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An Axiatonal Alignment


The hunnan body is a dlnamic energetio systern. An eneokomagnetic field of,energy surrounds our
physical body and is often referred to as the Auna or Etheric body. This Etheric body is made up of the
emotional, rnental, amd spiritual bodies: an enengetic nnah-ix with a pea-Fected design that fiows ikona tlee
source of its being.

Simitrar to ttre scaffonding of a building, the hurnan enerry f-eend supponts and reflects tlae physicat body.
TJniversal enerry is designed to ftrow througfo ttris energetic network, vibnizfurg and sustaining the physical
body tlerough the Chakra systetrI, which regulates tlais vitatr enerry int the on'gans, glaa-lds, nervous system
and brain.

fnjuries or physical and einotionai wounds, stress and trauma" as well as h{RT's, slrrgery, chenaotherapy
and r.adiation cause disruptions in the energy field. This appeaxs to the trained eye or sensitive hand as a
distorted rnakix of energy that holds the dysfunotiore and dss-ease patterns in place-

,4n Axiatonatr Aligru-nent releases and baiances these tensions and allows the tright and irurate intelligence
of the Universe to fnow freeny into the physical body, nestoring vitaiity.

Criginally, the meridian lines (aceapuncture lines) in oun oodies were connected to ttre grid lines that
enai-rcle the planet and atrso connect with a largen grid ninked with the entire Universe. Over 1irne, we
have become disconnected f,nom these lines.

,4n Axiatonal Atrignmerat is a sirnple yet powerful "rwae up" of,the e{xergy systemes associated with the
physical hody. The easiest way to undenstand it is to imaglne what happens to your leg when you manage
to "sit' on it fon a while... it may becon'le nurnb, or painful or 'fall asleep" or yolt feel "pins ar.ld
needles". \\4ten you reanize what's happened, you begh to rnove around and oirculation retur-ns
5'our leg starts X.o 'lvake up".

Your "energy circulatory systenn" can fall asleep too.

While an Axiatonan Atrigu'nent is deeptry ne1axing and very gentle, it is a powerful healing modalify tpre
works along the menidian lines of the body; ne.juvenates at all levels arad is a xrleans of'waking you and re-
coniiecting yourself to your higher of Self.
Benefits of an Axiatonal Alignment

Opening your u'reridian channels and rernoving blockages

tsalancireg your chakras and the poiarity of the body

Shielding the enerry system of the body frorn negative exlergy.

Releasfuag any physical, emotional or spiritual trimitation.

Balancing, relaxing, re.juvenating and hannonizing the body

Cleaning negative emotional patter&s

Deepen rneditation for those who meditate

Fowerfully boosting the effeots of other flrerapies

Bala::lcing, centering and focusing

Becoming deeply relaxed

Having a sense of well being: mentally, ernotionally, physically and spiritualtry

Eliminating old thought patterns a:ed behaviours that cause nogative effects

Helping find new patterns/beiraviours that are filore appropriate

TFse Treaeme&t

A treatrnent lasts 10 to 15 rninutes and during tFrat time, your ciient will be lying on a treatrnent tabig.
fully clothed. T'he treatment is done in three parts:

The first the n-reridians or Axiatonal Lines of bioaked energy aliowing for the free f'low of chi
pa-r't cleans
(Ki or prana) energy.

The second part of the treatrnent is done to balance the right and left sides of the body and brain.

Tlae third pant of the treafinent reconnects you to the Christ Consoiousness grid.

You will systematically be moving frorn the head dovrn to the feet gently touching and/or tapping on
specific "spio" along the body that lay along meridian lines (spin are srnall vortices of, enerry that emit
light and sou:ld frequencies).
FEnst Step



shoulder to youn nniddle flnEer of both hands.

The tlp of yor,rr middne fingen !-ras been ingralned wlth a six pointed
star (Star of Davld) and becornes Gotrden Star E_ight.
The Golden Star is tl'renr sent througlr the body of the clier-rt at thre
Chakra Folnts tl-lrough the tu?enidians

Follow the dinestions for each procedure. Eoth Frocedunes '1 and 23 have been
hnoken down iu-rto smaller steps to make it as easy to follow as possible-

Fnoaede..Ere Fage

Axiaion*i Aiignn-;ent - ill-oc,*C'.rre J

Frooedure 1: Steps 1 - I
Fnocedure 1: Steps 10 16
Frocedure 1: Steps 17 - 23
Pnocedure 1: Steps 24 -38
Frocedune 1: Steps 34 - 39

Axi*lcnel Alignrnei-it - Prac*iJili"e 2

Frocedure 2: Steps 1 rg
Fnocedune 2: Steps 10 '15
Frocedure 2: Steps 'X6 - 21
Frocedune 2: Steps 22
A:'ri* i+ ie i A ii gn i:=i erii - ir rr.'c**i,: i* 3,
Axiatonal Alignment Procedure 1

e e rrne*ts ih* F?rin:e;'yr arld Se*+nCary Cheitras ri:r'cr.lEh the lJleriEjian Sy*si*i':r

-St.'r!Irl .t! the ! olt +f the h e.'lr!

1. Vsualilr the Golden Starlighr f!:lving fronr the
C roprn ts the ba se of the spin*

.&.Third eye to brse of OcripilalRidge, bgck of head

2. Te mple lo le mple

-ir- Tlrrrugh jarv atlern-itlral poinl 5- Canlre 6f chin to Ocr:ipitelRidge

S!.]n,,! at the lop of rlle $lea{!

S, Top ofehoulder to just under lhe
coltartrone and repeat on the left side d. li'trddle of left shouder to eoul of
lelt lac,t in lionl of heel nnund.
{,, Oulside fronr shoulder trr shoulder
h!+ve dov*l tn the Beft sille
Eviove over to right sitle '!
0. Wilh yo ur hand clase sl 10 the
X7. Wilh your hand closest to bady shake lrands wkile placirrg
the body shake hands vihile yourfinger and thuryS on outside of
placing your tinger and thunrb e lbow jo int
on oulside o{ elbcrw joini
25 lPlace fingers "['!. h{ove thumb lrr inside of elbow
1B-Move tiiurnb to inside cf el- and {inger lo tr'p (,f eho\4ijoint
b,:"'r and finger to top of elbrnu 2. Thurnb remains irr pl:ce arrd
'l$- Thumb rennins in place finger moves lo rbove end helo{r'
and finger moves 1o above and
below elbow
:l 3. lq/rist fr') ni and ba ck
on trelvic trone
2S. \At'risl fiont and back
'l-t-Wrist side to side
2'E.Wrist side 1o
'15, Thunib sn inside of
p.:'n alrd finger on oul-
22. Thumb 'rn inside of
palnr and finger on oul- ';ide. \''ihiiP
'16. nther finger is placed
side, while
2J. other finger is placed al lnp of shoulder
at lop of shoulder

lr]ove ,rver go le{t s[rle

l-lse l)orh h.'!nrls

28. Two fingers eilher side nf lrnee,
3-[. Two fingers eittrer side ,:f knee
35. Nlove orre finger to middle uf knee at 29- tvlove one finger to rniddle of knee at
back and other to top of knee cap back end olherto top of knee cap
36, Keep backfinger irr place arrd move 30. Keep b::ck finger in place and nro, e
other finger ta below koee rap rth8rfirr-qertD belur'v kree cap

37. .Ankle ft ori |rs bar:k al Achilles te ndon

38. Ankle sida tu eide
3 !. Ankje frr:nt 1o back at Achilles lendon
}.il.Place fingerattcp centre Lrff661 and 32.Ankle side to si de

ather finger c'rr battsrn irr irorrt of heel

33.Placefinger al toF cerrtre of foot and
7. Soul of righl foot in frsrrt i,f heel other firrger on bc,ttorn in front ol heel
mound to middle of right shc,ulder ['love to lkjht knee
Pro':eriure'i: Siepr.: - 3

7. 9oul of right foot in front of

heel nround to midde
of right shoulder
then stand at tql of head again

6. Move around the body fronr the

middle of left shoulderto soulof lefl
foot in frorrt of heel rnound.

5. Cerrtre of chin to

4. Third eye to base of Occipitat 9. Touclr the outside

Ridge, ar the back of head of each shoulder

3. Then touch each jaw L Touch the top of the

al temporal point shoulder then just under
the collarbone
2. Use'!,our fire fingers andrepeat on t-re left side
tcr IoLlch each te|nple Io templ*

1. Visuadize the Golden Starlightficrr,ving frorn the Oawn to the bage of the spine

Stand at flre top of the head to start

Procedure 1: Steps 10-16

Islsv+ around to tlre[r left side

1 0. $hake hands with you r lefb h an d while pl acin S

yourright finger and tfiumb, ofi '?utsi'Je of elbow ioint

:11. Move thurnb to inside of elb,rw an.d finger to top of elbow joint

'12. Thumb romains rn plaee and finger moves tn absve and

belor.ll elbot'u
ig. ir\Iri*t ftent and back

"l4. Vfi1st side to cide


I {5. Thunb on inside cd palm ard finger on outside, 'ffihile
16- ather finger is placecl ai top nf shoulder
Procedure 2: Steps 10 - 15

Step 'N0: just under breast tn

just under opposite rib
Step 't 1: repest on other side

Step'12: just under rilr tr.r

sacral 3x
Step 13: repeat on oth*r si

Step 14: rib to opposile

pelvic bone 3x
Step 15: repeat on
other side



Procedure 2: Steps 1-9

$tep 1:
temple to temple Sx intersectjng the

Step 2: temple to lemple across the

third eye 9x

Step 3: ternporal joint atourrrl chin to

temporaljoint 3 .9x

Step 4: throat to collar bone 3x

$tep 5: repeat for c'pposite side .@,
$tep 6: collar b,one to
solar ple><us 3x
Step 7: repea[ on
other side

$tep 8: collar bone to

just under upposite
breast 3>:
Step 9: Repeat on
opposite ride

SffEfrr ilEeHffs

Procedure 1: Steps 34-39

34. Two fingeis +lther sirl+ of lCI+e

35. h4ove orr+ finger to middla of knee at back sn,J

to tc,p of knee cap

36. Keep berckfinger in place and morre other fi

t0 belo$t knee r:ap

37. Anl.le frent to bac[< af Achilles tendc,n

38. Ankle side to side

39. Flare fjrtger at iop centr+ nf frsrst and other firrger

on bottonr in front of heel

fuloVe oh to ,FroEedure ?
Axiatonal Alignment - Procedure 2

S?eli 'l i
temple tu lemple 9x inter::euting the crourn

Step 2: lemple to temple .across the third e1,e

Step 22: outer shnulder lo
Step 3: temporaljoinl around chin to ten'lpoml
joint 9x Dppllile elbm,'t qr any pairrt
ar,ailable 3x
Step 23: reFeat on other side
Stqr -$: throat to coliar bone
Step 5: repeal for opposite side

Step {i: coltar bone to soiar plexus 3x

Step 7: repeat an olher side
Seegr 8: collar bone to DppDeile
brea sl 3x Steli 2-{: elbt'r"r or any poinl
Step 9: Repeat on opposite side ar,ailable lo oppDsiie v+rist or any
pnint availaLrle 3x
Snep '80: breast to opposite rih Slep 25: repest on rlher side
STeli '['8: repeat on r,lher side

Step '!2: rib !u sarral 3x

Step'!3: repeat on olher side
Step '!,t: rib in oppoehe
pelvic bone
Step '15: rEpeat on other sidB

St+p lti: pekic bone to opposite knee or any

point available 3x
Sregr 't7: repeat for rther side

Steni 0B: knee or any p0nt a,railable to

opposiie anlde crr any point available 3.r
Srep 0ft: repeat for other side

Step 20: anlde or any point availalrle to

ground 3x
Stegt ll;
repeal for other side
Procedure 1: Steps 24-33

l-ise hath ycur hands

24. Race fingers just under breasts

25. Place f,ngers just under ritrs

26. Place firrgers on pehric brones

27. Plac+ fingers Dn the outside of eCIch hip

28- Ttyuo firrgers either side of l,:nee,

29. fi/ove one finger to micldle of knee at back an,l ofrer to top
of knee cap
30- Veep bar:kfinger in place and nrr_.rve other finger to belov,t
knee cap

3'!. AnkJe front to haclt at Achilles tendon

32. Ankle side to side

33. Place finger at lop centre of foot artd rsllter finger orr bottorn
in fronl of lreel
Procedure 1: Steps 17-23

17. \ /ith your hand closest to the bod'y shake hands r,vhile placing your
finger and thumb sn outside of elbol",r joirrt .
18. Morre thumb to inside of elboiry and flnger to lop of etf,or,,;oint
'19. Thumb remaing in
place and finger rno\'cs to abova and h,eloltr elbo'r,v

20. Wrist frrrnt and back

2't. Wrirt side to side


22- Thunrb on inside of palnr and firig+r on outsi,Je, wlrile.
23. c'lher f,rrger is placed 6t tqrp of sl-rfiulder

fvlove over to ti'!e left s!de


The aiiunement process is a relatively easy one compared to oiher mocialities.

Fingers (middle finger of each hand) as in the diagram.

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Fffects of am Axlatoa-lal AHlEnnaent

Clients have often noticed and may verbalize diflerent sensations during an
AliEnment. They nray feel that they have shified on n'loved on the table. They may
feel as if their tread is being twisted gently or that their whole body is being
twisted or tunned. Pensons thai are rnore "visr,.ial' n'ray see colours and others
may feel tingies to the movement of energy

Since the client was not aligned, it's not surpnislng that they may feel this, as they
once again become connected.

Following an AliEnment, persons may not feel any differeni or may expei-tence a
number of "ryr',[toms" frorn feelings of depression or anxiety to physical issr.les
such as headaches or diarrhea. Most symptoms are short lived and usually
vanish within a day. !-Jowever, some symptoms may appear later in the nnonth,
buy they should not be a cause for alarm.

Axiatonal Alignment - Procedure 3

Visualize a golden paintbrush on the tip of your attuned finger

Drar'l a line vvith 'tour fifrser: To f,:n-n a second triangle, dravv a line:
. from the third eye to the temPo- "e frDm the throat to he lemPle
ral point, BCroSS to tha oppDsite temple
acrogs the mouh to the Dppo- " and back to the throtst
siie temporal point
and back to lhe third eYe

For the Ee{tond tnangle dratr't

Fr;r the lirst lriangle draw a breast
e line:
* frorfi the Hera Poirrt
from the Hefin Chakra
dcross t0 the oPP0Slte nb' " ro the breast on the left
" to the opposite bteasl
' and bacl< to the Heafi
C.hakra " an{l back tt the Hara

!-'{ara poie-utJ mavel

Go to the top of the head

Fonrn a fuXudra (cupped hands with thumb and lndex fir-lger touching) with your
llands by:
c putting the outsides of the palms ar-ld fingers together
* touching the tips of the index fingers to the tlps of the thumbs A
c visualizing the cup filiing with sub-atonnic golden stars
" Flace your fire fingers of ihe Mudra on the Crown Chakra no more than 'tr5
" Visualize trillions of star tetrahedrons flowing down ihe central nreridlan to the
base of the spine
* Visualize the stars flowing into every cell of the body, which energizes the
Kundalini, enabling the energy io bounce back up the spine v.rith great force
Flace your nands on their feet for a moment to ground thern

Procedure 2: Steps 22-25

Step 22: outer shoulder to

oppoeite elboi/!' Dr any point
a'/ailaHe 3x
EJ Step 23: repeat on other
E'\. side

Step 24: elbow or any point

availaHe to opposite'rirrist or
any point asailable 3x
Step 25: repeat on othP-r




Procedure 2: Steps 16 - 2l

St*p -16: peluic bcne tn oPPnsite

l^nee or any point aYailable l{x
St+p t7: repeat for other sid+

$tep'i8: knee or atry point available

to opposite ankle ar any Pnint
available 3x
$tep -19: repeat fc,r other side

$,tep 20: ankle r-)r any point available

to ground3x
$tep 2-l: repeat f*r other side


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