 17 did not complete the post-course measure because they were
absent or late the last day of class, and 5 chose not to participate). The mean age
of participating students was 21 years. Slightly more than 90% of the sample was
female. 63% of participants had focused on elementary education, 32% on
secondary education, 4% were undecided, and data were missing for 1% of the

Table 1 denotes student ratings on the pre- and post-course items concerned
with pre-service teacher attitudes toward grade retention, inclusive education,
learning strategies instruction, cooperative learning, and classroom management.
Correspondingly mean change in rating of each item from pre- to post-course. In
the beginning of the academic session, education students were inconsistent in
their attitude toward grade retention. Post-course ratings indicated no mean
change in items concerned with learning strategies. Significant pre- to post-course
rating change was apparent for 1 grade retention item, inclusive education items,
and both classroom management items. The ten pre- and post-course rating items
were combined in order to one score to reflect the total pre course mean (4.36, SD
= 0.43), post-course mean (4.79, SD = 0.55), and mean change (0.43, SD = 0.51).
The mean together attitude change across all five contemporary educational
issues, t (120) = 9.16, p < .001, and yielded a large effect size (Cohen’s d = .88).
Finally none of the demographic variables correlated with pre-service teacher
attitudes or attitude change.

What is conflict management? Explain different styles for conflict management
by giving relevant examples.

Answer :

Definition of Conflict Managements

Conflict management is the ability to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly,
and efficiently. Conflicts in a business are natural part of the workplace, there are
people who understand conflicts and know how to resolve them.

Conflict Management Styles

When a Conflicts happen. How employee resolves conflict will limit or enable that
employee's success. There are five conflict styles that a manager will follow
according to Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann:
1- An accommodating manager is one who cooperates to a high degree. This
may be the manager's own expense and actually work against that manager's
own goals, objectives, and desired outcomes. This style of management is
effective when the other person is the expert or has a better solution.

2- Avoiding an issue is one way a manager attempt to resolve conflict. This type
of conflict style does not help the other staff members to achieve their goals. It
does not help the manager who is avoiding the issue and cannot assertively
pursue his or her own goals. However, this style of conflict management
works well when the issue is trivial or when the manager has no chance of

3- Collaborating
In this styles Collaborating Managers become partners or pair up with
each other to achieve both of their goals. how managers break free of the win and
lose paradigm and seek the win-win. For example complex scenarios where
managers need to find a novel solution.
4- Competing: This is the win and lose approach. A manager is very assertive
way to achieve his or her own goals without cooperating with other
employees, and it may be at the expense of those other employees. This
approach may be for emergencies when time is of the essence.

5- Compromising: This is the lose-lose approach. neither person nor manager

really achieves what the goal. This requires a moderate level of assertiveness.
It may be sfor scenarios where you need a temporary solution or where both
sides have equally important goals

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