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Boontakan Cherngwiwatkij 6161223

Nunchima Chnatanasevee 6161118

Chatchakrit Leangkongthong 6161189
Nat Sarntijaree 6161017
Rattawit Sinsudtipong 6161201 

To rescue the people and send them to the hospital. Then clear and clean the surrounding off of
the chemical spill.

Today the 4th of August 2020, There is an accidental chemical spill outside nearby the Mahidol
University International School football field. Us as the first responders are At the scene there
are 2 unconscious adult/teenage men lying on the ground, one with a lab coat, one with a PE kit
on. Both men are still alive. At the scene there are 5 barrels of chemical visible, one of them is
unidentified, one of them didn’t spill. There are 2 of the chemicals that spilled into the sewers
and onto the nearby football field. The chemicals spilled consist of Tetrachloride, Toluene,
Polyurethane, and one unidentified substance which spilled into the sewer system. The other
unspilled substance is Sodium Borohydride and Sodium hydroxide solution. Our task is to
rescue the victims and clean up the surrounding making sure it is safe for future uses. We will
firstly suit up in Hazmat level C suits and call the emergency services immediately to close down
the site to prevent people from coming in and further contaminating the surrounding area. Then
we will have an announcement of the prohibition of water usage in the area because of the
spillage of the chemical into the sewers. We will then bring people around the area up to the
third or fourth floor of the building to prevent any contact with the gases/chemicals since the
spilled chemicals/gases are heavier than air, therefore the toxic gases will sink and the lower
levels of the building would be unsafe. Then, we will escort the victims out using carrybed to the
ambulance and take the unconscious victims to the nearest hospital which is the Golden Jubilee
Medical Center. We will then pick up the contaminated items and put them in an airlock
container. Then we will put the absorbent socks at the endpoints of the spillage and clean the
remaining chemical residue with pig mats. Then we are going to use the plug kits to cover the
opening in the barrel to avoid any additional leakage and place the barrels in the upright
position. After we make sure that all the chemicals are cleaned up we will then call for further
inspections and after everything is safe we can open the area up normally.

- Ambulance - to transport the victims to the hospital
- Medkit - to provide first aid to the victims
- Carrybed - to carry the victims
- Hazmat Suit Levels C - to protect our body from dangerous chemical and gas
- Goggles - to prevent any chemical contacting the eyes.
- Boots - to protect our feet from chemical
- Gloves -to protect our hand
- Mask - to protect dangerous gas going to our body.
- Maintenance Sorbent or spill kit - to absorb liquid chemical spill
- Hammer and the plug kit - to block any holes from the barrels
- Storage to deposit the chemical waste - to keep the leaked chemical from causing more

Relevant Information:
- Status: Spilled (into soil)

- (Environmental Hazard, Health Hazard)

- H351: Suspected of causing cancer [Warning Carcinogenicity] 

- H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects [Hazardous to the aquatic 
environment, long-term hazard]
- Colorless, volatile, nonflammable liquid, 
- Ether-like odor that may emit toxic fumes of phosgene when exposed to sunlight 
or flames. 
- Used as a cleaning solvent in dry cleaning and textile processing and in the 
manufacture of fluorocarbons. 
- Exposure irritates the upper respiratory tract and eyes and causes neurological 
effects as well as kidney and liver damage.  
- Anticipated to be a human carcinogen and may be linked to an increased risk of 
developing skin, colon, lung, esophageal, and urogenital tract cancer as well as 
lymphosarcoma and leukemia. 
- Noncombustible.  
- Insoluble in water.  
- Vapors heavier than air. (5.83 to 1) 
- Density approximately 13.5 lb / gal. 
- Decomposes on contact with hot surfaces or flames. This produces toxic and 
corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride, phosgene and chlorine.  
- Decomposes slowly on contact with moisture. This produces trichloroacetic acid 
and hydrochloric acid. 
- Corrosion of aluminum, iron, and zinc, which is negligible unless water is present, 
can be inhibited by the addition of stabilizers 
- 2 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause temporary incapacitation 
or residual injury. 
- 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical fire conditions, including intrinsically 
noncombustible materials such as concrete, stone, and sand. 
- 0 - Materials that in themselves are normally stable, even under fire conditions. 
- Tetrachloroethylene breaks down very slowly in the air and so it can be transported long
distances in the air. Half of the amount in the air will degrade in approximately 100 days.
- Tetrachloroethylene evaporates quickly from water into air. It is generally slow to break
down in water.
- Tetrachloroethylene may evaporate quickly from shallow soils or may filter through the
soil and into the groundwater below. It is generally slow to break down in soil.
- Phosgene:
- Phosgene appears as a colorless gas or very low-boiling, volatile liquid 
with an odor of new-mown hay or green corn.  
- Extremely toxic. Warning properties of the gas inhaled are slight, death 
may occur within 36 hours. Prolonged exposure of the containers to 
intense heat may result in their violent rupturing and rocketing. 
- 3.4 (Air = 1) 

- (Corrosive, Acute Toxic) 

- H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Danger Skin 

- H330: Fatal if inhaled [Danger Acute toxicity, inhalation] 

- 4 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can be lethal. 
- 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical fire conditions, including 
intrinsically noncombustible materials such as concrete, stone, and sand. 
- 1 - Materials that in themselves are normally stable but that can become 
unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures. 
- Status: Spilled (on concrete) 
- Is a sweet and paint tasting compound that can be found in a number of food 
items such as rosemary, pepper, orange bell pepper, and yellow bell pepper. This 
makes toluene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food 
- Is a potentially toxic compound. 
- Appears as a clear colorless liquid with a characteristic aromatic odor.  
- Flash point 40°F.  
- Less dense than water and insoluble in water. (floats on water.)  
- Vapors heavier than air. (3.1 to 1) 
- May be toxic by inhalation, ingestion or skin contact. Used in aviation and 
automotive fuels, as a solvent, and to make other chemicals. 
- Can react vigorously with oxidizing materials 
- When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. 

- (Flammable, Irritant, Health Hazard) 

- H225: Highly Flammable liquid and vapor [Danger Flammable liquids] 

- H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways [Danger Aspiration hazard] 

- H315: Causes skin irritation [Warning Skin corrosion/irritation] 

- H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness [Warning Specific target organ toxicity, 
single exposure; Narcotic effects] 

- H361d ***: Suspected of damaging the unborn child [Warning Reproductive toxicity] 

- H373 **: Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure 

[Warning Specific target organ toxicity, repeated exposure] 

- 2 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause temporary incapacitation 
or residual injury. 
- 3 - Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature 
conditions. Materials produce hazardous atmospheres with air under almost all 
ambient temperatures or, though unaffected by ambient temperatures, are readily 
ignited under almost all conditions. 
- 0 - Materials that in themselves are normally stable, even under fire conditions. 
- Status: Spilled (into drain) 
- Considered a polymer, there are many types of polyurethane depending on the use. 
- Flammable liquid and vapour. May be fatal if inhaled or ingested. Causes skin irritation or 
allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. 

- (Irritant, Flammable, Health Hazard) 

Sodium Borohydride and Sodium hydroxide 
- Status: unspilled 
- When sodium borohydride is in a strongly basic solution (at or above pH 10), it is
stabilized against reaction with water.
- At lower pH levels, sodium borohydride reacts exothermically with water to generate
flammable hydrogen gas. The heat may ignite the hydrogen, the solvent, and
surrounding combustible materials.
- It is a corrosive material.
- The material itself is easily ignited and burns vigorously once ignited. It is used to make
other chemicals, treat wastewater, and for many other uses.
- Aqueous solutions are most stable in the presence of small amounts of ​sodium
hydroxide​ (0.2% for a nearly saturated solution containing 44% sodium borohydride) and
can be kept for several days.
- Non-combustible, the substance itself does not burn but may decompose upon heating
to produce corrosive and/or toxic fumes. 

- (Flammable, corrosive, 
Acute toxic, Irritant, Health Hazard) 
- H260 (72.89%): In contact with w
​ ater​ releases flammable gases which may ignite 
spontaneously [Danger Substances and mixtures which in contact with w
​ ater​, emit 
flammable gases] 

- H301 (100%): Toxic if swallowed [Danger Acute toxicity, oral] 

- H311 (35.13%): Toxic in contact with skin [Danger Acute toxicity, dermal] 

- H314 (100%): Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Danger Skin 

- H318 (58.6%): Causes serious eye damage [Danger Serious eye damage/eye 

- H332 (24.2%): Harmful if inhaled [Warning Acute toxicity, inhalation] 

- H360 (44.02%): May damage fertility or the unborn child [Danger Reproductive 

Unknown Chemical 
- Spilled (Into drain)

More information is available in the situation overview.

Response procedure
1. Alert and evacuate the area
Call the police to help prevent people from accessing the school until someone
took care of the spills. Since the gases are heavier than the air, it will settle on
the lower ground. Everyone around the area is to evacuate up to the 3rd and 4th
floor. One of us will go to inform the school’s information center to warn everyone
in the area and also notify the school’s staff to help evacuate students to the safe
area. We will also use a warning sign in case someone won’t hear the
announcement. Then we will have the announcement of the prohibition of water
use during the response or until the sewage system is cleaned up, because
some of the chemicals spilled into the sewage system.
2. Rescue
Type C Hazmat suits will be dressed by us before entering the scene in order to
prevent us from inhaling and contacting the chemicals. Three of us will move
anyone who will be contacted or near the spills with a carrying bed, so they won’t
breathe in any toxic. We then will be calling an ambulance and doing the first aid.
The person who will be near the spills will be sent to the nearby hospital which is
Golden Jubilee Medical Center.

3. Stop the leak and clean the chemicals

Two of us are going to try to stop the leak and collect the spilled chemical as
much as possible. We will pick up the contaminated item and store them in the
air locked container. One of us will put the absorbent socks at the endpoints and
clean the rest with pig mats. And the other is going to use the plug kits to cover
the holes in the barrel to avoid the leak and place the barrels in their proper

4. Transport and dispose chemicals and contaminated items

We will contact the chemical company that owns the chemical by looking at the
information we found to contact the company from the side of the barrels. to help
us move the chemicals. And the contaminated item will be disposed of at the
suitable disposable site.
Situation Overview

Today is the 4th of August 2020, there is a chemical spill at MUIDS near the football field. There
are two students found in the sight, both of them unconscious. One of the students who is
wearing the PE Uniform is facing down, close to the wooden rack and the other who is wearing
the lab uniform is facing up and is close to both of the barrels. There are 5 barrels, one of the
five is not spilled, and one of the spilled barrels is unidentified. There were one barrels which
spilled into the football field and the other spilled into the sewer.

1) Chemicals
a) 4 out of 5 barrels are leaking.
b) There are barrels containing Tetrachloroethylene, ​Toluene, Polyurethane and the 
unidentified chemical is spilled. The one that does not spill is Sodium 
Borohydride and Sodium hydroxide.
c) Clear liquid leaking on the floor, nearby sewer and also into the football field.

2) Surrounding
a) 5 wooden racks disperse near the barrels.
b) 5 barrels lying on the ground.
c) 2 victims unconscious lying on the ground but still alive.
d) No passerby around the area
e) Chemicals leaking into the grounds and nearby sewer
f) The window of the building nearby is open
g) Lots of car and motorcycle are parking adjacent to the site of incident
h) Market, Restaurants, and Mahidol Wittayanusorn School are nearby
i) There are students in MUIDS gym

3) Location
a) Mahidol University International Demonstration School
b) Near the large football field

4) Weather
a) Temperature : 37 degree celsius
b) Humandity : 50%
c) Wind speed : 10 km/hr
d) Sunny day with few clouds

5) Injuries
a) 2 students are found lying unconsciously on the ground
b) 1 of them is lying down with their face facing the ground and extend arm along
the body
c) The other is lying down with their face facing up and their arm extend along the
There is a spillage of chemicals near the football field at Mahidol University International
Demonstration School. There are 2 victims, might be students of the school because of the
uniform they are wearing. We will first suit up with level C hazmat suits and evacuate the
surrounding area as quick as possible by taking them to higher floors of the building. Then we
will call emergency services to isolate the area and to take the victims to the nearest hospital
which is the Golden Jubilee Medical Center. Then our team will start the basic clean up; absorb
some of the chemicals spilled, put the barrels upright, prevent further spillage onto anything
else. After everything is done, we will wait for further inspections before opening up the area for
normal uses, if the area is safe.
This didn’t spill

American Elements. (2016, August 22). ​Sodium Borohydride - Sodium Hydroxide Solution.​

Polyurethane Coating: Chemistry, Raw Materials & Additives Selection Tips​. (n.d.). Retrieved

September 10, 2020, from



PubChem. (n.d.-a). ​Polyurethane Y-304​. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

PubChem. (n.d.-b). ​Sodium borohydride​. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

PubChem. (n.d.-c). ​Tetrachloroethylene​. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

PubChem. (n.d.-d). ​Toluene.​ Retrieved September 10, 2020, from

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